As their blades clashed one more time, Mirus disengaged for but a second. His opponent was strong, far stronger than he had originally realised. This was going to take all of his skill and strength to overcome, which was a terrific thing. So far the Jedi had put up barely a token resistance on Coruscant. Would that they have defended their home better, but alas, it seemed that the Jedi were truly as lax and weak as the propaganda had always claimed. Instead, he wanted to push this Kel Dor - push him as far as he possibly could before he broke. A slight grin broke out across his tattooed face, before he beckoned - and steeled himself with the Force, planting his feet into position.
"Come, Jedi. Show me what you are made of."
Sa wasted not a single moment in charging for Mirus, enhancing the speed at which he sprinted towards the black-clad man, diving under his lightsaber - and delivered a single, well-aimed uppercut at his sternum with blinding pace. The moment that his orange-hued fist impacted against Mirus' chest, a burst of energy erupted forth, crackling and shocking its way across Mirus' skin. The unholy pain of his skin searing under his chest armour, blackening and burning away as it threatened to tear away from the power that Sa unleashed, was something that the Dathomiri had not been prepared for. The blow itself did not send him reeling, but the after-effect of the Force being unleashed directly on his body might perhaps stop him.
Mirus had to take a moment to recover, to let the wound heal over - he took a few steps back in retreat, saber held in front of him in a considerably lower guard than his favoured overhead just to keep his enemy away. At this point he was not dominating the fight and that fact irritated him greatly. However, the defense offered him a moment to allow the Force to knit the severed skin back together, to regenerate the damage and temper his body closer to its original condition, but with no less pain. After all, the strength of Mirus' body was exceptionally commendable but that did not render him immune to pain in any way.
The Jedi wasted no time in considering the truth of Form Five, for he knew its truth lay in domination of the battlefield. He could, perhaps, end this with a single strike - with the right condition. Unlike the Sith that sought domination by death, Sa could perhaps dominate this man by disarming him in a single moment. All the Kel Dor had to do was reach out into his opponent's mind and plant a single suggestion there, enough for a single moment.
Look over there.
Enough for those unholy glowing eyes to cast a momentary glance to the right, away from the Jedi whose hand was reach out - to claim Mirus' lightsaber in an invisible grasp and yank it free in a moment of weakness. The blade went soaring through the air, flying past Sa and down the Temple's stairs, clattering with every step down and its teal blade dissipating into nothingness. Far from unarmed but most certainly surprised, the warrior of Dark was caught off-guard by the duality of being mentally attacked and then physically disarmed - and was almost unprepared for Sa's straight charge, coming in quickly with a slice to cut him in half before Mirus could switch out to the force pike on his back.
What the Kel Dor was not prepared for was Mirus catching the slice above his head with two hands, holding the blade with his hands and shielding himself in doing so. The look of momentary shock on the Jedi's face was a perfect chance for Mirus to turn the tables before he could respond. In that instant he took the fury he had felt from the same of being conquered himself and turned that essence into raw, physical power, conjuring his greatest trick in doing so - taking that physical power and manifesting it as telekinetic will. Sa flew back a moment later, mind dazed at the sheer impact of force that the Dark sider had conjured and unleashed upon him.
The Jedi landed supine six feet away, eyes to the sky as Mirus wasted not a moment in reaching further into the depths of the Force, eyes locked upon his quarry as he bound his opponent's form to the ground. This gave the Dathomiri the perfect chance as fury lashed out from steely gaze, already in motion, sailing through the air.
Even as the Force screamed at Sa that things were about to go terribly, how could he do anything about it when he was physically unable to move? There was no counter-attack without a responsive body.
There was nothing but the prone Jedi to focus on and his vengeance now, as Mirus landed knee-first on Sa's body and drove his right hand into the fallen warrior's throat, the hidden blade extending out from it as it unloaded a powerful, convulsion-inducing shock right back at Sa. With a blade piercing his trachea and his body shaking, there was little else but for the fallen Kel Dor to bleed out on the ground, defeated.
Such a shame. With the right mindset, this one would have made an excellent Sith.
Mirus exhaled and collected himself - and his lightsaber back, as well as Sa's own. A trophy of the fallen to commemorate his victory against what was arguably his hardest fight that day. No matter. There was the rest of the planet yet to raze.