Ranger Kah Manet vs. Ranger Turel Sorenn

Ranger Kah Manet

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Gungan, Jedi, Marauder, Consular

Ranger Turel Sorenn

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Human, Jedi, Seeker, Sentinel

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Hall Duelist Hall - Old Container
Messages 2 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Ranger Kah Manet, Ranger Turel Sorenn
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Ranger Kah Manet's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Ranger Turel Sorenn's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue New Tython: Visulu Marketplace
Last Post 25 January, 2016 1:23 AM UTC
Member timing out Zel Koo

The natives see it as an obstacle to their lifestyle, whilst outsiders perceive it as a diamond in the rough. Regardless of the opinion, Menat Ombo is the most technological settlement on New Tython. Crammed with tall and slim towers, alleys and market squares have randomly developed where the necessary room is. You might turn a corner and see a vendor selling smoked meat from the indigenous animals, and the next corner could be a home. The merchant stalls are almost always temporary, folding easily with several clippings or a really good show of strength. Above the awnings of the stalls, buildings of various shapes and sizes crafted of sand and stone and earth create a set of interconnecting rooftops in some parts with wide gaps in the others.

It is easy to get lost in the crowds of people. As you leave the central market, countless alleys splinter out and lead to quieter sections of the city. The streets are kept tidly by maintenance droids. and the air is clean. At night, the city and marketplace are well lit, and the lights from the scattered inns create a welcoming ambiance to the twilight air.

Visulu Marketplace

The sound of people huddled together filled the air, various peddlers hawking their goods to those that walked by. Music could be heard, whether it was the humming from a stranger passing by or the sounds of instruments from the inns. Twilight was approaching, and if one tried hard enough, they could smell the faintest scent of roasting meat. The jingling of metal from one vendor rattled in the distance, curses and the like soon following.

Kah breathed a sigh of relief.

Freedom, these people had it. They were able to live their lives without fear that tomorrow could be their last. They drank from the cup of life, appreciating each day with that breath of freedom. The Gungan wished his people could have that, but knew it was but a pipe dream. As long as slavers existed, so too would the fear of oppression many of his people had. The Jedi found himself walking the street, wandering from place to place and peering into the windows. Some were homes, and he was immediately greeted by strange looks and shooing away. But there were some windows, some dimly lit by the lights of a distant fireplace, that showed him the warmth of home, a family sitting together and reading a story.

His walk led him further away from the central market, stalls and vendors distributed less and less frequently, but their voices were filled with a fiery desperation that the central market ones lacked. They looked at the Gungan and tried to sell whatever they thought he needed. “ Frying pan, sah? Cooks real well, even in swamps!”

“Towels? You look like a swimmer to me, sir!”

The Gungan politely declined all of them, pushing past them and walking further. He found himself lost to the growing darkness, the way the city came to a sleepy crawl when the moons could be seen. The Jedi looked up at the sky, some stars kissing the purple and red sky that came with the nearly set sun. It was times like this that Kah felt at peace, when the shadows inside his heart and mind left him alone and he could just sit and enjoy the quiet hum of life.

They were always there though, lingering just beneath the surface. The demons of his past, the screams of his nightmares, lurking outside of view. They gnawed away at him, his regret and sorrow of what had happened. The feeling that knowing he can never do anything to help ease his suffering, to never hold his family again, ate at his sanity. The Gungan had a dark side, and no amount of benevolence or tranquility to rid him of it.

His walk was interrupted when he heard the angry yelling of a vendor, the sound of a struggle, and more yelling. The Gungan sprinted forward, following the sound until he came upon the sight of an alien in an apron shaking his fist angrily. The Jedi saw the culprit sprinting away, carrying a large black box.

“My credits!” yelled the alien, “Come back here with my credits!”

As soon as the word credits left the alien’s mouth, a blaster shot was fired. A red bolt of energy came from the darkness and tore into the alien’s stomach, leaving a large black scorch mark. The alien fell, gasping for air, muttering something about credits. The Jedi walked over to him, recognizing him at last when he saw his face. He had dealt with him shortly after the Dac Compound incident, getting supplies brought in through him to help train their military. The Gungan gazed into the tent the culprit left, noticing it wasn’t a vendor stall at all but a quaint little home.

The Gungan sprinted off after the culprit, alerting the Summit that someone had died and he was going to be bringing the criminal to justice. When he relayed where he was, the crackle of his commlink came to life with the voice of his Proconsul.

“Where are you?” asked Turel, “Visulu Marketplace, by chance?”

Kah clicked once, continuing his sprint after the criminal, and clicked the commlink.

“Yessah, in da alleys to da east. Mesa can handle it, yousa no worry. Hesa won’t be botherin’ nobody no more.”

The Gungan continued following a set of tracks he had found, the footprints left in the mud by the culprit. The Jedi thanked the Force for sparse foot traffic, the set of tracks to follow being easy to pick out. He was running, which left a deeper imprint in the mud and made it more distinct. The voice of Turel came through the commlink once more.

“I’m in the area, I got it. No worries Kah.”

The Jedi didn’t stop following the tracks, disregarding his Proconsul’s wishes. He would find the one who did this, and ensure he faced justice. Whether that justice was a blade or a trial still remained to be seen, the Gungan unsure of what actions might transpire that night.

Turel stood in the middle of the street like a stone in a river as the crowd pushed and passed around him. He closed his eyes and let the currents of the Force flow through him, dipping his finger ever so slightly in the flow of collective emotion, searching for something familiar. Fear, anxiety, anger, the emotions of the fleeing culprit became like a shining beacon to the Seeker as he focused in on the assailant.

The Human Jedi could also feel Kah’s growing anger, which was very familiar to him. The Gungan was projecting again, exercising the same old demons out on hapless criminals and vagrants. If Turel didn’t stop him it would end badly for the assailant, mostly likely in a bloody mess in some alley. It wasn’t the first time. The Proconsul took off running into the warm marketplace evening. He flowed in and out of the crowd as smoothly and efficiently as he could, trying to not draw attention to himself as he closed on his prey.

The dull roar of the crowd and smells of various local delicacies wafting from vender shacks threatened to dull the Human’s senses as he focused on the flows of the Force to guide his path. He ducked into a side alley to cut off the culprit's path. He felt the man’s fear as he rounded the corner into the alley. The culprit was a male Devoronian, two meters tall and heavily built. Turel might have thought the man attractive if he wasn’t hunting him down for murder. Reaching into the Devoronian’s mind, the Jedi caused him to see a cargo truck block the alley that wasn’t there.

“What’s the hurry there bud? Going somewhere?” Turel inquired sarcastically as he lept in from of the fleeing man.

The Devoronian skidded to halt two meters in front of the Jedi and falsey believing he was heading into a dead end, started to turn around to bolt the other direction. He was too slow.

Turel had anticipated the culprit’s pivot and had already started toward him. He tackled the man just as his back was turned to the Jedi. “You’re under arrest for murder, now hold still and I won’t have to hurt-”

Before the Proconsul could finish his arrest spiel, he was cut off by a translucent blast of Force energy striking him on the right side and knocking off him the Devoronian.

“Hesa mine!” Kah exclaimed as he stood in the alleyway, bonedaggers at the ready, with a bloodthirsty look in his eyes.

The culprit wasted no time in standing up, preparing to flee again into the Tythonian evening.

Turel slowly pushed himself up. “Ow. Kah, I’ve got this, there’s no need to-.” He was cut off again by the culprit darting off in the opposite direct with the Gungan in hot pursuit. He dusted himself off and took out his saber. “You have got to be kidding me.”