Knight Aiden Lee Deshra vs. Acolyte Zujenia

Knight Aiden Lee Deshra

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Human, Force Disciple, Seeker

Acolyte Zujenia

Journeyman 2, Journeyman tier, Clan Arcona
Female Human, Force Disciple, Shadow

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Hall Journeyman Tourney [2016]
Messages 3 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Knight Aiden Lee Deshra, Acolyte Zujenia
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Knight Aiden Lee Deshra's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Acolyte Zujenia's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Ilum: Crystal Cave
Last Post 12 May, 2016 1:13 AM UTC
Member timing out Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna

Ilum Crystal Cave

On the planet of dangerous myths, shocking fables and unspoken legends, there is also beauty. Dispersed around the untamed world are flaws; cracks formed through thousands of years. Glacial rivers rushing and destroying cliffs, racing and scooping away the soil and digging crevices untouched by all but a handful of explorers from ages long past. Isolated at the southern tip of Ilum, this particular ravine is close to the planet’s core. No-one ever dared to dive directly down into the darkness of the ravine, instead opting for laser drills that bore a tunnel into the nearby glacier. Uncharted and unexplored, this passageway is a place of nightmares for those who venture to its depths. The half-eaten carcasses of explorers who have met an untimely end litter the ravine’s descent—a warning to those who might choose to venture too far. Whether these men and women fell to their deaths, or had been murdered remains lost to the long-forgotten histories of the ravine.

The antechamber of the Crystal Cave is wide and cavernous with a winding walkway carved out of the stone itself and smoothed over with glacial elegance. The pathway ascending upwards to the top of the cave where a resilient sheet of ancient stone weathers against the raging winds from Ilum’s winter skies. At the base of the walkway is a platform of old stone used for meditation in times past.

Ilum Crystal Cave

Leaving the main antechamber leads to other tunnels carved and abandoned by miners and treasure hunters. Glinting like candlelight against the unforgiving darkness of the deep and untrodden cave, multi-coloured clusters of kyber crystals reflect the light into the deepest crevices from the surface. Untouched for a millennia, the value in this chamber once sparked an entire battle between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. The sides of the cavern stretch vertically, terminating in a vaulted arch that was carved with embellishments some time ago. On each side of the walls, various ports and alcoves distinguish in the light. Some are known to be rivers of purified water, as displayed by the translucent sheets of ice glistening along the alcove walls.

“Knight Aiden Lee. As you know, Taldryan is looking at a possible threat. We do as we are told, but how long will our safety last? Pravus is unpredictable. Just look at what happened to New Tython,” Howlader Taldrya, Consul of Clan Taldryan said as he addressed House Dinaari’s Aedile. “Karufr will not suffer the same fate. Not on my watch.”

“What would you have of me, Sir?”

“We must be better equipped to handle any possible threat to our System. Go to the crystal caves on Illum and retrieve as many Kyber crystals as you can. We will need any advantage we can get against this possible threat.

“By your command.”

The old stone floor was cold against his clothed body. The Gray Jedi sat with his legs crossed and his eyes closed, meditating. The Force-charged air swirled around him, as if it had a lazy current drifting along. It was intoxicating. A blue lined cloak shielded his head from a cool wind that slipped into the luminescent cave from between the cracked walls. His black bangs hung lightly on his forehead, covering his right eye. By his knee lay a satchel on the ground, bulging from being filled with crystals in a multitude of radiant colors. Aiden Lee Deshra was anchored to this spot, his connection to the Force tethering him into a motionless trance.

A white haired figure, stepping quietly, made her way towards the sitting Taldryan. Without knowledge of who or why this stranger was in the Illum caves, she decided that the careful approach was the wisest. The glacial elegance of the surrounding cavern walls truly bewildered her, and she had a hard time focusing with the shimmering crystals and ice that covered the caves’ interior. Looking the sitting figure up and down, Zujenia, Acolyte of Clan Arcona, noticed the satchel that lay near him. The flap was open, revealing the glittering Kyber crystals within. Concentrating on the energy all around her, she attempted to mask her presence from his senses and strode nearer to the bag. Looking inside, she could tell that there were at least twenty individual cut crystals in his possession.

“You had best have a good reason for going through my things.”

