The mere moments of dancing seemed to last an eternity while the two Arconan women moved synchronously across the floor. Atyiru had sobered up and was now fully aware but she let K'tana act as lead of their dance. They gracefully sashayed around the outskirts of the violent crowd.
Then the tiresome and belligerent chodface reappeared. The frazlat-scented drunk stumbled out of the moshpit and forcefully rammed himself into K'tana. This time the Twi’lek ran out of tolerance and decided against holding back and behaving for the Consul.
“This isn’t any karking fun anymore!” K’tana hissed while twisting away and using the momentum from the stumble to regain her balance and contort herself around so she stood between Atyiru and the threat. The Miraluka placed a hand on the Twi'lek's shoulder as soon as the seething woman flipped her lekku onto her back, looking like a coiled snake waiting to strike.
The single word was a request, an order, a plea and a question. It was a hopeful but useless attempt and both women knew it.
The violet woman glanced at the hand on her shoulder. Atyiru gave a slight squeeze but she removed her hand slowly as a concerned look spread across her face. K'tana kept her peripherals focused on the intruder, who had stumbled back from the impact and was taking his time recovering due to his intoxicated state.
The second he recovered enough to close the distance between them, K'tana jumped at him, arm pulled back and teeth clamped together. She collided with his chest, gripping her legs around his back. Her arm drove forward and her fist collided with the base of his throat, her knuckles grinding against the pressure point in the center of his collarbone.
Laughing, K'tana rode Chod -as she decided to call him- to the ground as his knees buckled. The back of his head made an audible thump causing the Twi'lek to burst into a fit of childish giggles. Still snickering she quickly adjusted her position on him in order to maintain control.
"Oh hi!" K'tana smiled down at him.
Her right knee pressed into his chest. Her left leg lay against his sternum in a partially extended pose that caused her dress to cover little and show enough to make a Zeltron blush.
Chod grunted and tried to roll. A sudden hard pain in his throat and then his crotch made him stop as he wheezed out a thin gasp of air.
K'tana had driven the thin, long heel of her shoe into his neck, just against his trachea while simultaneously reaching down and grasping his manhood with her sharpened nails. She giggled as he lifted his arms, pushing firmly with her foot.
"Nah-ah!" She laughed shaking her head. "One wrong move.. and I kick!"
She gave a another gentle jab, with claws and boot, to enhance her point. He raised his hands slowly in a surrendering motion.
K'tana had been so focused on the male that she had momentarily forgotten the Consul had been standing behind her. Now Atyriu knelt at the Twi'lek's side, her bronze fingers gently pressed against the other females' violet chest.
"K'tana. Back off. He has surrendered." The Shadow Lady's voice was firm but gentle. A slight edge pressed upon it as K'tana's grin dropped and she glared over at the Miraluka.
"Get up and let the bouncers look after the rest of the situation. We can go back to my rooms and..." Atyiru’s voice trailed off with a smirk as K'tana began to smile again, despite knowing that it was not really a request or an offer to be denied.
Her green eyes narrowed dangerously as she grinned cruelly at the man below her foot. The Twi’lek licked her lips as she leaned into him slowly.
"Or maybe we can take him with us and teach him a few lessons in manners and respect."
The sight would have been intimidating had Atyriu not burst out laughing. She leaned forward against the shocked Twi'lek's chest, tapping the Priesess' shoulder while leaning her face against K'tana's chin.
"You!...Of all...People!" The Miraluka managed to choke out as she started to hiccup between giggles.
"Respect?!..Coming from...You?!"
The human male stifled a laugh, his eyes trying to catch glimpses of the violet psycho's face as she furrowed her brow and stared at the other Arconan.
"Hey! Kark you!" She said, slightly offended and completely missing the point. "I'm plenty respectful. I mean... wasn't molesting you while you were hammered! That’s something!"
This just caused Atyriu to collapse in a new series of hiccups and laughter, shaking her white hair so the braid became even more disheveled.
Huffing and sticking her nose in the air, K'tana gave up on pushing her foot into his windpipe and waved her heel in Chod's face. She waited until the other woman had begun to breathe normally before pushing gently pushing the Consul off of her chest.
“Oh sweety, don’t be mad!” Atyriu, still giggling, offered a hand up to the pouting younger woman. K’tana put her elbows on her knees and rested her cheeks on her fists. The Consul knelt and ran her fingers down the Twi’lek’s lekku. She smiled, tracing her fingers down the Priestess' cheek then cupped her chin. The Twi'lek looked into Atyriu's face as the Archpriestess ran her thumb over pouting, purple lips.
“Come on then darling, the bouncers and civilian authorities are going to be here very soon and we should try to be gone by then.”
“Atty, you’re the Consul. Don’t you own this place?!”
“Yeah, but that’s way less fun than playing hard to get.”
Atyriu gave K’tana a quick nudge that the Twi’lek took as the eyeless woman’s version of a wink and clasped her bronze fingers around the other Arconan's purple wrist. With a smirk, K’tana went to stand up, made it halfway, then butt dropped on Chod’s stomach. With lightning fast reflexes she jumped back up, gripped Atyriu’s hand and they ran, giggling, for the door.
Only then did bouncers showed up. One grumbled when he heaved a vomit covered man off the floor as the rest of the rowdy crowd was removed by other staff members. No other people had any authority in the Cantina...other than the Arconae and the Consul herself.
Had K’tana paid any attention to lectures of hierarchy or even cared, she might have known that the "civilian authorities" Atyriu had mentioned had never been called and that the bouncers were not to interfere with the Consul's business this night.
K'tana may have even seen the small smirk playing on the Consuls lips had she not been distracted by the offer of a visit to Atyriu's chambers. However, it would not have been a concern to her now. Not as the Miraluka closed her bedroom door behind them.
Is that a new race? I guess I just haven't heard of them yet.. :P
I feel like this isn't grammatically correct, but it flows well enough that I'm inclined to not look further into it.
Tsk, language young lady. :P
Accurately hits on K'tana's Aspects, well done among other representation of her character.
It does seem a bit off that there is no mention of the "cantina" being turned into a club. You call it a joint, and reference the small bar area (I love the touch of acknowleding that Mick would have thrown a fit, and she wisely had him take a night off) so it feels like you ignored the venue but at the same time acknowledged it :P.