Obelisk Prelate Mirus Hi'ija vs. Guardian Duelist Sa Ool

Obelisk Prelate Mirus Hi'ija

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Male Human, Obelisk, Juggernaut

Guardian Duelist Sa Ool

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Kel Dor, Guardian, Juggernaut

All in all, a reasonably close match. Both of you were a little too loose with use of your character sheets. In general, your language usage wasn't bad (though Sa could use some proofreading), but you'd benefit a lot from making use of the "show, don't tell" mantra that we ACC judges keep harping on about.

Mirus gets the win, but if it were not for a number of small things, I could easily see this having gone the other way.

Hall Duelist Hall - Old Container
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants Obelisk Prelate Mirus Hi'ija, Guardian Duelist Sa Ool
Winner Obelisk Prelate Mirus Hi'ija
Force Setting Unleashed
Weapon Setting Standard
Obelisk Prelate Mirus Hi'ija's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Guardian Duelist Sa Ool's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Warzone: The Sacking of Coruscant
Last Post 3 August, 2015 9:58 PM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Sa Ool Battlelord Mateus Kelborn
Score: 3 Score: 4
Rationale: You make a couple of easy grammatical errors throughout your first post. Additionally, you should always capitalize "Force" when referring to the Force. See Mirus' comment about language and show not tell. Rationale: My main pet peeve of both your and Sa's writing is your over-reliance on then names of lightsaber forms. It's lazy writing to describe the combat by saying "he used Form V" or whatever. That doesn't actually tell the reader what's going on. Describe the strikes themselves (in a manner that's consistent with what Djem So, of course).
Story - 40%
Sa Ool Battlelord Mateus Kelborn
Score: 3 Score: 3
Rationale: Not a lot to say here either. The battle is fairly straightforward, but doesn't really break any ground. Rationale: Both stories were alright. You foreshadowed the use of the Force Pike, but didn't really make use of it at any point in the battle.
Realism - 25%
Sa Ool Battlelord Mateus Kelborn
Score: 4 Score: 4
Rationale: You mention how Sa is faster than Mirus, but I'm not sure where you're getting this. Physical speed is roughly determined by Athletics and Mirus has a higher Atheltics score than you do. I can't really figure out by what metric Sa would be definitively faster than Mirus. Rationale: The big thing here is your writing of Sa's use of Force Cloak. From what I gather, you imply that Mirus isn't able to sense or see Sa through the Force when he uses this ability. That's not consistent with how the power works. Force Cloak only stops you from being seen optically. You're mixing it up with the power Concealment, which obscures the user's Force signature.
Continuity - 20%
Sa Ool Battlelord Mateus Kelborn
Score: 5 Score: 5
Rationale: no issues Rationale: no issues
Sa Ool's Score: 3.65 Battlelord Mateus Kelborn's Score: 3.8

Combat Master’s Note: Warzones are special venues that allow for a duel amidst massive battles in historic locations. See http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sacking_of_Coruscant for more on this location.

It is a time of war, as the Galactic Republic and a resurgent Sith Empire battle for galactic supremacy. The conflict effectively ended when the Sith Empire took the battle to the very seat of the Galactic Republic--Coruscant. The invasion began as a Sith dropship came crashing into the Jedi Temple and carried on inside. Chaos reigned within the Temple as Sith forces clashed with their Jedi counterparts. Death followed for many, but it was the Jedi who finally succumbed to the surprise attack, leaving the Sith victorious. The main entrance of the Temple is ruined; what was once splendid grandeur was reduced to a smoking crater.

You find yourself in the midst of the all-out assault on Coruscant, as the Sith forces arrive in droves. The attack on the Temple is only the first-wave, while the true battle is yet to come. Hordes of Imperial soldiers descend upon the city-planet to meet up with the initial surge of Sith aggressors. Republic forces come out in defense, along with the few Jedi that survived the initial attack, or were outside the Temple at the time of the invasion.

You are an unknown to either side, in the middle of a war that has been ongoing for years. You have your own battle to fight, but every other person on the battlefield will not think twice about placing a blaster bolt between your eyes, or a lightsaber through your chest. You are besieged on all sides, while the city burns, and your opponent is waiting for you to come.

