Acolyte Lo-Kain Vamielaga vs. Mystic Darkblade

Acolyte Lo-Kain Vamielaga

Journeyman 2, Journeyman tier, Clan Plagueis
Male Zabrak, Sith, Juggernaut

Mystic Darkblade

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Male Anzati, Force Disciple, Seeker, Krath

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Hall Duelist Hall - Old Container
Messages 2 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Acolyte Lo-Kain Vamielaga, Mystic Darkblade
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Acolyte Lo-Kain Vamielaga's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Mystic Darkblade's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Shadow Academy - Sparring Room
Last Post 20 January, 2016 10:08 AM UTC
Member timing out Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade

You enter one of the dozens of sparring chambers within the Shadow Academy of Lyspair, the simple square room utilized mostly by those learning the ways of the lightsaber. This five hundred square-foot room, rectangular in shape, is nearly barren. The floor is lined with simple padding, while the walls are made of dull, grey durasteel, gauged by innumerable lightsaber strikes, scarring the metal permanently.

The ceiling towers above you, nearly twenty feet in height, allowing for plenty of movement from the more acrobatic of Force users. There are no other adornments within the room, save for the entrance and lighting that bathes the entire room, yet seems to come from nowhere. All corners of the room are perfectly lit, with no visible shadows to speak of. There is nowhere for you to hide within the room, but… there's no room for your opponent to hide either.

The Shadow Academy felt like home to Darkblade. Every room the facility had to offer the Anzat was imprinted on his mind like a map. He could walk the halls blindfolded and find his way to whatever room was required. This particular sparring chamber was no different, yet it seemed that Lo-Kain had gotten lost. the Anzat chuckled slightly to himself as he remembered his days as a Journeymen. Breathing slowly he sat down on the floor, meditating until the Zabrak found his way to the chamber.

Images of Darkblade’s first bouts in this very room against his former Master flashed through his mind, not forgetting that these were the toughest moments a Journeymen could go through. The knowledge of fighting someone who was superior in every way, and that the moments were not only lessons in humility, but also recognizing when an opponent was above your skill and how you would handle those moments physically and mentally in real time situations. Being killed, or worse, seen as weak, was a very real danger in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

The door swished open and the Mystic saw the head of a Zabrak poke through the doorway. Realising he was in the right place, Lo-Kain entered the room.

“You’re late.” the Anzat growled in a low voice. The Juggernaut shed his outer robes, revealing sleek fit combat robes, and strode to the center of the chamber. As he planted his feet wide as if preparing to do a squat, Lo-Kain stood still and announced he was ready to begin the session. “Very wise of you to refrain from commenting. Let’s see how well you have been training these past few weeks.” Darkblade said whilst he looked up at the Zabrak from his sitting position.

Making a show of getting to his feet, grunting and making slow and exaggerated movements, the Aedile stood before his subject faking a yawn. As he brought his left hand up to his mouth, hoping to catch the Acolyte unprepared, the Mystic fired out his right hand which he had bunched into a fist, to connect with the Zabrak’s chest in front of him. The loud thump reverberated through the chamber, yet the Juggernaut stood firm and didn’t budge nor let out a sound.

Damn this guy is tough! the Anzat thought to himself. Turning his back on Lo-Kain to secretly nurse his fist with his left hand he laughed out loud. “Good. I understand you have been trained in the martial arts too. For our next exercise I want you to find ways to break through my defense with the use of your lightsaber.”

Barely nodding an acknowledgment, the Acolyte reached for his armory lightsaber and ignited it. The red hue all to familiar amongst their ranks watching in slight amusement as the purple saber from the Mystic ignited before him. Without another word the Anzat and Zabrak went through a ritual of slashes and parries as they danced around the room. Darkblade realized that Lo-Kain was a strong opponent in the muscle department, able to parry attacks and deliver his own with powerful intent.

Suddenly the Acolyte delivered a powerful overhead downward swing, after parrying an attack that caught the Mystic off guard. As Darkblade attempted to parry he realised his error in trying to block the attack with both hands. His opponent had outsmarted him, in using his superior strength he was able to saber lock the both of them whilst his left hand remained free.

As this processed through the Anzat’s head, a fist smashed into the right side of his ribs. The pain was immediate and intense, as well as unexpected which caused the Mystic to falter. As he took steps to regain his balance, Lo-Kain did not relent in his attack and pressed on. Amplifying his strength through the Force, the Juggernaut became an unstoppable machine that would be terrifying on any battlefield against inexperienced members. What had begun as a training session seemed to have turned into a true test of skills with no one holding back.

The Aedile grinned to himself, biting through the pain and remembering that the attacks his opponent had were only limited to the simplest form of lightsaber combat. Drawing upon the power of the Force the nimble Anzat propelled himself through the air as he jumped back out of reach of the frenzied Zabrak.

Darkblade shoved out his arm and summoned a blast of lightning through the Force that erupted from his outstretched hand. As the electricity raced across the room it connected with Lo-Kain, who let out a howl of pain as the bolts slammed into him, inflicting its torturous power across the entire expense of his body.

The lightning battered the Zabrak's body as he fell to a knee with the bouts of pain surging through his body as the bolts struck. Lo-Kain struggled to look up at the Anzat as he let out as massive roar mixed with anger and pain. Normally, the torturous pain would cripple a human foe. However, Lo-Kain is a proud and strong Zabrak with hate in his heart. The massive Zabrak made a dash through the chaotic lightning strikes, screaming every step of the way.

The Aedile stuttered in awe as he realized the behemoth was right on top of him with little time to react to him. As Lo-Kain grabbed at his throat the Anzat gasped for air as he was slowly lifted in the air. "What... are... you?" Darkblade struggled to pronounce as he clinged to Lo-Kain's arm to ease the weight of gravity against him.

"I am that which you fear, your replacement!" He replied as he flung Darkblade towards the wall at an angle. Then quickly charging back towards Darkblade to end this little challenge. The Anzat quickly re-positioned himself to soften the blow against the wall. Putting most of the impact of his left shoulder as he rolled with the hit against the wall. Darkblade tumbled on the ground back to a standing position giving his opponent no time to react. With a blink of an eye the agile Anzat threw up both hands at his opponent as black smoke rushed out his robes that enveloped his Zabrak foe in a cloud of Blackness. The Zabrak halted his charge as the last thing he saw was his opponent slowly fade from view from the light.

Darkblade skirted the 5 diameter circle of complete darkness, placing himself away from the extremely dangerous close combat warrior. Leaning on a wall near the door while crouching down to easily catch a good breather as he faded from view from the top down, just in case the Zabrak managed to catch a glimpse of him.

"Where are you! Your tricks can only last so long!" Lo-Kain exclaimed as he swinged wildly in the darkness with his saber. The massive Zabrak took each step followed by a swing as he made a small circle walking blindly in the darkness til he finally met the edge of the sphere. Just in time for it to slowly disperse as he looked around the room. Extinguishing his blade, he started to paced the room, looking for signs of where his foe went. Drawing in the aid of the force for any possible attacks as he walked the room.