Knight Mactire vs. Battlemaster Bentre Kairn'tel Stahoes

Knight Mactire

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Human, Force Disciple, Defender, Sentinel

Battlemaster Bentre Kairn'tel Stahoes

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Human, Sith, Shadow, Obelisk

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Hall Duelist Hall - Old Container
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Knight Mactire, Battlemaster Bentre Kairn'tel Stahoes
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Knight Mactire's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Battlemaster Bentre Kairn'tel Stahoes's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Karufr - Massassi Temple Training Grounds
Last Post 10 May, 2016 5:43 PM UTC
Member timing out Kristeva

Deep within the jungles of Karufr lies a massive temple built from stone blocks, hand-carved by the builders of the Massassi. The ancient race made its home on the planet after joining forces with Clan Taldryan, having been freed from stasis years ago. Now, an entire civilization exists, hidden far from the prying eyes of Karufr's citizenry. As a Jedi, you are one of the few to have access to their secret base.

You step onto the temple grounds and watch the fearsome warriors train in small regiments with their crude weapons. The entire temple is in a state of anticipation as the Massassi know they will soon be called on once more to aid the Dark Jedi of Taldryan in battle. The temple is shaped like a giant pyramid, towering into the sky, and serves as a backdrop to the training ground.

The War Chief notices you and gestures you forward. He clears the area around you with a bellowing command, and the Massassi warriors present form a wide circle with you at the center. A moment later, you realize you're not the only Jedi to visit the temple—the crowd parts slightly to allow the newcomer to enter the ring. The gathered Massassi holler in good cheer. They want to see a fight.

The Chief raises his weapon to the sky and barks a command. The Massassi begin to stamp their feet against the ground, creating a loud, steady beat that seems to get your blood pumping. With little choice left, you lock eyes with your opponent and ready yourself for a fight.

Bentre stared down the shorter Sadowan as he fingered the lightsaber at his side. Mactire did not fidget at the glare from the Equite, answering the expression with a condescending smile. The Corellian Sith stepped forward slowly in step with the sound of the stomping Massassi. He felt a small surge of adrenaline as he drew a slow breath. The smell of the jungle brought back flashes of his battle with Anima.

Without breaking the gaze, Stahoes ran a finger along the scars around his left eye. The Journeyman’s goldish blue eyes flashed with a momentary fascination at the act. This brought a knowing smile to the Battlemaster’s face. As the illusion over the eye dropped, the normally hazel eye was replaced with a red glow. To Bentre’s satisfaction, Mactire did not recoil at the sight in the least.

“You know,” the Sith called to his compatriot, “I was once in your spot. Going toe to toe with an Equite while I was only but a Journeyman. I was not as experienced as you are, nor had I the chances to prove myself as you have. I am sure you had some fun making to a Taldyran planet, and I have to commend you for your bravery if nothing else in meeting my challenge.”

“You expected that I would back down?” The shorter man scoffed.

“I did not think you would back down. This is all the better really.” Bentre raised his thin-handled lightsaber, igniting the beam with a snap-hiss. A Massassi cried out in excitement as the Shadow flourished the sapphire weapon a bit before drawing it closer to himself in both hands. “This is far more interesting.” Stepping forward at a calm pace, the Corellian flourished his blade back and forth as he watched his opponent.

“I will show you interesting.” Mactire walked forward at a brisk face, igniting his own lightsaber. As the purple light flashed in his eyes, he held the weapon at the ready. As he closed the distance between them, the Journeyman brought the emerald-green hilt around in a swift diagonal strike. Benter’s response was very calm, almost minimalist as he parried the first blow.

As he turned the blow aside, the Equite twisted his blade around aiming for the Knight’s head. The Gray Jedi pulled his lightsaber sideways in a hard strike, determined to bat the blow aside. His blade slipped along Bentre’s, driving his opponent’s attack off target. Instead, his beam barely glanced off the Corellian’s head, prompting a cry of pain. The Battlemaster drew back, clutching his burnt cheek.

“I am going to make you suffer for that little mistake, boy.” Bentre growled, placing his hand back on his lightsaber. With a grunt, the Sith swung with fierce abandon.