Warlord Vincent Brujah vs. Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae

Warlord Vincent Brujah

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Scholae Palatinae
Male Human, Sith, Marauder, Dark Jedi

Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae, di Plagia

Elder 1, Elder tier, Clan Plagueis
Female Togruta, Sith, Shadow

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Hall Scenario Hall
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Warlord Vincent Brujah, Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Warlord Vincent Brujah's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue [Scenario] Maldo Kreis: Trial By Ice Spiders
Last Post 21 February, 2025 12:51 PM UTC
Member timing out Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae


Located within the Arkanis Sector of the Outer Rim Territories, Maldo Kreis is a frozen wasteland of a planet. The outer areas of the planet are covered in deep sheets of ice with giant cracks that formed canyons. Within these canyons were ice caves formed of jagged frozen rock and sheets of ice.

The caves contained tunnel systems that could be traversed, if careful. Deep inside of these tunnels hot springs could be found, and due to the rigid temperatures, one could hardly be blamed for seeking one out for comfort. Careful though, these hot springs served as breeding ground for knobby white ice spiders.


These spiders ranged in size from handheld to as large as a starship. They are extremely territorial and fiercely protective of their eggs. These creatures are just as much of a threat as the temperatures within the cave systems, which is a major problem since you have unfortunately crash landed in this isolated, inhospitable landscape. The spiders are alerted to your presence, and they are hungry, the cold surrounding them bitter and unforgiving. Shuffling can be heard among the many caverns, the sound of an impending stampede.

Will you attempt to fix your ship, or seek refuge in one of the hot springs? Will you survive, or succumb to the ravenous arachnid horde?

All seemed normal and well within the cockpit area of The Punisher. Battlelord Vincent Brujah had taken up a call to provide transport to Togruta member of Clan Plagueis back to Plagueis space. The trip had gone without issue to this point. Taking a moment to relax, Vincent pressed a button on the command console of the ship.

“Frank, let our Togruta friend know that we will be entering Plagueis space within the hour.”

“Understood, Master Brujah.” a droid voice responded through the comm.

Vincent took a deep breath, reaching his arms over his head to stretch. His glossy black armor clinked as his arms stretched out. He couldn’t wait to get back to Seraph and the comfort and privacy of his Quaestor’s chambers. He had taken on many missions recently, in an effort to ensure the stability of House Caliburnus prior to his last day on the job as the leader of the great house, and he couldn’t help but feel the need to relax.

Without warning the ship rocked violently. Looking out the window, Vincent saw a fireball consume the starboard engine as the ship dropped out of hyperspace. Red lights flashed consuming the cockpit and warning beacons rang out.

“DT, what the hell was that?!” Vincent asked.

“I don’t know!” the droid brain returned. “We’ve hit something with the right engine.”

“What was it?!”

“I can’t tell, the damn sensors are down. Hyperdrive is down. The motivator is out and the core is unstable. We have to get this thing on solid ground before it turns into a complete meltdown.”

Pressing the same button as before on the console, Vincent spoke.

“Frank, we’ve had a collision with some kind of space debris. You and the passenger buckle in. We’re going to have to make an emergency landing.”

Surveying the area out of the cockpit window, Vincent noticed a system nearby. He pointed to it.

“There. I don’t know what system that is, but it will have to do for now. Get us down there, DT.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” the droid brain responded.

The Punisher quickly entered orbit of the nearby system. As they grew closer, Vincent could see that this planet was completely covered in ice. The Sith spotted a giant crack in the icy surface of the planet that served as a canyon of sorts.

“DT, try to get us somewhere in that canyon if we can find a spot to land. It will be too cold and windy on the surface. We need shelter from the element.”

The ship spun as it tried to maneuver on only one engine, but the droid was able to pilot it into the canyon. They found what looked like a cave in the canyon, and DT-A1 piloted the ship in that direction. With a loud screech, the ship contacted the icy stone and slid.

“Reverse thrusters, DT!”

“I know!”

Sliding on the ice, the ship finally came to a stop as it softly touched a large stony wall. Vincent reached to the passenger seat, grabbing his helmet and placing it on his head with a hiss. He spoke once more, his voice deepened by the modulator inside of his helmet.

“DT, do what you can to get things under control. Put out a distress beacon in all directions.”

“You got it.”

The ship went silent as the remaining engine and systems powered down. Exiting the cockpit, Vincent quickly made his way to the passenger area of the ship, where he was greeted by his assassin droid, Frank and Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae, di Plagia.

“My apologies for the rough and unexpected landing. It seems that we hit some kind of debris in the hyperspace lane, and it has taken out one of the engines and our hyperdrive. We’ve powered down systems to prevent any further damage, and DT-A1 is working to send out a distress signal. In the meantime, if you’re within contact range for anyone that might be able to help us off this frozen wasteland, now would be the time to contact them. It's going to get really cold, really quickly.”