KPN Methyas L'eonheart vs. OE Silent

Krath Pontifex Methyas L'eonheart

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Miraluka, Krath, Sorcerer

Obelisk Exarch Silent

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Male Shi'ido, Obelisk, Sorcerer

The biggest difference here was in realism, where Methyas more accurately reflected both combatants skill and power levels.

If you need additional clarification on scores, feel free to contact me!

Hall Fading Light
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants KPN Methyas L'eonheart, OE Silent
Winner KPN Methyas L'eonheart
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
KPN Methyas L'eonheart's Character Snapshot Snapshot
OE Silent's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Begeren – Desert Wasteland
Last Post 6 June, 2014 4:18 AM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Silent Methyas L'eonheart
Score: 3 Score: 4
Rationale: Multiple minor errors per post with grammar and proofing Rationale: Minor proofreading issues
Story - 40%
Silent Methyas L'eonheart
Score: 3 Score: 4
Rationale: Fine resolution, interesting touch to kill both characters, but hard to really visualize what exactly was happening as written. Rationale: Interesting story, good resolution
Realism - 25%
Silent Methyas L'eonheart
Score: 2 Score: 4
Rationale: Multiple realism issues from misuse of powers Rationale: Good.
Continuity - 20%
Silent Methyas L'eonheart
Score: 5 Score: 5
Rationale: No issues Rationale: No issues
Silent's Score: 3.15 Methyas L'eonheart's Score: 4.2

Begeren. Once a prosperous Sith world, it has been the site of numerous battles throughout the millennia. Grand halls and monuments were torn down and re-purposed by looting Republic forces thousands of years ago, before they were driven from the planet. Isolated settlements still dot the planet's surface, but the inhospitable, craggy, and desert-like terrain, along with the beasts common to many desert and Sith worlds, have kept most humanoids from colonizing. Occasional skirmishes have left debris scattered throughout the desert, and battles were fought here as recently as the Galactic Civil War. The planet is now under the control of the One Sith and is rumored to be full of all manner of priceless, ancient Sith artifacts.

The Dark Council has pushed forth to Begeren and the Grand Master, on his quest for ever more powerful items, has decreed the Clans and Houses seize anything of value. The unity shown by the Brotherhood during the beginning of this Crusade is fracturing, with the Clans and Houses growing tired and frustrated with the seemingly endless succession of battles. Tempers are flaring between former allies, with outright aggression no longer uncommon. Despite this, you have responded to the Grand Master's call—though whether it's to actually seize the items for the Brotherhood, destroy them, or use them for your own purposes, only you know.

You have followed the call of the Force to a stretch of desert wasteland, seemingly unremarkable save for the various rock outcroppings that dot the landscape. These outcroppings, though, hide a subterranean cave network, known to be a den of wraids. Though the entrances to the caverns are typically narrow and dark, these tunnels quickly widen. Below the surface, bioluminescent plants and lichen provide limited light.

You know that, despite reaching this place first, you won’t be alone for long, as an ancient Sith tomb is located deep within the caves the wraids now call home. Exactly what you’ll find in that tomb, you’re not sure—but it is something of great power, that much you can sense. You know it is your duty to find it, whatever it is, before any others can locate it. What you do with it when you find it… that is up to you.

As you near one of the entrances to the caves, you think you hear the sounds of footsteps, or maybe skittering, down below—and above ground, you hear the distant crunch of rock underfoot as someone else has found a different rocky cave entrance as well.

The winds whipped past the opening to the cave which concealed the Miraluka now, the Force itself a whirlwind of different sights and flavours in mind, a distant reminder of the history of Begeren. He could hear the sounds of footfalls in the distance, the crunch of boots on loose stones, but it was far enough that he couldn't perceive the individual quite yet. It was a concern that he decided to make a note of as he started into the caverns before him, he had an artefact to claim deep within these tunnels. The artefact itself wouldn't be so hard for him to find, given it was a beacon in his mind as the Force flowed through and around him, it was a matter of the wraid who now inhabited these tunnels and whatever other traps the Sith may have left behind to protect the ancient tomb.

The Miraluka's journey through the tunnels was rather slow: an almost unfortunate mixture of terrain, trying to remain aware of what was around him, and his cybernetic leg considerable straining his movements towards his goal. The various wraid he encountered along the way seemed to eye him wearily as he limped past, their uncertainty and concern vivid in his mind as the emotions flowed through him and the Force. All he could do for now was ignore them as he carried on, their numbers seeming to grow fewer the further he went as the chill of the Dark Side crept up his spine the deeper he found himself in the caverns.

