Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj vs. Knight Ringer Klang

Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Human, Sith, Seeker, Imperial

Knight Ringer Klang

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Wookiee, Force Disciple, Marauder

I would like to thank you both for participating and for your patience in the grading process.

Andrelious, where your posts shined was in setting up a believeable scene. There were few enough syntax errors that it didn't detract from the overall readability, and there was only the one noted issue with continuity to speak of. However, your storytelling beyond the introduction was unimpressive, with a final post that read like cheesy self-glorification. You also had repeated realism errors, almost all of which involved accurate use of Skills, Aspects, and Lightsaber Forms.

Ringer, you did very well overall, and I can't find a single element alone that gave you a good rating. Your second post especially was a great read and an improvement over the first. Where you can find betterment most is in reducing your long-sentence usage and paying a touch closer attention the the capabilities of certain Force Powers relative to a CS.

Overall, you could both improve by perusal of the DB Wiki, and I would highly encourage keeping a tab open for Skills, Force Powers, and Lightsaber Forms each. It will help you to accurately portray not only your own characters, but your opponent.

With all commentary concluded, I hereby declare Ringer victor by points of this ACC match. We hope to see you again in the future.

Hall Duelist Hall - Old Container
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj, Knight Ringer Klang
Winner Knight Ringer Klang
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Knight Ringer Klang 's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Jakku: Fallen Starship
Last Post 28 October, 2016 7:47 PM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Deleted Ringer Klang
Score: 5 Score: 5
Rationale: Only minor syntax errors visible and room for improvement mentioned. Refer to notes. Rationale: Only minor syntax errors visible and room for improvement mentioned. Refer to notes.
Story - 40%
Deleted Ringer Klang
Score: 3 Score: 4
Rationale: Overall story lacked uniqueness and substance. Combat was flat and bland, offering little entertainment value. Refer to notes. Rationale: Minor errors noticed at intervals, but otherwise an entertaining and dynamic read. Refer to notes.
Realism - 25%
Deleted Ringer Klang
Score: 3 Score: 4
Rationale: Repeated issues throughout both posts, particularly in attention to Skills, Force Powers, and Lightsaber Forms. Refer to notes. Rationale: Only a handful of errors, but otherwise accurate to CSs and combat styles. Refer to notes.
Continuity - 20%
Deleted Ringer Klang
Score: 4 Score: 5
Rationale: One minor error present in second post. Refer to notes. Rationale: No continuity errors noted.
Deleted's Score: 3.5 Ringer Klang's Score: 4.35

Jakku Fallen Starship

A year after the destruction of the second Death Star in the celebrated Battle of Endor, another war was waged between the New Republic and Galactic Empire. Basking beneath the desert sun of Jakku rests the remnants of this hostility. Shifting sands have since buried and uncovered countless treasures and relics- to the delight of scavengers eager who hope to recover tokens from either side of the conflict!

The harsh desert offers little shelter from the elements, remaining barren and flat against the imposing backdrop of a fallen Star Destroyer that was left uncovered after the famed Battle of Jakku. Rather than allowing the vessel to fall into the hands of the Republic after the self-destruct had been sabotaged, Captain Ciena Ree ordered the Inflictor evacuated and sent it crashing to the planet’s surface. Sunken into the shifting desert sea, the upper portion of the Inflictor’s hull and exhaust ports remain otherwise intact, preserved amidst the rubble of untold casualties that had once occurred on both sides. Although it has been scoured by the passing of several sandstorms, it still displays the former power and might of the Galactic Empire.

Fallen Starship

Innumerous scraps of metal and machines of war share the same grave, echoing the lives of those who fought and died among the perilous wastes. Hundreds of these relics sit untouched, lingering amidst the ghosts that tend and reside in Jakku’s graveyard.

Jakku was hot, dry and distant. Andrelious had never visited, but he was aware that his beloved Empire had tasted one of its final defeats at the desert planet. The ruins of the battle were in the immediate vicinity, but the Sith had left them alone. He had a different task.

The Warlord had been sent to Jakku by his new Quaestor, Raiju Kang, to scout out the possibility of House Dinaari setting up their new base in the area. He and Kooki hated the idea; there were no mountains or colder areas on Jakku for them to raise their family. Furthermore, though Jakku was far removed from the Core, it was relatively well known in the galaxy due to a recent attack by the First Order.

