Proconsul Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu vs. Master Foxen Erinos

Proconsul Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu, Councillor of Urr

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Female Human, Loyalist, Weapons Specialist, Sentinel

Master Foxen Erinos

Elder 2, Elder tier, Unaffiliated
Male Nautolan, Mercenary, Weapons Specialist

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Hall Cooperative Hall
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Proconsul Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu, Master Foxen Erinos
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Proconsul Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Master Foxen Erinos's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Coruscant: Club Kasakar
Last Post 14 January, 2025 12:16 AM UTC
Member timing out Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir

Coruscant Club Kasakar

Anakin once visited Coruscant’s underbelly, as an escort for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine’s secret visit. Festering within the 2685th level of Coruscant, it is a feeding ground to the best and worst criminals—bureaucrats among them. Slaves and contraband are bought and sold on the hour, while others gamble with their lives or ill-gotten gains on the roll of a chance cube.

Others are content to seek entertainment, watching holographic projections of exotic dancers in various states of undress—the likes of which will no doubt be traded as slaves in exchange for credits or other services. Games of chance are often obscured under the sheer volume of patrons gathered around the game tables. Smaller round tables serve for social or business gatherings, with more discreet booths tucked into alcoves along the walls.

Having undergone unfinished renovations at some point, the ceiling has been raised to resemble that of a warehouse. Smoke gathers among the durasteel supports, making a buffer for the intense red and violet beams lighting the cesspit below. Zeltron perfumes are among the most common smells in the establishment, while the rolling of dice cubes make for the most recognizable sound above the music. Fights don’t often break out, and violence is often dissuaded at the sight of armoured bouncers several heads taller than most humanoids

Miho stood at the entrance to Club Kasakar, the thumping bass of music filling the air with what she felt was little more than discordant noise. The BD-Unit beside her, one of her constant companions, whistled sadly at the building, already knowing what its master intended.

She hated places like this and her droid had been with her long enough to pick up on it. The stench, the filth, the waste of humanity that lingered here. Kasakar was known to be a place where a discerning client could find what they were looking for.

Slaves. Drugs. Prostitutes.

The small Proconsul had found it on a previous visit and taken a mighty offense to it. It wasn't the drugs she found abhorrent. It wasn't even the services of someone's body. Hadn't she done both of those in her own past? There were always sickos who saw a body that looked like a child's and got excited by it. It had helped her get close to them for the final thrust.

It had paid well.

No, none of those were the ignition for the cataclysmic rage that always simmered just beneath the surface. It had been the scared women and children paraded through like animals the former slave named Miho had taken offense at. And now, once more, she stood outside the club. Kasakar. Violet eyes that were more than a little angry bore into the entrance. Beside her was someone hired through the friend of a friend.

The walking slab of well-muscled meat was Foxen Erinos. Standing there covered in metal, the Nautolan was more than a little imposing to the small Kyataran. “Well, this is the place,” murmured Miho.

The malice that radiated from the hulk beside her probably would have been enough to drive anyone else back several steps. Miho, however, had her own streak of brutality that emanated from her very core.

”Let's go.” the man signed at his comrade in arms. She had told him in broad strokes about her time as a slave in a way of explaining why this was being done. The look on his face of understanding told her he had his own story about slavers but didn't press him on it.

His hands are big enough to snap me in half, she had thought to herself. The rippling muscles had emphasized that without even a word to be said.

The much smaller woman entered the club with Foxen at her back. One of the guards stepped forward, his voice hard. “Aren't you a little young to be here?”

The young woman glared at the guard with all the intensity she could muster. It was always a chance they'd see her youthful features and make the assumption she was still really young. Wrapping herself in every bit of nobility her birth gave her, Miho drew herself to her full height. “I’m here to do business. My estates need a few workers and I heard I could find them here.”

There was a rumble of displeasure behind her. “And him?” the guard pointed at Foxen.

“Do you expect someone of my standing to go anywhere without the best bodyguards money can buy? He's in service to me so I wouldn't be an inconvenience, if you understand me.”

The guard took a step back, his weapon still half-raised. “We don't want any trouble.”

“Then move.” The imperious little princess said, brushing past the guards. “I am in no mood for this.”

Entering the club, Miho found that the smell of the place was the same. The smell of unwashed, uncared for destitutes was there beneath the expensive perfumes and air scenters. The unpleasant thrum of speakers made her bones ache and her ears ring. With a glance at Foxen, she grinned, her hands moving quickly as she signed. ”Left or right?”

The Nautolan looked around the club. One side was more populated and more likely to need someone of his size more than of the smaller woman. He knew what he was capable of, but she was an unknown. That she was willing to fight alongside him at all was more impressive than most things her size.

”Right,” he signed, indicating the side bearing more possible enemies.

With a dramatic sigh, Miho nodded. No one ever let her have any fun. In a single movement, she gestured for her droid to get down off her back. “Lock it down, Bee.”

The small droid whistled happily as it kicked a foot up towards one of the data ports in the wall. The entrance slid shut and the lights around it turned red. “Keep it shut until we're ready to leave.”

The same guard that had challenged her entry whirled around to face the woman and her companion. “WHA-” His shout cut off with a wet gurgle as she drove an odd blue-colored blade up and under his chin, driving it to the hilt in his skull. Freeing the sword at her hip in a fluid motion, Miho smiled as the sickly green glow engulfed the blade.

“I think it's time to go clubbing, Mister Erinos,” her light, musical voice with its odd accent was cold, brutal, and unyielding. “Let's show them what we think of their trade.”