Zujenia jumped back and pulled out her electrostaff. As she activated the weapon, both ends began to vibrate with enough electrical energy to inflict severe damage, if used lethally. Aiden opened his eyes, turning his head to gaze at the Arconan female. With her tan, blue-hued skin, he knew she wasn’t fully human. Her loose fitting clothing hid any other distinguishing features.

“How did you know I was here?”

“I sensed your presence the moment you entered this antechamber. The next time you plan on sneaking up on someone, conceal yourself before you enter the room,” The Taldryan Gray Jedi said as he rose to his feet.

Zujenia could clearly see the lightsaber hilt that hung from a clip on his belt. Having no lightsaber of her own gave him an advantage. Hers, was her skill with an electrostaff.

All I need to do is stun him for a short while. Arcona would love to have those Kyber crystals of his, She thought to herself.

“Who are you? Why are you here?” Zujenia asked.

“It is rude to demand a name, without first giving your own,” he replied.

I’ve always enjoyed a good fight. I hope she has no performance issues, Aiden thought, his blood pumping faster, excitement flooding his system.

“You may call me Zujenia.”

“And I am Aiden Lee Deshra.”

I know that name, she thought. Zujenia was slightly intrigued. Knowing that she couldn’t win in a prolonged encounter, she checked her surroundings, and noticed the winding staircase. She could use that to her advantage.

“Why do you have so many Kyber crystals on you? Surely you are not keeping that many for yourself?” the Acolyte asked.

And there we go. I’ve been too lax in these caves. She cannot be allowed to take that information to whatever clan she hails from, Aiden knew at that moment what it may come to.

“That is my business, and it is best that you forget you saw anything.” Aiden responded, no longer amused. “I would hate to be forced to make you forget it, but I will do so to protect my family.”

Aiden could prove himself a threat. I’m not sure that I could beat him, the Arconan thought.

Zujenia angled the left side of her body backwards, keeping her right forwards, holding her staff parallel to the ground beneath her.

Aiden pulled out his dual Beskad swords and kept a light grip on their handles. He smirked, the love of battle showing in his eyes. Dashing forward, he slashed his left hand sword towards her leg, and Zujenia brought her right hand up, blocking the sword. Aiden grinned as he thrust the second sword forward, bypassing her defenses. Zujenia rolled out of the way, sweeping her staff at the Taldryan’s feet. Aiden jumped, maintaining his balance.

Leaping to her feet, Zujenia concentrated, filling her body with invigorating energy. She felt her muscles strengthen and smiled as she swung her left side forward, using her own inertia to strengthen the intended blow. Aiden blocked the staff, both blades leveraged evenly. Zujenia followed up, twisting her body around and swinging her staff quickly, only for Aiden to once again block the strike. She slid her right foot back and thrust her left foot into a powerful kick, knocking the Beskad out of Aiden’s left hand. The blade flipped through the air before clattering to the cold stone floor.

Aiden grinned, respecting Zujenia’s ability. Reaching out his left hand, the Beskad blade returned into his grasp with just a thought, before he sheathed both swords. He drew his curved hilt and bowed.

“Not bad, but playtime is over.”

The Taldryan’s face lit up with a hiss of Amethyst light.

Dratz! I was hoping we could hold off on that a bit longer. Zujenia’s eyes narrowed as the lightsaber beamed to life, startling the rhythmic beating of her pulse. Its purple haze cast against the cold stone between them, brushing back their shadows that already writhed with motion as both combatants shifted their stances. The half-Ryn resumed the sideways pose she’d been taught, adjusting her weight to the balls of her feet for quick evasiveness. She observed as Aiden brought his right foot forward, the toes of his boot pointing in her direction. His left side drew back and he shifted his weight evenly between bent legs, saber angling forward. The Human Force-user transformed into a thin post.

Another cold breeze shifted the air. Zujenia tightened her grip on her staff, wishing she had taken the cloak Master Atyiru had offered. The heavy body suit under her wardrobe successfully blocked some of the frigidness, but not all. Master. Heh. I don’t believe this is what you had in mind for training. The Shadow Lady had commanded the Acolyte to meditate within the crystalline antechamber, much to Zujenia’s protest. The half-Ryn had believed she would be more useful in the Citadel with the recent attacks on Arcona. She frowned before tensing her calf muscles, determination filling her as she pushed off to engage her opponent.

