OE Callus Bo'Amar vs. SBM Teylas Ramar

Obelisk Exarch Callus Bo'Amar

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Female Epicanthix, Obelisk, Juggernaut

Battlemaster Teylas Ramar

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Male Anzati, Sith, Juggernaut

Ultimately, Teylas' writing was just a bit more clear and easy to follow. More feedback available upon request.

Hall Fading Light
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants OE Callus Bo'Amar, SBM Teylas Ramar
Winner SBM Teylas Ramar
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
OE Callus Bo'Amar's Character Snapshot Snapshot
SBM Teylas Ramar's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Begeren – Desert Wasteland, Co-Op
Last Post 6 June, 2014 10:31 PM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Callus Bo'amar Teylas Ramar
Score: 4 Score: 5
Rationale: Minor issues with proofing/capitalization Rationale:
Story - 40%
Callus Bo'amar Teylas Ramar
Score: 3 Score: 4
Rationale: Describe things rather than state them. Creative end to the fight, for sure. Rationale: Resolution seemed a little rushed, and what about the rest of the tomb? Given the victory, what treasures were there?
Realism - 25%
Callus Bo'amar Teylas Ramar
Score: 3 Score: 4
Rationale: Did not get much of a feel for what made the combatants in this fight unique from any other Jedi. Rationale: See comments. Janni's other powers handled well.
Continuity - 20%
Callus Bo'amar Teylas Ramar
Score: 5 Score: 5
Rationale: Rationale:
Callus Bo'amar's Score: 3.55 Teylas Ramar's Score: 4.35

Combat Master’s Note: Because you are matches against a member of your Clan, this battle takes on a unique format. You will be encountering Janni Kuran with an ally. Treat Janni Kuran as you would any other ACC opponent. You WILL be judged using the ACC rubric, so the person posting the best story will move on to subsequent rounds. If you wish to fight your Clanmate as well, you may, but this is not in any way a requirement.

Begeren. Once a prosperous Sith world, it has been the site of numerous battles throughout the millennia. Grand halls and monuments were torn down and re-purposed by looting Republic forces thousands of years ago, before they were driven from the planet. Isolated settlements still dot the planet's surface, but the inhospitable, craggy, and desert-like terrain, along with the beasts common to many desert and Sith worlds, have kept most humanoids from colonizing. Occasional skirmishes have left debris scattered throughout the desert, and battles were fought here as recently as the Galactic Civil War. The planet is now under the control of the One Sith and is rumored to be full of all manner of priceless, ancient Sith artifacts.

The Dark Council has pushed forth to Begeren and the Grand Master, on his quest for ever more powerful items, has decreed the Clans and Houses seize anything of value. The unity shown by the Brotherhood during the beginning of this Crusade is fracturing, with the Clans and Houses growing tired and frustrated with the seemingly endless succession of battles. Tempers are flaring between former allies, with outright aggression no longer uncommon. Despite this, you have responded to the Grand Master's call—though whether it's to actually seize the items for the Brotherhood, destroy them, or use them for your own purposes, only you know.

NPC Character Sheet: One Sith Adept Janni Kuran

By chance, you and an ally have followed the call of the Force to a stretch of desert wasteland, seemingly unremarkable save for the various rock outcroppings that dot the landscape. These outcroppings, though, hide a subterranean cave network, known to be a den of wraids. Though the entrances to the caverns are typically narrow and dark, these tunnels quickly widen. Below the surface, bioluminescent plants and lichen provide limited light.

You know that, even if you and your compatriot are alone in the desert, you won’t be for long. An ancient Sith tomb is located deep within the caves the wraids now call home, and the One Sith are keenly aware of its location. With the Brotherhood’s invasion, the One Sith are scrambling to recover their most powerful artifacts. Exactly what you’ll find in that tomb, you’re not sure—but it is something of great power, that you can sense. You know it is your duty to find it, whatever it is, though what you do with it… that is up to you.

