Hunter Kalar vs. Knight Tistito "Tisto" Kingang

Hunter Kalar

Journeyman 3, Journeyman tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Anzati, Force Disciple, Marauder

Knight Tistito "Tisto" Kingang

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Kiffar, Jedi, Marauder, Sentinel

Auto-close due to time out

Hall Scenario Hall - Old Container
Messages 2 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Hunter Kalar, Knight Tistito "Tisto" Kingang
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Hunter Kalar's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Knight Tistito "Tisto" Kingang's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Voice Fiction Prompt: Hunting a Killer
Last Post 5 December, 2015 3:12 AM UTC
Member timing out Padawan Tisto Kingang

Combat Master’s Note: This Venue is designed to be used in Story Mode in the Story Hall, though if participants wish it can be used elsewhere. It will be active until Jan. 31st, 2014.

She came in the middle of the night. A messenger, obscured by shadow, displayed the intricate designs upon her forearm. Interlocking patterns formed a larger picture that indicated her membership and rank within the Society.

The messenger handed you a rolled parchment and departed without a word. The parchment contained a hand written and encrypted message that detailed your instructions.

You were tasked to travel to Nar Shaddaa and determine the circumstances surrounding the recent death of Orv Dessxr d'Tana. The Herald of the Brotherhood had been executed in the street and his body was destroyed beyond recognition. His recon and extraction teams were missing and intelligence indicated they were still on Nar Shaddaa. It is unknown if they participated in the Herald's execution, but both teams had gone off the grid.

You are to uncover the location of the teams and determine their role in the Death of Orv Dessrx. The members of each team are highly trained specialists who have served the Dark Council for years. Despite their inability to use the Force, they are deadly combatants and capable of engaging Force Users.

You may follow any additional leads that you uncover and the fate of the teams is left to your discretion. You will report back to the Society through a pre-arranged dead drop on Antei. You realize you are unlikely to be alone on Nar Shadaa - but are the others friends or foes? You suspect you’ll soon find out...

Tisto sat in the cantina known a the Moonlight Jax, shuffling a deck of Pazaak cards. So, a former herald was killed, he thought. What better way of get rid of me, then to send me on a mission.

Tisto chuckled to himself. The people sitting at the bar knew who he was, they had seen him countless times before on holos, his races being well known. The racer had been checking out this bar, one of the teams had been killed near here, and the Kiffar knew exactly which killers territory he was in. The death of the recon team left him with more questions than answers, but as did a figure who had been shadowing him.

The door to the cantina opened, and the figure arrived. A being slightly smaller than the racer, the figure wore a strange colored mask, and was obviously a Jedi or Sith due to the lightsaber strapped openly to his waist.

"Come here friend," Tisto called out to the figure, "I know you told me you hate the game, but trust me Pazaak is amazing."

The Hunter looked toward him and approached. He sat across from Tisto and the racer gt the feeling this could end badly. The figure pulled out a side deck for Pazaak and the Kiffar felt relieved.

"By your gear," Tisto said while dealing out the cards, speaking loudly enough to be heard only by the being in front of him. "You are a Jedi. Or a Sith. I take it you are either working for the killer Atrias, who killed that Recon team while they were asleep, or for the Brotherhood, investigating the death of this former herald. If it is the former, understand you will not beat me. However, if it is the latter, I propose we work together."

The figure studied the cards. "I'm for the Brotherhood," the figure, obviously male, said at last. "I have no idea who Atrias is, nor do I know who you are. Let me start off the introductions, my name is Kal, and I would recommend being careful around me, there are times when I am not myself."

Tisto glanced around, thankful none of the patrons were not paying any attention to much to the pair, but was unnerved by the attention the waitress was paying to them. “I am Tisto Kingang, swoop racer and Jedi. Atrias is a Zabrak murderer. We are in her territory, so we need---”

“Can get you two anything to drink, we have a great new…” The waitress began. Tisto and Kal both looked over, to see her holding a holdout blaster, and two glasses of drinks.

“We are good, thank you,” Tisto replied, his gloved hand now pointed directly at her. “You wouldn’t want to be responsible for attacking two Jedi, would you?”

“I suggest you listen to the girl, Jedi,” said a deep voice. “Atrias wants you dead. Bad enough we had to kill our own Herald, you fools just had to come investigating.”

Tisto glanced at the patrons again, each holding blasters, and had stun sticks on their belt. “Well, this just got interesting,” he said to Kal.

“So you did kill the Herald then?” Kal asked. “For what money?”

“Yeah,” One of them answered, “But the bastard paying us didn’t send the full amount.”

“So, paying you would allow us to leave with our lives intact yes?” Kal asked hoping this wouldn’t turn south.

“How much?” The same person asked.

“5,000 credits each. I have a friend who owes me favors and has no concern for money.” Kal answered pleased where this was going. The patrons looked at each other and seemed to be agreeing with each other.

“They're not going to take it.” Tisto whispered to Kal. “Close your eyes.”

“You don’t know…” Kal started but was quickly interrupted by a large white light. He then felt his consciousness fading and something else taking over. Lar was now in control and ready for killing. Lar still saw blurs in his vision, but charged at the nearest patron and grabbed his stun stick. Before the man could react he had shoved it through his eye and turned it on. The man dropped dead.

Tisto quickly used the Force to take the waitress’s blaster from her hand. As the gun connected with Tisto’s hand he opened fire upon the waitress. She quickly went down. One of the other patrons pulled his and shot at Tisto. It connected with his right shoulder but his armor stopped it from hitting flesh. He flipped his table and ducked behind it. He fired blindly at the source of the shots.

Lar was fighting one of the others that had drawn his stun stick. Coming in at an overhead swing Lar went to block, but at the last moment the patron switched his attack and landed a blow in Lar’s chest. Lar collapsed as pain ran through him. Tisto saw this and rushed at the patron. He side-stepped and watched as Tisto tripped over Lar, rolled on the ground, and went into a kneeling position. He shot at the patron with the stun stick, but quickly had to get behind part of the bar. Three other patrons pulled out their blasters and opened fire. The initial element of surprise was gone, and the fight was only going to get harder.