I’ll come back stronger, promise!

Aiden waited, saber held steady until the half-Ryn was only a few paces away. Zujenia rotated her staff across her torso, targeting his back. The Taldryanite swiftly thrusted his lightsaber towards her abdomen, his left foot trailing as his momentum stirred a flurry of fluid slashes and steps, forcing the Arconan to abandon her action. She rolled instinctively off her back, vaulting to her feet and hopping backwards, fighting for balance to dodge the refined assault upon her. Waves of warning flashed against her nerves, commanding her to move right, left, to duck. Her brows snapped together as Aiden’s saber burned through several centimeters of her bangs, the glow bright against her eyes.

I can’t do this much longer. Zujenia gritted her teeth. One wrong move and a hole would be burnt through her chest. Dread filled her at the thought, taking control, tensing her limbs.

“Get off!” she hollered, the Force infusing her muscles. Dropping into a crouch with augmented speed as the amethyst blade swept above her, Zujenia launched forward. She twisted her body, channeling anger to strength, staff aimed for Aiden’s gut. Blue tendrils of electricity dug into his abdomen, sending him staggering backwards with the blow.

Aiden straightened his back, the grimace on his face replaced with a vicious grin. A spirited blaze burned in his eyes, akin to a hunter nearing his prey.

The half-Ryn shivered a few meters away, shoulders quivering with labored breath. The overexposure to the Force was starting to wear on her. She needed to buy herself some time to recuperate. A glint of green light out of the corner of her eye drew her attention.

The crystals! She returned her focus to the readied Taldryanite. Why does he want those crystals? They’re used for lightsabers, but the way he guards them...hmm. Dropping her shoulder, Zujenia lifted her chin towards her opponent, her stance taking on a more passive note, though her grip remained tight.

“Aiden,” she called. He cocked his head in response. Zujenia swallowed down a lump in her throat. “The crystals, you want them for more than just to make a few sabers. Are you looking to make some quick cash? Pay a debt? Gambling?” Blue eyes flashed at her, which probably meant not. The half-Ryn couldn’t help testing the waters though. Would he react irrationally, providing an opening?

“I gave you my answer before.” Aiden’s brows twitched as he growled. Furling his left hand into a fist, he slammed it forward. Invisible energy hit her, hurling her backwards into a tumble of limbs. Shards of stone broke off the carved floor, finding purchase in exposed skin. Zujenia gasped, the wind knocked out of her. She reached out, gripping a rocky ledge to drag herself into a crouch. Glancing around quickly, the Acolyte realized she had settled at the base of the antechamber’s spiral walkway. Unfortunately, her electrostaff had not.

Swift footsteps rang in her ears and Zujenia quickly pivoted on her toes in time to see Aiden arcing his saber down. She wrenched herself away, scrambling under the ramp. Fabric hooked against the rough edge of the walkway, tearing with her momentum. Violet sparks sprayed off of the path as Aiden’s lightsaber cut a shallow groove in it. Subconsciously, Zujenia examined the shredded pant leg. Her tail, once bound, now uncoiled freely.

Reaching back to rearm herself, she gripped the barrel of her Tuskan Cycler, but hesitated. The phantom smell of burning flesh stirred her nose, and an image of a bloody bayonet flashed through her mind. The last time I... Her stomach clenched violently, dragging her to the present.

A hand grabbed the back of her neck roughly, yanking Zujenia out from under her crawl space and throwing her to the side.

Her right hip bashed against the cold stone, dispatching new waves of pain. She winced as she staggered to her feet. Aiden just stood there quietly, waiting. His eyes smoldered with a longing, a hunger to end this battle. It was matched only by the intense flash for survival living in the amber irises of the Arconan. Tail lashing, she drew the slugthrower from her back. It spun above her head before laying to rest parallel to the ground. Sliding her right leg behind the left, Zujenia locked into her stance. This was her hold, her keep. She could not let it fall.

Aiden’s gaze was drawn to the slugthrower aimed shakily at him. He could see the pain etched on the half-Ryn’s face. This battle would be over soon enough. Frankly he was pleased with her efforts, and impressed by the electrical injury he had received from her electrostaff. She got in a clean hit, and that moment gave him the feeling he relished; the feeling of battle that made the Taldryan feel alive.