What a horrible place. Never understood why anyone would want to live in such a hostile environment. Andrelious thought to himself.

The Sith was about to start heading back to his ship when he sensed a second Force user nearby. The warmth of the presence reminded him a little of Raiju, or the other Jedi among Taldryan’s ranks, but somehow slightly different. Andrelious wasn’t exactly sure as to what this meant.

Craning his head around, the Warlord spotted the source of the Force imprint; a Wookiee, a little shorter than most of his species. The furry alien appeared to be carrying a lightsaber, further confirming that it was a Force user.

“You. What are you doing here?” Andrelious questioned, marching over to the Wookiee.

“Rawwrrr. Rawwwrrr rawwr rawwwwr. Rawwr?” the Wookiee responded. Andrelious guessed from the tone of its growling that he was dealing with a male. He couldn’t understand a single word of Shyriiwook, but he noticed an unmistakable symbol on the Wookiee’s lightsaber hilt.

“So you’re with Taldryan as well. That would make you Ringer Klang, I believe,” the Sith declared, remembering that his Clan had only one Force sensitive Wookiee.

Ringer nodded in confirmation.

Perhaps you can understand me if I commune with you via the Force, Human?

“Indeed. I understood that perfectly. So are you going to tell me what you’re doing here?” Andrelious repeated.

The Wookiee smiled. Well, I’m not here to get a tan. That would be rather difficult.

“How about a little wager? If I can best you in combat, you tell me why you are here? I’ll even try not to kill you. We are allies, after all,” the Warlord offered.

I didn’t have you down as a betting man. Who exactly are you, anyway? Ringer asked.

“Andrelious Mimosa-Inahj. Aedile of Dinaari,” Andrelious replied.

So, we’re doing this for House pride. Plenty at stake.

“Indeed! For Dinaari!” the Sith cried, activating his silver hilted lightsaber in a single movement.

Responding in kind, Ringer leapt at Andrelious, hoping to use his size and strength to batter his way past the Warlord’s defences.

Mimosa-Inahj, hearing the Force scream a warning, prepared himself and held firm, leaving the Wookiee’s lightsaber to smash into an unyielding block. A shower of sparks flew high into the air as the two blades collided with each other, signalling the start of yet another duel.

Andrelious focused squarely on his opponent, searching for a weakness in the Wookiee’s technique. He probed with his lightsaber, varying in height, speed, direction and power. Klang parried everything to the best of his ability, relying on his superior agility to keep the Sith at bay.

You forget one thing, Sith! Ringer declared, following his thought speech with a beastly roar. Scooping Andrelious up in his arms, the Ektrosian hurled the Warlord, aiming to throw him against the nearby wreckage of a TIE Fighter.

Caught by surprise, the Sith was able to do little other than brace himself for impact, crashing into and shattering an exposed solar panel. His lightsaber was knocked from his hand as he smashed into the ground.

Andrelious ran his hand along the side of his body that had hit the ground, smirking as he felt nothing more than a few cuts. He looked up to see Ringer steaming in towards him.

He’s a rather large target... Mimosa-Inahj thought.

Pulling his E-11 from its holster, the Warlord began firing shots at the Wookiee.

Qyreia Arronen, 30 October, 2016 9:28 PM UTC


Never understood why anyone would want to live in such a hostile environment. Andrelious thought to himself.

While not a quote in the traditional sense, the ending of the thought should be ended with a comma before continuing into the exposition.

Andrelious ran his hand along the side of his body that had hit the ground[...]

Here your repeated use of "ground" (from the preceding sentence), while not a true detractor, could have been improved by using another word such as earth, sand, et cetera.


Perhaps you can understand me if I commune with you via the Force, Human?

This is a good use of Ringer's Telepathy skill. However, the dialogue comes off as overly formal and descriptive, especially when compared to his later dialogue.

“How about a little wager? If I can best you in combat, you tell me why you are here? I’ll even try not to kill you. We are allies, after all,” the Warlord offered.