After what seemed like the longest, most tense stroll of his life, Methyas approached what appeared to be an ornately decorated wall. Behind this wall, the Force radiated with power, the dark taint he had been feeling emanating from this location. It appears I've found the tomb, the Miraluka thought quietly as he quickly took hold of his surroundings. There had been a nagging feeling, the individual he had heard before seemed to be nowhere to be found but he had an inkling feeling that they were nearer than he had hoped. Clenching his jaw, Methyas took a deep breath before letting it out in almost a sigh, centering himself before he took hold of the Force, his natural sight allowing him to perceive what others could not as he grasped the unseen door with his mind.

Stone ground against stone as the Jedi opened the massive door just enough so that he could pass through, no need to allow a curious wraid to slip in behind him. With a limping gait, Methyas moved slowly, cautiously, as he allowed the Force to radiate around him and wash over his surroundings. The dark side taint hungrily meeting his own energies as the whispers started, some speaking of untold power waiting, others trying to play on his doubt, while others simply were trying to raise his ire. Methyas had heard them and felt them all before, but something here seemed different. Instead of a feeble attempt at promise, a single voice amongst them actually held promise and truly meant that it could hold up its end of the bargain.

Almost unthinking, the Miraluka reached out through the Force again and the lid to the sarcophagus slid open, allowing the whispers to grow louder in his ears. Unstopping, the Jedi’s grasp within the Force reached inside the casket and grasped at the object inside, rending it carelessly from the skeletal remains within; whoever lay within this tomb would not need it anymore. The artefact was intricately designed despite being so small, a simple torc made of some sort of metal, but its power was significant and nearly overwhelming. Methyas quickly snapped back to his senses as the object was now hovering silently before him and in an instant began wrapping the object in a thick cloth he had brought with him before sliding it into the pouch at his waist.

"I believe that will be coming with me, now. Clan Plagueis will claim this prize," a voice rose up from across the chamber.

Instinctively, the Miraluka's sight and senses locked onto the source of the sound and Methyas chided himself for getting lost in the artefact, "There's no reason we can't resolve this peacefully, friend. We're both fighting for the same goal."

The Force dripped from the Jedi's words, trying to keep his opponent unarmed long enough for him to reveal a weakness or identify himself. The other man seemed to shake his head for a second, almost shrugging off his opponent's intentions as he placed his hand on his saber's hilt, not wanting to draw it quite yet, "Unfortunately, you are not from Plagueis, so I don't believe we are. So again, I ask you to hand over the prize."

Even so tightly bound and concealed, Methyas could still feel the artefact's presence, its whisper of greatness and power still teasingly promising more in his ears, "I'm afraid, I can't do that."

The words were enough for Silent as he grasped his saber hilt and fluidly activated the blade, "Then I guess I will have to rip it from you then."

The words were enough of a warning as Methyas' brows furrowed, feeling the Force itself building between them before Silent extended his free hand for bolts of electricity to leap from his fingertips. The bolts lit up the chamber cruelly, the only source of light thus far, before the Miraluka extended his own hand, brows furrowing deeply as he channeled his own power to dissipate the bolts as they met his waiting palm. Some bolts darted off wildly as they could not all be consumed but instead deflected before the assault stopped. The Jedi smirked slightly as he relaxed and withdrew his sabre, still focused on his opponent as he once again grasped the lid to the sarcophagus with a simple thought, My turn.

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 8 June, 2014 1:52 AM UTC

Syntax: Shouldn't capitalize dark side.

The biomechanical left leg of Methyas came roaring to life as he lifted himself to his feet. With the Force giving the Krath an extra hand, he leapt into the air toward Silent and came down with his cybernetic leg. The darkness wasn’t a problem for Silent to see in, until his anger caused him to add light to a dark tomb, now he was at a disadvantage being a bright target. Seeing only the mere outline of the Krath jump out of view Silent relied on the Force to help him sense the incoming attack. Sidestepping to his right caused the Exarch to trip and fall over the Tombs rocks as he heard the crushing sound of metal turning stone to dust.

“To hells with this tomb!” Silent roared in frustration as he called on the Force, willing the door to the tomb off its hinges and toward the Krath. Methyas reached out with saber still in hand and throw his arm from left to right, moving the door hurling at him to slam into the wall nearest the Exarch. Silent rolled away just in time as the door turned to ruble and collapsed with pieces of the wall where Silent had just laid seconds ago.

“I am Methyas L’eonheart, Krath Pontifex of Clan Naga Sadow, I thank you for a more, well-endowed encounter.”

