Mystic Darkblade vs. Mystic Tasha'Vel Versea

Mystic Darkblade

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Anzati, Force Disciple, Seeker, Krath

Mystic Tasha'Vel Versea

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Female Twi'lek, Force Disciple, Marauder

I always love matches between character who have a history, and I feel like I not only understand these characters better, but I also understand the situation in Naga Sadow a bit better as well. However, I have to pick a winner. This time that winner is Darkblade. Congratulations, sir!

Darkblade, you displayed both a talent for writing and a strong understanding of the CS system. The two things that lost you points, and that would have lost a closer match, were syntax errors and your opponent's Aspects. I strongly encourage you (and all ACCers) to have your posts proofread at least once. While your proofreaders might not catch 100% of your Syntax errors, they will catch some of them and improve your odds of winning. With regards to the Aspects, make sure to use them as a guide to writing your opponent's character and avoid contradicting them.

Tasha, I've graded a few of your matches in the past and it's wonderful to see you growing as a competitor. Although you didn't win this match, you made a strong showing and should be proud of your work. The attention to detail in Darkblade's combat stance, in particular, brought a smile to my face. You should also look into getting proofreaders to check for Syntax errors, and be sure to pay close attention to the limits of both characters' Force Powers.

This was a good match, guys. Keep up the good work, and I hope to see you back in the ACC soon.

Alethia Archenksova

Hall Duelist Hall - Old Container
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants Mystic Darkblade, Mystic Tasha'Vel Versea
Winner Mystic Darkblade
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Mystic Darkblade's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Mystic Tasha'Vel Versea's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Oricon: Dread Fortress
Last Post 10 June, 2016 10:08 PM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade Tasha'Vel Versea
Score: 3 Score: 4
Rationale: There were a lot of errors, especially in your first post. Rationale: Several errors. You had a slight edge over your opponent here, but I'd definitely make sure to get your posts proofread to save yourself points.
Story - 40%
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade Tasha'Vel Versea
Score: 4 Score: 3
Rationale: You had a good setup and the story was well-written and engaging throughout the match. Rationale: This was good but not quite great enough to bring you up to a 4. The pacing as a little odd at points, e.g. conversation and deep thoughts when they're ready to or currently fighting, but not when one character has a safe advantage.
Realism - 25%
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade Tasha'Vel Versea
Score: 4 Score: 3
Rationale: Your use of Skills, Feats, and Force Powers was all fine. However, I have to ding you for writing Tasha behaving exactly opposite one of her Aspects. Rationale: Several issues with Force Powers.
Continuity - 20%
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade Tasha'Vel Versea
Score: 5 Score: 5
Rationale: No errors spotted. Rationale: No errors spotted.
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade's Score: 4.05 Tasha'Vel Versea's Score: 3.55

Dread Fortress

The greatest structure still standing on the volcanic moon of Oricon, the ruined fortress that once served as the headquarters of the Dread Masters, remains as a beacon of darkness. Impenetrable at its heart, the fortress is surrounded by a lava moat with a single bridge for access with walls two stories high and crafted of the hardest permacrete. Its walkways and open courtyards are decorated with eternally-burning braziers, hanging and broken chains, and even plaques and murals depicting acts of tyranny and strength. Statues, obelisks and pillars show signs of aging, crumbling, cracked and ruined, though their fearsome, ancient Sith visages still stand as a testament to the Dark Side and the imposing power that the masters of the fortress willed upon their visitors.

Down into the central palace and through one of the two sets of staircases lays the ruins of the atrium. It has long been looted for all of its artifacts and knowledge, left bare by the raiding and marauding of treasure hunters and researchers. Four side-chambers lead down, two to the left and right, deeper - these rooms, all abandoned, hold obelisks fused into the very stonework of the floor. Ancient Sith wisdom is etched into each one - messages of fear, of control, of domination and madness alike.

Dread Fortress

At the very rear of the palace is a large, tall stairway, leading up into what can only be considered the throne room of the wicked Council. A seven-sided platform sits atop a bottomless pit, with the walkway from the doorway taking up one side flanked by six green crystals. The remaining six edges are dedicated to walkways ending in a dais, resting upon which are the tall thrones topped with crystal where the ancient Masters of Dread once sat. Here, you can feel the twisted knots in the flow of the Force, plucked and pulled at with a more powerful grasp than you could ever hope to possess. As you approach the center of the massive platform, you hear footfalls behind you. The deathly silence is finally broken.