As the two of you near one of the entrances to the caves, you think you hear the sounds of footsteps, or maybe skittering, down below—and above ground, you hear the crunch of rock underfoot as someone else has found a different rocky cave entrance, as well.

Callus stood studying the cave entrance, peering into the impenetrable darkness that lay beyond. The loose rock crunched behind the Obelisk as Teylas Ramar walked up behind him, the Quaestor of Ajunta Pall’s cloak whipped around behind him in the chill winds of Bergeren. “Well,” The Anzat spoke up. “shall we?”

“May as well,” Callus sighed, “we’re not getting any younger.” Callus synched up his belt and took a step towards the cave mouth, before his foot hit the ground a shock ran down his spine. Callus exploded into action as he tackled Teylas to the ground as several blaster bolts vaporized the rocks where the two had been previously standing. Teylas shoved the Epicanthix off of him and was preparing to utter a curse when Callus inclined his head up on top of the ridge. Standing a top the ridge was a pink haired female clad in black wielding a large blaster pistol. Callus’ hand shot towards his Tenloss DX-2 disruptor pistol, drawing and firing at the mysterious assailant.

The shots went wide but the attacker repositioned herself but didn’t take aim. A vicious howl rose above the wind as three ferocious hounds raced down the hill. “Akk dogs,” Teylas exclaimed drawing his lightsaber, “we are in for a fight.” Callus gave a grim nod as he fired off a few shots at the beasts, their scales shrugging off the blasts as easily as transparasteel does rain. The Exarch holstered the blaster and unclipped his lightsaber from his belt. The cool metal comforting and familiar in his grip as he depressed the activation plate, a chorus rung in his ears at the alignment of the crystals within the hilt of his weapon, a pale blue blade materialized from the emitter of the lightsaber.

The beasts bore down on the two Plagueians kicking up loose stone in their wake as they thundered toward there would be dinner. Callus gave Teylas a quick sidelong glance and a quick nod as the two darksiders rushed the beasts. Both elders engaged with the first creature Callus propelling himself into the air and Teylas striking low, Callus’ goal was to impale his blade behind the akk dog’s neck while his comrade was going to cut at the creature’s legs. Both plans went afoul quickly.

Callus missed his mark and the blade deflected off of the armor like scales as he landed astride the beast, meanwhile Teylas was thrashed by the creature’s muscular tail and sent sprawling on the loose stone of the makeshift battle arena. Needless to say the creature was not happy to have a rider, Callus wasn’t too thrilled at the prospect either as the last time he’d been astride a beast of burden was on Hoth when he was 10 years old. Callus attempted to gain control of his body and drive the blade between the thick scales of the beast. From the corner of his eye Callus saw Teylas recover and raise an arm in his direction. Suddenly the beast stopped stone in its throws, a manipulation of the force from the Sith. Callus was able to thrust his blade between the scales and into the beasts’ neck; he rotated the blade around causing as much damage as possible. When he felt a sufficient amount of damage had been done he leapt clear of the akk dog’s back and made his way toward Teylas who was being circled by the two remaining creatures.

“We should make a break for it,” Callus called out, “head into the caves, try and loose them.”

“Easier said than done,” Teylas cried jumping back from the snapping jaws of one of the beasts, “what are you thinking?”

Callus scanned around and picked out a rather hefty rock and wrapped it in the force, he launched it from behind one of the akk dogs and struck it on the hindquarter drawing its attention away from Teylas and Callus. “NOW!” Callus yelled as the two augmented their natural speed through the force towards the mouth of the cave.

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 8 June, 2014 3:08 AM UTC

Syntax: Capitalization issue, as in the Force. Also, word choice, as in loose when it should be lose.

The two Dark Jedi darted towards the unknown that awaited them inside the cave with, what seemed like, an almost unbearable speed. The two remaining akks quickly followed with their own haste, slowly followed by their master who was seemingly in no hurry to dirty her own hands.

