Battlemaster Armad vs. Major Rhylance

Battlemaster Armad

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Umbaran, Sith, Techweaver, Krath

Major Rhylance

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Chiss, Loyalist, Field Medic
Hall 'Guests' of the Matron [2016]
Messages 2 out of 6
Time Limit 3 Days
Competition 'Guests' of the Matron
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed
Combatants Battlemaster Armad, Major Rhylance
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Battlemaster Armad's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Major Rhylance's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Godless Matron: Chute Town
Last Post 19 November, 2016 12:58 PM UTC


The Godless Matron is home to many, resembling a micro-society for those who wish to live outside the typical 'rule' of the galaxy. The Lucrehulk-class battleship's massive hangars have been converted into dwellings as a result. Chute Town is the most notable of these makeshift towns. Many shops and storefronts have been constructed to take advantage of the higher volume of foot traffic. In addition, many ships and crews arrive into Chute Town to sell their "well-earned" commodities, weapons, or artifacts. It is commonplace to find the best and the worst gear the galaxy has to offer, it is only a matter of how big your pocket book is. The 'streets' are patrolled regularly by the crew of the Matron itself, leaving would-be miscreants to be more wary, lest they find themselves on the receiving end of a pirate's sense of justice.

It is built mostly out of spare durasteel panels from derelict ships, dismantled machinery, or any other source or material the pirates could scavenge. It spans the length of the massive portside hangar of the Matron, reaching from it's heavily protected reactor — hidden behind triple-reinforced blast doors and a guard retinue — all the way to the hangar entrance where the many incoming ships unload their cargo. It is more than a mile long, over five hundred feet wide and up to three stories tall, covering most of the floor. Chute Town's streets are a miniature maze, weaving in between buildings on several levels. Verticality is key for the masses of shops and bars to operate without interfering with one another. The main street is nicknamed Murder alley, mostly because all the weapon shops are prominently opened there.


Illumination banks are staggered along the walkways and buildings to provide enough light for the society to function. Still, the 'streets' are left dim with a low hanging fog built up from the collective humidity of so many people in one space. For those calling it their home, there is no such thing as 'off hours'. A large crowd bustles along at all hours, an exotic assortment of individuals from countless planets and the warring gangs that divvy up the territory within. It's the perfect place for those looking to disappear in the crowd.

With tensions running high, Chute Town was far more volatile than it would have been otherwise. Several of the gangs had been stepping outside their territory of late. As yet there had been no outright acts of aggression, though the perceived slights had been steadily mounting for weeks. The cracks in the dam were beginning to show. The crew of the Godless Matron just needed to apply pressure to the right place at the right time to trigger an outright gang war.

To that end, a bounty was put in place. The premise was simple enough. The Herald would grant a measure of clemency to whomsoever cashed in the ID tokens that had been planted on several individuals at random. Such a prize was without measure for not just the gangs of Chute Town, but the denizens themselves.

“Such a distasteful place.” Rhylance said in disgust as he noticed a bounty poster on the side of a nearby wall, reading it in silence.

Upon arriving aboard the massive Lucrehulk-Class Battleship, The Godless Matron, a Chiss with silver blue hued skin walked purposefully through one of it’s massive hangars. The “out-of-time” ship was home to many, and Major Rhylance, was in search of a specific inhabitant of this ship’s make-shift town. Luminescent banks shined with bright light, illuminating the rusted durasteel walls. Patched tents were filled with gypsy-like traders and the poor souls who buy their appropriated wares. He chose to adorn himself with his medical clothing, and a dark cloak, instead of his normal military officer uniform.

The comlink in Rhylance’s ear went off, causing the Consul to push the small button on his receiver. As he pushed his way through a rowdy crowd the Chiss spoke into the mic.

“This is Rhylance, who is calling for me?”

“Raiju Kang, my Lord. I was calling to check on the progress of your mission.”

“Raiju, I told you to go about your own duties, and not to interrupt me in mine.”

“I understand that sir, but this is reckless of you. That ship is owned and operated by the Herald of the Dark Brotherhood. Should you really be wandering around the Dark Council’s possessions so blatantly, especially after what happened to Karufr?”

Rhylance rolled his eyes in annoyance. A Quaestor questioning his decisions. Did he not lead Taldryan to safety? Did he not save the Clan?

“Raiju, there is no danger to me here. These people, they have more to worry about like hygiene, and decent garbs. They will not bother me.” Rhylance held his breath for a moment after passing by a particularly bad smelling food stand. “Besides, our friend Rian told me that Morgan was not one to blindly follow. She’s no threat as it stands.”

The line was quiet for a few moments before Raiju began talking again.

“What could be so important on the Godless Matron, that you would risk yourself like this?”

“Our current ships are junk heaps now. Taldryan needs finances if we are going to buy a new fleet. There is a man here, well, half a man,” Rhylance said with a chuckle, “ who owes us a lot of money. The time has come to collect.”

After cutting off the connection, the Taldryan continued walking through the raggedy market area, keeping his eyes peeled for the man he was searching for. He walked by all sorts of small vendors, each who tried to get his attention.