Darkblade marveled at the sights before him, the entire temple had been a sight to behold and truly respect the power of the Dark Side. As he heard footsteps behind him, the Seeker felt the very familiar Force presence of the Marauder approaching him. The light steps of the young Twi’lek were catlike, almost as if Tasha was trying to sneak up on the Anzat.

Their relationship had soured as Darkblade had listened to his instincts and fed on her on Dentavii Prime a few months ago. Whilst both of them had matured and moved on, there had never been a word spoken about those events after it had happened. Now, as equals and Quaestors of their respective House in Naga Sadow, it was time to take this opportunity to talk and settle their past history once and for all. This was not only for themselves, but also for the Clan. Two opposing Quaestors wanting to slaughter each other was not good for Clan morale.

The calm atmosphere of the Twi’lek amused the Anzat, knowing full well how hard it was to maintain such a composure standing before someone you disliked.

“It is nice to finally meet you again, Tasha’Vel Versea.” Darkblade spoke slowly and deliberately as he turned to face her and bowing slightly. The sign of respect catching the female off guard as she quickly returned the gesture.

Tasha was truly a sight to behold. Her blue skin had always attracted the young Anzat, one of the main reasons he had succumbed to feeding on her so many months ago. Her lekku seemed to dance and taunt him with every slight movement the Marauder made. Licking his lips, the Anzat breathed in deeply and allowed his proboscis to slither out from the pockets near his nose that they usually rested in.

“You smell delightful as always, I wonder if you taste any different than your Grandfather’s spirit who sacrificed himself to preserve your life force?” Darkblade asked quizzically with a threatening smile.

The air around the two Quaestors grew with tension, the Dark Side emanating radiantly from the Anzat as he stood before the Twi’lek.

“I’ll have you know I studied every single part of your anatomy, Anzat. I will be able to inflict pain on you like you have never felt before if you attempt to feed on me or anyone under my protection. I wasn’t strong enough back on Dentavii Prime, and paid the ultimate sacrifice for that. Now I am educated in your ways and do not wish to be easy prey again.” Tasha responded nonchalantly, placing her hands on her hips as she looked into the eyes of Darkblade.

That's interesting, the Anzat thought to himself as he raised an eyebrow.

“An impressive place you picked out to meet.” The Seeker stated as he started to walk towards the dias of one of the thrones once occupied by the Masters of Dread. Walking up the few steps to the chair, he reached out and caressed the throne with his hands, feeling the edges carved with precision. The armrests were smooth and felt cold, yet seemed to pull the Dark Jedi ever closer to it. He turned and sat down, slumped backwards and rested his arms lazily on the throne.

“This suites me well doesn’t it?” Darkblade asked with a laugh.

“Only if you want to rule nothing and become a forgotten memory of the past.” Tasha retorted. Grinning as she noticed a flash of anger pass across the face of the Anzat.

“I have asked you here for one reason only. We are to settle our differences in a duel, deciding which of us is actually the better. We are here now at equal strength, nothing stands in our way to distract us, and I would like nothing more to put you in your place where you belong, Anzat.” The blue Twi’lek spat the last word with clear contempt in her voice.

Darkblade caught the familiar sight of the Marauder’s Echani blade as Tasha reached into her robes and procured her lightsaber. Taking a stance that left little room for further talk, Tasha’Vel Versea stood waiting for Darkblade to meet her as she ignited her crimson red blade. Pointing it towards Darkblade, she issued the challenge silently.

The Anzat smiled down on the Quaestor of Marka Ragnos. As he slumped forwards, he placed his elbows on his knees and folded his hands underneath his chin as he rested it on them. Cocking his head slightly to the left he spoke words that sent a chill down Tasha’s spine.

“Let’s hope the sacrifice of your Grandfather was not in vain. As Quaestor it would be unnecessary to kill each other, the duel will last until one of us is no longer in state to fight, the last one standing proclaimed the winner.” The Dark Jedi said.

Standing up from the throne, the symbol of power only served to bolster the Anzat’s already high spirit’s but failed to realize that the duel had already started once he spoke his first words.

