Commander Rhace Tarrin vs. Padawan Gui Sol

Commander Rhace Tarrin

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Male Human, Loyalist, Weapons Specialist, Obelisk

Padawan Gui Sol

Journeyman 3, Journeyman tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Female Kiffar, Jedi, Techweaver

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Hall Duelist Hall - Old Container
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Commander Rhace Tarrin, Padawan Gui Sol
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Commander Rhace Tarrin's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Padawan Gui Sol's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Oricon: Starship Graveyard
Last Post 20 November, 2015 3:13 AM UTC
Member timing out Daro Vane

Starship Graveyard

Your senses are overwhelmed as you set foot on the planet [Oricon], the base of the ancient Dread Masters nearly lost to time. The landscape is an unforgiving nightmarescape of lava flows and volcanic rock dotted with strange plants and starship wrecks from a battle thousands of years ago. The smoky, sulfuric air of the surface nearly chokes you as your eyes struggle to adjust to the foggy haze illuminated by the soft glow of the lava flows. Tall, luminous blood ferns adorn the landscape, surrounded by vicious predators hardy enough to survive the intense conditions. Trenches and outcroppings formed from flowing lava serve to make footing uneven, adding yet another treacherous element to this already dangerous world. In the distance, the ruins of an ancient tower call to you - the fabled fortress of the Dread Masters. Remnants of ancient cults can be seen here and there, from wrecked huts to blood-stained altars and crumbling oubliettes.

The Dark Side is strong here, but somehow feels different from other Sith planets you have encountered. You are not alone on this ancient world of nightmares.

Sweltering heat and the overbearing feeling weighing down his soul were no match for the enthusiasm of Gui Sol. With the rumours floating around the Knights of Allusis that there were more planets to explore where ancient warfare left only shattered remnants of a war so ancient it was lost to time, the Kiffar could do naught but cave into temptation and venture to desolate Oricon. It was one of his first experiences with the Dark Side so overwhelmingly permeating with every step he took, and in the silent echoes of the hull of an ancient and ruined Hammerhead-class warship, it was only him, his thoughts and the fleeting feeling of the Dark Side worming its way into his mind. A few trickles of light seeped in through cracked viewports and holes in the hull, adding an eerie ambiance to the eroded vessel of war.

Quiet footfalls across timeworn deck plates of the crashed cruiser took the explorer to a control console aboard the vessel's bridge. This place was a marvel of ancient technology, a portal into a Galactic dark age that told of secrets untold for centuries. Gui placed his hands against the cold steel and lifted away the cover, staring at the dust-covered insides and feeling a rush of enthrallment fill his body. Brushing away the silt, the Jedi examined the object for a few moments as he turned it over in his hands - it was a datacore from the ship's navigation systems. It was horrendously rusted and scarred, but with a little tender love in the hands of an expert such as himself, he could potentially salvage the object. The data in that core, if it wasn't wiped due to how battered it was, would be invaluable stellar data for the movements of Odan-Urr. Had it not been so ancient, perhaps his psychometry would have read more from it, but there was nothing but an echo of a faded eternity.

Silent footfalls across timeworn deck plates followed in Gui's wake.

"Hey there," murmured Rhace Tarrin into the echoing darkness, hands coming to rest on his hips. Across his shoulder was slung a blaster rifle, a sword and blaster pistol at his side - the rest the surprised Jedi could not make out as he whirled around to face his stalker. The Jedi Padawan had not felt him coming.

"H-hi. Who are you?" asked the Padawan of the strange man before him, moving to conceal the datacore behind his back. The Force lashed out to reap away at the newcomer’s mind, to seek what level of proficiency he might have with it. To Gui's surprise, there was nothing there. However, to an equal amount of surprise... there was also a palpable Dark Side presence attached to him, specifically to the sword lashed to the intruder's hip. What manner of sword was that? And there, was that the insignia of the Brotherhood etched into the man's left shoulder? More mysteries. So many more mysteries.

"My name's not entirely important. That core you've got in your hands is, though. I want that," Rhace said, stepping forward with a hand on the hilt of his sword. The kid looked like exactly that - an inexperienced kid, nervous as all Hell, trying his best not to give in. The loyalist of Arcona had traced him all the way into the system using a ship with Brotherhood codes. As a Chief Inquisitor, that kind of information was critical. "Would you mind giving it to me so that we can make use of it?"

A smile formed on Rhace's lips, trying his best to keep himself calm and disarming in doing so. Time to bust out the big guns. "It's alright. I'm with the Brotherhood. Actually, I'm here on business for the Shadow Academy and I'm doing some research on this planet. If you'd like to hand that core over, I think I can satisfy the Headmaster's wishes. Would you be so kind?"

Gui paused a moment, listening to the man - well, it made sense, didn't it? A guy with Brotherhood markings, asking a fellow member of the Brotherhood - admittedly a Jedi - carrying an object imprinted with the Dark Side. He had to be a big assistant to the Shadow Academy if that was the case. Though... he really did not want to hand the core over. This was a dream come true to get. To just give to the the Brotherhood, as a member of Odan-Urr... it didn't really sit well with him.

"I'm sorry. I really don't wanna give this to you. I'm good with tech like this so I want to study it first. Can I give it to you later, once I'm done?" the Kiffar asked imploringly, taking a step back - protecting the core was crucial.

"I'm sorry, kid. You don't leave me with a choice," Rhace said. He had an option here to make in a split-second call: he could go for his blaster and drop the kid, probably instantaneously, or he could have some fun, let the kid try his best, then take the core when he was worn out and let him fight another day by going for his sword. That would very likely be the best option. A little swordfight against the kid's lightsaber. Why not?

Rhace unsheathed Rekku'za, the mighty Sith sword with a golden hilt and inlaid emeralds, from its resting place at his side. Its slightly-curved blade was wicked, the Sith runes etched into it a beacon of darkness even in the hands of a mundane man - and that evil blade lashed out even as Rhace drew it from its sheath. However, Gui had not come here unprepared. The Force whispered to him, telling him that all he had to do was move. In a similar motion, a vibroknife came from its own hiding place and lashed out against the Sith blade, deflecting it off the Kiffar's body enough that the operative's attempt slid past his chest.

Eyes locked furiously for a moment in the darkness of the vessel. The fight was on.

Taking three quick steps back, Gui stowed the datacore away in one of his belt pouches to free up his other hand, replacing it with his second vibroknife. More confident in his ability to wield his twin blades than he was with his training lightsaber, the Kiffar rushed at the interloper, hoping to disable him long enough to make good his escape from the ship's bridge with the datacore. Both knives scythed out, aiming to cut through the tendons in the man's arm to force him to drop his sword. Rhace was quick enough on the draw that he parried away the first strike to disrupt his opponent's rhythm, then stepped sidewards to evade the second.

With both men matched for now, they circled one another like hunters, sizing up their opponent for the right moment to strike. Their steps brought them further into the ship's bridge, towards consoles and decrepit seats. Both waited for an opening, a moment to cut their opponent and force them to drop. One of them had to blink first.