“Methyas, I am Obelisk Exarch Silent and though we do share what my leaders think a common goal, I have plans for the artifact you are carrying, so only one of us shall leave here today.”

The Force obeyed his beck and call like a slave girl, to his hands driving out a plethora of electric bolts at the Krath. No fool himself, Methyas called upon the Force to absorb the shock. The Exarch continued his assault demanding the Force to push harder as sweat began to drip out of his pores, Methyas was relentless on holding on absorbing as much of the electric shock as he could and finally a small voice in his head told him to fire back. With a simple thought in his head the Krath shot back at Silent with a blast from the Force, unprepared for this attack Silent took the full hit to the chest. Knocked on to his back from the blast, the Exarch screeched in pain as Methyas continued on to his next attack.

Lifting a huge chunk of broken stone with the Force, the Krath started to break pieces off and shot them toward his downed enemy. All the while his tiny voice in the back of his head told him he would deliver on his words. Methyas was already a Force welding conduit, but lifting the broken stone and sending it at the Exarch was beyond his abilities and he knew this, but did not relent his attack. Silent choose to focus on healing his possible internal injuries more than the tiny rocks pelting him, so as he regained his feet and his skin healed to a more tolerable level, he put himself into his Soresu defensive position.

Becoming wary from the constant onslaught, the rocks finally dwindled to nothing but air, Silent took his chance and rushed forward and jumped into a downward slash. Before he could make contact, he was held in midair staring into the eyes of the Krath, Methyas let a small smile creep across his face and into a full blown one as he pushed with the Force knocking Silent back to the other side of the room. Landing with a hard thud from the high wall to the floor, scrapes, bruises, and blood could be seen all over Silent’s body.

“It seems you are not as grey as you once were Methyas.”

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 8 June, 2014 2:00 AM UTC

Realism: TK at skill level 1 is probably not going to be able to throw a massive door.

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 8 June, 2014 2:03 AM UTC

Syntax: "...and throw his arm to the right" should be "threw his arm to the right"

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 8 June, 2014 2:04 AM UTC

Realism: Shock is a single bolt; what is described here is Force Lightning.

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 8 June, 2014 2:05 AM UTC

Story: blast from Methyas - describe what kind of blast better. I'm assuming TK, but be more descriptive in your writing.

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 8 June, 2014 2:07 AM UTC

Story: Describe Soresu, don't just mention he assumes it, say what this means - how is he holding his saber, what is his stance?

The words from his opponent gave the Miraluka pause, the taint of the dark side overly prevalent around him as its focal point lay nestled in a pouch at his waist. He could feel the exhaustion of all his Force usage creeping in; despite his skill and control he still could only do so much. Taking the moment for Silent to slowly rise to his feet, Methyas took a few deep and steady breaths as he tried to center himself. From across the chamber, Silent coughed with a pain in his chest from the impact with the wall. He quickly realized that with this pain he probably had broken ribs and bones. The Shi'ido grimaced slightly as he considered his options, at this point he had already used most of his ranged options. Maybe he'd be able to throw lightning at his opponent once more but what would that do given the results so far?

Methyas breathed deeply, waiting for his opponent to make his move as he recalled the intelligence he had on him. As his mind rifled through its information for anything on Silent of Plagueis, he felt himself calmed once more. The artefact was still nagging at the edges of his mind, promising him the power to easily crush this foolish bug before him. Methyas put up a mental block to help ignore the item as he focused on his opponent, a shapeshifter it seemed, who like him favoured distance between himself and his opponents. The Miraluka paused to focus for a moment, reaching out to analyse the state of Silent. A small knowing smile crept across the Jedi's face as he realized his opponent was in no state to continue fighting. Disengaging his lightsaber and turning slowly, Methyas started away from the tomb and back towards the cave systems he had come from, "Don't try to follow, Silent. You're in no condition to fight."

The words were enough to make the Shi'ido's blood boil, despite being correct in their assessment. He would not be defeated here, he had come so far for this relic that he wouldn't leave empty handed. His mind quickly considered his options and decided on either a direct approach or something more round about. Clenching his jaw, Silent decided he'd either go big or go home. Reaching out with an extended hand, the Shi'ido grasped at the location of the dark side taint, the pouch containing the relic. The pouch itself merely shuffled and jumped at the Miraluka's waist, but it did cause him to pause and turn to face his opponent once more. It was a gesture more for his adversary than for himself, "Do you not know when to stop?"

