The oppressive heat caused his surroundings to shimmer as Farrin Xies, the newly-minted leader of the Jen Kaari Battleteam, stood atop a small rocky outcrop somewhere in the middle of the Begeren desert. Slowly circling, he scanned the surroundings with his macrobinoculars, unsure of what he even was truly searching for. His hope, at least, was to link up with the other members of his team or even the rest of Tarentum - perhaps they would know what they were seeking. Shaking his head in frustration, the Dark Jedi Knight slid none too gracefully down the patch of rocks, his boots sinking slightly into the sand once he hit the ground.
The Grand Master points and we obey, he mused as he dusted himself off, though he was here above all else because his Quaestor, not the leader of the Brotherhood, had ordered him to be. Truth be known, if he was able to find anything in this wretched desert, he would make an effort to bring it to Yridia for the glory of Tarentum before he'd even consider handing it over to the Grand Master. Farrin slid out of his thick outer robes, leaving just his dark tunic (plastered to his skin with sweat), dark gray trousers, and boots on in a bid to escape the heat.
Unconsciously running his hands over the lightsaber at his belt and his blaster holstered at his thigh, he studied the narrow opening at the base of the outcropping he had perched on. The rudimentary files he had studied en route to the planet said that there was a series of tunnels and caves underneath the desert surface of the planet, and he'd bet his credits - if he were still a betting man, after all - that any cache of artifacts (or whatever else he was supposed to be looking for) - would be deep within them. And that meant, obviously, delving into those depths. Unclipping his lightsaber from his belt but leaving it unlit, he slid his thin frame through the opening, eyes adjusting to the dim light afforded to him by the glowing plant life that he hoped dotted the entire network of caves and tunnels. As the air of the tunnels cooled him and he slipped quietly through the shadows of the dark caves, he grew more at ease; he was in his element, and he took comfort in that fact.
After a few minutes of almost silently threading through the thin tunnels and past empty caves - stopping at each to ensure they were in fact empty, as he remembered wraids were also known to make their homes down within these catacombs - he heard the crunch of sand and rock somewhere close by. He stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes darting across the cave he had been stalking through to the opposite end ten meters away. The noise had come from that direction, and based on the incline he thought another cave entrance was near.
From the inky black depths of an unlit corner of the cave, Farrin reached out with the Force towards the noise - was it a wraid that he'd have to put down before continuing on with his search, or was it something else entirely? His lips curled into a sneer as he realized the noise was not some beast but in fact another sentient - a Force user, as a matter of fact, and one whose presence in the Force felt vaguely familiar to Farrin, though he couldn't put his finger on specifically who. Maybe it'll be some fool Jedi, the Dark Jedi Knight thought briefly. Farrin stood as still as a statue within the shadows, his unlit lightsaber firmly in hand as he waited.
After what was likely no longer than a minute (but which felt more like an hour to the waiting Jen Kaari leader), a tall female Zabrak stepped into the cave; much like Farrin, she held her lightsaber unlit in her hand, and she crouched as she carefully studied the cave. Her pale white face - heavily shadowed, here in the darkness of the cave - was one that he recognized as belonging to a fellow member of the Krath Order, though she was someone he didn't know well enough to be able to put a name to the face. One thing Farrin was certain of, though, and that was that she was certainly not a member of Tarentum, which made her a threat - he would not allow her to gain glory for her Clan or House at the expense of his own.
Switching the hilt of his lightsaber into his right hand, he drew his DL-17 blaster pistol with his left. After a moment's hesitation, he brought it to bear on his target, loosing a red blaster bolt. As he began to squeeze the trigger, he saw her eyes widen slightly, and she was able to barely threw herself out of the way of the shot. Jumping up, she slid quickly and easily into a ready stance, igniting her lightsaber to produce a thin red blade.
She knows what she's doing, Farrin realized with a start. I might have bit off more than I can chew here.
Deftly holstering his blaster, he transferred his own lightsaber back to his left hand and lit it, the beautiful white-silver blade illuminating his dark corner of the cave. Dropping back into the Soresu ready stance that had been drilled into him, he regarded his opponent, readying himself for what would come next.