It is clear that you are trying to create conflict for the match here, likely relying on your A matter of perspective Aspect to do so. Unfortunately, it is counter to your own If you want to save him, he's yours to protect, as Ringer is a member of the same clan, which would thus invoke Andrelious' instinct to "protect [...] his comrades whilst on a mission." Even if one were to ignore these conflicting Aspects, the sudden and otherwise purposeless invitation to fight (especially with an active mission at hand) makes for awkward reading.

[...]signalling the start of yet another duel.

"Yet another duel" for who? The reader might assume that this is a reference to Andrelious' past, or Ringer's, or to the planet's battle-worn history. If you are going to use such cryptic terms, it would lend more weight if given a sliver more context. As it is, it interrupts the flow of the reading despite the otherwise dramatic effect.

You forget one thing, Sith! Ringer declared[...]

While not an error, this random exclamation sets up the potential for a one-liner or further dialogue, but instead sits idle and otherwise offers nothing to the action.


The Sith was about to start heading back to his ship when he sensed a second Force user nearby.

While it may require less concentration at +2 Sense, it still requires a conscious effort. The portrayal here is casual and, since it was not mentioned prior as an active process, could also be considered a continuity error as well.

The furry alien appeared to be carrying a lightsaber, further confirming that it was a Force user.

With the new canon, a lightsaber is not a unique sign of being a Force user anymore.

I didn’t have you down as a betting man. Who exactly are you, anyway?

While it introduces the characters to each other, this course of dialogue has Ringer making assumptions of Andrelious after an exchange of only a few sentences; rather odd considering this is their first meeting.

He probed with his lightsaber, varying in height, speed, direction and power.

Djem So is known as the Domination Form for a reason, relying on powerful strikes and reversals to defeat an opponent. This cautious approach that you describe is counter to the saber style, more indicative of forms like Makashi, Niman, or Sokan.

Klang parried everything to the best of his ability, relying on his superior agility to keep the Sith at bay.

Probing attacks are generally cautious and underpowered, so the "best of his ability" is poorly placed here. This is especially true since both Andrelious and Ringer have the same +2 Might, but the latter has the capacity for exceptional strength with his Let the Wookiee Win Feat.

Pulling his E-11 from its holster, the Warlord began firing shots at the Wookiee.

This rather clipped finish to your post fails to take into account that Ringer has a fair Athletics skill (+3), and that he would have taken so long to charge forward in the time it took for Andrelious to crash through the solar panel, examine the physical damage, take note of the impending danger, and draw his secondary weapon. The Wookiee isn't that far away.


You do a good job of setting the scene for your character - the reason for his presence and his observations of the local area - while keeping technical errors to a minimum. You also manage to be resourceful in ensuring character interaction beyond simple "we are enemies" methodology. However, you failed to really set the scene for your opponent - something that falls to you as the first poster. Also, your method of writing in one or two sentence paragraphs was awkward and breaks up a lot of your action that would be better served in larger consolidated blocs. The story itself suffers somewhat from the lack of in-depth reasoning behind the fight, and could have benefitted from additional scene-building. Where your post suffers most is in Realism. Not only did you show lack of situational awareness to your own written scene, but your applied knowledge of Skills, Force Powers, and Feats was also lacking at intervals. I would recommend having any relevant wiki article open when writing to ensure more appropriate application in the future.

Although he was too close to the human to emerge completely unscathed, a combination of fine-tuned reflexes and a gentle nudge from the Force rescued Ringer from the brunt of the onslaught as he dove forward into a roll, extinguishing his lightsaber as he met the hot desert sand. Only two blaster bolts had connected, grazing the fur and skin of his back as it was briefly pointed toward his opponent. Coming out of the roll directly in front of the Dinaari Aedile, the Wookiee demonstrated his agility as he continued the motion into a fluid roundhouse kick, knocking the blaster out of Andrelious’s hand and quickly settling into a kickboxing stance, his right foot back.

As he prepared to grapple with his opponent, grabbing the human’s right arm with his left hand, the Wookiee let out a howl of agony as Andrelious pivoted his wrist, grabbing Ringer's own furry arm and sending a surge of lightning into his body, the intensity heightened by the direct physical contact. A sneer spread on the human’s face as Ringer began to sink to his knees under the reeling pain. The sneer turned quickly into an involuntary cry of pain, however, as the Wookiee fought through the pain and extended his legs with a brutal upward jab to the stomach, severing the contact as the Sith landed on his rear a few feet away.