A cry of anger left the lips of the Twi’lek, as she thrust out her hand towards the Anzat and shot out lightning from her fingertips. The mention of her Grandfather had stirred up many memories, which swallowed her in anger and grief. This only served to fuel the Force lightning as it arced across the gap to strike the cocky Seeker full on.

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 20 June, 2016 3:56 PM UTC

There were a bunch of minor errors all over this post. One thing that jumped out is that you have a tendency to use participles where you either need a main verb to make the sentence grammatical, or just need something past tense:

The calm atmosphere of the Twi’lek amused the Anzat, [who knew[ full well how hard it was to maintain such a composure standing before someone you disliked.
Darkblade spoke slowly and deliberately as he turned to face her and bow[ed] slightly. The sign of respect [caught] the female off guard as she quickly returned the gesture.

There were also a few issues with punctuating dialogue. There's a little advice on this on the wiki, but you can always hit me up for more if it's still unclear.

"...Now I am educated in your ways and do not wish to be easy prey again[,]” Tasha responded nonchalantly...
“An impressive place you picked out to meet[," t]he Seeker stated...
“Only if you want to rule nothing and become a forgotten memory of the past[,]” Tasha retorted[, g]rinning as she noticed a flash of anger pass across the face of the Anzat.
"...the last one standing proclaimed the winner[," t]he Dark Jedi said.

And there were a few simple typos:

Darkblade marveled at the sights before him[;] the entire temple had been a sight to behold and truly respect the power of the Dark Side.
Now, as equals and Quaestors of their respective House[s] in Naga Sadow...
“This [suits] me well doesn’t it?” Darkblade asked with a laugh.
...the symbol of power only served to bolster the Anzat’s already high spirit[s] but [he ]failed to realize that...

Lastly, "Grandfather" doesn't really need to be capitalized here, but since you did it consistently that's not really a problem.

There's a question I ask myself whenever I grade an opening post: "Why do I care?" You did a solid job answering that. I don't have the background in CNS events and lore that you two do, but even still you made it clear why Tasha and Darkblade have come to Oricon and why this fight needs to happen. You ended the post at a great place as well.

No errors that I spotted.

No errors.

As the lightning traveled quickly, Darkblade hastily brought out his own lightsaber and ignited the purple blade. As he attempted to dodge the lightning by sliding a bit to the left, he still caught a bit of the lightning. The painful burning sting that lingered slightly in his left arm reminded him that she wasn’t the same weakened being he first encountered. There was a determined look in her eyes and a killer instinct that practically screamed out as she began to move closer to her opponent.

The Marauder glared at Darkblade. Inwardly, she wanted nothing more than to make this Anzat pay for what he had done to her. The long journey of healing since her grandfather’s spirit was taken had been hard and arduous. She had started to come to terms and had even reached out a bit towards the light to see if their perspective on life could help her to forgive and move on, but as soon as she saw that Anzat, the only thing on her mind currently was the vengeance vow she had taken.

“Darkblade, I have been able to forgive many things in my life, but what you have done in taking away my most cherished and beloved Grandfather is unforgivable. I may not be able to kill you as you are the respective Quaestor of your house, but I most certainly can deliver you the same pain and scarring you have left me.”

Moving closer to his proximity, Tasha suddenly felt a lot weaker than usual. Her movement's were not as agile and she felt less attuned to the Force. “Interesting, so he is protecting himself from my full powers. How noble.” She thought as she continued to observe the Anzat. "Underestimating him would be a grave mistake.” He may be cocky and full of himself, but there is more to him than just that.”

From all the times she had fought opponents, she had learned that charging to cut down the opponent will not always work and especially not against a force user such as Darkblade. For her to beat him, she had to keep her wits and strike a bit more calculated. The anger she felt was strong, however she did still remember what Sang had taught her. "Calm your mind, Tasha and resist the anger within you." She began to softly repeat the phrase. "There is no emotion, there is peace." Gradually, she felt the anger begin to subside and her mind once again became clear. Looking up at the Anzat she asked him two questions.

“Tell me one thing Darkblade, what makes you think that you deserve forgiveness? What could you say or do perhaps that would help me change my mind?”

Darkblade eyed the Quaestor carefully as he stood sideways a bit and placed his elbows close to his navel while holding his purple blade diagonally. “You know I can’t change the past and what has been done, but maybe I can change the future.”

