Jakku was hot, dry and distant. Andrelious had never visited, but he was aware that his beloved Empire had tasted one of its final defeats at the desert planet. The ruins of the battle were in the immediate vicinity, but the Sith had left them alone. He had a different task.
The Warlord had been sent to Jakku by his new Quaestor, Raiju Kang, to scout out the possibility of House Dinaari setting up their new base in the area. He and Kooki hated the idea; there were no mountains or colder areas on Jakku for them to raise their family. Furthermore, though Jakku was far removed from the Core, it was relatively well known in the galaxy due to a recent attack by the First Order.
What a horrible place. Never understood why anyone would want to live in such a hostile environment. Andrelious thought to himself.
The Sith was about to start heading back to his ship when he sensed a second Force user nearby. The warmth of the presence reminded him a little of Raiju, or the other Jedi among Taldryan’s ranks, but somehow slightly different. Andrelious wasn’t exactly sure as to what this meant.
Craning his head around, the Warlord spotted the source of the Force imprint; a Wookiee, a little shorter than most of his species. The furry alien appeared to be carrying a lightsaber, further confirming that it was a Force user.
“You. What are you doing here?” Andrelious questioned, marching over to the Wookiee.
“Rawwrrr. Rawwwrrr rawwr rawwwwr. Rawwr?” the Wookiee responded. Andrelious guessed from the tone of its growling that he was dealing with a male. He couldn’t understand a single word of Shyriiwook, but he noticed an unmistakable symbol on the Wookiee’s lightsaber hilt.
“So you’re with Taldryan as well. That would make you Ringer Klang, I believe,” the Sith declared, remembering that his Clan had only one Force sensitive Wookiee.
Ringer nodded in confirmation.
Perhaps you can understand me if I commune with you via the Force, Human?
“Indeed. I understood that perfectly. So are you going to tell me what you’re doing here?” Andrelious repeated.
The Wookiee smiled. Well, I’m not here to get a tan. That would be rather difficult.
“How about a little wager? If I can best you in combat, you tell me why you are here? I’ll even try not to kill you. We are allies, after all,” the Warlord offered.
I didn’t have you down as a betting man. Who exactly are you, anyway? Ringer asked.
“Andrelious Mimosa-Inahj. Aedile of Dinaari,” Andrelious replied.
So, we’re doing this for House pride. Plenty at stake.
“Indeed! For Dinaari!” the Sith cried, activating his silver hilted lightsaber in a single movement.
Responding in kind, Ringer leapt at Andrelious, hoping to use his size and strength to batter his way past the Warlord’s defences.
Mimosa-Inahj, hearing the Force scream a warning, prepared himself and held firm, leaving the Wookiee’s lightsaber to smash into an unyielding block. A shower of sparks flew high into the air as the two blades collided with each other, signalling the start of yet another duel.
Andrelious focused squarely on his opponent, searching for a weakness in the Wookiee’s technique. He probed with his lightsaber, varying in height, speed, direction and power. Klang parried everything to the best of his ability, relying on his superior agility to keep the Sith at bay.
You forget one thing, Sith! Ringer declared, following his thought speech with a beastly roar. Scooping Andrelious up in his arms, the Ektrosian hurled the Warlord, aiming to throw him against the nearby wreckage of a TIE Fighter.
Caught by surprise, the Sith was able to do little other than brace himself for impact, crashing into and shattering an exposed solar panel. His lightsaber was knocked from his hand as he smashed into the ground.
Andrelious ran his hand along the side of his body that had hit the ground, smirking as he felt nothing more than a few cuts. He looked up to see Ringer steaming in towards him.
He’s a rather large target... Mimosa-Inahj thought.
Pulling his E-11 from its holster, the Warlord began firing shots at the Wookiee.
While not a quote in the traditional sense, the ending of the thought should be ended with a comma before continuing into the exposition.
Here your repeated use of "ground" (from the preceding sentence), while not a true detractor, could have been improved by using another word such as earth, sand, et cetera.
This is a good use of Ringer's Telepathy skill. However, the dialogue comes off as overly formal and descriptive, especially when compared to his later dialogue.
It is clear that you are trying to create conflict for the match here, likely relying on your A matter of perspective Aspect to do so. Unfortunately, it is counter to your own If you want to save him, he's yours to protect, as Ringer is a member of the same clan, which would thus invoke Andrelious' instinct to "protect [...] his comrades whilst on a mission." Even if one were to ignore these conflicting Aspects, the sudden and otherwise purposeless invitation to fight (especially with an active mission at hand) makes for awkward reading.
"Yet another duel" for who? The reader might assume that this is a reference to Andrelious' past, or Ringer's, or to the planet's battle-worn history. If you are going to use such cryptic terms, it would lend more weight if given a sliver more context. As it is, it interrupts the flow of the reading despite the otherwise dramatic effect.
While not an error, this random exclamation sets up the potential for a one-liner or further dialogue, but instead sits idle and otherwise offers nothing to the action.
While it may require less concentration at +2 Sense, it still requires a conscious effort. The portrayal here is casual and, since it was not mentioned prior as an active process, could also be considered a continuity error as well.
With the new canon, a lightsaber is not a unique sign of being a Force user anymore.
While it introduces the characters to each other, this course of dialogue has Ringer making assumptions of Andrelious after an exchange of only a few sentences; rather odd considering this is their first meeting.
Djem So is known as the Domination Form for a reason, relying on powerful strikes and reversals to defeat an opponent. This cautious approach that you describe is counter to the saber style, more indicative of forms like Makashi, Niman, or Sokan.
Probing attacks are generally cautious and underpowered, so the "best of his ability" is poorly placed here. This is especially true since both Andrelious and Ringer have the same +2 Might, but the latter has the capacity for exceptional strength with his Let the Wookiee Win Feat.
This rather clipped finish to your post fails to take into account that Ringer has a fair Athletics skill (+3), and that he would have taken so long to charge forward in the time it took for Andrelious to crash through the solar panel, examine the physical damage, take note of the impending danger, and draw his secondary weapon. The Wookiee isn't that far away.
You do a good job of setting the scene for your character - the reason for his presence and his observations of the local area - while keeping technical errors to a minimum. You also manage to be resourceful in ensuring character interaction beyond simple "we are enemies" methodology. However, you failed to really set the scene for your opponent - something that falls to you as the first poster. Also, your method of writing in one or two sentence paragraphs was awkward and breaks up a lot of your action that would be better served in larger consolidated blocs. The story itself suffers somewhat from the lack of in-depth reasoning behind the fight, and could have benefitted from additional scene-building. Where your post suffers most is in Realism. Not only did you show lack of situational awareness to your own written scene, but your applied knowledge of Skills, Force Powers, and Feats was also lacking at intervals. I would recommend having any relevant wiki article open when writing to ensure more appropriate application in the future.