The mouth of the cave proved to be just the opening of a far reaching network of tunnels and larger caverns. Without knowing how far or deep they were really going, the two Dark Jedi agreed to stay together to fight their enemy. The two finally came to a stop atop a small outcropping of rock within one of the smaller caverns. Teylas was unsure that this was the right course of action as Callus seemed much more prone to brute force over strategy compared to Teylas' preference for meticulous and unique design.

The sound of the akk's feet beating against the tunnel ground echoed throughout the caverns within earshot, forcing the two Dark Jedi to hasten their approach to the situation. "We should continue to run; tire them out and then destroy them while they're at their weakest," Callus confidently suggested.

"They won't be the only ones tired by then, and I'm going to assume that their master isn't too far. It also appeared she was able to control them through the Force, which means we don't know exactly who we're going to be up against," the Anzat responded.

Put off by the retort of his idea with no supplement for it, Callus advanced towards Teylas' face, "And what do you suggest then, Sith?"

Teylas quickly scanned the cavern for some sort of leverage, finding it difficult to see in the dim light that was seeping through the microfractures and cleavage of the crystalline ceiling. There wasn't much in terms of a tactical advantage. Suddenly he remembered one of the numerous caverns they passed before. "Do you recall the large cavern with the large, raised plateau, and the underground river flowing deep below with a small chasm?"

"Vaguely," Callus responded.

"I have an idea. Go to that cavern, stand by the western entrance with your lightsaber ready. Hit the second one that'll be behind me. You'll know when to strike," the Anzat ordered as the two men parted. Teylas began searching the for the akk dogs, which wasn't too hard as they made their way through the caves louder than a drunken Wookie. As he finally came to them he stopped for a moment.

"Wanna play?" he sarcastically quipped before taking off again, this time with the akks right on his heels. Making his way back wasn't as easy as he had hoped, losing his way twice from feeling his way through the nearly pitch black tunnels, before finally seeing the better lit cavern.

"Ah Sithspit!" he said as he dove through the opening and somersaulted his way into the cavern. Midway through his Force-fueled tumble he could clearly see Callus pick off the end akk by a well timed thrust of his lightsaber. The blade found it's mark right behind the neck, searing the flesh as the momentum of the akk was more than enough to ensure the lightsaber continued through the beast slicing it from neck to tail, down the lower side.

Meanwhile, Teylas continued out of his somersault and towards the chasm; preparing for what is perhaps the oldest trick in the book. As he leapt over the chasm, enough steps in front of the akk, he twirled his body throughout the jumping motion, landing facing the akk who was preparing to make the same leap. Without hesitation Teylas extended his hand exposing a fully stretched palm and bending the Force to his will just as the akk prepared to leap. The Force, fully under Teylas' control for the moment with an intense focus, wrapped around the akk's hind legs as it began its leap, locking them up in a Force stasis and preventing the leap. The akk, paralyzed momentarily enough in the hind legs, had no choice but to fall between them into the fast flowing underground river at the bottom of the small chasm. The akk gave out a screech as it hit the water, much to the delight of the Anzat.

"I'm getting too old for this anymore," he muttered under his breath.

Callus walked up to Teylas, nodding with approval, while still drenched in the pungent odor of the other akk's seared flesh and bowels. "Now what?" he asked with a half disgusted look on his face, the smell nearly unbearable for either of them.

"Well we still ha--" the Sith was cut off by the shadowy silhouette of their female adversary exiting the tunnel into the cavern. "Oh, hello beautiful."

"You disposed of my pets," she responded with a calm anger.

Teylas looked over at the disemboweled corpse of the akk dog, "Oh… they were yours?" he quipped much to the disapproval of Callus who simply rolled his eyes. In truth, Teylas knew this unknown foe was strong in the Force, nearly emanating with power. However, his ability to ooze smugness was a clear and concise way to mask the anxiety he was feeling.

As she approached the two she brought her lightsaber to life.