“How so?” Tasha questioned as she continued to carefully move in towards the Anzat.

“I have my ways.”

He smiled as the area around the two suddenly went pitch black. Tasha couldn't see him or even her own hands for that matter. The lightsaber was also only a faint glow in the thick blanket of darkness.

“So he is forcing me to play things his way. No matter,I will strike him if he gets near me.” She waited a bit listening for any sound of Darkblade, but it was deathly quiet. She couldn't even sense his presence. He was clearly a master of hiding.

“You do remind me of a certain Aedile of yours. He was always good at hiding from his opponent.”

Not wanting to be driven mad by the darkness, Tasha concentrated on pleasant thoughts and memories. Glancing out into the blackness, she still could not make out any movements. She then thought back to her journeyman training when her master had sneaked up on her unaware. He also possessed the ability to mask his presence.

"Sometimes you just have to wait till they strike." She smiled as she waited for the Anzat.

“You know you can't hide forever in this darkness, Darkblade. You will have to face me at some point."

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 20 June, 2016 4:31 PM UTC

Several small issues.

As the lightning traveled quickly, Darkblade hastily brought out his own lightsaber and ignited the purple blade. As he attempted to dodge the lightning by sliding a bit to the left, he still caught a bit of the lightning.

This was a bit repetitive in language. To be fair, though, it was an excellent way of representing Darkblade's high Athletics but low Precognition and Perception.

since her grandfather’s spirit was taken
my most cherished and beloved Grandfather

It's better to leave 'grandfather' uncapitalized, but either way, be consistent with it.

Her movement[s] were not as agile...

You had formatting and punctuation issues with Tasha's thoughts. Her internal monologue should be in italics without quotation marks. Even though you don't have the quotation marks, you still want to use a comma instead of a period the same way you would in dialogue.

Interesting, so he is protecting himself from my full powers. How noble[, s]he thought as she continued to observe the Anzat. Underestimating him would be a grave mistake. He may be cocky and full of himself, but there is more to him than just that.
So he is forcing me to play things his way. No matter,[ ]I will strike him if he gets near me.
Sometimes you just have to wait till they strike.

She began to softly repeat the phrase[] "There is no emotion, there is peace."

The post began with Tasha attacking Darkblade and ended with her waiting in the dark for him to face her, so I would have expected a little more action in the middle. Darkblad set this up as a very pissed off Tasha coming for vengeance, which fits your Aspects perfectly. So I would have liked to have seen her actually attack him at some point instead of launching straight into the exposition. The conversation in this post, for example, could have happened while Tasha was stuck in the darkness.

She began to softly repeat the phrase. "There is no emotion, there is peace."

Filthy Lightie.

Darkblade eyed the Quaestor carefully as he stood sideways a bit and placed his elbows close to his navel while holding his purple blade diagonally.

Somebody read the Lightsaber Form Guide! Using the defensive version of the Makashi stance is a detail that a lot of people won't catch, but for those who do it shows us a bit about Darkblade's emotional state and reinforces the dialogue.

You have very good instincts when it comes to translating CS stats into character actions. For example, waiting passively in the dark for someone to cut your head off isn't a move that makes sense for a lot of characters. However, Tasha has crappy Sense so she's not likely to catch Darkblade in advance, but she also has really good Precognition so she's not likely to get hurt in his first attack.

Moving closer to his proximity, Tasha suddenly felt a lot weaker than usual. Her movement's were not as agile and she felt less attuned to the Force.

However, we do have an issue here. This is obviously Suppression at work, which is fine. However, Suppression shouldn't affect Tasha's movements at all. Is Darkblade also using Slow? At +2, he'd be really hard pressed to do that while using another power and dropping into a combat stance and carrying on a conversation. He definitely wouldn't be able to maintain both of these and still use Blackness later on.

No errors.

“It is not me who is hiding young Twi’Lek. This darkness represents your future should you embark down the path of revenge. Trust me, I’ve seen it. The Dark Side is not meant for you Tasha’Vel Versea.” Darkblade said as he stood on the fringes of the black pool in front of him. It warped the light away from the area, as if it was hiding something too wretched to show the world. Trained to see into the pitch black, able to make out the different shades of darkness, the Anzat could see the Marauder turn her head from side to side as she tried to pinpoint the direction of the voice talking to her. Feeling confident, the Seeker taunted her some more before he would lose control of the pitch black cloud before him.

