Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj vs. Ranger Chib Nyac

Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Human, Sith, Seeker, Imperial

Ranger Chib Nyac

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Ithorian, Jedi, Defender, Consular

Match ends in a draw. Members can re open in future.


Hall Rivalries
Messages 2 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Competition [ACC] Rivalries
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Closed
Combatants Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj, Ranger Chib Nyac
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Ranger Chib Nyac's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Hoth: Ice Cave
Last Post 23 September, 2015 6:55 PM UTC

Hoth Ice Cave

On the fringes of the Outer Rim territories and famous as the one-time location of the Rebel Alliance, Hoth is a frigid world marred with fissures created from the tidal pull of Hoth’s three moons. Blanketed in a frozen ocean, massive oceanic currents beneath the southern hemisphere are the cause of constant seismic activities that result in a constantly shifting landscape of tunnels and caves.

Buried into the side of a fissure reaching hundreds of meters into the core of the planet is a network of tunnels leading into a cave. Its sole entrance is suspended within the wall of the fissure, requiring one to rappel down the dangerous crevasse and into the tunnels; one small miscalculation could send explorers descending the rest of the unmeasured height deep within the planet’s core.

Insulated under several hundred meters of ice in all directions, the cave is protected against the gale force winds and the intense snowstorms that sweep along the planet’s surface. As a result, the cave is warmer than most of Hoth’s unforgiving cold with melting icicles dangling precariously overhead. In turn, this allows for more life to grow in addition to being a promising habitat for the hulking Wampas that have been trapped this far below the surface. Beginning to thaw, it is obvious that this cave will eventually fall victim to seismic activity to disappear into the sheets of ice that surround it. Illuminating the cave’s interior with a dull blue glow, a luminous form of lichen has taken up residence among the bones of the creatures unfortunate enough to be trapped here.

Caution must be exercised if one is to navigate the slippery slopes of the cave as melted icicles drip onto the cavern’s floor surface. In one corner of the cave, the ocean water has accumulated to form a large pool, providing sustenance to the rare lumni-spice growing within the crystalline complex, never to see the blue-white sun.

Hoth Ice Cave

Chib Nyac shivered in the corner, examining the lichen on the wall. His eyes looked ever it, hand rising to it and gently stroking it, chuckling slightly when it tickled him. He rubbed his hands together, warming them up slightly. Though it may have been warmer in the cave than anywhere else on Hoth, the Ithorian hadn’t spent long in the cave and was still adjusting.

“Amazing. Given the harshest conditions, the most unlikely of chances, and yet here you are. Thriving, taking what the Force gave you and building on it. When there’s a will, there’s a way, nature always working miracles.” said Chib, touching the lichen again.

It was then the Consular heard a loud bang coming from the end of one of the tunnels, coupled with the sounds of roars and mumbled taunts. The Ithorian slowly made his way towards the sounds, his eyes drifting towards the lichen as he progressed. He left one chamber and found the air to be warmer, the ground covered in water from the walls and the lichen spread out even more. The new chamber was vast and expansive, with three wampas commingling near the exit which was on the other side. They began charging at a target in the distance, the sounds of a blaster ripping into the air and the roars of wampas joined them.

The Jedi felt the anger of the animals, their roars covered in hatred and pain when the blaster fire ripped into their bodies. Chib moved closer, careful not to alert anyone. The water that covered the floor made the ground slick, causing the Ithorian to slip and fall. The sounds of him falling alerted the Wampas to his presence, but the blaster fire kept their attention on the other guy in the cave. The Consular felt the taint of darkness on the human, but deemed him more useful than the wampas at this time. The Ithorian reached out with his mind and tried to force his way into one of the animals, waving to the human as he did so.

“Don’t kill me and I’ll help you out, deal?” said Chib, taking control over one of the wampas and halting it from charging with the other two. It came over to the Ithorian and stood there, guarding its new master.

“Fine.” said the Sith, jumping out of the way of the charging duo and firing his blaster again.

“Maybe try a different approach?” said Chib, “I suppose talking or calming them down is out of the question now, eh?”

Andrelious didn’t answer, taking out one of his sabers and activating it. The Ithorian sighed as he knew violence couldn’t be avoided, forcing his new pet to charge at his brothers. Claws ripped flesh as the Ithorian’s commands were carried out.

Andrelious stared in amazement as the wampa slew its two companions. He looked across at the Jedi, astonished at how easily he had taken control of the beast’s will.

“Nice trick, Jedi, but how long before that thing turns on us?” the Taldryanite asked.

“Long enough that we can get out of here without further bloodshed. If we’re lucky.” Chib replied, still deeply within the wampa’s mind.

“Not good enough,” Andrelious hissed, jamming his lightsaber into the unmoving wampa. The animal roared as pain overtook the Ranger’s influence, falling to the ground with an almighty crash.

“Not totally necessary, but at least you’re not hurt. What brings you here, anyway?” the Odanite questioned. “I’ll guess there’s no harm in telling you, even if it isn’t really any of your business. I’d heard something about lightsaber crystals in some of these caves. Been looking for hours and only found loads of those frakking wampas. One more cave and I’m giving up,” Andrelious answered matter of factly.

“I’ve not ever heard of crystals on Hoth. You’re wasting your time,” Chib declared sadly.

The Warlord glanced across at the Odanite. “Really? I’ll guess I have to find another use for my time, then,” he stated.

“Are you a family man? Perhaps spend some time with them?” the Odanite responded, having spotted Andrelious’ wedding ring.

“I already intend to, Jedi. In fact, I think I’ll take them a souvenir from this hell hole,” Andrelious hissed.

“That’s a good idea. I’m sure they would appreciate that. What did you have in mind?” the Knight queried, smiling.

The Warlord raised his eyebrows. “Well, that’s where you come in. See, I have twin daughters. Almost a year old, now. They’re into colourful things. Colourful things like a Jedi’s lightsaber. How fortunate that I’ve found one,” he snapped.

Chib chuckled. “If you mean my lightsaber, I’m afraid you’re mistaken. Even if I wanted to give it to you, I don’t think that’s an appropriate toy for a baby,” he answered.

“I wasn’t asking your permission. Hand it over, Jedi. Just do as I say and no-one intelligent gets hurt,” Andrelious demanded, pointing the crimson blade of his own lightsaber menacingly at Chib.

The Ranger’s face dropped. It had been bad enough that several wampas had died. Now it was apparent that his present company was intent on spilling other blood, too, namely that of the Ithorian.

“Well? What’s it to be? You give me your weapon, or I take it?” Andrelious asked.

“I’m sorry that it had to come to this, my friend, but you won’t listen,” the Odanite replied, reaching for his lightsaber. With a brief snap-hiss, the weapon activated, its cyan glow fitting in far more nicely with the scene than the angry red of Andrelious’ blade.

Gripping his lightsaber’s hilt tightly, Chib was still until his opponent reached forward. As the Sith’s blade came close, the Ranger moved, parrying the attack. Andrelious took a single step back, before attacking again, this time with a little more gusto. Again, the Jedi blocked, completely ignoring the opening that the Warlord left.

“Come on, Jedi bastard. At least try to hit me,” Mimosa-Inahj roared.