As the human rose, both combatants faced each other, panting with the combination of pain and exertion that both had just gone through. It was Andrelious who first broke the silence, letting out a cruel laugh.

“I’ve seen people’s hair stand on end from static electricity before, but you just put them all to shame. I’ll have to try shocking Wookiees more often; got any relatives I can do next?”

Ringer stayed silent, although his fist clenched at the insult. He wasn’t as angry at the personal insult as he was to the jab at his family, which offended his sense of loyalty, even though he hadn’t seen any of his relatives for many years. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he again ignited his sapphire blade, standing still and at the ready. Ignoring his dropped lightsaber for the time being, Andrelious instead drew his second red saber, igniting it with a crackle of energy. Gripping the hilt tightly with both hands, the Sith turned sideways, readying himself for the next bout.

“You still have a chance to just tell me what you are doing here before I embarrass you here on the battlefield,” the human mocked.

Not a chance, the Wookiee retorted. In truth, he was actually just taking some time off to do a little exploring. He had heard that it was pretty interesting to poke through the old ruins and had decided to give it a try. He just didn’t feel like sharing that information with Andrelious, both out of a slight sense of embarrassment and an intention to keep his opponent a little distracted by trying to figure out why he was there.

Although Ringer had initially determined that he would wait for Mimosa-Inahj to make the first move, he remembered the strength of the human’s strikes in their first clash. Knowing that his best chance was to keep the human moving, unable to plant and put his full weight into his swings, the Wookiee charged, leaping forward with a diagonal downward strike. A slight wind picked up as blue met red, carrying the sand with it as it swirled around the two Taldryans.

Qyreia Arronen, 30 October, 2016 9:29 PM UTC


[...]quickly settling into a kickboxing stance, his right foot back.

The way you end this sentence with the brief clause creates for awkward reading. In this case, it would be better to replace the comma (ex. kickboxing stance with his right foot back) or expand the description to show the reader the full extent of the martial stance.

As he prepared to grapple with his opponent, grabbing the human’s right arm with his left hand, the Wookiee let out a howl of agony as Andrelious pivoted his wrist, grabbing Ringer's own furry arm and sending a surge of lightning into his body, the intensity heightened by the direct physical contact.

This is a bit of a run-on sentence, and should be broken up into at least two smaller sentences. Further, the particulars about which arm grabs which hand can be omitted as it has no bearing on the later conflict.

Ringer stayed silent, although his fist clenched at the insult. He wasn’t as angry at the personal insult[...]

Here with “insult” and later in the same paragraph with “ignited,” you repeat the same words which creates for awkward reading. While not a true detractor, these could have been improved by use of other synonymic words or phrases.


Although he was too close to the human to emerge completely unscathed, a combination of fine-tuned reflexes and a gentle nudge from the Force rescued Ringer from the brunt of the onslaught as he dove forward into a roll, extinguishing his lightsaber as he met the hot desert sand.

This is good use of your varied skills to paint a picture of how Ringer avoids debilitating damage from the skilled Blaster user. You might have also made mention of your Precognition here - in addition to your Amplification - to add weight to your position.

He just didn’t feel like sharing that information with Andrelious, both out of a slight sense of embarrassment and an intention to keep his opponent a little distracted by trying to figure out why he was there.

There are several things you could have done here to make the writing more effective. Stopping the entire sentence at the first comma would have held weight to Ringer's confidence over his opponent. Breaking it up into two sentences at that same point, with a little revision, would also have painted a more elaborate picture.

He wasn’t as angry at the personal insult as he was to the jab at his family, which offended his sense of loyalty, even though he hadn’t seen any of his relatives for many years.

You could technically stop the sentence at "family" and retain the message's effectiveness. As it is, there is nothing beyond "loyalty" that lends anything to the story or to your message.


The sneer turned quickly into an involuntary cry of pain, however, as the Wookiee fought through the pain and extended his legs with a brutal upward jab to the stomach, severing the contact as the Sith landed on his rear a few feet away.