I have already wasted too much time with this girl. Howlader is not known for his patience.

“Zujenia, I apologize, but this fight needs to end now.”

“I agree Aiden, and one shot is all I need.”

Sensing a warning pulse through the Force, Aiden saw her finger move towards the trigger. His body acting of it’s own accord, Aiden threw his lightsaber and dove to the side. A searing noise was followed by an intense scream of pain that rang throughout the antechamber as Zujenia’s left arm was scored by the lightsaber. On reflex, she had dodged enough to save the limb from being severed. As the half-Ryn screeched in pain, she dropped the Tuskan Cycler. As it landed, it fired straight up, the slug colliding with a cluster of Kyber crystals. The Force-infused crystals burst in an explosive shockwave that enveloped the cavern, throwing both Aiden and Zujenia rolling across the floor. Aiden's head slammed into a rock as a result of being treated like a child's toy, the force of the impact sent his vision into blackness.

Aiden’s eyes slowly opened sometime later. He felt dizzy and nauseous, his head feeling like it was being split open. As the Gray Jedi stood up, he stumbled a bit before righting himself. Things slowly came into focus as Aiden stood still, taking in a deep breath. Letting it out, he scanned over the antechamber with his eyes. The room looked completely different, large chucks of rock and ice lay covering the cavern floor. The winding staircase that had stood the test of time lay in ruin beneath a mountain of debris. Aiden stumbled around the floor looking for his lightsaber, and found the curved hilt smashed beneath a slab of rock.

The Grey Jedi let out a deep sigh, and began his search for the satchel. Spending some time digging around, he found himself by a large wall of fallen ice. The crystalline frozen water was almost see through, and he could make out the brown color of the satchel. Aiden’s gaze followed the wall, and found the only way through was to dig through the ice, or the rock around it. He took out his beskad blades and began to hack and slash at the wall, slowly chipping away at it, dulling his blades a little more with each slash. After some time, he was able to make enough of a hole that he could stick his arm through. He pushed his right arm into the hole, and as he grasped the strap of the satchel the air behind him distorted as a hidden Zujenia leapt at him with a snarl, and sunk her vibroknife into his left leg.

Howling out in pain, Aiden thrust his left arm out, bending the Force to his will, and hammered the energy into her chest. Zujenia was thrown backwards, and she collided with a pile of rock and ice. Blood seeped through his pants as Aiden ripped the vibroknife out of its resting place. His body shook in pain, and he pulled the satchel through the hole, before turning to the half-Ryn warrior. Aiden hobbled over to her downed figure, her vibroknife in his grasp. He was fully prepared to kill her with her own weapon as anger flooded his mind.

Aiden stopped, standing above her, and looked over the heavily injured half-Ryn. Her left arm was burned, and blood stained her face and clothes from her previous injuries. Her silvery hair matted and dirty, the crimson soaked hair thickened with dust and dirt from the cave in. Aiden’s anger slowly dissipated as he felt pity for her instead.

“Well...what are you waiting for. Just...just end it. End it like the monster that you are, Taldryan!” Zujenia spat out.

Leg throbbing, Aiden carefully knelt down, his gaze never leaving her. She was finished, no more strength resided in her bones. The Knight began to use all of his will and concentrated heavily as he pushed inside of her mind. Waving his hand in front of her face, Aiden kept eye contact with Zujenia.

“You will not remember me, or the crystals I took from this place. You were injured by an accident within these caverns, and were unable to complete your goals.”

As much as she tried to fight it, she was too tired and had sustained too many injures. His power over her shone through.

“I will not remember you, or what you took from this place. I was injured in an accident within these walls, and I was unable to complete my goals.”

Aiden bowed his head in relief before shakily standing. Body aching and drenched in sweat, the Knight had to catch his weakening breath. Fatigue shown clear upon his face. He left Zujenia lying in a daze on the pile of fallen ice and stone. He limped and cursed as he made his way towards the exit. His body grew tired with each step, but he had a mission to complete. Nothing would stop him from achieving his goals, not even death. Aiden eyed the bag of Kyber crystals and was reminded of his destroyed lightsaber.

Looks like I’ll be keeping one of these crystals for myself, he thought, smirking slightly at his misfortune. I do hope Howlader’s fears are unwarranted. Pravus will not be an easy adversary. At least, it would be a good fight.