As the Marauder caught his breath, Sanguis’ amber gaze darted worriedly to Tivran. He gripped his cousin’s shoulders tightly, forcing the Shadow to meet his gaze. He studied him, probing Tivran’s mind in the Force. He felt an echo of another being, proving his assumption.
“You shouldn’t let them in so freely,” he remarked as he released the other Warlord. “Especially in a place like this. They’re not your friend.”
“A thank you would’ve been nice,” Tivran retorted calmly. “I just saved your life.”
“And I appreciate that, but the last thing I need is your blade being shoved through my back.” Sanguis sighed. He didn’t mean to treat Tivran like a child, nor did he wish to dismiss his cousin’s good intentions, but experience and stories of fellow apprentices past weren’t easy to ignore.
“I want the both of us to leave this place alive,” he added before continuing in a lighter tone. “Plus, you and I both know my wife would kill me if something happened to you.”
Sanguis’ lighthearted remark eased the tension, a soft smile forming on Tivran’s lips. “Yeah, she probably would. But, I can handle myself, Sanguis. I know the risks.”
Do you?
Doubt nagged at Sanguis’ mind, but he held back from lecturing his relative further. “ careful, Tiv.”
The Marauder held his cousin’s gaze a moment longer before he turned and retrieved his lightsabers from the ground from where they had fallen when he hit the wall. He reignited one for lighting, and clipped the other to his belt before continuing deeper into the tomb toward the burial chamber.
As they continued forward, his mind drifted to Tivran with concern. Old paranoia slowly resurfaced, and he found himself squeezing the lightsaber hilt in anticipation for an attack. He scolded himself for being wary of his cousin, and he knew the dark nexus of the tomb wasn’t helping.
Distracted, Sanguis nearly missed the chill that suddenly enveloped him as they neared the burial chamber. His hand immediately shot to his clipped weapon, his senses on high alert. The familiar echo he had sensed within Tivran touched his mind, becoming stronger in presence.
“It’s been a long time since you walked amongst us, Sanguis Caldiren, but you have softened.”
“Begone from me. I am not the monster I once was.”
“Not on the surface, but it's still there deep within you, isn’t it?”
Sanguis’ grip on the hilt tightened, unable to deny the truth. "I’m in control. Not the beast.”
“Why do you fear the thirst? Did it not make you a terror to your enemies? Did it not bring you glory?”
Sanguis wanted to argue that he didn’t have a need for glory and had something better, but he resisted. He steeled his mind, and continued without a response. The last thing he needed to do was give the spirit more information.
“I already know about her. Your wife. Your family. Your weakness. Your dear cousin’s mind revealed everything to me.”
Sanguis tensed, his teeth clenching with frustration. Tivran’s acceptance of the spirit had left him bare, like an open book, granting the entity a plethora of information while the younger Nagai was distracted with the fight. It was the last thing either of them needed.
“Sanguis? You alright?”
Sanguis’ attention perked to his cousin’s voice. “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure,” he growled back.
“You traded power and conquest for what? A wife who holds you back? Another man’s children whom you refused to guide down the true path?”
Sanguis felt his choler rising, and did his best to keep it at bay. He didn’t answer, but kept moving forward, keeping an eye out for traps and creatures. However, the spirit persisted.
“You could be so much more. You could’ve killed her and taken that so-called empire for yourself. But no. You let love blind you, and follow a new philosophy that blinds you from your true destiny and the glory that could be yours. And then there’s your cousin...”
“Leave Tivran out of this.”
“I could consume him and take what I wish, but why do that when there’s you? A walking weapon of destruction. A living incarnation of terror and bloodlust? He is nothing compared to you.”
“Shut up. Tivran is far more gifted and capable than you give him credit for.”
“Oh, he has potential. All Sith do, but he is not you.”
The spirit went silent for a few moments, but as Sanguis expected, it didn’t leave him as it spoke again. “Why not consume his blood? Take his life, and revel in the satisfaction you’ve denied yourself. He trusts you, and he’d be easy to catch off guard. He’s just a distant relative, after all. You never hesitated from betrayal in the past, and Tivran has been a thorn in your side, hasn’t he? Constantly enjoying the favor of your wife. How long before he wins her over completely?”*
“Shut up. Rowan’s heart belongs to me as mine belongs to her.”
“Are you sure? What secrets do they whisper behind your back? Why does she always come to his defense against you? After all, he’s not the bloodthirsty monster you are. She could love him without fear.”
“You know nothing. She’d never-”
“The whispers between them. The secrets. The unseen exchange of affections when you turn your back.”
“I said shut up!” Sanguis could feel his fangs extending, the familiar thirst rising to the surface with his anger.
“Take his life! Drink his blood! Remove the thorn! Establish your dominance! Consume him!”
“What?!” Sanguis shouted as he whirled around to face his cousin, his fangs bared and his eyes dilated with hunger.
Tivran flinched, his cousin’s hellish expression catching him off guard. “We...we reached the chamber.”
For a moment, Sanguis didn’t seem to register Tivran’s words until his expression softened with realization. He turned back and found that they had indeed entered the burial chamber, a large sarcophagus resting in the center of the ornate room. The nexus of dark energy was stronger, washing over the two Sith with a wave of cold, enticing power.
“Sanguis? What’s wrong?”
“I...the spirit-”
A chilling laugh thundered throughout the room, resonating through Sanguis as he felt the presence haunting him suddenly weighing heavily upon him. Several wisps of energy began to swirl in front of the sarcophagus, coalescing into an ethereal, humanoid form until at last an ancient Sith stood before them in archaic, robed armor.
“You know you want to give in, Sanguis. Give into the hunger. Take what you want. Be the Sith you were always meant to be. Blood has always marked your path. Do not shirk from it. Embrace it. Embrace who you truly are.”
The spirit’s beckoning for him to surrender to the bloodlust that once governed him was powerful, and Sanguis had to clench his teeth as his fangs ached with a need to pierce flesh to retrieve crimson sustenance. He wanted to give in. Wanted to let go. Wanted to become the terror he once was even if it meant taking the life of the man he warned would take away from him what was his and his alone. It would be so easy, and it would feel so liberating. No more restraint. Just pure bliss and bloody carnage.
“Sanguis, don’t.”
Sanguis turned his attention back to Tivran, the tension dropping slightly from the sight of his cousin’s pleading gaze. “Tiv...”
“That isn’t you. Remember who you are. You’re not that thing anymore. You’re someone better.”
The younger Warlord took a step forward. “Hold onto Shadow. Hold onto the love you both share.”
“Silence!” The spirit ordered, red, ethereal tendrils of dark power suddenly surging towards Tivran. “You will not interfere! He is mine!”
Before the dark energy could reach Tivran, it collided with a blast of Force lightning. Sanguis’ golden gaze was locked onto the spirit, a different kind of anger empowering him. The barrage of crackling energy pushed back against the attack until the tendrils dissipated.
“No one...harms my cousin,” he hissed, sparks still dancing around his outstretched hand. “And I am not yours.”