In a beastly nature, Wrooshuu took the opportunity to storm at the exhausted Nautolan and landed a second blow to his back. The agony of the strong downwards hit was bearable to say the least, as Scheat twisted to face the Wookiee. He gave the thick fur of the Krath long and hard slashes with his open hands, but all it did was comb the dark brown locks into a neat siding. Wrooshuu smiled and gave a strong kick into the stomach of Scheat, which sent him sliding several feet away in some mild pain. Heavily panting and holding his stomach, Scheat raised to his feet and quickly ran towards the bar then rolled over the top. Wrooshuu followed the Nautolan, kicking a table out the way and jumped over the bar to meet his Jedi foe.
“There’s got to be an easier way getting past the walking carpet.” Scheat gasped as he held his stomach.
“We could try the lightsabers again if you’d like?” Wrooshuu replied in a mocking manner.
The Wookiee already gripped his own blade and ignited the scarlet glow just as Scheat lept from his stance and slammed his sapphire sword into it. The strain was evident however as the Jedi concentrated the Force into his arms, his strength amplified and slowly began to take over the Wookiee. Wrooshuu’s back arched and strained as he struggled to maintain the lock, his bloody blade sliding further down until he was overpowered and knocked into the ground, roaring out in protest.
“I will not be forced to succumb by a simple Jedi!” Wrooshuu roared out in aggression.
It caused Scheat to jumped back a little in fear and frown in disappointment, as this was not who he visioned a Wookiee to behave. The Nautolan knew them as powerful and proud people yes, but he never envisioned them to be venomous when backed into a corner and unarmed. He kept his blade pointed firmly at the Krath and glared in concentration.
“Stay away from my plans, you’ve already ruined it by wasting my time, don’t make me stop you!” Scheat felt it was against his master’s training to destroy a life without a weapon, but the Wookiee itself was a weapon and a very powerful machine too.
It seems the extreme heat built up in the cantina had gotten to the Nautolan as Wrooshuu found a split second to stand and roar loudly at his opponent, causing him to stumble again. The Krath ignited his ruby blade once more and slammed his strength against Scheat’s cross defence, the Jedi was caught unaware and struggled to maintain it. As they stared into each other’s eyes, Wrooshuu smirked slowly and opened his weaker palm. He sent a flash of light from his hand which caused both opponents to stumble and rub their eyes. The Wookiee knew he needed to act now in order for his plan to work, he couldn’t afford to waste this precious time. In haste, Wrooshuu dived at the Nautolan, sliced his claws deep into his stomach and channelled the darkest infections of the Force inside Scheat. Churning in his stomach and rotting across his body, the Jedi stumbled and gave out a hard chesty cough as he leaned against the counter for support.
“What...what have you done!?” The Jedi stuttered as he struggled to breath.
With a husky laugh, Wrooshuu stood from the shard-filled floor and licked his hand clean of blood.
“The power of the Dark Side infects your every vein and organ, so not fight it Jedi, invite it inside you and allow us into your deepest emotions.” The Krath replied in his native tongue, as he grinned his bloody smile.
" his bloody blade sliding further down until he was overpowered and knocked into the ground, roaring out in protest."