DJM Troutrooper vs. OPM Shaz'air Taldrya

Dark Jedi Master Troutrooper

Elder 2, Elder tier, Clan Arcona
Male Mon Calamari, Krath, Seeker

Obelisk Primarch Shaz'air Taldrya

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Miraluka, Obelisk, Marauder


Thank you for participating in Round II of the ACC Fading Light Tournament. This was a close match, but Trouty comes away the victor.

Syntax: 4-3 in Trouty's favor. Shaz, you had several mistakes in the second post that led me to believe you were rushed for time. Shad had 10 mistakes identified and Trouty had 3. I am not a syntax nazi and mistakes have to be very obvious for me to catch them.

Story: 5-4 in favor of Trouty. This was one of the more entertaining battles in the tournament. I thought Shaz's lead post was exceptional, but once again the story was damaged by what appeared to be a rushed second post.

Realism: 5-4 in favor of Trouty. I docked Shaz for his finishing move, tackling both combatant into a pit. Trouty has multiple defensive moves that could have countered a tackle.

Continuity: 4-5 in favor of Shaz. Trouty writes about probing Shaz's mind in the cave in his initial post, but neither combatant had entered the cave at that point (Shaz's initial post took place at the mouth of the cave, not in it).

I appreciate both of your efforts. This was a great battle. As always, I'm available for questions.

Hall Fading Light
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants DJM Troutrooper, OPM Shaz'air Taldrya
Winner DJM Troutrooper
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
DJM Troutrooper's Character Snapshot Snapshot
OPM Shaz'air Taldrya's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Begeren – Desert Wasteland
Last Post 11 June, 2014 4:48 AM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Troutrooper Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya
Score: 4 Score: 3
Rationale: 1. Word Choice: Along way from home, not alone way from home. 2. Word choice? something to dumb is a trap, right?' 3. Formatting. Extra space. "onto the gurney . " Rationale: 1. Missing an "S": multiple animal’ presence stirring 2. Word choice. Tickled the ears of the Shaz’air? 3. Formatting. Spacing. "upward.There he saw him" 4. Word choice. Nearly a a half-hour ago. 5. Word choice. Was net pestering them. 6. Word choice, her? Silence came between the two men and Shaz'air wondered if the Dark Jedi Master could tell her was going to strike 7. Word choice, by brought. "Shaz'air, corrected his leaning posture by brought his legs directly under his upper body in a semi-squat" 8. It’s is the contraction for it is. Its is the possessive form. 9. Incorrect usage of its, again. 10. Word choice, lying.
Story - 40%
Troutrooper Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya
Score: 5 Score: 4
Rationale: Okay, sometimes I don't even know what to say to you. This was probably the most unique battle that I have read so far, but from time to time you can go a little overboard. You need to be careful with that. Regardless, I gave you a five...but you were rapidly approaching a four. Rationale: I thought your story started off great and your initial post was very well done. Internal dialogue, you ride a raid, you introduce Trouty very well. Unfortunately your second post had the feel of something that might have been rushed, especially the ending. I docked you a point because I felt the lead post was so strong and the second was mediocre.
Realism - 25%
Troutrooper Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya
Score: 5 Score: 4
Rationale: You use your character sheet and your opponents very well. 1. Usage of your own character sheet. Telepathy. 2. +5 mind trick. Pay not attention to the man behind the curtain. 3. Trouty, +4 TK. No issues with the move. 4. +4 tk for trouty, +1 athletics for Shaz. Watch out for falling stalag-whatever. 5. Force Shock, Force Lightning. 6. Mind Trick, Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, Rationale: You used your character sheet and your opponent's character sheet fairly well. 1. Usage of your own character sheet. Sense +1. 2. Usage of your own character sheet, Sapphire blade. 3. Usage of opponents Robes, from profile page. Trouty needs to fix his character description. 4. Character sheet usage, +2 resolve. 5. Character sheet usage, +2 resolve. 6. Nice use of Trout's sarcasm. 7. That ending....seemed a little rushed. Unique, Tonight we dine in hell maybe….Trouty has leaf on the wind, reflexive counter, and even barrier + static barrier. Unwounded, patient, and calm, Trouty should have been able to block this attack.
Continuity - 20%
Troutrooper Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya
Score: 4 Score: 5
Rationale: Minor issue. You start your second post off by indicating that you probed Shaz's mind in the cave. Shaz's initial post does not have either of you entering the cave. Nothing major, but enough to doc you a point. Rationale: No major issues.
Troutrooper's Score: 4.65 Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya's Score: 4.05

