As Terran watched the Verpine sprint towards the nearby shuttle, he forced down a pang of guilt and counted a dozen heartbeats - long enough for the droids to begin tracking Kz’set’s movement and turn to follow. The first bolt whirped towards the Plagueian and Terran leaned out the opposite side of the metal bulwark, sighting down the barrel of his WESTAR-M5. He squeezed the trigger and a trio of blue bolts shot towards the rightmost war droid, just as it released a quartet of scarlet shafts at the Verpine. The distracted droid’s optic sensor exploded in a shower of sparks, rendering it blind. Terran ducked back behind the debris, returning his M5 to the holster on his back, beneath his duster. A quick glance to his left revealed the Sith sheltering in the shuttle’s hatchway, glaring at the Arconan with more heat than any blaster bolt. Good. If he’d died down here, Isshwarr would never let me hear the end of it. She told me this was a bad idea in the first place.
The Kiffar met the Verpine’s scowl and shrugged sheepishly, then held up two spread fingers - one pointed towards either eye. After a moment, he lowered one, then pointed past the debris. One droid left. Kz’set continued to glare at him for the space of a few heartbeats before finally sighing and nodding his head. The Plagueian raised his shatter pistol in his right hand and held up all three digits on his left. As Kz’set lowered the first finger, Terran drew the pair of blaster pistols at his waist, eyeing the switches on both to make sure they weren’t set to stun. The Verpine lowered his second finger and Terran reached out through the Force, gripping a pair of fist-sized rocks between him and the shuttle. The raised finger became a closed fist, and Terran ran.
He hurled the two age-smoothed stones towards the remaining droid as Kz’set lowered his pistol and fired. The Verpine’s aim was true, colliding with one of the war droid’s arms and knocking its blasts off-target. A pair of red bolts slammed into the shuttle’s armor plating, ablating harmlessly. The second blaster’s fire flew true, slamming into the earthen projectiles Terran had flung at it. Most of the rocks’ mass were vaporized by the heat of the blaster bolts, but dozens of tiny clods remained, hardened by the wash of superheated plasma. With a grin, the Kiffar stopped mid-step and turned towards the droid. Grasping the rubbled stones with his mind and gesturing with the blaster in his right hand, the former Jensaarai shot the earthen pellets at the droid.
Turning back towards the shuttle, Terran sprinted the last six meters. Though he couldn’t see it, he could feel the dozens of projectiles impacting against the war droid’s armor, pitting its durasteel carapace and lodging in its joints. As he entered the hatchway, Kz’set hit a button to his right. The hatchway’s durasteel cover cycled down - slowly and with a great deal of screeching protest - and plunged the shuttle’s interior into darkness.
“Well, ain’t this cheery?” muttered Terran, holstering the blaster in his off-hand before digging through his coat pockets.
“Don’t blame me,” retorted the Verpine. “You picked thiszzz...lovely accomodation.”
The Kiffar made a sound, half-snort and half-chuckle, as he finally fished a glowrod out of his duster and activated it. He held it aloft, bathing the shuttle’s interior in pale light. Well, it could be worse, he thought, scanning the dimly-lit room. At least he still thinks I’m here on Arconan business.
The compartment was relatively small, only ten meters long and half as wide. The ancient shuttle’s landing ramp served as the aft wall - it would have to lower completely to load or unload cargo - and a small doorway to the fore no doubt led to the cockpit. Under the Verpine’s expectant stare, Terran turned towards the doorway and began stepping over broken pallets and other refuse that littered the shuttle’s rear compartment.
“What was that, out there?” Kz’set inquired, his voice tinged with anger. “I could have been shot.”
“Don’t worry, it was all part of the plan. There just wasn’t time to explain.”
“Your ‘plan’ almost got us both killed.”
“Don’t be silly.” Terran favored the Verpine with his most irrepressible grin. “My plans always work.”
Kz’set scoffed, then fell silent.
“So…” continued the Kiffar, hesitantly. “What do you think the deal is with the droids? I would have expected them to be trying to break through the hatchway already.”
“I do not know,” buzzed the Plageuian. “Perhaps they know that their depleted blasters cannot penetrate the shuttle’s hull. Assuming this shuttle is in no condition to launch, it makes the most sense to wait us out. We will need water long before they need power.”
“Hmph.” Terran gave the door controls a cursory glance. Someone had ripped the panel halfway open and the wires inside were in disarray. Perfect. “Well, let’s hope we can prove their assumption wrong. Mind taking a look at these controls? I can’t make heads or tails of them.”
“Certainly,” replied the Verpine, the slightest hint of warmth in his voice at the prospect of something electronic to investigate. “It would be my pleasure to do szzzo.”
The Kiffar stepped aside, waving towards the panel as Kz’set holstered his pistol and approached. The Plagueian held out a hand expectantly, and Terran passed him the glowrod, moving back a few meters. As Kz’set began examining the wiring, the Arconan took a few steps back and surveyed the remainder of the shuttle’s compartment. There wasn’t much to see. Whatever the shuttle had once carried, it had long-since been carted away by scavengers, leaving nothing but junk behind. A series of low buzzes and clicks came from Kz’set - Terran assumed they were the Verpine equivalent of a contemplative hum - and the Kiffar drew his second pistol. He flicked the power switches with either thumb, silently setting the pair to stun.
Engineers, scoffed Terran to himself, stepping forward and raising his pistols to the back of Kz’set’s chitinous head. Show them a piece of machinery and they forg—
A metallic screech cut the thought short, and Terran spun towards the hatchway through which the pair had entered the shuttle. He heard the Verpine follow suit behind him, scatter pistol whishing from its holster. A large bump marred the hatchway’s formerly smooth surface and the hatch now bowed inward. A second bump appeared, punctuated by another screech, and the Kiffar glanced back at Kz’set.
“Any luck with that door?”
“It is still closed, yeszzz?”
“Then, any suggestions?”
“Just one,” replied Kz’set, drawing his lightsaber and thumbing its orange blade to life.
Then a second set of screeches began, and the shuttle’s roof bowed inward in at least three places.
I would suggest the use of an em-dash at the end of speech that is being interrupted. The ellipses denotes more of a "trailing off" than cut short.
The buzzing on the 's' is a nice touch, but applied inconsistently. Either commit to it all the way or drop it.
I like the way you just hopped into the combat right away, but you don't manage to truly instill a sense of why in this post. You give a sense that Kz'set was doing "something" but never get into what, only that somehow Terran showed up and now you're both joined at the hip trying to stay alive. This leaves me with more questions than answers.