Andrelious is a skilled user of Force Lightning (+4), and thus your Resolve (+1) would not be sufficient to break the pain of the attack. A more realistic approach would have been to take into account that the power can only be sustained for several seconds, using a break in the attack to recover and fight back.

“I’ve seen people’s hair stand on end from static electricity before, but you just put them all to shame. I’ll have to try shocking Wookiees more often; got any relatives I can do next?”

Up to this point, Andrelious has not shown any such disrespect to Ringer, nor do any of his Aspects reinforce this behavior, and is therefore contrary to the portrayed character. He hates Jedi; not Wookiees.

A slight wind picked up as blue met red, carrying the sand with it as it swirled around the two Taldryans.

This is a trope. Try to avoid these in the future.


You did a good job keeping up the action from the previous post, using the breadth of both of your CSs to create a rather vibrant combat scene. Your Syntax and Story was solid save for the noted items that were, for the most part, less errors and more things that would have improved your writing's effectiveness. Where you really struggled was in Realism, where closer inspection of the CSs and the Skills/Force Powers on the wiki would have saved you. I recommend keeping those open in some adjoining tabs in future matches for quick, easy reference.

Andrelious kept Ringer at bay with a solid parry, blocking a number of follow up attacks with a series of defensive moves. He allowed himself to be forced backwards by the Wookiee’s momentum, until he was able to clamber over a small pile of debris and create some distance between himself and his opponent.

Snarling, Klang leapt into the air, aiming to chop the Warlord into two as he landed. As he approached Andrelious, however, he noticed the Human smirking.

Extending his arm outwards, the Sith directed the Force to re-direct Ringer, throwing him far over his head and towards the remains of an AT-AT walker. Roaring with a mixture of anger and confusion, the Knight slammed hard into charred durasteel plating.

“Even now, the tools of the Empire will aid me, Wookiee. Are we done here?” Andrelious questioned, not deactivating his lightsaber.

I’m not beaten yet. You’re just another Imperial ready to die here on Jakku!

“Now, now, now. I don’t recall us agreeing anything about a fight to the death. I don’t believe that would suit either of us,” the Sith replied calmly.

Ignoring Andrelious, the Knight charged once again, the Force hardening his muscles and lightening his steps. With the extra burst of speed, Ringer closed the distance down in almost no time. The Warlord, though initially surprised by his opponent’s sheer agility, was able to make the first attack, a low, sweeping movement that forced the Wookiee into a defensive stance.

Andrelious didn’t give his rival a single moment to recompose himself. As before, his attacks differed just enough to make Ringer think twice about each one, but were chained together in such a way that the Warlord appeared in complete control of both his weapon and the ongoing battle. For his part, the Wookiee made the most of any slight respite in the almost constant barrage to twist, turn and spin, hoping to either distract Andrelious into making a mistake, or to tire the Sith out.

The continued failure to break past the Knight’s defences was beginning to rile Andrelious up. He focused on his anger, his eyes starting to turn crimson as he allowed his emotions to take control, to feed on the power of the dark side. Ringer, on the other hand, was trying his best to remain calm and collected.

Taking his left hand off his lightsaber, Andrelious summoned another powerful stream of lightning, this time stepping back to prevent his opponent from counter attacking. The tendrils of energy slammed into Ringer, knocking him off his feet.

Andrelious didn’t stem the flow of lightning immediately. Instead, he allowed it to continue surging its way towards his fellow Taldryanite for a few more moments, long enough to leave the Wookiee needing several days of recovery time.

“This was never about killing. Not today. One day we may face each other for real, Wookiee,” Andrelious declared, gathering his fallen weapons with the Force.

And on that day, I will not hold back. I know what you’re about, now, came the reply.

“You fought well today, Ringer Klang. I will be sure to keep an eye on you. Ektrosis have another fine warrior,” the Warlord continued, adding a solemn nod.

As the pair of Taldryanites awaited pick up, the breeze began to pick up a little, scooping up larger amounts of sand.

Great. Sandstorm, Andrelious and Ringer thought in unison.

Qyreia Arronen, 30 October, 2016 9:30 PM UTC


[...]the Sith directed the Force to re-direct Ringer[...]

