Warlord Vincent Brujah slowly canvassed the streets of Nar Shaddaa. Dressed in his usual glossy black armor and cloak, the helmet of the Sith’s armor hung on his belt for now. Following closely behind him, monitoring for troubles was Vincent’s IG assassin droid, Frank. Both the Sith and the droid kept their weapons sheathed for the time being. Night had fallen on Nar Shaddaa, and between the addicts and the patrols, there was no need to draw any unnecessary attention to themselves.
Vincent’s long black hair was pulled up into a tight bun. His cloak fluttered in the wind as he stepped along the side of a street, keeping his eyes open for the mark. He had received an encrypted message for the Inquisitorius. Someone had stolen sensitive Brotherhood data, and they were to be taken down by any means necessary.
”This shouldn’t be too complicated” the Warlord thought to himself. ”Tan male, long flowing red hair, perhaps sporting some stubble. Knowing that he’s being hunted should spook him. So we find the anxious ginger and call it a day.”
Squinting his eyes slightly, Vincent searched the cluttered streets beneath the neon hue for his target. Taking him a bit by surprise, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning quickly, he saw that Frank had already drawn a WESTAR-35 and held it to the head of a skittish looking Zabrak.
“Easy! I couldn’t help but notice your armor… you look like a man that could use a death stick.”
Raising his right hand and waving it, the droid reupholstered his blaster. A smirk crossed the face of the Warlord. He spoke back to the Zabrak, waving his hand ever so slightly at his side.
“You have a fine eye for a mark!” Vincent said matter of factly.
“I have a fine eye for a mark!” the Zabrak repeated.
The smirk grew bigger on Vincent’s face, as he continued.
“You don’t want to sell me death sticks.”
“I don’t want to sell you death sticks.”
“You want to give me your whole case.”
“I want to give you my whole case!”
Reaching down behind a stack of boxes the Zabrak pulled out a clear box of death sticks and handed them to Brujah. With a simple nod, the Sith walked away. He opened the case and pulled out a single stick, popping it into his mouth. He then handed the case to Frank.
“Hold onto this, will ya?”
The droid opened a compartment in his chest cavity and placed the case of death sticks inside as he followed his master. Vincent sparked the stick and took a long pull from it. Letting what little anxiety he had within him drift away, he began searching for his target once again.
It wouldn’t be long until he found him. A human, close to his own height but thinner and lankier. His head was covered with a red mop of hair. He appeared to be arguing with the owner of one of the local sales stalls.
”Is he trying to get rid of the data?” the Sith wondered.
The questions would have to wait for now. Brujah tossed the death stick to the curb and grabbed his helmet. He attached the helmet to his armor at the chin and then pulled it over his head with a hiss as it sealed him away from the environment.
The argument ended abruptly as the red haired human threw his hands into the air, seemingly unsatisfied with whatever the conversation had led to. He walked away from the stall and towards an alley. Being careful not to alert him to their presence, Vincent and Frank tailed him.
The alley that the man turned down was dark and appeared empty aside from the heaps of trash on the ground. Using supernatural agility, Vincent rushed him. Waiting until the last moment, as the man heard the footsteps closing in and turned with a shocked look on his face, Vincent ignited his crimson lightsaber. The blade hiss and crackled as it threw sparks.
“Sorry kid, should have been more careful.” Vincent said as he pulled the blade back and swung downward in a slice that would bisect the man.
Before the blade could strike the red headed man down, a snap rang out and a white blade dove in, catching the slice before it could hit the man. Letting out a growl, Vincent turned and found his Clanmate Rasilvenaira StormRaven fighting to hold his powerful swing back. A whir was heard from behind Vincent as Frank spun into action, winding his abdomen until his WESTAR-35 had aim on the man and his DLT-20A had aim on Rasilvenaira. After a brief, but tense moment, Vincent deactivated his saber, allowing Rasilvenaira to do the same, but all the while the droid held his aim.
“Ras… I wish I could say it was good to see you.” a deep voice rang out from within the armor. “If you’re here for the bounty, I’ll split it with you. If you’re here for something else, I’ll have to ask you to step aside and let me handle this before my buddy Frank does.”