Kordath Bleu was not having a great day. He’d looked forward to Felucia, everything he’d read about it suggested it was a nice place to visit. Bountiful wildlife and flora that he’d never gotten to take in before, that’s what he’d been promised when given this mission. The damned Miraluka had played him again, it seemed. Not that it mattered, when the Shadow Lady said ‘go fetch the Kaleesh before he hurts himself’....well, you went. The shuttle ride down from the Nighthawk had been awful, but he was getting used to that. All shuttle rides were awful when you spent the whole time rigid with fear of decompression, or mechanical failure, or a shot seal sucking out….
The Ryn shook his head, trying to focus on the horribly bleak sight ahead of him. Massive skeletons loomed overhead, resting on the barren and...desecrated ground. That one made Bleu pause, mentally. So many large dead beasts, the area should be positively overgrown from the amount of biological material that had decomposed here. The whole place reeked of the something foul to the Ryn’s sensitivity to the Force. It was choking...no, that wasn’t the word, suffocating. It felt for all the world as if he was treading water in a deep, dark hole and barely keeping his head above it.
“This place is ripe with the Dark Side,” spoke his Master, who had oddly volunteered to come down to the planet alongside him. Nath Voth had little in the way of expression on her face, she kept a rather stoic mask even around him these days. It would have been unnerving if he hadn’t seen both frustration and approval at varying points in his past with her while training.
“You didn’t have to come, Master,” he spoke, quietly as if afraid to stir some dark spirit within the graveyard.
“And you no longer have to call me that, Captain,” she replied. “Skar is out here somewhere….we can both sense him, no?”
Kordath nodded in response, slowly turning his head as he focused his mental senses to track down the Kaleesh. It was proving to more difficult than he was used to, one part performance anxiety around the woman who’d managed to take the thief and turn him into a useful member of the Clan...one part overwhelming darkness. Still he gained an idea of what direction the Obelisk was hiding in, though his oft relied upon danger sense was kicking up a storm. It was never good when the Force began sending him the sort of feelings that made the hair along his neck stand on end, but this was more akin to getting hit by lightning.
Still those warnings were a major reason the Krath hadn’t been killed in any of the numerous conflicts he’d been a part of since becoming and Arconan. So he wasn’t even surprised when the blaster bolt left a trail of burnt ozone above his prone body. Several more scarlet beams flashed in, sending sparks and blasted bits of rock across his form as he kept his head down. When the barrage paused Kordath glanced up, first checking to insure his Master….subordinate, she was one of his crew these days he reminded himself, hadn’t been hit.
He spotted her atop a nearby spire of rock, standing with her arms cross over her chest and...smiling. Great, Nath was smiling, that spelled so many bad things for the Ryn.
“Really, Nath? Bit exposed up there!”
“I am in no danger. You on the other hand...I’ve often wondered how my two students would stand up to one another.”
She sounded...satisfied, and curious. He noted that the Zabrak woman was also watching a pile of bones not far off from where Kordath was lying. Body tense, the Ryn pushed himself off the barren ground, and promptly dashed towards the nearest bit of cover as a pair of blaster bolts flashed past him. Scrambling over a rib bone that must of belonged to the most massive animal he hoped to never encounter, the Priest fell behind it in time to see more flashes of light streak over his new found cover.
This is going to be my whole day, isn’t it?
When the shooting stopped again...Kordath could sense Skar moving nearby, likely trying to find another vantage point, he decided to switch gears.
“Skar!” he shouted, not willing to poke his head out. “It’s time to come back in from the cold, mate! Atty is a bit miffed at ya, but you come home now and she’ll cool off pretty quick, you know how she is!”
A few tense heartbeats passed before he heard the Kaleesh’s somewhat familiar voice shout back in reply. “Not going back yet. I just wanted some time alone, is that so bad? Port O’val is a cage, Kordath! No privacy, people everywhere all the time!”
“...wait what?” the Ryn sat in dumbfounded silence for a moment. “Are you saying…I got sent out here, to this pit of a graveyard permeated with Dark Side energies and no bar service, because...because YOU NEEDED SOME TIME TO BLOODY THINK!?”
Kordath shook his head before freezing in place as a new sound filled the air. A hissing, buzzing noise that seemed to be growing in volume, right before the rib bone he was cowering behind split apart. Skar stood before him now, surrounded by the remains of the a dead beast who’d failed to hide the Krath, wielding his emerald blade and staring at him with the creepy karking mask of his people.
I can’t believe I’m going to die because this kid ‘needed some space’, he thought, hand scrabbling for his own lightsaber hilt. The Kaleesh advanced.
emanating: eminated "Before tending to the fresh kill of a some form of canine that had attacked him when he first stepped into the boneyard." - Sentence fragment "Growling to himself, The Kaleesh..." - unnecessary capitalization
"Well this is a surprise to say the least the Nighthawk's captain and chief interrogator set to bring me back. I'm flattered.”- unpuncuated.
“Oh really…. why does this not surprise me?” - ellipsis should only be used for intentional omission, not for a pause.