Rubble laid every where from when the Sith dropship crashed into the front of the temple and destroyed a lot of the main entrance. Out of the Dropship Sith Warriors and Imperial Troopers came out of the hatch that slowly opened to reveal all that was in there. Sith along with the Imperial Troopers started to fight the Jedi for their very own lives. Each side, was taking heavy casualties from all the fighting that was happening. If one was to look closely all they would see and hear is the blaster bolts being shot and deflected from the lightsabers, while the Jedi and Sith clashed against each other. Smoke, even more rubble, dead and injured bodies laying around all over ground. This day will be known to the Jedi as one of the worst days in their history.

Sa Ool, a Kel Dor Guardian dressed in black Jedi Robes was one of the few Knights left on Coruscant while the peace talks were taking place on the planet Alderaan. With his purple lightsaber and usage of the form five also known as Djem So, Sa has dispatched several imperial troopers and a couple of the Sith Warriors that have came in his path. All throughout the battle the young Kel Dor could not help but think this may be the end of the Jedi if they do not push back their Sith attackers. The purple bladed force user was in the midst of combat when he felt someone that was a little stronger in the force than himself before seeing them, and knew that he needed to take down this threat. From what he felt this person was not like the rest of Sith but just as dark. Not knowing who he felt at the Temple, he decided to look for him while also defending his home.

In the midst of all the bodies, Sa saw someone who was more heavily armored than the rest of the attackers that was wielding a lightsaber. At first sight Sa knew this was the guy he was looking for even though he was using a blue lightsaber was simply from seeing the Man take down one of his fellow Jedi Knights. Both had stopped and stared at each other for a few second before both charged in at each other having their lightsabers purple and blue clashed against with the collided blades sent off sparks from where the blades had meet with each other. Both combatants was trying to gain the upper hand in that initial attack over the other. After getting pushed back a bit by the man, the young Kel Dor paused for a few seconds and pointed his blade straight at his current Opponent.

“I am Sa Ool and in the Name of the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic I order you to lay down your weapon and Surrender.” Came the raspy voice out of the Ool clan member breathing mask

The irony of a Jedi requesting a Sith to surrender was not lost on Mirus as he advanced, the sounds of blaster fire and warheads detonating all across the cityscape of Coruscant providing the symphony of desecration. The force pike still strapped to his back would become an advantage at some point - but not now. Against this poor, pathetic excuse for a Jedi, the Titan would have every opportunity to conquer his whole being, mind, body and soul. As many of the warriors of the Dark found that day, the body armour they wore was little more than an aesthetic pleasure, good perhaps against minor rubble being blown back from concussive blasts but did absolutely nothing to turn away the blade of a lightsaber. Mirus knew this and despite that chose to wear it; the chilling countenance it provided him a suitable boon against the warriors of Light.

"Foolish Jedi," spat Mirus in response to Sa's request and unhesitatingly threw himself onto the offensive. Both warriors followed the same tenets of warfare - similar guards, similar combat styles, the choice of domination in battle to conquer and seize the upper hand. Mirus, however, was far better physically conditioned, a contrast to his opponent's admittedly superior technical lightsaber skill. However this would not dissuade the tribal warrior, understanding that it was not just pure technique that could dominate combat. Being in better physical condition all around was a great skill in its own right. Conversely, Sa had the home field advantage; this was his planet, his territory. He could turn that against these invaders one way or another.

Immediately teal met purple once again, lightsabers clashing overhead for just a moment before the Dathomiri and the Kel Dor disengaged, before Mirus channelled his energies into the Force. There was no point wasting time on this fool; it was time to bring his full might to bear against his opponent and draw out the full potential of his agility. What was a powerful run turned into a full sprint for just a moment, weaving past one slash of the amethyst blade angling for his head and a second at his midsection, putting him right behind the Guardian's right side - in the next instant Mirus delivered an elbow into one of Ool's kidneys, crumbling his defences for a few seconds more. It was not a lethal blow - anything but. It was designed to intimidate, to demonstrate the mastery of the Force that the Dark Sider could bring to bear against him.

The Kel Dor grinned behind his mask - two could play at that game. In the next second, he vanished into thin air.

Mirus, despite even searching through the Force, could not find his hidden enemy. Biting back a curse - how could he be so foolish? - he held his ground for a moment, bright blue eyes futilely trying to find the Jedi. With that, he took a few tentative steps, unsure where Sa had gone. Had he even gone anywhere? There was only the echoes of war beyond and the sound of his own breathing to guide him. The Force would not reveal where his enemy had vanished to

Unfortunately for Mirus, Sa had not once even moved and he was working off a foolish assumption. Every step the Dark Sider took brought him closer to the lethal trap that the Jedi was baiting. All he had to do was wait long enough for the human man to get into lightsaber range and then cleave him apart. One step. Two steps... closer, closer - yes, Sa had him right where he wanted him.

