”Always. Besides, I don’t think any sane man in history has aspired to die to a horde of arachnids.” The Echani muses with a light grin as he deactivated his fraternal twin sabers before stepping down their chosen, and now only, path.
The heat spreading through his body helps invigorate his steps, Azler checking over himself while walking to ensure he didn’t drop anything, then pulls out his datapod.
”Clearly you are a favored child, the other two were dead-ends.” He compliments. ”Judging by this, it looks to be straight for four crosspaths, two rights, straight, a left, right, straight three times, then a right before a final left, all downwards.”
”Best commit that to memory, doubt we’ll be able to double check once these things make their way to us. My droid will be conveying directions to me, but if we’re going too fast, can’t rely on that to be timely.” States Hector,
The tattooed Inquisitor’s words prove true within minutes as the chittering begins to emerge once again, drowning the short-lived echoes of crunch of boots on snow that was their previous silence breaker. WIth barely a look between the two, their recuperation is ended and a sprint is begun.
With the terrain, it's hard for the Echani to be certain how close the enemy is. As they pass their first crosspath and continue straight, he dares to glance to the left they could have gone without aid and sees a swarm a few dozen meters down the narrow corridor. At the second, a single meter at best, and as Hector fires a pair of blasts into the third false path, he knows that they are too close for comfort.
By the time Hector has fired into the fourth and moved past, one of the spiders launches itself towards Azler as he takes his place. Electricity crackled as the man reacted quickly, smashing it with his Shockbox gloved hand and sending it flying back as he continued on.
Up ahead, the swarm begins to spill out ahead of their next split, though their luck has run out as both paths contain foes. With another burst of lightning, smoke fills the area as the sound quiets down momentarily and boots splatter the chitin armored creatures.
Path after path, the two enact different methods of keeping the way clear; Hector swapping to a higher rate of fire on his rifle to clear one route, Wilder drastically increasing his speed to move ahead and blockading a false path as the Kiffar races down the correct one, followed by the man using Telekinesis to grab a nearby rock and hurling it down the path, squashing everything it rolled over.
Again a series of straight paths lays out before them, panting escaping the two as the end, not quite within sight, is at least within their grasp. At least until the ‘pattern’ finally changes, much to their dismay.
As small and medium spiders spill out from only the crevices directly ahead of them, a lou roar rumbles the cave as two larger specimens emerge from further down the hall. Their massive circular mouths turn in the direction of the humanoids, teeth gnashing visibly.
”I’ve got them!” Calls out Azler, kicking off a rock and grabbing his two hilts, activating and throwing them forward, hands out-stretched.
The red and blue blades spin in rotation until they connect with their targets, the red implanting itself into the central body of one, but unfortunately the other, whether reacting faster or due to the Krath’s imperfect use of the ability, only loses a singular leg to the blue attack.
Thankfully, the power of teamwork shines through once more, as Hector splits his focus from blasting the smaller prey just enough to cause the red blade to rip out from its successful kill and claim the second as well.
”Thanks.” States the man as the two run by the fresh corpses, Wilder pulling the blades back to his hands, his voice making clear the disappointment in the attempt.
When another large one appeared after their next turn, Hector’s hand raised in its direction and quickly the monster turned to lunge at the wall beside it, falling for the man’s disorienting trick.
Coming to the last bend, this one luckily only spewing forth the smaller predators, again Hector raised a hand as translucent versions of the pair appeared in the opposite direction and lured them aside. These things were likely spread throughout the entire mountain, why were they reacting so slowly? Azler doubted that they could truly communicate, but surely the chittering that filled the caverns alerted their brethren. Reaching a glove out, he snagged the body of one as a pulse emanated out, stunning the creature as he followed his partner’s lead.
Their goal now within sight, or what could be for a barely illuminated cave, the Inquisitor took out his own blade and raised it to his right, slicing into the rock as he moved.
”Slow them, blockade them.” He calls out.
