The Adept was growing distracted. Alara could see this in the way he would glance to the left and then mumble under his breath to himself. Something was not quite right about him. Perhaps he was just as insane as the clans’ gossip made him out to be.
“Let anger flow through you, young Huntress,” Cyris demanded.
“Is that it? You’re trying to make me angry just to see what I can do?” the half-Sephi furrowed her brow at the man before her.
“I’m trying to help you unlock your inner self. You are powerful, but you are suppressing yourself. Your Master knows this, the Clan knows this, I know this, yet you seem to be oblivious to the fact,” Cyris scowled. In frustration, he threw his lightstaff down to the ground and pulled his bone dagger out from its sheath. Exerting his Dark Side capabilities, Cyris snatched Alara’s saber from her hand and crushed it in mid air. He lunged at the Hunter and pushed her to the floor, holding his bone dagger against her pale neck.
“Your life is at risk. Your primal instinct is kicking in. Stop me!” the madman growled. Alara eyed the bone dagger carefully, and decided to humour the Adept. She focused all of her energy into her arm muscles and shoved him away with an augmented push. Cyris staggered back a few feet, dropping his bone dagger, and shook his head in efforts to refresh himself.
“There. That’s better. You channel the Force well, young one. Keep going,” he edged her on.
“I’m not foolish. I know you can best me. There is no need to prove that you can. You want something else. What is it?” the Hunter pried her opponent.
Cyris sneered devilishly, “Your pointy ears give you credit, don’t they? You’re not all strength.”
“Go on, old man,” Alara rolled her eyes, still laying on the ground.
“I can show you the way to honoring your soul’s needs. Shadow is failing in this, and you’re failing yourself by staying with her. Allow me to unlock your full potential,” Cyris offered his hand to the young Marauder. She hesitated for a moment, skeptical of the kindness before her, but eventually took it and was lifted from the ground.
“Why do my soul’s needs matter to you? There has to be more to your story than being a savior,” she paused for a moment, and then began to laugh. “Wait a minute! I know what you’re doing. You’re trying to prove that you can do it; that you are not completely crazy, and that you can still train an apprentice. Do you really expect others to believe that?”
With those words, Cyris bounded in fury and charged at the Marauder. His roar resonated throughout the small sparring chamber. He blasted Alara with a short surge of electrical fury, then shoved her up against the chamber’s wall. The Adept held her throat telekinetically, and called his bone dagger to his hand. The dagger flew across the room rather quickly and obeyed, returning to Cyris’ commanding palm. He placed it again at an angle across the half-Sephi’s neck.
“You’re pushing your luck, girl. You’re making me change my mind...” he spat in her face, his mouth practically frothing with anger.
Despite the pain emanating in her breast, Alara couldn’t help but let a grin slide across her face, “I’m right! I’m definitely right! You’re strong in the Force, Cyris, I’ll give you that. You’re strong and you’re experienced. However, there is one thing you seem to be forgetting.”
“Go ahead, enlighten me before I lose my patience, and cause this breath to be your last,” Cyris threatened. The insanity swirling within his mind flickered within the fiery colors of his irises.
“You’re old, Cyris. You’re old and frail. You are past your prime. Whatever is left of you that we retrieved from Vanir II is slowly fading. And from the anger in your eyes I can tell it’s happening rather quickly.”
With the hard facts before him, Cyris threw his bone dagger to the ground and let out a curse from his once heavily-pursed lips. He glared furiously at Alara. With his next few words, he raised the half-Sephi in the air with the Force, squeezing her neck.
“Alara Deathbane, you’ve run out of chances. I could’ve brought you to greater power and greater connection with the Dark Side. Instead, you chose to insult me! You will rue this day, Alara; the day that you caused your doom!”
The girl began to realize how serious Cyris was about this. The terror within her mind violently pulsed louder until she let out a cry with tears streaming down her face. She knew she couldn’t persuade him to stop. No matter what she said she knew the beast wouldn’t listen. These thoughts, however, could not stop her from whispering “Stop...” with whatever breath remained in her lungs. The man’s crooked smile returned once more as he focused on squeezing out whatever life she had left. The Force obeyed Cyris’ wishes and enveloped the Hunter’s throat with further strain. Alara held her neck and let out her last gasp. Her once fiery amber-colored eyes grew dark, and were closed as her head swung low.
“CYRIS! STOP!” His hallucinatory ghost appeared again by his left side and placed her arm upon his shoulder. “Don’t kill her yet. She insulted you, but she is right. Let this be your chance. Prove to her that it is good for you to pass on your knowledge. Let her exhibit the strength you have left: the strength of your knowledge… do not kill her and embrace the animal you are becoming.” Sariss moved her hand from Cyris’ shoulder, and held his cheek gently. Tears flowed from her eyes, as she let out a breath from her half-hearted smile, “Don’t miss the chance of bringing greatness to your life. Don’t miss the chance that you missed with me.”
“Sariss…I...” Cyris became overwhelmed with a mixture of emotion. The Adept released his grip on the Hunter and allowed her limp body to drop to the ground. Alara made no sound other than her body’s impact upon the ground. The Sorcerer clenched his fists, and let out a cry of anguish. He held his skull firmly with his left hand, and fell to his knees. There he sat, and allowed the realization of his ever-changing mental state flow over him. His eyes grew damp with tears of bitterness, anger, frustration, contempt, and perhaps even slight sorrow.
“You win this time, Sariss,” Cyris bowed his head as the ghost disintegrated from its position. He glanced back at the fallen Hunter in annoyance.
“Goodbye, Alara. Perhaps next time we meet you will have obtained some enlightenment, and will be more willing to obtain knowledge from an experienced forbearer.” He pushed himself up from the ground and sheathed his dagger to his side. He called upon his telekinetic powers once again and summoned his lightstaff to his hand. With a sharpened brow, Cyris observed that the girl didn’t seem to be moving. Fortunately, he knew that she wasn’t upon hell’s gate quite yet. The sorcerer walked out of the room, his cloak flowing behind him. In a cold and unoriginated gust of wind, he disappeared into the blackness of night.
First off:
This is such a creeper thing to do and I love it.
I'm not sure that 'mandated' is the word you were looking for here, and it's a little unclear what you meant by it.
You need to do one of two things here. Either change 'I' to 'she' and keep it as narration, or italicize the whole thing to show that this is an internal monologue. I'd go with the first, but both work here.
Not dinging you for this, but I suspect you meant length instead of width.
This still leave the oxymoron 'inexplicable reason' but it's more grammatical.
There's a little more explanation in the ACC Guide, but there are multiple issues with the use of ellipses here. I'd suggest changing those bits to:
I'm not dinging you for this since we're in the process of adding it to the ACC guide, but 'master' should only be capitalize a) immediately before a name or b) when used as a direct address.