“From time to time,” the Kiffar replied, mentally cursing the conversation as a waste of time. I have no idea what I hoped to accomplish by this. Time to end this distraction...but how? Eying the pristine Admiral’s uniform, Terran’s frown grew into a smile. “How’s that captaincy of the Predominant working out? Have they finished recovering the debris?”
The Chiss’ jaw tightened and his crimson eyes narrowed. “Listen here, Kiffari poodoo,” Brimstone growled, grabbing Terran roughly by the bicep. “You don’t deserve to speak the Predominant’s name. You have no idea what I went through.”
“Well, I heard you did a spectacular job escaping while your entire crew bit it. I’m sure that was quite harrowing.“
The grip on Terran’s arm tightened as the Plaguean’s brow twitched. Good. Perfect time to make my exit. The Arconan bent his knees and spun away from Brimstone. The combination of his momentum and the awkward angle threw the Chiss off balance, forcing him to release Terran’s arm or stumble embarrassingly. The Sith tried to hold on for a half second before realizing his predicament and letting go. The Kiffar started to walk away, smug at getting in the last word. Before he managed a third step, however, a battered, chrome protocol droid stopped directly in his path.
“Mr. Weissver?” The droid’s voice was scratchy, its vocabulator no doubt long past its expiration. “If you will come with me, I believe you were to speak with the illustrious Kridara the Hutt next.”
“About time,” Terran replied roughly, following the droid. The alias, one of a dozen he had commissioned since taking over the criminal operations on Port Ol’val, had apparently held up to scrutiny. As they approached the oversized slug’s ornate dias, he glanced back at the Plaguean moving disgruntledly towards the large archway that served as entrance and exit for the audience chamber. A glowbulb lit in his mind, and a grin bristled on his lips. It’s not every day you get a chance to deflate a pompous windbag and earn your Consul’s gratitude. Stopping a meter and a half from the corpulent Hutt’s throne, Terran bowed his head respectfully and plastered a servile mask on his features.
“What is your purpose here, Kiffar?” The dented droid translated Kridara’s gurbles, a slight buzz underpinning the words. “Did you truly believe I would grant you leave to track down the relics I seek? You, who won’t even deign to learn your employer’s language?”
The only thing more massive than a Hutt is a Hutt’s ego. Terran kept his voice neutral, despite the diatribe running through his mind. “I’m afraid there has been a mistake, oh wise Kridara. I didn’t come for your favor, but rather to do a favor for you.”
“Explain yourself. Now,” translated the droid as his master’s bulbous eyes slitted in annoyance.
“As you will, my lord. The Chiss that is currently leaving - I have tracked him for several weeks now at the request of my employer. He stole a rather large quantity of neurotoxin from a lab on Krellik II. I had wanted to see who his employer was before recovering the bioagent. When he landed planetside this morning, I knew I needed to confiscate it without delay - however when I snuck aboard his ship, I found only empty containers.” Terran paused for a moment, forcing a tinge of uncertainty into his tone. “I...well, I originally thought he might be delivering it to you, your illustriousness. However, I can see that isn’t the case. I apologize for interjecting myself into your affairs.”
The Kiffar lowered his eyes again, as if waiting for permission to be dismissed. Reaching out with the Force, he probed the Hutt’s emotions. They were faint, guarded by gulf between their species and the natural resistance the Hutt genome conveyed. Still, he caught enough to detect a hint of suspicion grow within the slug’s mind. Perfect. Now to redirect it. “If I might be so bold, mighty Kridara...you may wish to have someone examine the Kowakian closer. Somewhere far away from here.”
The Hutt’s eyes widened as they darted first to the monkey-lizard then back to the Kiffar. Then Kridara shouted - the sound putting Terran in mind of a cross between a lion and a bullfrog - and pointed towards the exiting Sith. Two large Gamorreans, posted to either side of the archway, stepped in front of Brimstone and raised a pair of wickedly sharp vibroaxes.
The Sith turned back to the audience chamber’s dias, raising his voice in exclamation. Though Terran couldn’t understand the garble of words, he could hear the insulted confusion in them. Kridara replied in kind and Terran began to move away from the platform, hoping to make himself as unobtrusive as possible. The exchange continued, a burbling tide that only escalated in volume as the Kiffar side-stepped to the right of the throne. Just as he was about to turn away and lose himself in the formerly-mingling crowd, the Plaguean’s finger shot out, pointing straight at Terran.
“You lying sack of poodoo!”
The Kiffar paused mid-step, as if skewered in place. Great, what now? Before he could think up an appropriate response, his wit interjected for him.
“You know poodoo just means food, right?”
The Chiss’s blue skin reddened and he grew nearly apoplectic, before a growl finally issued from his throat. Without another word, the Sith drew a charric from the holster at his belt and fired on Terran. The Kiffar threw himself to the ground, rolling to the side and regaining his feet as he reached for the pair of blasters at his waist.
Then the audience chamber descended into chaos.
There were a couple of things I really liked about this post overall:
I think you put a lot of effort into properly characterizing both members. I got a very distinct sense of personality from depictions of both Terran and Brimstone. Lots of the time, people write characters interchangeably. Both characters felt very distinct.
I also felt like you set the scene very well. You do a good job of making the environment definitely matter in this post.
From a story perspective, this is very unclear for an opening post. I don't care so much that there wasn't actually lightsaber combat, but you ended the post without clearly explaining the goals of Terran or Brimstone or by explaining the conflict. By the end of the post, the actual conflict between the two characters hadn't even actually started.
A note about languages and formatting. As a general rule, actually including both the original and the translation is sort of overkill, especially when everyone involved is assumed to know the languages. I think the way you did it here works for a few different reasons: Huttese is one of the more iconic SW languages (along with Droidspeak and Shryiiwook), and Terran doesn't actually speak Huttese. But, just be careful about overkill. The reader doesn't want to have to skim over a bunch of words they don't understand at all just to get to the translation. Having an entire conversation in a different language, and translating it line by line gets tedious. And while it's not terrible, I think a better way to format the above sentence would be the following:
"Ye wanya peee tah murishani, goo gee nobata matmaph che tee piukiha" look as this bounty hunter, he has no respect for our culture was overheard, but unfortunately, the only gist Terran could get and sense was contempt for his being there.
This is questionable. We don't know yet exactly what happened to Boba Fett since the DJB is operating under new Canon. His armor is around, but it's not clear whether the guy is still alive (but in 38 ABY, he'd be pretty old anyway).
And this one is definitely worse than that. You can't just take a character that is canonically considered dead and explain it away with "I have my sources."