Once more Anima felt the unmistakable nudge from the Force, a sensation he had spent most of his life honing. His body reacted without thought, reflexively catapulting backward from the sudden kick. Even still, the larger man landed awkwardly, not having time to ready himself for the maneuver. The Battlemaster's already weakened kneecap buckled ever so slightly as his full weight pressed against it. A grimace flashed over his face as Anima fell into a more comfortable crouch, gingerly shifting weight to his stronger side.
Inarya flowed with the momentum of her kick, the dark fabric that clung to her elegant frame ruffling violently as she rapidly rose to her feet. Both now crouching, Anima could see the utter determination consuming his opponent.
"Why are you here?" Inarya's question was pushed out between ragged breaths.
"You summoned me."
Perspiration, no longer merely from the humidity, ran in streaks down Anima's brow and his right eye twitched as the salty liquid made stung on contact. While not as drained as his opponent, the man still fought to maintain even breaths. A momentary flash of anger betrayed the Twi'lek's true reaction to his answer before she managed to reinstate her facade.
"Here in the clan, schutta," the Twi'lek's lips pursed together as she spat upon the ground.
As the Twi'lek's insult hung upon the air, she placed her left hand on the ground to push herself up and nearly cried out from the pain. A flash of crimson broke upon her dark lips as her teeth dug into flesh once more, stifling any cry that might escape. Inarya let out a low breath and rose to her feet regardless. She wasn't stupid and could see the way Anima was favouring one side in his stance. Now was the time to press any advantage.
Anima also rose alongside his Aedile, glancing quickly at the subtle sparks that denoted his prosthetic's exposed mechanics. As his glare returned to Inarya, her resolve seemed to have solidified. She charged forward, raising her saber defensively with both hands as she closed the distance. Inarya was clearly injured due to the limited range of mobility in her arm, but through a combination of will and the Force she seemed to be completely oblivious to the pain.
The larger man stepped into the coming attack, the silver flash of his hilt drove the contained plasma into a thrust meant to impale Inarya. The Aedile relaxed her grip upon her saber, dropping her left arm to the side as she used her right to spin the weapon about to deflect his thrust. Her movements, once acrobatic, now turned formulaic as Anima flowed with the redirection into a vicious slash. The acrid stench of burnt flesh filled the Battlemaster's nostrils as Inarya leaned to the side, allowing his blade to carve a shallow path through her shoulder while her free hand came across his face in a vicious clawing motion. Black-painted nails dug into pale flesh and drew ribbons of blood in their wake and a chorus of bloodthirsty cheers from the onlooking Massassi warriors.
Anima's mechanized hand crashed into the Twi'lek as he instinctively lashed out in response to the sudden pain. The large man all but snarled as he wiped the blood away and fought to clear his blurred vision. Inarya had taken more than ample use of his handicap.
Though it was an entirely self-imposed one. One that he need not maintain.
With deliberate grace, Anima's now blood-stained hand grasped the cloth wrap that covered his left eye and tore it from his head. He growled as the sudden exposure to sunlight set his nerve endings ablaze, the pupil dilating rapidly. Confusion and anger marbled over the Twi'lek's red flesh as Inarya took in two very different eyes fixed upon her, opposing orbs of grey and gold. Anima's newly exposed iris was entirely consumed by the hallmark corruption that came upon those that wielded the Dark Side of the Force entirely too freely.
The blasted Hutt-spawn was full of surprises, and Inarya didn't like any of them.
The throbbing from her shoulder was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore while Inarya was becoming ever more aware of just how heavy her body was. Not a good sign at all. Speed was her last saving grace against the physical presence Anima brought to the table, yet he had so far seemed just as nubile. Her lighter frame and smaller stature having created more of a differential in that regard than an actual difference in skill. Once more she sprinted forward, the Force fueling her limbs more than any actual stamina she may have had remaining, whilst her lavender blade streaked behind her.