If the Force had not murmured in his mind that things were about to become very sour for him, Mirus would have been dead as the blade activated. He felt that motion and knew that in the same second he could activate the Force and get away from his imminent demise. It was not perfect but it gave him just a moment to expand his anger out into pure power and move away at a surprising speed - enough for Sa's blade to dance just past his side and confound the Kel Dor as he uncloaked. He'd know that that was coming - impressive indeed.

As Mirus took just a moment to recover his breath, raising his lightsaber into high guard and circling his prey, he realised that this Jedi wasn't like so many of the fallen corpses around him. This one had potential. A shame such a potential had to be wasted.

Another heartbeat and the Guardian was already on the offensive once again, lightsabers clashing loudly as the sounds of war echoed around them.

Attempting to outmaneuver the male human intruder by both speed and lightsaber combat, Sa started to combine elements of Djem So and Makashi to see if this would get through the strength of his enemy. Feigning a strike at the Titan's midsection, Sa deactivated his saber and through the force flowing through him pushed Mirus into a pillar behind him without touching him. Hitting the pillar with his body and the combination of the push, Mirus went straight through while some of the crumbled pillar fell right on top him. With a fit of rage Mirus bursted out from under the rubble looking like he had a few scratches but nothing too serious proving his endurance to be better than most.

In a small fit of rage, Mirus went on the offensive to bring down his enemy. A fellow Jedi that was fighting a few Imperial Troopers tried to step in and help Sa out, only to die within a few strikes with the blade at the teal-bladed user's hands. Charging in with a few strikes of his own purple blade, the young Kel Dor wanted nothing more than to bring his foe to justice. The two fighters clashed their blades together with a sound like thunder; afterward, both sabers flew out of their owner's hands going a few feet away from them.

The Human and the Kel Dor kept on going at each other with hand to hand combat. Each unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks along with elbow strikes and knee strikes trying to wound the other person. Sa may have been the more skilled fighter and faster but getting hit from the other male started to hurt him far more than the exchange was hurting Mirus. A stray percussion type grenade that was thrown by an Trooper landed underneath the two with it going off, sending both in opposite directions of each other. Slowly getting up Sa noticed that the Jedi forces present were retreating and trying to flee from the scene so they could live, regroup, and fight another day to bring back justice to their home. Ignoring the rest of the Jedi, Sa brought his lightsaber hilt to him with the Force and started to run at the Human male known as the Titan. Fighting this man, Sa knew he was a worthy opponent to keep on fighting after this assault if both of them made it.

Bringing his own blade back to him, had Mirus not received that tingling of where he needed to move he could have lost his life to his enemy. All that he lost instead was his right hand and his own lightsaber both being cut off from the Kel Dor’s blade. Using the Force with his only hand left Mirus flung Sa backwards to give him some room. With his weak sided hand The Titan took his force pike off of his back and making sure it was ready to go. Suffering from his lost appendage, He knew that the Kel Dor was going to have to mess up or this may end bad for the Prelate.

From being flung backwards Sa hit his head on a large piece of rubble. After a few seconds from the point of impact Sa was able to get up and was a bit dazed. If Sa was not able to get control of himself and able to ignore the pain to a degree he would be in world of more hurt then what he is in. The Guardian noticed that the Human had his pike out and looked like he was mad beyond mad from the lost of his hand. He needed a plan on how to end this and he needed it fast so Sa started to think fast while Mirus slowly moved towards his enemy.

Knowing what he needed to do, the Duelist started to turn around and run away with Mirus following him. Running while trying to not touch those who are gone from the world, Sa rounded a corner and halted and prepared for Mirus to come around it. Knowing it was too late when he saw the corner the Jedi went around he prepared for the assault that would be waiting for him. Feeling a blunt object hitting him, Mirus embraced for the impact of the Force and the ground hitting him while also dropping his pike. moving towards the downed Human Sa slammed down his left onto the humans chest and summoned the force pike to him and flipped it upside down and slammed it into it’s owner's stomach.

