Mystic Tarryyhn vs. Hunter Mactire

Mystic Tarryyhn

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Wookiee, Force Disciple, Juggernaut, Obelisk

Hunter Mactire Chemel

Journeyman 3, Journeyman tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Human, Force Disciple, Defender, Sentinel

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Hall Duelist Hall - Old Container
Messages 2 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Mystic Tarryyhn, Hunter Mactire
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Mystic Tarryyhn's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Hunter Mactire's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Kashyyyk: Rainforest Canopies
Last Post 27 February, 2016 4:17 PM UTC
Member timing out Kristeva

Rainforest Canopies

The wild planet of Kashyyyk is known to be home to the gentle, but short-tempered race of Wookiees. Wild and untamed, the lush, wroshyr tree-filled forests form a multi-layered deathtrap. The local wildlife presenting more dangers as one descends towards the forest floor. However, as one ascends the vertical environment, the danger of falling increases until one comes in contact with the Wookiee settlements. Fauna and flora flourish in delight, growing within dirt pockets in the crevices of the trees. Some of these plants are carnivorous, becoming larger and deadlier closer to the forest floor. Others have some form of consciousness, able to communicate with the Wookiees to give some understanding of their use.

In one particular forest, you have traversed the vertical nightmare from Wookiee settlements and into the unknown to become lost within the canopies. Within the crevices in the trees, empty fruit and rotting shells from seeds show the spring season has ended. A soft wind whistles between the thick vines and shrubs that stick to the trunks of the ancient and sleeping giants. Despite the near-ending lack of footholds aside from the branches of wroshyr trees, you have found a series of abandoned and rotting platforms suspended a hundred meters above the surface, once home to a Wookiee settlement. Overgrown and decayed, it has since nourished countless plants and trees with their outstretched branches sheltering the dense and soft floor from the extreme sun rays and torrential rain. Upon closer inspection your eyes can pick up unusual signals. Moss carpets particular areas on the platforms and nowhere else, tree-dwelling animals and birds never land on the surface. In the corner of your eye you see something swaying, at first thought appearing to be another species of vine. But when you turn your head fully, you clearly see it is rope, damp but tightly locked. You feel that you have entered an arena without invitation, and the motivation to search further intrigues your mind. Tread carefully, or you will fall whim to the creatures that inhabit this terrain.

Rainforest Canopies

Mactire stood on the edge of the run down village high up in the canopy’s above the luscious green forest below. The sounds of the various birds had stopped chirping about have a mile back from where his guide had left him alone. All Mactire knew was that his Master Sanginuess had sent him here to this village to see a warrior. But why would a warrior live here was beyond him.

The human took a few steps towards the ruins, listening to the creaking blanks below him with each step. Heights weren’t bad, Mactire kept telling himself. It’s the fall that always kills you, was the other thought that popped into his head.

In the faint distance at the closest building was a tall figure dressed with a long black cloak. Its broad shoulders made it appear like a monster from old holovids. Mactire stretched out slowly with the force to try and clam his nerves while walking up to the figure.

The tall figure let out a low growl and turned around its fierce eyes making Mactire stop cold in his tracks. A small shiver went up his spine as the as the yellowed eye locks on his with intense hatred. The hood falls down and the Wookie growls even deeper slowly reaching for its weapon.

Mactire watch’s at the fierce beast pulls out a lightsaber. The hiss of the silver blade, awaking the Human from his fear. As the blade sweeps towards his head, ducking with just a millimeter to spare. Rolling out of the way Mactire springs up and starts running towards one of the empty huts hoping to gain some measure of his opponent.

The Wookie growls in frustration and charges towards the Human, grumbling as it looms towards the hut. Letting out a roar that would make anything tremble with terror, the Wookie charges into the hut and starts searching for the Human.

Mactire draws his lightsaber as the Wookiee enters into the hut. The emerald blade hissing as it ignites takes away some of the fear, and terror coursing through his body. Never had a creature made him tremble so and he wasn’t going to run from this fight.

“Alright you walking sorry excuse for a carpet lets go!” Mactire says with worry in his voice.

Dread is replaced by the worry as the Wookie growls and swings his blade towards his side. As Mactire blocks the blade, he feels weightless for a minute and then crashes through the wall of the hut. Groaning lightly the Human stands up, splinters and pieces of lumbar are stuck in his back and in his sides.

“Maybe I was a tiny, tiny bit harsh.” Mactire mutters slowly raising to his feet, feeling like he’s about to keel over any second.

Tarryyhn turned his attention to the hole in the hut's wall surprised since he hadn’t intended to strike the human that hard. He blinked a few times as he rose to his full height and left via the entrance to the structure. Sanguinius had told him to train the Warden's apprentice, not kill him and he groaned internally as he realised his stupidity. The man was half his height and mass after all, which you could tell just by looking at him. Tarryyhn muttered and made his way around the side of the building where Mactire had landed.