Begeren. Once a prosperous Sith world, it has been the site of numerous battles throughout the millennia. Grand halls and monuments were torn down and re-purposed by looting Republic forces thousands of years ago, before they were driven from the planet. Isolated settlements still dot the planet's surface, but the inhospitable, craggy, and desert-like terrain, along with the beasts common to many desert and Sith worlds, have kept most humanoids from colonizing. Occasional skirmishes have left debris scattered throughout the desert, and battles were fought here as recently as the Galactic Civil War. The planet is now under the control of the One Sith and is rumored to be full of all manner of priceless, ancient Sith artifacts.

The Dark Council has pushed forth to Begeren and the Grand Master, on his quest for ever more powerful items, has decreed the Clans and Houses seize anything of value. The unity shown by the Brotherhood during the beginning of this Crusade is fracturing, with the Clans and Houses growing tired and frustrated with the seemingly endless succession of battles. Tempers are flaring between former allies, with outright aggression no longer uncommon. Despite this, you have responded to the Grand Master's call—though whether it's to actually seize the items for the Brotherhood, destroy them, or use them for your own purposes, only you know.

You have followed the call of the Force to a stretch of desert wasteland, seemingly unremarkable save for the various rock outcroppings that dot the landscape. These outcroppings, though, hide a subterranean cave network, known to be a den of wraids. Though the entrances to the caverns are typically narrow and dark, these tunnels quickly widen. Below the surface, bioluminescent plants and lichen provide limited light.

You know that, despite reaching this place first, you won’t be alone for long, as an ancient Sith tomb is located deep within the caves the wraids now call home. Exactly what you’ll find in that tomb, you’re not sure—but it is something of great power, that much you can sense. You know it is your duty to find it, whatever it is, before any others can locate it. What you do with it when you find it… that is up to you.

As you near one of the entrances to the caves, you think you hear the sounds of footsteps, or maybe skittering, down below—and above ground, you hear the distant crunch of rock underfoot as someone else has found a different rocky cave entrance as well.

Shaz'air Taldrya bent down low, his heightened senses becoming increasingly honed to the premises of the cave's mouth. He eyed the small, gaping hole in the ground, surrounded by large amounts of rock and sand. Calming himself with a deep breath Shaz'air let his awareness reach farther and his reflexes heightened. The presence of life was everywhere, some far and some near; some with natural intent; and some with a loathsome task.

Probing further into the depths, the Miraluka's mind found something sturdy, and wild. He could hardly be considered learned in seeing with the force. He was pushing his limits going this far into the deep and his mind began to wonder, but he knew there was something there. Attempting to recall his wits, his mind became snared, and immediately he felt the influence of another mind.

As he was collecting his senses, he felt a loud rumble underfoot, causing the ground beneath Shaz'air to tremble slightly. Shaz'air felt the air around him change from absent mindedness to anger and confusion. The rumbling beneath his feet became more violent by the second, feeling multiple animal’ presence stirring from all directions. He grimaced toward the entrance of the tunnel, realizing that he must relocate.

With no ideal place for cover in sight, Shaz'air ran up the side of the mound that lay over the mouth of the cave and stood atop of it. He unsheathed his Sapphire blade, ready to strike. As the rumbling became steadier he heard the fowl screech of the monsters below: They were getting closer.

Concentrated on his immediate surroundings Shaz'air had taken his guard off of the area as a whole. A soft, yet repeating “blub” noise tickled the ears of the Shaz’air and his attention was quickly taken away from the cave entrance and upward.There he saw him: a Mon Calamari, garbed in black and amethyst with shards of crystal protruding from his shoulder guards. Shaz'air thought he recognized him as Troutrooper, a Dark Jedi Master of Clan Arcona. The fish-eyed alien’s mouth bobbed up and down, an audible sound rolling off his tongue,”Blub, blub.”