“You are weak, the Light Side of the Force seeps from you. I feel that you have already made your choice for forgiveness.” he said as he prepared to drop the cloud and strike her from the right side, his purple blade at the ready.

I’ve got you now! the Twi’lek thought.

Quick as a snake, the Marauder turned to her right unprotected side and dove forwards out of the blackness. Lightsaber still in her hand she came up with a swinging arc meant to sever the Krath’s saber arm from the bottom up.

Caught off guard and still concentrating on keeping the dark cloud anchored, the only thing that saved the Anzat’s arm was Tasha herself. On her knees with arm fully outstretched she stopped her crimson red saber centimeters from the intended target, looking up wryly.

“Seems that I just saved you an arm Darkblade. Tell me, is it the Dark Side that saved your arm or the Light Side? I may have forgiven you for your past transgressions, but do not for one second underestimate me. We are equals despite our paths. You have lost this little game of yours and the next time you try to test me, I will not forgive you a third time.” she warned.

The Anzat chuckled slightly and extinguished his blade.

“Indeed. Well done! My big mouth got the best of me in this situation. It seems I owe you an apology, as I cannot control my feeding instincts very well. I hope in the future I shall not succumb to them as easily as I did before.”

Her mission complete, Tasha extinguished her own lightsaber and tucked it back into her belt. A weight lifted from her shoulders as she realized she had truly forgiven the Anzat for eating her grandfather’s spirit. The Twi’Lek didn’t trust Darkblade, but for now their differences were set aside. Something that should have been done long ago.

The two Quaestors began their long journey back to Naga Sadow territory, towards a new beginning for both of them.

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 20 June, 2016 5:29 PM UTC

There were comma issues, but otherwise this was an improvement over the first post.

“It is not me who is hiding young[,] Twi’Lek.
The Dark Side is not meant for you[,] Tasha’Vel Versea.”
I feel that you have already made your choice for forgiveness[,]” he said
“Seems that I just saved you an arm[,] Darkblade.
I will not forgive you a third time[,]” she warned.

It warped the light away from the area, as if it was hiding something too wretched to show the world.

This was a great sentence.

As a story of Tasha rejecting the Dark Side, this was a great post. However, see me comment on Realism.

One of the core aspects of Tasha's personality, and one of her Aspects, is about how much she craves vengeance. She's even got an entire paragraph in her wiki entry about how badly she wants to get revenge on Darkblade for this incident.

For Tasha to restrain herself and embrace the Light is a great story hook and could fuel some very strong character development, but judging by Tasha's final post, that's not quite the direction she's taking the character. So while this was a well-written ending, it conflicts the the character's Personality Aspect. Although Tasha recites the Jedi Code in her first post, she's not a Jedi, despite Sang's best efforts. Nor is she on the Gray Path.

No errors.

“You will have to face me at some point.”

The Anzat was observing Tasha through the darkness. He smiled to himself as he watched her eyes dart about searching for him, but to no avail. Like a Vornskyr stalking its prey, Darkblade silently edged closer to her, circling just outside of the Marauder’s reach. The time was now or never. Charging forward, the Mystic brought his lightsaber out and struck for the back of the Twi’lek. Tasha felt something inside urging her to turn and quickly brought up her scarlet lightsaber as Darkblade struck, parrying the blow. “There you are.” She grinned as the blades went back and forth against each other. Unrelenting, the Marauder kept pushing against the Seeker’s saber as they danced about the room. Because the Anzat had to focus on her attacks, the room slowly became visible again.

Not wanting to be skewered, Darkblade leaped back to get some distance between them. Tasha was furious. He wasn't going to get away for all the pain he had caused her.

Taking her blade, she threw it towards the Seeker with all of her righteous fury.His eyes widened a bit as the blade struck into his right side and sliced deep before returning to Tasha’s hand.

Instinctively, he placed one hand to hold his bleeding side while backing up slowly.

“I'm not finished with you, yet.” The harsh words snarled from the Twi'lek’s lips. She leaped forward and slammed her hand hard into the ground sending a rippling wave of telekinetic force that knocked Darkblade backwards onto the hard ground. Groaning in pain, he struggled to rise. As he looked at the oncoming Maurader, he realized that his lightsaber had been knocked away from him.

