Peacekeeper Tistito "Tisto" Kingang Okami vs. Vanguard Mana Vossi

Peacekeeper Tistito "Tisto" Kingang Okami

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Kiffar, Jedi, Juggernaut, Guardian

Vanguard Mana Vossi

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Sephi, Jedi, Sorcerer, Guardian

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Hall Duelist Hall - Old Container
Messages 1 out of 6
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Peacekeeper Tistito "Tisto" Kingang Okami, Vanguard Mana Vossi
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Peacekeeper Tistito "Tisto" Kingang Okami's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Vanguard Mana Vossi's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Nar Shaddaa: Club Vertica
Last Post 15 June, 2016 2:33 AM UTC
Member timing out Padawan Tisto Kingang

Nar Shaddaa Club Vertica

A gambler’s den of the Vertical City’s greatest bettors, Club Vertica is a casino reserved for the wealthiest of Nar Shaddaa. Cardshark droids are used exclusively to deal hands to those willing to risk their credits at the sabacc tables. Cheating is rendered near impossible under the surveillance of the droid's six photoreceptors. That of course does not stop the downtrodden from accusing others of being a fraud, which can often happen before someone receives a blaster bolt between the eyes. The few that have able to use skiffers undetected are counted as some of the best swindlers in the Galaxy.

Cerulean lights illuminate the tables, making concealment during a game difficult. Seated around most of the oval tables are a mix of gamblers from different species, succumbing to their addiction for the ultimate prize—the sabacc pot. Credits are tossed onto the tables forming mountains that draw in fierce competitors with deeper pockets and faster wit than the usual patrons.

Behind the games of sabacc, drinks are being served from the alcove of a small bar. Most of these are a shade of blue in color, expertly mixed to dull the senses of all but the hardiest individuals. Onstage, a local band sets the mood of the venue with an upbeat number that deafens out most conversations. The stakes are always high at Club Vertica.

The music of Club Vertica was, as always, loud. A small woman sat at a table, her obsidian eyes watching everyone around her. The movements of the dancers, the staggered steps of the drunk. Her mind processed the entirety of the scene with a practiced gaze. She never liked establishments like this, but recent events had ripped her from the comfortable and she decided that she needed further experience in these situations. A den of iniquity such as this would suffice just nicely.

Mana glanced at the glass sitting on the table before her with a sniff. They had told her it was called ‘alcohol’. It reeked of week dead animals and tasted like something from the engine room of a garbage scow. The dim light of the setting sun indicated that the evening was just beginning when a young Kiffar strode into the club, silver handle gleaming off his belt. A Jedi or a Sith…

The young man turned to face her, his eyes alight with interest. She had seen him before, but most of the short-lived people failed to catch her notice for very long. She was always told that it was a fast way to regret and heartbreak to get close to them. In an instant, Mana glanced at those around her, the young woman’s mind working quickly to evaluate and mimic the drunkenness of those who clearly frequented the place much more often. The young man approached and the Augur turned her unfocused gaze on the one standing before her.

“C’n I hep ya?” Mana slurred at the man, a calculated sway in her body to give the impression of being taken by the drink. “I s’m to find mys’lf starin’ at a man I mi’ know.”

For good measure, the young woman hiccuped at the Kiffar before shaking her head. Her eyes seemed to focus on him for a moment before they glazed back over. “Mebbe not.”

Tisto watched the woman, his features carefully masked. He had not known the Sephi for very long and even then, she was taken off to a medical center before he could introduce himself. “I am Tisto Kingang. I was wondering if you had a minute to talk?”

Mana gestured at the seat in front of her. “Not l’ke the oth’ one is comin’ back.”

The young Peacekeeper sat down at the table, his eyes constantly watching the woman before him. “I represent a group of people who would benefit from having you around. I was wondering if you would care to join us?”

Mana shook her head and pointed at the glass. “Too s’n for big que...ques...questions. Have a dr’nk. ‘m buyin’.”

The Knight-Commander looked around the club and winced. It would be rather difficult to protect this beautiful, sickly girl if things got out of hand. He quickly began to formulate a plan to get her away from the main body of the club and if there might be more private setting where they could talk without the listening ears of those that desperately sought the Jedi and their new hiding place. As if she could read his mind, the Sephi leaned forward and smiled at him, her eyes focusing and unfocusing as she watched him.

“You’re an int’resting one,” she said, her voice was low and deliberately sultry as Mana picked up her glass.