The Mon Calamari was staring at him from many meters away. He too was standing in the cave entrance. He tilted his head slightly, one bulbous eye glaring back at Shaz'air; as if he had known the Miraluka was there all along. Shaz’air chorttled at the sight of the alien, and were he not in a serious predicament, he may have even laughed aloud.

But his attention was brought swiftly back to where he was standing. Suddenly, below Shaz'air's feet came a hulking mass of flesh. The hardened hide of the beast broke part of the cavern entrance, broadening the hole by a many millimeters. Shaz'air took a deep breath as the large animal let out a snarl, the sound echoing across the desert followed by many more snarls and screeches from nearby caves. The Mon Calamari's mouth was gaping slightly, as if panting for air, but he did not move as Shaz'air watched three of the beasts exit from the gap that the fishy alien was standing over.

Shaz'air exhaled slowly. His heart leaped in his chest as he jumped off of the mound onto the back of the beast, its rough skin resembling that of a lizard, only tougher and full of rocks that had become lodged in the folds. The beast bucked backward, and Shaz'air was forced to stab the animal in the back so as to stay mounted. The animal screeched in pain, lunging and bucking as it did so.

Thrusting the sapphire blade upward from the thick folds of muscle and skin, Shaz'air finished off the large animal with a well-aimed downward plunge into the back of its head. Crashing to the ground, Shaz'air stood atop the husk and glanced at his surroundings. He had garnered the attention of the other screeching animals, and away from the Mon Calamari.

The sweating alien waited until the three roaming beasts surrounded him began to trace Shaz'air's movements before unclipping his lightsaber from its clasp. With the nod of his head, the Mon Calamari took a short bound and entered the cave.

Shaz'air cursed loudly, unsure what the alien was playing at. Calling upon the force to protect his body, he turned on his heel, stumbling over the corpse and headed toward the mouth of the cave that lay before him. Taking a deep breath, the hardened warrior began to climb into the cavern, its mouth becoming wide and more rigid as he went further.

“I wouldn't turn my back on them if I were you,” the Mon Cal called to the Miraluka as he switched off his saber.

Shaz'air ignored the gurgles and continued his climb. Anguished howls and screeches echoed through the cave as the wraids realized their friend and relative had been slaughtered.

“Listen to me,” Troutrooper yelled. “Turn around and examine the situation.”

The Miraluka paused, shook his head, and continued. The screeching crescendoed into roaring, howls morphed into frustrated punches and biting.

Stop. Seriously, stop.

Get out of my head, fish. This is how we got into this in the first place.

Wait, what? Oh, earlier. The probing. I guess I flicked your “murderous rampage” switch when I was trying to determine who was in the cave with me. I always forget that Obelisks have many such switches, and all have hair triggers. Apologies. Back to the now.

Back to leaving. Have fun with the beasts, Arconan slime. Shaz'air ambled up from a crawl to crouch. He tried to push away the mental and aural din as he peered into the dim ahead. A den of wraids, nothing more could be discerned through the Force—

“Ow!” Shaz'air crumpled, grabbing his head. “Idiot! You can't fit through this hole! Stop trying to force your big head through!” Another wraid-based tremor shook the cavern again. The Taldryan kicked at the leaping wraid.

Troutrooper shook his bulbous head.

The wraid chomped down on his leg, pulling him out of the tunnel as the beast fell. A reflexively-stabbed sapphire blade made the attacker screech, releasing the Miraluka. In that instant, another force wrenched Shaz'air from the writhing mass of wraids, slamming him against a wall. He felt more than saw with his Miralukan eyes a flash of light, not bright but relative to the cavern, it was a supernova.

Troutrooper covered Shaz'air's mouth with a flipper, an unlit saber hilt pressed underneath the assaulted's chin. You will listen to me now in the few seconds we have before their eyes readjust. Take off your clothes.