Teylas brought his hand to his side at a right angle then called upon the Force to bring his lightsaber from its holster on his belt to the palm of his hand. As he brought the blade to life he held it extended to his side, arm extended, prepared for battle. While his nerves were fraying, he steadied himself for the duel: something he was better equipped for than his partner. Callus mirrored his movement creating a tense moment where none of the three moved a millimeter. Tensely at rest one moment, then springing to attack in the next, the two Plagueians raised their lightsabers in defense. As the three lightsabers clashed, the sparking was bright and beautiful, serving to announce that the battle had begun.

Defense, Callus hated playing defense they had no other option at this particular juncture. The enemy was pressing the attack and pushing the two Plagueians to the limit, both Teylas and Callus had fallen back to more defensive lightsaber forms; Teylas using Soresu and Callus utilizing Dun Moch. The woman was in full assault battering the defense of the two equites with abandon, she was fast, skilled, and wouldn’t be satisfied until both of them were dead.

Her violet blade slammed against Callus’ blue weapon as she lashed out with her combat booted foot at Teylas forcing the Sith to step back out of range. Callus shoved against her while she was on one foot and took her off balance. The advantage didn’t last as she was able to quickly turn the stumble into a back tuck and rolled to her feet and immediately attacked again. Teylas slashed in an upward diagonal, a classic Makashi maneuver, closing the distance to his target; the blow was deflected away as Callus brought his weapon down in a sledgehammer like strike designed to cleave the assailant in half. The woman pivoted on her heel and Callus’ blade simply slid through air. Caught off balance she struck Callus in the stomach with a heavy kick that doubled him over.

She turned her attention to Teylas and they engaged in a vicious exchange. Teylas gave some ground as he expertly deflected attacks away from his body. The purple blades flashed, with each clash of the blades both fighters looking for advantage against the other. She thrust her blade through Teylas’ defense and scored a blow against his left shoulder. The Quaestor jerked his arm back and attempted to create distance between himself and his attacker, the woman wouldn’t let him she pounced and drove him back to the cave wall. With no room to give and his back literally against the wall the end seemed nigh but Teylas fought on. He tried to fight his way out of the corner but she was too fast and too skilled.

She batted away Teylas’ last attempt at self preservation and prepared the final blow when she stepped to the side and a pale blue lightsaber blade thrust into the Battlemaster’s chest. The Anzat’s eyes flashed wide in terror, followed by the vilest hatred. Callus stepped back in shock, not that he was upset about killing Teylas but that she had evaded a sure killing blow. Callus withdrew his blade from the Quaestor’s body just in time to receive a swift saber slash across the chest. The wound wasn’t deep but it was painful, Callus fought back with a quick push kick followed by a downward slash that cut the fabric of her jacket. She slipped under a horizontal slash and kicked Callus’ legs out from under him.

Somehow Callus was able to roll out of the way as her violet blade pierced the stone where his head had once been. The Obelisk lashed out with his feet and they smashed heavily into her ribs and she was lifted off the ground and hit the ground hard, her lightsaber rolling from her grip. Callus quickly got to his feet and attempted to end the fight with one final blow. As he rushed to drive his blade into the woman’s back she rolled over and blasted him in the chest. Once, twice and a third time as Callus fell to his knees and then finally to his face.

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 8 June, 2014 3:18 AM UTC

Story: Describe things, rather than just stating them - e.g., how could you tell each combatant was using those styles?

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 8 June, 2014 3:28 AM UTC

Story: Liked the bit about Callus killing Teylas, hah.

The three Dark Jedi furiously twirled into one continuous, fluid motion of lightsaber combat. As they danced around the cavern, the Plagueians' opponent clearly showed off a skillful dexterity in controlling her body, footwork, and lightsaber. It was a stark contrast to the brute force that Callus was striking with, which was something Teylas believed to be a potentially fatal weakness. Teylas felt that he separated himself from Callus with his very finely detailed sword work. Although not necessarily the strongest or most agile of Sith, he more than made up with it by having one of the most finely tuned dueling forms in all of Clan Plagueis, and the enduring patience to allow him to strike his opponent at the right time.