Wordlessly, and pointlessly, Azler nods before sighing and depositing the unconscious critter into the hood of his cloak, then igniting both of his blades once more he begins slicing at the sides of the cave, even jumping to outcroppings and dropping stalactites up above down.
As Hector breaks into the opening first, he stops a few feet from the entrance. Unfortunately, seeing this, Azler turns right at the precipice and begins slashing to the sides and up above in a blur, cutting through the stone and snow as quickly as he can while the swarm approaches, screeches raising in pitch.
Leaping into the room and turning back, he copies Hector’s trick from earlier and pulls at the earth, caving in the entrance, though unlike the higher ranked individual, it is only thanks to the weakening of the rock by his saber attacks that he pulls it off half as quickly as he does.
Turning around, the confident smile on his face evaporates.
The open space area, like a small hangar, lays before them, a thin but persistent steam rising from the central area and rising to the ceiling a number of meters above. The terrain, much the same as before, is snow and rock, barely even worth acknowledging.
The hundreds of oval-shaped objects standing near perfectly upright filling the almost barren space, however, are.
”Any chance those are a naturally occurring rock formation you’ve heard of?” Asks Azler as he glances upwards, to zero sign of their origin being from above.
”At this point, you think we’d be that lucky?” Sighs Hector, walking towards the spring. His armor was comfortable, but a boost in heat wasn’t a bad thing. ”I have faith that this is still the right place to be, but I most certainly doubt we will be uncontested in our survival.”
Looking around still as he follows the man, Wilder’s eyes turn back to the blocked entrance, though less on the rocks and more as if looking through them as his eyes get lost in thought.
”I’m with you on that, sadly. On the bright side, I have an idea.”
Reaching up with a hand, he pulls the body of the stored critter out from his hood, thankfully still unmoving.
”...No, we’re not keeping them as pets.” States Hector, the dry humor made more apparent with the slightest hint of a smirk.
It does manage to get a chuckle out of his companion nonetheless. ”No, admittedly not so simple. Part of me is hoping, given the absolute lack of signs of literally anything, maybe this planet is up for grabs or something. The Brotherhood does love dangerous planets to hide things in, and these guys would make great natural defenses. I figured I could bring one home to study, but it seems as though the studying will have to be done now.”
The Echani reaches up to his left ear once more and places his fingers upon it, their exact positioning hidden by his ragged silver hair, but when he pulls his hand down, the ear is in his hand.
”Notice only the big ones actually seemed to move ahead of where we were? The small ones only really aimed for where we were or just about to be. On arrival, the Force pressed upon you that something was coming to the ship - not us.”
The half-deaf Warrior raised the stunned spider up and next to his detached ear. Hector watched quietly, relaxing for the few moments he was getting to recharge himself for the battle that was surely coming.
”I think they’re sound based hunters. The adults - gods I hope they’re the adults - are smart enough to head where the sound is going, while the younglings move to where the sound is currently. Normal spiders hunt through vibrations, most famously for on their webs, but considering this cave system and its echoes? This breed may actually feel air vibrations even more so.”
He gently clenched his hand around the detached ear and immediately a high-pitched screech began to sound out, almost similar to the spiders themselves, but continuous and singularly toned like a broken droid. At first, the unconscious critter did nothing, but within moments, it began to react, sluggishly but then rapidly, its legs again waving in the air in a desperate attempt to move - though not in a way to assault, far more evidently in an attempt to escape.
His curiosity sated and suspicion confirmed, at least enough for now, Azler slammed the beast upon the ice next to him, squashing it.
”I doubt those guys are going to leave us alone in these springs for long.” He gestures to the eggs around them. ”Considering all the proverbial do-dads you’ve got, and by all means, you’re free to use anything I’ve got, you may want to see if you can make something to amplify sound or make some kind of ruckus to make these things leave us alone, even if only long enough for said rescue.”