The Taldryan's eyes bulged, his body flailed, his mind raced at the prospect of—

No. Just no. You're not my type in so many ways. No, you need to disrobe right now. The wraids are furious that you killed one of them. Their friend's blood is on your clothes. Get rid of them.

Why don't we just—

No. If we don't attack them, they won't attack us. Hopefully, if you don't smell like their friend's blood, they will forget that you killed him and leave us be. If we try to slaughter them all...well, there are a lot of them down below. That's more than we can handle. Take your blade and strip.

Shaz'air considered skewering the fish, but increased pressure under his chin forced him to reconsider. He snorted then sliced into his robes. A flipper wave sent the blood-soaked and ripped garments away.

The beasts snorted as well. Adrenaline-fueled, seething snorts. Roars from deep below reverberated throughout the cave systems. Their pounding and stomping and scrumming trampled the lichen, dimming the already darkened cave further.

Wait. I know patience isn't a strong suit in the Obelisk deck of tricks—and certainly not in yours—but trust me. Also, I'll ignite my saber if you move.

One of the remaining pair tromped to the discarded clothes, sniffed them, then roared. His friend bounced over and they savaged the scraps. The Dark Jedi stayed silent and unmoving as the beasts exacted their revenge.


The wraids swallowed the largest remaining fabric pieces then bellowed a mournful cry. Many deeper in the cave answered the cry. A fewer more snorts, and the wraids bounded out of the cavern. The rumblings from below subsided.

Troutrooper watched them leave then released Shaz'air, blade hilt still pointed at the Miraluka. “They're gone. How's your leg?”

“Naked,” the Taldyran grimaced. “Naked and fractured.” He winced as he felt around the wound. “I'll survive unless you kill me first.”

“Now why would I do that after saving you?”

“I could have handled them myself if you hadn't distracted me.”

Troutrooper sat down. “You handled that one you ambushed well enough. The one who ambushed you? Not so much. Victory is easily obtained with the element of surprise. Interlope into someone's home, attack when they don't expect it, you're halfway to victory already. But without surprise, alone away from home, the situation is different. Victory isn't achievable, merely survival.”

“Victory is always achievable for those of us who never relent,” Shaz'air's chest swelled.

“Let me know how much unrelenting you do with your busted leg and lack of clothes.”

The Miraluka's face remained expressionless as the words of the Mon Calamari reverberated off the caves dense, rock walls. The under-water protagonist's eyes seemed to bulge more so now than they had moments ago, when the smell of blood was still fresh in the air, and his weapon was pressed against Shaz'air's throat.

The Mon Calamari found it easier to breath away from the hot sun, and was taking in the cool, damp air with ease.

Shaz'air breathed heavily, the countless blood cells rushing to the wound in his left leg was causing his body to pump his heart faster. Shaz'air's mind reeled with questions, and the very sight of the Arconan did not improve his rage – nor the fact that he was nearly naked. The few scraps that littered his body could hardly be called clothing. On top of all of that, he was only 6 feet closer to his objective than when he had first slain the beast above ground, nearly a a half-hour ago.

All of this was nagging at Shaz'air. He was being slowed by the Arconan – he knew that. Whatever it was that he was after was more likely to be the exact same thing that Shaz'air

The Miraluka could only imagine what this Mon Calamari had been hoping for when he ordered the removal of his garments.

“I wonder,” said Shaz'air between breaths. In between thoughts, he slowed his heart rate. “What is it that you're doing here?”

The alien turned towards Shaz'air, his large, fish-like eyes bulging even more now that the sun was net pestering them. Silence came between the two men and Shaz'air wondered if the Dark Jedi Master could tell her was going to strike. The dark haired Miraluka held both of his weapons in their respective hands - having still held onto his lightsaber and sapphire blade after removing his clothing - skillfully began planning his attack on the alien.

Shaz'air, corrected his leaning posture by brought his legs directly under his upper body in a semi-squat. This motion ensured he was in the perfect position for both an advance, and a retreat. As he did so, his left leg flared with tremendous pain. The trained warrior focused on controlling his pain by meditating on his surroundings. The Mon Calamari tilted his head slightly at Shaz'air, then thumbed his amethyst lightsaber blade into existence and raised his arm toward it's target.