Here your repeated use of direct(ed) distracts from the flow of the reading. Avoiding this by use of synonyms will help your writing in the future.

"Ektrosis have another fine warrior"

This should say, "Ektrosis has another fine warrior," as the House is a singular noun, not plural.


[...]not deactivating his lightsaber.

This is irrelevant information that does nothing for the story and interrupts the flow of the writing. Consider omission of such articles in the future unless it is pertinent to the action.

I’m not beaten yet. You’re just another Imperial ready to die here on Jakku!

The second sentence here could be omitted entirely; partly because it is uncharacteristic for Ringer (Easy Going ‘Till the Fight Starts Aspect), and partly because it offers nothing to the story itself aside from identifying Andrelious' affiliation (which he hadn't divulged to Ringer at the battle's outset). It also presents deadly intent in an otherwise non-lethal duel, which both of them had knowingly agreed to, and thus doesn't reinforce Ringer's He's No Good To Me Dead Aspect. Thus, this detracts from Story, Realism, and Continuity in one go.

The Warlord, though initially surprised by his opponent’s sheer agility, was able to make the first attack, a low, sweeping movement that forced the Wookiee into a defensive stance.

The way you describe the action in this paragraph is as though you both rolled for Initiative and Ringer won, but you still got the first attack. This is despite the Wookiee's amplified skill(s), his speed in closing the distance between them, and Andrelious' surprise; all lending itself to Ringer having the advantage. Further, the comma after "first attack" should either be a colon or em-dash, as it describes the action in progress.

[...]but were chained together in such a way that the Warlord appeared in complete control of both his weapon and the ongoing battle.

This is a very flat description of the battle that does little for the plot, and less for the action sequence. There is only the bare minimum description of Andrelious' movements (and Ringer's for that matter), when they both have very dynamic fighting styles. Also, your use of "appeard in complete control" lends itself to various flaws and weaknesses in Andrelious' position, which does not reinforce the later narrative.

He focused on his anger, his eyes starting to turn crimson as he allowed his emotions to take control, to feed on the power of the dark side.

While not an inherent detractor, Andrelious' change of eye color is rather tropey. Also, canon has thus far noted a change to red-rimmed yellow eyes when immersed in the Dark Side, but not fully red.

The tendrils of energy slammed into Ringer, knocking him off his feet.

Electricity doesn't have mass or carry momentum that can transfer force. This description that you give makes it sound akin to being hit with a large boulder or being clothes-lined.

As the pair of Taldryanites awaited pick up, the breeze began to pick up a little, scooping up larger amounts of sand.

This and the following sentence make for an awkward closing to your battle. Besides, a breeze or gust of wind (this being only the second mentioned instance of any) is not indicative of a sandstorm. A looming wall of sand on the other hand...


Andrelious kept Ringer at bay with a solid parry, blocking a number of follow up attacks with a series of defensive moves. He allowed himself to be forced backwards by the Wookiee’s momentum, until he was able to clamber over a small pile of debris and create some distance between himself and his opponent.

This whole section is counter to Andrelious' saber styles and Skills. Djem So isn't a style where you lead someone on and use the environment, as in Sokan. It is an offensive form. Andrelious might claim later on that he "allowed himself to be forced backward," but between Ringer's weight (280lbs beats 160lbs in momentum) and his higher Athletics Skill, he would not be able to outrun his opponent; particularly since the Wookiee specializes in Ataru, a dynamic and mobile saber form.

Ignoring Andrelious, the Knight charged once again, the Force hardening his muscles and lightening his steps.

This is an unrealistic use of Amplification, which only allows for the augmentation of one physical ability at a time.

For his part, the Wookiee made the most of any slight respite in the almost constant barrage to twist, turn and spin, hoping to either distract Andrelious into making a mistake, or to tire the Sith out.

Ataru is not a form of feints and misdirection. Like Djem So, it is aggressive, using its acrobatics and movements to batter away at the opponent like Form V's raw, sustained power. If being pressed as described, it would be more realistic for Ringer to withdraw out of Andrelious' attack range and resume the assault from a different angle to gain the advantage.

Taking his left hand off his lightsaber, Andrelious summoned another powerful stream of lightning, this time stepping back to prevent his opponent from counter attacking.