The Twi'lek launched herself into the air, spinning viciously as she slashed wildly at his core. Inarya wasted no time as she felt his blade parry her own, continuing the spin and contorting her body easily to bring her boot against her target's head. She felt the pulse of power from Anima nearly the same instant her heel connected with flesh - or at least what should have been flesh. Inarya stepped back as she took in the marbled flesh of Anima's jaw, proof that she had made good on her strike yet the man look unphased.
She might as well have kicked a statue of iron.
Changing gears from defense to offense, Anima all but howled as he strode towards Inarya. An unmistakable wave of utter bloodlust washed over her, twisting a knot in at least one of her stomachs. The Aedile's eyes narrowed as she took in his visage and found it uncomfortably restrained. The fury emanating from Anima was all consuming and unrelenting, yet controlled and focused completely on her. Panic fought to claim her but Inarya restored her focus with a quick shake of her head.
Within two long strides the Battlemaster had closed the distance between them and forged a deadly conduit between them. Waves of heat and sparks cascaded back and forth as Anima's onslaught fell upon the desperately defending woman. His movements were beyond her own, even if she had the strength to amplify them further. Yet the Twi'lek still managed to hold her own against the Human's flowing, rapid strikes. All too late, Inarya realized that had less to do with the parries that made Makashi so stamina efficient, and more to do with the fact that Anima wasn't attacking her - not exactly.
He was attacking her blade.
With an animalistic growl Anima's weapon at last managed to crash squarely upon the blade of Inarya's, and not merely deflected away. The force of the saber lock shuddered down her arms and caused her teeth to rattle within her skull as they clenched together. Leaning forward, Anima dropped all his weight upon her and, despite her desperately pushing back, he forced her guard down low and wide open. Just as his blade slid off her own and thrust forward, Anima was suddenly consumed by exhaustion and nausea as his power fled his limbs. Unable to resist his own considerable momentum, the Battlemaster crashed forward into the Aedile and they crashed into the ground.
The hum of sabers could no longer be heard, neither combatant keeping the activation switches engaged. Even the tribal Massassi had succumbed to silence as they looked on, Anima's massive form and dark cloak hiding the crimson flesh of his Aedile. With considerable effort, the Battlemaster pushed against the ground and raised himself up to look beneath him.
Inarya's body was still beneath him, her limbs sprawled out utterly limp. Breathing heavily, Anima leaned back until he was resting upon his knees, his eyes falling upon the faintly smoking, cauterized wound in her gut. Inarya had surprised him, more than earning the gift of death and the peace that followed.
The crowd began cheering all at once, seeing that the fight had finally reached its conclusion and began to move towards them in a mass of bodies. Anima's head snapped around and fixed upon the War Chief, his lip curling up as he snarled, a mixture of spit and blood falling from his mouth. As suddenly as they had begun, the circle stopped and began widening once more.
Silence once more fell upon the Massassi temple - that is until a shuddering, pained breath exhaled softly upon the air. Anima's eyes widened as he turned his focus back upon the Aedile, staring at the curve of her chest and waiting. There it was, subtle but unmistakable. Through some manner of luck or merely just a dogged determination, Inarya's wound had not been immediately fatal. Still, the pain and shock had been enough for her body to shut down, even if nothing vital had been damaged.
Grunting with effort, Anima slid his Aedile over his shoulders, distributing the weight more easily for his weakened state. With focused, deliberate steps, the Battlemaster began marching back towards the jungle where his transport waited. Anima couldn't help but grin as he felt soft breaths against his neck, his mind nearly consumed with thoughts of the inevitable confrontation after her recovery.
It was almost unfair he would have to wait.
Disjointed. Separate into two different thoughts instead of a clumsy sentence.
“He hadn’t so much as seen the movement before she sprung.” Common turn of phrase needs to be used correctly
Past what? The assumption is past Anima, but more specification might be in order.
As the lekku contain the Twi’Lek’s brain and nerve clusters, this would probably be very disorientating and uncomfortable.
No note was made of when the lightsabers connected.
Unusual turn of phrase. May need to be looked at.