Padawan Talis vs. Knight Ringer Klang

Padawan Talis

Journeyman 3, Journeyman tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Miraluka, Force Disciple, Marauder

Knight Ringer Klang

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Wookiee, Force Disciple, Marauder

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Hall Duelist Hall - Old Container
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Padawan Talis, Knight Ringer Klang
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Padawan Talis's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Knight Ringer Klang 's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Mustafar: Mining Facility
Last Post 8 March, 2016 7:25 PM UTC
Member timing out Neza-Rem Zarabi

Mining Facility

Lava is mined like a precious natural resource on this volatile and volcanic world. Opposing gravitational forces of the twin gas giants closest to Mustafar tear apart the planet’s surface to reveal the mineral-rich lava flows underneath. Once serving as the capital world for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, remnants of their past influence still linger. Massive mining facilities originally constructed by the Techno Union are still maintained by the native Mustafarians, an egocentric people who would like nothing more than to squeeze minerals for the purposes of trade and commerce from their volcanic planet.

Other than in the pursuit of business interests, few arrive on Mustafar save for those needing to incinerate evidence in its vast expanses of magma. What little curiosity is given to the volcanic planet is thwarted by a natural scanning interference caused by intense geological activity. Pirates, smugglers, criminals and scum all value this world’s ability to dump bodies, tracked cargo shipments and other unwanted articles - the singular reason for the Black Sun’s interest in the Outer Rim world.

A mechanical construct of machinery meant to extract valuable minerals from the magma trapped within its reservoir, the mining facility itself is worked all hours of the planet’s rotation by the native Mustafarians, which is bathed in an endless night, illuminated only by the molten rock. Droids, machines and conveyor belts create the workings of an efficient system to extract the minerals and have it prepared for refinement and transportation. Lacking a suitable surface, metal walkways are shielded against the heat to allow workers passage throughout the facilities. Even with the worst of the heat being shielded against, Mustafar’s temperature remains less than comfortable to most species lacking exoskeletons.

Ringer tried wiping the sweat from his brow, but his fur was already so drenched in sweat that it really didn't accomplish much. "Taldryan has its pick of people to send to the volcano planet and of course they send the Wookiee," he grumbled to himself. Supposedly there was some holocron that Anakin Skywalker had left here after purging the Separatist Council, and his Clan wanted him to retrieve it. "I better get on this quickly; I don’t know how long I will last in this inferno.” Setting out at a brisk walk, Ringer made his way toward the building that had once witnessed the slaughter of the Council. Even knowing that the Separatists had performed their share of crimes, Ringer shook his head as he considered that the event had been one more step along Anakin's forsaking of the Light Side of the Force.

As he neared the chamber, the Knight heard a slight metallic clang from within and stopped short, hoping that his haste hadn’t betrayed him to what was likely a scavenger poking around the facility. Reaching out with the Force, Ringer was surprised to find that he couldn’t sense any life forms inside. Either a droid…or someone that doesn’t want to be discovered, he thought to himself. He drew his lightsaber and stalked toward the door, then winced as his foot struck a small piece of scrap metal, knocking it to the side with a clatter. Accepting the fact that Wookiees weren’t built for stealth, he shrugged and strode forward, abandoning all attempts to surprise whoever, or whatever, he had heard.

Ringer cautiously entered the corridor leading to the main chamber room, letting out a silent sigh of relief as the air conditioning cooled his overheated body. Suddenly, a form stepped into view at the end of the hallway, dressed in Dathomiri robes and, surprisingly, despite the oppressive heat outside, a heavy black cloak. The wrap around his eyes marked him as a Miraluka and Ringer vaguely recognized him as being a member of Clan Odan-Urr. In his left hand he held a holocron, presumably the very holocron that Ringer had been sent to find.

I thought you were all in hiding, Ringer projected casually to Talis, whose name he finally recalled. Give me the holocron and I won’t tell anyone that you were here.

Talis just laughed in reply, tucking the holocron into a pocket in his cloak, then igniting his lightsaber and backed up a few steps into the chamber. “You probably wouldn’t even know how to turn it on,” he mocked Ringer arrogantly. Ringer sighed. So many underestimated his intelligence, simply because his language sounded so primitive to unlearned ears. Activating his own sapphire blade, he walked calmly forward to the end of the corridor and faced his opponent, lightsaber held loosely at the ready.

Didn’t you fail the test about Jedi holocrons three times before passing? the Wookiee quipped. No wonder you’re still a Padawan. Just give me the holocron and tell your clan leadership that Taldryan got here first. Talis’s mocking smile disappeared and he jumped forward, swinging his lightsaber in a basic downward strike, putting all of his strength behind the blow.

Ringer took a small step back, redirecting the blow with a slap of his own lightsaber. He tried not to let the surprise show on his face as he felt the power of the strike. It wasn’t often that he faced opponent who had the strength to nearly match his own. He was certain the Miralukan had been augmenting his strength with the Force, but he couldn’t be sure.

Knowing that if he left the path outside clear, the smaller-built Talis would possibly be able to outrun him and escape with the holocron, Ringer stayed put, blocking the corridor, but knew that he would likely not be able to do so for long. The confines of the hallway were not very conducive to his lightsaber training, which required movement to be effective. Even so, he knew his lightsaber skills outclassed those of his opponent. Trying to force his opponent back into the room, the Wookiee leapt toward the Miralukan, swinging his lightsaber diagonally up in a backhanded strike.