Ringer's style of lightsaber combat is dependent on offensive maneuvers and movement. Not only is his Athletics skill already higher than Andrelious', but you described him earlier as having invoked his Amplification power, making him even faster. This would make Andrelious' maneuver here dangerous in the extreme, as he loses the deflective strength of a two handed grip, and it is highly unlikely that he would be able to backpedal out of Ringer's reach before the Wookiee could effect a debilitating attack.

Instead, he allowed it to continue surging its way towards his fellow Taldryanite for a few more moments, long enough to leave the Wookiee needing several days of recovery time.

Force Lightning, especially when applying your Stream It feat (*[...]another powerful stream of lightning[...]), quickly loses its damaging strength after the initial shock. You might debilitate him at first, but it would not retain its effectiveness in the manner described.


See the “I’m not beaten yet” notation.


Just as with your first post, you did a good job of keeping syntax errors to a minimum while maintaining the action throughout, adding in some dialogue along the way. That is about where the good stuff ends. The action, while complete and constant, was flat and lackluster, lacking description where it could have added color to the fight as well as being repetitive. You showed only the slightest effort to attend either character’s CS and accurately portray their abilities and combat styles, resulting in a conflict that had been equal up until this post, only for Andrelious to somehow come out the supreme victor. The dialogue during this time, while appropriate in its timing, was over-dramatic and uncharacteristic, the latter being particularly poignant for Ringer who had been brief and professional in his speech in both of the preceding posts.

This post needs some serious work. I highly recommend keeping the DB Wiki open in your browser when you write your posts - particularly the Skills, Force Powers, and Lightsaber Forms pages - so that you can prevent the consistent errors that were seen here. In particular, read over Djem So thoroughly, as one of the most glaring errors was your continued misrepresentation of it - and it’s your chosen Form. I would also advise having a proofer for your matches, as it could not only reduce your Syntax errors to zero, but it would serve as a good backstop for things you might have missed/forgotten and in preventing onerous writing.

Ringer and Andrelious continued to trade blows, each determined to stay on the offensive as neither had trained in a fighting style that lent itself well to defense. They continued to circle, slowly drifting first in one direction, then in another, the Wookiee’s entire body in constant motion as Andrelious mainly pivoted in one place, relying on power, rather than agility, to keep Ringer too off-balance to land any blows. His swings were punctuated with repeated blasts of lightning, arcing from his fingers toward the Wookiee, who had to rely on promptings from the Force to block them with his lightsaber.

The fighters showed no sign of slowing, although the strain of the battle was evident by the sweat that, especially in the case of the shaggy Wookiee, began to drip from their faces. Remind me never to take vacation on a desert planet again, Ringer thought wryly to himself as he blocked yet another brutal swing from his human opponent, his hands stinging from the force of the blow.

As the two moved onto a patch of rock, Ringer took advantage of the harder ground to push off with the Force, flipping over his opponent and slicing downward with his blade as he turned to land. He let out a grunt as he connected with a sandy patch of ground, his feet sliding out from under him just enough to throw off his balance, causing him to stumble slightly. A warning from the Force caused him to instinctively raise his lightsaber just in time to deflect the red blade arcing down at him, Andrelious having put his entire might into the blow. The lightsaber glanced off Ringer’s angled sapphire blade, scoring a deep crack into the sandy ground. Even though he had deflected the brunt of the attack, Ringer was knocked from his already unsteady feet.

He had no time to collect himself as Andrelious pushed his advantage swinging down again and again, Ringer rolling desperately to avoid each successive strike, his own lightsaber completely useless to him because of his position. Only a lucky upward kick with both feet allowed him to regain enough space to scramble to his feet and ignite his weapon again.

“You’ve lasted longer than I expected, Wookiee, I’ll give you that,” Andrelious offered, again standing at the ready. Ringer only nodded, acknowledging the slight compliment as he desperately tried to formulate a plan to defeat his opponent, as it was becoming clear to him that the human had an advantage both in experience and in training over him. “But you should probably give up now before you get seriously hurt. It would pain me to cripple a fellow clanmate,” the other continued.

Somehow I get the feeling you wouldn’t lose much sleep over it, Ringer replied to Andrelious’s mind. The human let out a sinister grin at the Wookiee’s retort.

