If Uji was worried about the half dozen Gamorreans moving to meet him, he didn’t let it show. Armed with an array of vibro-axes and bulky, poorly made blasters, the guards snorted and squealed as they began to encircle the Human. The Shadow stopped as the last of the smelly pig men surrounded him, cocking his head slightly within his hood. Eyes closed, he wrapped a hand around his intricate saber hilt and let out a long breath as the first of the guards moved to attack. The brilliant white blade of his weapon flashed across the Gamorrean’s sight, blinding the surprised alien. As his vision cleared he saw the top half of his axe on the floor, holding now just a haft with a melted end.
“Told ya this wouldn’t end well for ya, Gorga,” spoke Bleu with a shake of the head. The Inquisitor watched his friend parry a few shots from the Hutt’s guards. Even when one of the thugs tried to put a blaster bolt in the Arconan’s back, he simply stepped aside and let the bolt streak harmlessly by. “Though this wasn’t unexpected, heh.”
The Ryn felt the Hutt’s eyes on him, having been watching the ensuing melee. “Ya know why they sent me to talk to ya, Gorga? I got a bit of experience with Hutts. None as powerful or as well known as you, of course,” stated Kordath, trying not to sound too patronizing. “Now, we had a deal, we did. You and our, uh, organization. Now ya want to go and change tha deal? Not a big surprise. Usual stuff for your lot, part of doin’ business with a Hutt, that’s fine. They sent me because they knew you’d try and swindle us, and I brought him,” the Inquisitor nodded his head towards the nearby fight, “because I knew you’d pull this.”
He could sense a rise in amusement from the Hutt and recalled the offer of festivities from earlier. Glancing at the combat going on for a moment, Kordath turned and waved to one of Gorga’s servants. More likely a slave, he reflected as the teal-skinned Twi’lek woman approached timidly. Leaning in, he whispered a few things to her before patting her on the bottom to send her along.
“I do apologize for interrupting your party, of course. Though it looks a lot more lively now than when we got here.” Kordath grinned at the Hutt, who narrowed its bulbous eyes at him. A pair of servants scurried up behind the Ryn to deposit a low arm chair, which he sat down in. The Twi’lek appeared alongside him as if she were conjured, putting a mug of frothy ale in his hand. “So, let’s talk business. You want to charge us even more for this lot?”
”You and your friend have disrupted my party. You are arrogant and loud, demanding and annoying. For these affronts, yes, you will pay more.”
“Well now, that’s not fair, mate, I mean — oh, one moment,” stated the Ryn, leaning back in his chair. A heartbeat later a blaster bolt flashed past his head, deflected from the melee. “Right, where was I? Ah, yeah. We already agreed to pay over market value on this lot, didn’t we, Gorga? A ‘holding fee’ it was, yeah? A bloody third over the regular price, all so you’d keep ‘em till we could get ‘em. That’s fair, innit?”
Bleu lifted both feet off of the floor as a Gamorrean slid, groaning, across the slick tiles on its back. Crossing his ankles, Kordath settled his boots on the unconscious guard’s form.
“Business, that’s what this is supposed to be about, right?”
”You’ll pay the new price, Rodent, or you’ll go home empty-handed.”
“Oh? Really? That’ll do ya well, Gorga. I mean, a Hutt is known to be a thief, a cheat, and a swindler, sure, and you lot are good at it, don’t get me wrong. I meant all of that as a compliment, I did. Now, going back on a deal, instead of negotiating? That’s makin’ yourself out ta be a bad businessman. Ya wanna be known as that, Gorga? I’m surprised. Hit to yer reputation like that is hard to shake off in this line of work. Ya want to drop the deal entirely? Sure, I’ll go back to my organization and tell ‘em you don’t wanna do business with us. That means a mar on your rep and no repeat business with us. Sounds kinda like a lose-lose situation.”
”You coming to a point, Ryn?” growled the Hutt.
The sounds of combat were dying down as Uji slammed the hilt of his saber into a guard’s forehead, dropping the Gamorrean like a sack of lard. He turned to the last of the pig men, flourishing his lightsaber at the thug. It threw up its hands, dropping the blaster pistol it had and squealed, running away. The Shadow shut his weapon down, turning to look at the Hutt and the Ryn.
“My point,” stated Kordath, grinning as he spoke. “Let’s make a wager instead of renegotiatin’ the deal, eh? You win, we’ll talk numbers, fine. We win, you sell us the slaves at market value, we all walk away happy. What da ya say?”
Gorga sat in contemplation for long moments. ”What is the bet, then, Ryn?”
“Your biggest, baddest guy, against mine.” Kordath grinned, lifting the cup of ale and taking a drink.
The Hutt shook with laughter, licking its slimy lips in amusement. ”HO HO HO, MORGO!” the crimelord shouted, his voice booming through the palace throne room.
“The kark is a Morgo?” muttered Kordath, looking around. The largest Nikto the Ryn had ever seen walked in from a back room, the massive, muscled man having to duck to get through the door. Twin bandoleers filled with knives crossed his broad chest, blaster pistols holstered on each hip. More distressing was the electro staff the warrior carried, well longer than Kordath was tall. “Oh, that’s a Morgo. Well. Uhh. Uji, mate. You’re up again.”
Prompt tells us where we are. Don't need the RO header.
A nice set up for why they there. Nothing to really point out since there was no action or real use of CS's other than Kord's species feat.
Would have liked some kind of action to instigate next post, but it trails off well enough. Just a comment really rather than a detractor.