Without waiting for a response, Methyas withdrew his lightsaber once more and in a fluid motion threw it across the chamber with the guidance of the Force, his telekinesis directing the blade into Silent's shoulder with astounding speed before pinning the Shi'ido to the wall and causing him to drop his lightsaber with a shriek of pain. The hilt's emitter was wide enough to keep Silent pinned as Methyas slowly crossed the tomb. Closing the distance between them as he slowly withdrew the artefact from its pouch and cloth, "Lets see what you would risk your life over."

The Jedi once again focused himself, he knew there was a risk involved with wearing the unidentified relic, but he wanted to know what his opponent knew about this artefact that he didn't. With a swift movement, Methyas placed the torc about his neck and felt a surge flow through him. The Miraluka paused for a moment as Silent began to more frantically try and wrench his opponent's blade from his shoulder. This artefact was simply a Sith amulet, but this was one akin to what Ludo Kressh or Naga Sadow were said to have wielded. Like theirs, it was an amulet which could amplify one's power with the Force. As Methyas gained control over himself, he could feel the dark power running through him, almost a struggle to maintain the light alongside it, "I see why you wanted this relic for yourself now."

Having taken a pause, the Jedi had renewed himself, almost seething with energies now. Without moving a single muscle, he grasped the remains of the door from the wall alongside him, lifting it slowly from the floor and pulling it from its resting place before guiding it towards Silent's restrained form. As the door loomed nearer, Methyas twisted it violently, causing it to almost spin about before releasing it from his grasp, recalling his lightsaber in the seconds afterwards. Panting slightly and sweating profusely, Methyas watched as Silent scrambled to move out of the path of the massive stone door sliding across the floor, but it was too late. The Shi'ido leapt as best his body would allow him before it was pinned from his chest down against the wall with an audible crunch. The man coughed hoarsely as Methyas approached, the Jedi's saber still humming violently in his hand as he surveyed his opponent.

The time that passed as Methyas considered his options seemed like hours as Silent's heart pounded deeply in his chest until finally the Jedi deactivated his lightsaber. Placing the hilt upon his waist, Methyas withdrew something small from a pouch beside it in exchange, seeming to key something into the object before tossing it at his helpless opponent.

"That distress beacon should allow your leaders to find you, when you think you can take this relic, come and find me," the Miraluka said plainly before turning to leave this forsaken place, the torc still about his neck as he had claimed his prize.

Silent grunted with pain as he used the wall behind him to slowly regain his footing. Stopped in midair, a giant piece of rock broke into smaller pieces and tossed at him, the sudden burst of energy flowing off Methyas. Silent knew the artifact had something to do with this, he was quickly becoming outmatched by the power growing within the Krath. The Exarch pushed off the wall and brought himself back into a defensive position.

“It would seem that you are more than a one armed robotic freak.” Silent allowed his words to intertwine with the Force as it flowed through his mouth. Methyas with a hint of a smirk escaping his mouth, raised his left hand and called on the Force to attack the Exarch. Silent was pushed back into the wall hearing and feeling the pain of several ribs breaking.

“Is that…the best…you can do” Silent said between gasping breaths. The Krath did not relent as he threw another blast at Silent, pushing him farther into the wall and denting the rest of the wall around him in a circular hole. Pieces of rock crumbled and rained dust over the Exarch as he coughed blood out.

His vision fading as the room began to swim in a sea of confusion, the Exarch heard the call of the Force to move out of the way. Weak and beaten, Silent knew moving wasn’t an option as he watched a light blue beam of light fly toward him, he tried with all his strength and brought up his right hand to command the Force to push the light away. It give it a slight nudge as the blade of light cut through his left arm, then the saber retreated back to its owner. The Exarches arm was left behind with his saber as he was lifted through the Force back into the air towards Methyas.

Worn down, he looked deeply into the Krath’s eyes, seeing his whole persona changed. The Krath began to slowly close his hands as the Force obeyed his command to squeeze Silent’s body. Silent let out a blood curling scream in which the Force echoed back by spewing electric blots from his hand, but they flew wildly.

Feeling a blot scrape by his cheek, Methyas let his enemy fall to the floor as he leapt down to meet him face to face. Falling down on to his knees with his head lobed back he stared again at the Krath.

“It seems your luck has run out Silent. you should have taken the deal.” Methyas said as he raised his saber.

“Wait Methyas, don’t you know you are already dead?”

The Force seemed to have given the Exarch one last lucky strike. Even though they flew wildly it still flew true, right into a nearby Wraid who went wild and started a stampede heading for their chamber. The ground began to rumble and stones began to rain dust as a horde of Wraids came rushing in. Methyas looked wide eyed at Silent who, smiled and said,

“Looks like neither of us will walk out alive.” As the stampede trampled over the two.