Walking next to the man, Wilder places down his cybernetic ear, which the mechanic would find out quickly operates as an advanced comlink, his wrist comlink, the datapad, his blaster, and his slugthrower.
”I’ve got my sabers, a dagger for emergencies, my fists, and the Force, that’s all I need and I’ll use every last ounce of power I’ve got to make sure we both make it out of here.” States Azler, the conviction clear in his tone. If this place is really going to be where we survive, I suspect the Force has enough faith in you to keep us safe until we get the signal, so I will too.”
This was quite the beefy opening post, so I'm going to settle in to the details.
You spend a lot of time doing the legwork of setting up their icy adventure here, which is good stuff, but can also start feeling a little long in the tooth once it's been going for awhile. That said, I loved your use of Hector's Aspects and Powers to have them take time to process one of his visions and use it for guidance in the opening. You really made him a key figure, which is great ACC etiquette. And there was a lot packed in here detail-wise, especially about the sounds in particular, with the chittering of the spiders being imagery and plot device both.
You even got a snort out of me at the, "oh that's not so bad..." /Proceeds to be Very Bad
As for what could be improved, the biggest thing is your run on sentences tendency. You make entire paragraphs one sentence, and mentally, that can be exhausting to read. I suggest breaking your sentences up some to prevent that. Here's a couple examples of when you did it and some possible examples that may help:
You could try instead: The cave quickly begins to narrow and soon a path is seen in a break of the wall. The Dark Jedi jut an arm out in its direction to guide his partner, and they both turn into it as a sound begins to emanate from the area behind them, echoing past them, the low chittering all-consuming soon enough.
Instead: The two warriors continued their trek through the snow as the wind whipped around them, only the massive dark stone mountain they were moving alongside visible. The wind and the crunch of snow beneath their feet were the only sounds. The cold biting at them, slowly growing more aggressive as it spread, was all they could feel.
Instead: The thought of, ~‘That’s not so bad,’~ barely crossed Azler’s mind and into Hector’s before another thump, then another, impacted. Then again. And again. And again, again, again as others of similar size began slamming into the sphere, only to get louder as a bigger one, easily double the size, joined the smaller group. Then multiple, louder, slams resounded around them as some began to fling themselves onto the maintained protection, until a veritable wall was formed as they climbed over each other, attempting to circumvent the blockade.
I'll touch more on dialogue tagging in my General Comments for both you and Hector, but that was your major Syntax issue. Now a couple Realism/Story notes.
A small thing, but I was confused by Azler using hand signs in his head, due to not having Sign Language on his sheet (hi! My Erinos characters have this as one of them, Foxen, is mute and chiefly signs, and the family learned for him). It's not a big deal, but if you intend to have Azler know Sign, you might want to add it to his sheet just to be really explicit, even if you describe his birth defect and hearing impairment/cybernetic installation.
On a note for using the characters' sheets is Hector being able to keep up with this entire chase scene. They've been hiking for awhile in the storm, and then running for awhile from an entire spiderlanche too. Now normally I wouldn't think too hard on this, especially since Azler is a track/marathon star with +3 Athletics and +4 Amplification should he need to boost it, buuuuut Hector...is definitely more of a scholar. While he has the Feat to negate some of his armor Encumbrance, his Athletics is a big old +0, meaning he's an average Joe like you and I (okay, at least like me, and I die going up one flight of stairs). His Stamina and Amplification are only +1, so even if he WAS using Amp for this emergency to put on a boost of speed, I do find myself just...squinting a bit...at the ability of Hector to keep up by the end of the post. Not worth a detractor so early on to me, but worth thinking about when planning your long and winding chase scenes.
Finally, a note purely on preference: it is a lot of bold to read when all the dialogue is bolded. If you want to keep doing that, that's your call, but mileage may vary on how friendly to the eye your readers find it. Trust your audience to realize from the punctuation like quotation marks that they're reading dialogue.