“Really, I wouldn't do that. Combat is more my forte than yours, remember?” Shaz'air said, a devilish smirk etched across his face.

“I disagree. Combat is for the strong – strong in body, and mind. You are one... but are you the other?”

“You still haven't answered my question, filthy Arcona.”

“Ah, so maybe you are both.” Said the Mon Calamari; Shaz'air could only assume his tone was a sarcastic one - the raspy voice making any form of emotion almost impossible to decipher.

“What am I doing here? Well, I am here for the lush beach sand and vibrant wild life.” A bubbling noise began to echo through the cave as the Mon Calamari began to talk, his voice changing slightly in volume after each blub.

“Oh, good... because if you were here for what I am here for, then...” Shaz'air eyed the illuminated weapon of his opponent with a stern gaze before continuing. “Things might get a little messy.”

The two beings stood only a few meters away from each other, staring into each others motives and actions. Even the slightly twitch might trigger the other to do something drastic. Shaz'air was prepared for a battle; there was no question about that. But was the fish-man ready?

Shaz'air lunged forward with his sacramental weapon in his right hand while his flicked the ignition switch with the force, his mind having memorized each and every response of the weapon's mechanics. The sapphire blade collided with that of it's target, and the Mon Calamari's lightsaber met the mineral's edge with violent force. The vibrant blue-hued edge of the sapphire blade began to change continence under the pressure of the Arconan's powerful lightsaber. Dark veins began to appear in the sapphire blade.

With perfect precision from countless hours spent in practice, Shaz'air brought his amethyst colored lightsaber up to bear with that of his opponent's, and relieved the sapphire blade from it's torment. The two lightsabers were held in a crossways pattern.

Shaz'air grinned, “What, nothing to say now, fishy?”

“No. Just I don't think purple is your color... or is it?” Said the Mon Calamari, his head turned as one bulbous eye peered down below his opponent's waist line.

Shaz'air's grinned turned to a smile. “Yeah, you're right... blue is more my color!” said the warrior as his weapon began to turn color. The weapon faded from a bright, royal purple to white, then to a majestic sapphire blue within seconds as the crystals within the lightsaber hilt finished their rotation. As Shaz'air said this, he thrust the two out of a saber lock and pushed with all of his strength on his weapon.

The Mon Calamari was forced backward, his foot almost coming to the lip of a large crater laying in the floor of the ever-widening cave.

“Ah... I see. Is that how you plan on defeating me? By trickery?”

“It crossed my mind.” Said Shaz'air. “But I'm not set on it.”

The Mon Calamari's skin began to sweat again, and minute bubbling noises rippled over the hum of lightsabers.

“Okay, I've made up my mind. Time to die!” The Miraluka yelled aloud, both weapons springing to action as he battered aside his opponent's lightsaber and tackled the Mon Calamari into the pit. The two disappeared into the darkness below in a frenzy of shrieks and purple-blue light.

The Miraluka grimaced as he forced himself to his knees. “Not wise to bruise my ego, fish.”

“It is also unwise,” the Mon Cal said, saber hilt rolling in the palm of his flipper, “to launch a one-man assault against a pack of wild beasts in their den with an enemy about. Then again, maybe it is wise...Play against type, force your opponent to think for a moment, 'smart guy doing something to dumb is a trap, right?', use the momentary distraction—no, the moment was wasted on fighting beasts.”

Shaz'air fingered his saber and pointed it at Troutrooper. Keep thinking aloud. Distract yourself. Waste your final moment blubbering about whatever.

“I mean, I know battle is what Obelisks live for, but you seemed smarter than that. At least the ideas I bumped into while quickly searching your head seemed solid, rational, intelligent. I can see how you earned your Clan honorific. I wish I had seen your efforts in the Ninth Great Jedi War. Memory fragments and snippets give the barest of pictures of your excellence in that troubled time.”

“I wish you had as well. What prevented you from participating?” Continue, Master Fish. I'm all ears...