“Sir...Sir...we have the finest jewels imported from the mines on Antei!”

“Now you look like a man who needs the finest of robes.”

Finally, Rhylance came across a small spacecraft parts supplier and walked through the curtained doorway. The tent-like shop inside had mechanical parts strewn about the shop. At the front sat a robust balding man in ghastly garments speaking with an Umbaran wearing a long sleeved black leather duster, with black pants.

“Look, I already told you. I’ll give you 300 credits for the droid. Not one credit more.”

“I built this droid with my bare hands, and its condition is pristine. You and I both know that it’s worth at least 1000 credits. So, pay up. This business is far too troublesome to waste my time with.”

“I don't haggle with inexperienced swine. Now then, as it seems i have a new customer, move it you Force wielding trash.” The balding man walked over to Rhylance. “Hello my good sir, welcome to my humble shop. How can I be of service to you?”

“Magnus Her’meer, I have come to settle your debt.” The Chiss coldly proclaimed.

“Excuse me?”

Rhylance flashed the balding man the sigil of Taldryan, and Magnus’s eyes went wide.

“You have tried to hide from us, and we have let you think that you’ve succeeded. But we need the credits you owe us. Now!” Rhylance’s face was set as stone, unwavering and unmoving towards the pleas that followed. He noticed the grey faced. Umbaran approaching.

“Excuse me, but me and that mongrel still have business to discuss, if you wouldn’t mind.”

“As a matter of fact, I do. Now, if you would please, Umbaran. I haven't the time or patience to deal with you.” Rhylance said, before noticing the lightsaber that hung from the Umbaran’s belt.

Armad noticed that the Chiss had caught a glimpse of his lightsaber, but he had let his gaze slide off it as if he hadn’t seen it. Armad had caught the flash of the Taldryan sigil that the Chiss had shown the human shopkeeper. That’s when he recognized the Chiss as the Consul, Major Rhylance. Armad had positioned himself slightly between the Chiss Consul and the shop owner, to give the impression that he was not done with the balding man yet.

“I was here first, Major,” Armad informed the Chiss, “I will ask you to kindly wait your turn.”

Armad saw Rhylance’s eyes quickly shift to the side, and he braced for an attack from behind. The Umbaran was shocked and caught off guard when the Chiss pulled his pistol with blinding speed. Not really thinking, but reacting to a perceived threat, Armad drew his own pistol and aimed at the Chiss. Once his arm settled, Armad realized that the Chiss was not aimed at him, but at Magnus who was now behind him. Rhylance looked confused and a little insulted at having a blaster pointed at him, but he never flinched or moved his aim from Magnus. Lowering his blaster, Armad turned to face the balding shop proprietor, who was now back behind his counter and grinning, evilly.

“She said to make it interesting, but you guys are just making it too easy,” Magnus stated, holding up an ID token that the Herald had given him. Armad had heard rumors about this, the Herald had set up some kind of amusement for the denizens of the ship. If members of the Brotherhood happened to get caught up in this ‘entertainment’, then things would start to get interesting. At this point, six thugs from what looked like a nearby gang stepped in from the back, flanking around Magnus and surrounding them, weapons drawn. As the last of them filed past him, Magnus turned and walked out the back of his shop.

“Which one of you was asking for money from Mr. Her’meer?” The thug directly in front of them inquired.

“He is,” Armad said at the same time as Rhylance, both pointing to the other.

The thug looked confused and seemed to not understand what to do. Armad and Rhylance had shifted their aims to try and cover the thugs that they needed to get past. “Let me guess, he promised that he would give one of you his ID token if you managed to kill us, right?” Armad inquired, and when all six thugs chuckled at that, Armad knew that that was the case.

Armad couldn’t see Rhylance as they were now standing back to back, but he could sense that the Chiss was about to do something. When he felt a foot on the back of his leg, Armad tensed up as Rhylance jumped off. Since he didn’t know the Major’s plan, Armad had to trust in the Force to guide him in dispatching the thugs in front of him. Armad was pushed off to one side and off balance by the amount of force that RHylance used to make his leap. He used that to shoot at the thug to his left, then turned the fall into a roll, taking out the legs of the thug that had been to his right. When he came up again, he saw that Rhylance had jumped toward the thug that was directly in front of the back entrance and shot the one to his left in the face. Armad briefly wondered why the thug blocking the back entrance had dropped his blaster, when he saw a flash of light come off a dagger that was sticking out of the thugs arm. Armad watched as the Taldryan Consul body checked the thug, knocking him to the ground, before retrieving his dagger and stepping out of the shop.

“That ungrateful bastard!” Armad bellowed in his head, as he came to his feet and shot one of the thugs still standing to his left. The last thug still on his feet started to rush toward the door when a blaster bolt lanced into the room, catching him in the face. The thug that he had tripped was starting to scramble for his dropped blaster, so Armad pulled out his lightsaber and sliced off the thugs head in one motion. Putting all his weapons back in their proper places, Armad quickly made his way out the back in pursuit of Rhylance.

Match has been closed due to disqualification. Armad broke the 750 word count.

As a result, Armad will receive 0 points and Rhylance will receive 0.66 for 1 post completed