Not knowing if the Human will die from his wounds or not Sa turned around and started to leave the temple to where he knew the rest of the Jedi will be to retreat.

As their blades clashed one more time, Mirus disengaged for but a second. His opponent was strong, far stronger than he had originally realised. This was going to take all of his skill and strength to overcome, which was a terrific thing. So far the Jedi had put up barely a token resistance on Coruscant. Would that they have defended their home better, but alas, it seemed that the Jedi were truly as lax and weak as the propaganda had always claimed. Instead, he wanted to push this Kel Dor - push him as far as he possibly could before he broke. A slight grin broke out across his tattooed face, before he beckoned - and steeled himself with the Force, planting his feet into position.

"Come, Jedi. Show me what you are made of."

Sa wasted not a single moment in charging for Mirus, enhancing the speed at which he sprinted towards the black-clad man, diving under his lightsaber - and delivered a single, well-aimed uppercut at his sternum with blinding pace. The moment that his orange-hued fist impacted against Mirus' chest, a burst of energy erupted forth, crackling and shocking its way across Mirus' skin. The unholy pain of his skin searing under his chest armour, blackening and burning away as it threatened to tear away from the power that Sa unleashed, was something that the Dathomiri had not been prepared for. The blow itself did not send him reeling, but the after-effect of the Force being unleashed directly on his body might perhaps stop him.

Mirus had to take a moment to recover, to let the wound heal over - he took a few steps back in retreat, saber held in front of him in a considerably lower guard than his favoured overhead just to keep his enemy away. At this point he was not dominating the fight and that fact irritated him greatly. However, the defense offered him a moment to allow the Force to knit the severed skin back together, to regenerate the damage and temper his body closer to its original condition, but with no less pain. After all, the strength of Mirus' body was exceptionally commendable but that did not render him immune to pain in any way.

The Jedi wasted no time in considering the truth of Form Five, for he knew its truth lay in domination of the battlefield. He could, perhaps, end this with a single strike - with the right condition. Unlike the Sith that sought domination by death, Sa could perhaps dominate this man by disarming him in a single moment. All the Kel Dor had to do was reach out into his opponent's mind and plant a single suggestion there, enough for a single moment.

Look over there.

Enough for those unholy glowing eyes to cast a momentary glance to the right, away from the Jedi whose hand was reach out - to claim Mirus' lightsaber in an invisible grasp and yank it free in a moment of weakness. The blade went soaring through the air, flying past Sa and down the Temple's stairs, clattering with every step down and its teal blade dissipating into nothingness. Far from unarmed but most certainly surprised, the warrior of Dark was caught off-guard by the duality of being mentally attacked and then physically disarmed - and was almost unprepared for Sa's straight charge, coming in quickly with a slice to cut him in half before Mirus could switch out to the force pike on his back.

What the Kel Dor was not prepared for was Mirus catching the slice above his head with two hands, holding the blade with his hands and shielding himself in doing so. The look of momentary shock on the Jedi's face was a perfect chance for Mirus to turn the tables before he could respond. In that instant he took the fury he had felt from the same of being conquered himself and turned that essence into raw, physical power, conjuring his greatest trick in doing so - taking that physical power and manifesting it as telekinetic will. Sa flew back a moment later, mind dazed at the sheer impact of force that the Dark sider had conjured and unleashed upon him.

The Jedi landed supine six feet away, eyes to the sky as Mirus wasted not a moment in reaching further into the depths of the Force, eyes locked upon his quarry as he bound his opponent's form to the ground. This gave the Dathomiri the perfect chance as fury lashed out from steely gaze, already in motion, sailing through the air.

Even as the Force screamed at Sa that things were about to go terribly, how could he do anything about it when he was physically unable to move? There was no counter-attack without a responsive body.

There was nothing but the prone Jedi to focus on and his vengeance now, as Mirus landed knee-first on Sa's body and drove his right hand into the fallen warrior's throat, the hidden blade extending out from it as it unloaded a powerful, convulsion-inducing shock right back at Sa. With a blade piercing his trachea and his body shaking, there was little else but for the fallen Kel Dor to bleed out on the ground, defeated.

Such a shame. With the right mindset, this one would have made an excellent Sith.

Mirus exhaled and collected himself - and his lightsaber back, as well as Sa's own. A trophy of the fallen to commemorate his victory against what was arguably his hardest fight that day. No matter. There was the rest of the planet yet to raze.