Approaching quickly,,Tasha deactivated her lightsaber and placed it back into her belt. She then grabbed her Echani Vibroblade and let out a battle cry before charging. She leaped into the air a bit and drove her blade into his left arm,pinning it to the ground while she sent a kick into his gut. Darkblade screamed in pain as he spat blood from his mouth. Mustering what strength he had left, he brought his right hand forward and sent out a spiraling cascade of blue lightning from his fingers. The lightning struck Tasha’s side making her yell in agony. As she looked at the heavily injured Anzat electrocuting her, she paused briefly.

He was still the Quaestor of Shar Dakhan, a member of Naga Sadow and someone she had sworn to protect. The Maurader felt some of her rage subside at the realization of the damage she inflicted. Remembering back, she could hear Sang once again gently admonishing her to let go of anger. The smell of burning flesh filled her nostrils and pulled her back to reality.

Looking down pitifully at the bloodied Mystic, Tasha removed the blade from his left arm before she smashed the butt end of the hilt into the side of his head. Darkblade crumpled into a heap.

“I have won this round, Darkblade, however, because you are still a member of the Naga Sadow Clan and a Quaestor, I have chosen to let you live and consider the vengeance repaid for killing my Grandfather. I can now forgive you.”

Pressing a button on her communicator, she called for the medical droids and began to walk away whispering. “You will be patched up and back to normal soon. I will be seeing you around, Darkblade.”

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 20 June, 2016 6:02 PM UTC

Several issues that could have been cleaned up by a good proofreader.

parrying the blow.[ ]“There you are

Put a paragraph break there for better readability.

“There you are[," s]he grinned

In several places you left out the space between words or sentences:

her righteous fury.[ ]His eyes widened
Approaching quickly,[ ]Tasha deactivated
into his left arm,[ ]pinning it to

“I have won this round, Darkblade[;] however, because you

began to walk away whispering[,] “You will be

The harsh words snarled from the Twi'lek’s lips.

This was kind of a weird word choice. Tasha snarled the words, the words didn't snarl themselves.

She leaped into the air a bit and drove her blade into his left arm,pinning it to the ground while she sent a kick into his gut.

This is a little unclear. Is she landing on his gut or just attacking with the blade and then kicking him?


This was a solid enough ending. It fit the characters better than Darkblade's ending, but the action was a little disappointing. It only took 133 words to move from Darkblade's first attack of the match to when Tasha injured him badly enough to take him more or less out of the fight.

Once Darkblade was dealt with, I thought you did a good job conveying Tasha's conflicted feelings between her duty to and love for CNS and her burning desire to really torture Darkblade.


There you are.” She grinned as the blades went back and forth against each other. Unrelenting, the Marauder kept pushing against the Seeker’s saber as they danced about the room. Because the Anzat had to focus on her attacks, the room slowly became visible again.

It makes perfect sense for Tasha to avoid his initial attack with Precognition. However, she doesn't have any abilities that would justify her being able to continually fight him off when he can see and she can't. If she'd moved out of the sphere of darkness or if Darkblade had let it drop, you'd be fine; but if he's got her pinned in the dark, Tasha's in a tight spot.

Think of Precognition like Spiderman's Spider Sense. It doesn't give you visions of exactly what your opponent is doing, or take over your body for you. It's just a little voice in your head yelling "DODGE!"

Instinctively, he placed one hand to hold his bleeding side while backing up slowly.

This is minor, but lightsabers cauterize wounds so there's little or no blood.

Mustering what strength he had left, he brought his right hand forward and sent out a spiraling cascade of blue lightning from his fingers.

+3 is generally the level where we accept that a Force Power can be used quickly and under stress, or as Wally calls, it "combat ready." Darkblade is well past that - not only is he using the power instantaneously, he's doing it while badly injured. This is too much for his +2 rating in Force Lightning.

The lightning struck Tasha’s side making her yell in agony. As she looked at the heavily injured Anzat electrocuting her, she paused briefly.

The sequence following this is a little weird. Most people don't have moments of self-reflection while being electrocuted. Force Lightning hurts a lot and it's a bit much for Tasha to ponder, in the midst of all this pain, that she should be less angry about things in general.

No errors spotted.