As he rounded the corner he raised an eyebrow as the human was no longer there. He opened himself to the Force just in time to feel a presence from his top right. Bracing his legs, he shifted his posture and brought his silver saber up to block the overhead blow. Mactire landed and wheezed a few harsh breaths before scurrying away from the Wookiee. Somehow he had managed to clamber up the side of the hut using the debris in an attempt to get the drop on Tarry. The smell of burnt fur told the Wookie just how close he had come to being struck in his distraction.

The Wookiee let out a deep throaty laugh and Mactire looked at him confused. He backpedaled some more from the alien and took up his guard. “Good, good.” The unspoken words entered Mactire's mind and he looked about before turning his attention back.

“Did you just...” the human asked quietly. He shook his head, not having realised the Wookiee would be able to speak into his mind. This could be interesting, he thought as he moved to his left. As his right foot struck the plank he kicked and rushed towards the Wookiee. Tarryyhn growled and raised his saber to block any incoming blow but the Gray Jedi had anticipated this and ducked below his opponent's height, delivering an upwards cross cut to the creature's torso which sent a howl of pain ringing out into the canopy.

Mactire rolled, painfully, out of the way as a swipe emanated from the direction he had just come and as he rose to his feet he turned about and eyed his handiwork. Scorched fur barely covered the sabers mark and he muttered a curse as he saw the Wookie hold a hand to where the blade had struck. The Wookies eyes closed and within moments he lifted his hand away and the wound had begun to heal itself.

"If wish to fight proper, proper fight shall be had". The broken basic entered his mind and before he had a chance to question it, Tarryyhn shifted his position and lifted his cloak from his right side. There, hanging just to the back of the Wookiee’s belt, was another saber. Tarryyhn reached around and grabbed it, bringing it to his left hand and activating the blade. A second silvery light joined the first and before he could take in the beauty of the light against the dimness of the jungle canopy the Wookiee was upon him.

Tarryyhn swung in hard, his right hand hammering forward with a downward sloping slice that Mactire blocked with ease before having to jump backwards to avoid the following reverse upwards stroke from the second blade. The human lunged in, attempting to find space between the two blades but found himself blocked by a crossguard. As the three blades locked, he found himself shoved back as the Wookiee used his might to push his two blades downwards towards his opponent's hand. Before they reached him, he did the only thing he could do: disengage his blade and fall backwards. As he fell, the blades passed harmlessly over his head and he realised they weren't being held back.

The Wookiee moved in and stomped down hard aiming for the human's leg but missed as Mactire moved to the side and began scrambling backwards from the agitated alien. A double sweep of the sabers arced down towards him and gathering the Force about him he erected a barrier just in time to block the downward blow. Tarryyhn growled, his patience wearing thin as he began hammering against the barrier. He watched as the human began looking around for an escape, struggling with the strain of holding the barrier... and then it happened. The barrier shattered, but before the Wookiee could move in Mactire pushed himself up and in under his reach and drove a broken piece of wood, that lay near him, into Tarry’s side.

A secondary roar of pain echoed through the air and blood splattered against the wooden platform they rested on. Mac let go of the wood and began to move away from the Wookiee but before he was able to move more than a few inches he felt a heavy hand grab him by the neck and lift. Tarryyhn rose and as he did the human rose with him, a kick cracked against his chest but the Juggernaut weathered it, his skin hardening as the Force flowed across him, and moved to the edge of the platform. He began squeezing, then noticed Mactire’s kicks become more fervent and his hands scratched at the Wookie's fist. Bleeding and in pain Tarryyhn hung the man over the edge of the precipice, his heated breath visible in the cooling air.

Somewhere above, lightning struck and the rain came. Mactire attempted to mutter something but the Wookiee couldn’t hear. He loosened his grip and leaned in as the words struck him. “Sanguini...Sanguinis told you...told you to help me. He...said you we..argh...were a Jedi and wouldn’t kill.” The words struck him like an anvil and he reeled internally. His grip loosened on the man and Mactire found himself able to breathe properly. He gulped in air and, seizing his chance, he kicked out once more in an attempt to free himself before the dazed Wookiee could change his mind.

The kick was well aimed, though whether Mactire would agree to that was another thing, as it struck the piece of wood lodged in Tarryyhn’s side and caused the Wookiee to howl, turn and throw the human hard across the platform. As he rolled to a stop he pushed himself up with a groan of effort and looked towards the Wookie. Tarryyhn was down upon one knee, his hands clenched upon the wood and he pulled. A sick, wet sound escaped the area the wood pulled from and as crimson rain splashed upon the wood the Wookiee rose and turned towards his opponent. A flash of lightning followed by a rumble of thunder drowned out the roar that followed. Giving in to the anger, finally, caused a red haze to slip across his eyes. Both lightsabers echoed to life in his hands and he began thundering across the platform towards the human.

Rain bounced off of the wood with each heavy stride as the eight foot Juggernaut allowed his rage to take over. His rational thought existed but he only wished to cause harm to the man before him and to him that was all the rational thought he needed.