“You’re right, I wouldn’t.”

Ringer rushed in again, in what he expected to be a final bout, as he knew he could likely not last much longer. Even with the Force supporting him, his breathing was heavy and he was drenched in sweat. Even worse, the wind which had been picking up over the course of the fight, rose to a howling intensity. Soon only the lighstabers were visible through the blinding blanket of sand which filled the air. Ringer tried to conjure a barrier of Force energy around his head to protect his eyes but found that he was too tired to evoke the necessary concentration to do so.

An idea formed in the Wookiee’s mind. It would be a dangerous gamble but at this point he didn’t really have any other options; sooner or later his fatigue would either cause him to make a mistake or prevent him from being able to effectively block one of the blows from his opponent, who, although also tired, was apparently in better physical shape than he. Disengaging temporarily and putting space between himself and the red glow of Andrelious’s lightsaber, he lifted his lightsaber to the ready position and then let go of the blade, suspending it in the air with the Force. Ringer then took a few steps to the side, drawing his quarterstaff and waiting for his opponent to take the bait.

All of a sudden, a bolt of crackling electricity blew through the sand, striking Ringer directly in the chest, evoking a deep roar of pain. Too exhausted to fight through the pain, the Wookiee fell to his knees as the lightning continued to course into his body and spark across his fur, his fists involuntarily clenching around his quarterstaff. He only had enough energy to project a single word to Andrelious’s mind.


“You forgot, foolish Jedi,” Andrelious’s voice sounded out through the whine of the wind and the crackle of the lightning, the name spat more like a curse than a title, “that I can sense your use of the Force. You can’t fool me with such petty tricks. And now, Taldryan is purged of one more traitor to the Iron Throne. Jac will be proud.”

As the lightning ceased, Ringer fell forward onto his face. He waited for the killing blow, but none came. At first he thought the Dinaari Aedile had had mercy on him, but then he heard the sound of ship’s cannons, followed by an explosion. That must have been my ship, he thought, realizing that Andrelious had left him stranded in the middle of the desert, weakened and injured. As he listened to the sound of Andrelious’s ship fade into the distance, he rolled weakly onto his back and waited for the end.

Qyreia Arronen, 30 October, 2016 9:31 PM UTC


Ringer and Andrelious continued to trade blows, each determined to stay on the offensive as neither had trained in a fighting style that lent itself well to defense.

Good eye! This and the exchange that follows shows a good grasp and use of both characters’ abilities to make for a dynamic fight that also manages to keep things realistic.

“But you should probably give up now before you get seriously hurt. It would pain me to cripple a fellow clanmate,” the other continued.

This exchange is very good. Not only does it use the characters’ various Aspects (Andrelious’ * If you want to save him, he's yours to protect* and A matter of perspective; Ringer’s Strategist) and backgrounds to full effect, but sets the stage for the climactic finish to the fight.


The fighters showed no sign of slowing, although the strain of the battle was evident by the sweat that, especially in the case of the shaggy Wookiee, began to drip from their faces.

This sentence is a good subtle lead-in to the fatigue that would definitely be setting in. The latter part of the paragraph especially does a good job of showing that Ringer’s Endurance isn’t quite so profound as Andrelious’.

[...]he lifted his lightsaber to the ready position and then let go of the blade, suspending it in the air with the Force.

While an interesting tactic, you are pushing the bounds of your use of the Force. Telekinesis, like Barrier, is an advanced Force power. You are not wrong in being able to use it in this manner, as such a small object not being actively manipulated would not require much concentration. Use caution though, as Ringer has been noted as already being too fatigued to use another power of the same skill rating (Barrier).

All of a sudden, a bolt of crackling electricity blew through the sand[...]

Force Lightning is still electricity, which means that it needs to either travel through air or have a conductor, which sand is not. It does not have mass or carry physical momentum, so it likewise would not “blow through” anything.


Overall you do a fantastic job with this post. No syntax errors that I could spot, and only a few minor detractors that had as much to do with practical physics as in-universe Force power capabilities. This was a vast improvement over your first post. My only suggestion remaining is that you take a close look at your sentence length and see where the longer ones can be broken up and/or re-written.