Shortly into the trio's fight, it quickly became clear that the unnamed Zeltron opponent was attempting to separate herself from having to fight both of her opponents at once. She was jumping from stone to stone, off of some of the cavern walls, in an attempt to keep distance. She was also clearly favoring a one-on-one fight with Callus, whom Teylas assumed she figured she could out maneuver.

Without any hesitation she was able to dodge, outmaneuver, and generally deflect the hard, rage-filled strikes and swipes that Callus was bringing towards her head and body with blind fervor.

They had made their way on to the top of a large, elevated rock outcropping within the massive cavern they were dueling in. The exchanging blows upon lightsabers were continuing as they shifted to the highest point. At the top, was a tense moment as they neared an edge. The Zeltron quickly switched her position, leaping in a somersault over Callus' head, and forcing him to step back. Teylas looked over to see Callus quickly look behind him, only to see plenty of proper footing, before taking another step back. Suddenly, he found himself taking a fall down the side of the outcropping as the footing he thought he had disappeared, an illusionary trick the Zeltron created to finally get the Dark Jedi properly separated.

Teylas, however, felt far from concerned. It was in one-on-one lightsaber dueling that he thrived the most. If anything, he felt that he would be more able to flex his muscles without having to worry about another beside him. As the Zeltron changed her attention to Teylas she pushed a wave of telekinetic energy towards the Anzat, who quickly retorted by summoning the Force to his will to deflect it towards the ground.

The two resumed the lightsaber twirling duel, back and forth as if two waves crashing into one another. Teylas knew he would have to eventually wait for the Zeltron to make a mistake, but could tell from her tactics that she was just waiting to wear him down physically. Something that, at that point, wouldn't of taken long. Teylas knew that both he and Callus were already exhausted from their running from their Dark Jedi opponent's akk pets.

The two locked lightsabers with equally fierce slashes, bringing themselves closer to one another. "You think you can win this, Sith?" she mocked.

Teylas smirked as he oozed smugness all over his opponent’s words, "You're still wasting your time trying to win?" He looked over to see Callus slowly climbing back up the outcropping, the Obelisk's eyes barely skimming over the ground layer of rocks.

The Zeltron pulled back, twirling into a stoic stance, legs firmly apart, and lightsaber at the ready for continued combat. She equally shot back, "Victory will not be yours today."

The Anzat, still with the smirk on his face, watched as Callus was nearly behind the Zeltron. He was able to use his species' inherently powerful telepathic abilities, mixed with its amplification due to his Force training, to temporarily bombard the Zeltron's mind with distracting thoughts and images, allowing Callus to sneak up behind her. With one solid thrust he was able to pierce his lightsaber straight through her abdomen, forcing her to drop her lightsaber and look down in shock.

Callus inadvertently lunged her defenseless body forward towards Teylas as he removed his lightsaber, leveraging his hand against her back to remove it. Teylas, grabbing her with his unoccupied left hand, pulled her close to him as he spoke a solemn warning, "A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place. To force them to acknowledge your greatness."

Callus, who had come up behind her, added, "And then you kill them?"

Two small flaps on Teylas' face opened as his proboscises extended from their hidden slits upon his face. He responded, "... only if it's necessary," as the two proboscises found their way directly into the Zeltron's nostrils, crunching her skull with a sound reminiscent of dried leaves being stepped on as he began to feed upon her soup.

The look of fear on her face as her life was ending, realizing that she had pursued the wrong two Plagueians, was more than enough to please Callus. Her suffering and her soup was enough to gratify Teylas. That quickly, their unknown opponent had been vanquished by Plagueian teamwork.

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 8 June, 2014 3:22 AM UTC

Realism: Amplification does not amplify other Force abilities

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 8 June, 2014 3:25 AM UTC

Realism: While Janni doesn't have much resolve, she does have Precognition and quite a bit of it. She probably would have sensed Callus coming