“My wife and I...My now-dying wife—Why am I here searching for some unknown treasure when I could...should be at her side?” The Mon Cal stood and turned away from Shaz'air. “She's surrounded by friends and family, comfortable—as comfortable as she can be given her illness—and cared for. I know I cannot be with her. Not in her current state...”

“Which is...?” the Taldrya secured his grip on his saber while steadying himself with his free hand.

“Pain. Torment unceasing even through medication, palliatives.” He had waddled next to the cave wall. “She is awash in anguish, the twisted elixir we Dark Jedi thrive upon. Uncontrollable tsunamis of anguish wrack her failing body and mind mercilessly...and fuel a potency within me I never felt before. I would trade places with her in an instant, I would sacrifice all my powers, my prestige, everything so that her suffering would end. Yet her screams power my abilities. When I'm around her, I want nothing more than to prolong her suffering so my oceanic reservoir brims and overflows. I salivate thinking of how terrible my abilities are in her anguished presence. My ultimate dreams seem attainable so long as I bask in her torment. I step back and realize I cannot focus on anything but her in her horrific state.”

No, you cannot...

Troutrooper sighed and bowed his head. “I drink the pain of the one I love most in this galaxy. I hate myself for savoring the intoxicating liquor. I am a Krath. I am unaccustomed to this much rage. I...can't...ARRGH!” The Mon Cal screamed as he thrust his flippers towards the ceiling. A massive pulse of Force energy slammed into the bedrock, sending spidery cracks outward from the impact.

I, however, am accustomed to rage... Shaz'air tensed. Quite the impact. Cavern won't survive another thunderous pounding like that. Time to end this.

“WHY HER?!” Troutrooper bellowed, throwing his flippers at the floor.

“DIE!” Shaz'air yelled as he sprung from his knees, saber snap-hissing to life mid-leap. His empowered full-body lunge at the grieving, screaming master was stopped short by a falling stalactite. A reflexive adjustment prevented a rock-into-head insertion, but it also prevented a saber-into-fish insertion.

Troutrooper whirled on his heels, flippers at the ready. Jagged lines streamed from the Mon Cal's flippertips as the Miraluka leapt past, sending Shaz'air writhing into the cave wall. His body shuddered with electrical agony, his saber escaping his spasming grasp. He felt the Arconan's saber drive into his uninjured leg, shredding muscle but missing arteries. The scent of burnt flesh lingered.

The Mon Cal inhaled deeply as his blade retracted into the hilt. “Yes...Yes...Not quite as intoxicating as Omiti's suffering, but plenty potent to fuel my next trick. Just relax and focus on your pain...”

“Shaz, you with me?”

The Miraluka blinked. “...Jac? Wher—ARGH!” Shaz'air reached for his leg.

“Relax,” Jac said, pushing him back onto the gurney . “You're on the Justice. You're en route to the bacta tank. The fish beat you up something fierce.”


Jac patted the wounded's shoulder. “We'll debrief you when you're back up to speed. However, before you take a bath, we need to verify it's you and not an imposter.”

“My blood...”

“Yes, we have that, but we want to make sure your mind is still yours. Just type your security codes into this datapad. Kr'Tal, Karufr, Citadel Alpha, codes for those three will suffice.” Shaz'air obliged and drearily typed in his passwords.

Jac smiled as the datapad dinged. “Excellent. Now rest. You've earned it. Taldryan is proud of you.” The Miraluka nodded and blacked out.

Troutrooper stood. “Hmm,” the Mon Cal said aloud. “He even fell asleep. Loyal soldiers of Taldryan invariably obey Jac's every command. Glad I chose that route rather than forcible extraction. Willingly divulging information is so much cleaner especially when the subject is primed for a fight.” He paused, glancing towards the cave entrance. “Wraids will return soon, likely before sleeping wounded here awakes. Don't want to leave him bruised and battered for them, not after the glorious gift he gave me. An extraction team of some flag or another will arrive soon. I can wait.”

He gurgled a chuckle as he leaned against the cave wall. “And here I thought I'd have to descend deep into the cavern to find treasure. It was up here all along.”