The Ex-Jedi grumbled at his opponent before the duel began. With a quick swing of his untested lightsaber, Lex blocked and pushed forward, continuing the duel. With the ferocity of a Vong, struck the green blade. With their lightsabers clashing, he pushed Adam into the air and away from him with the Knight’s lightsaber. He flicked his hand towards the Human, letting out a string of cyan electric currents from the Force that shocked the Human’s deflecting lightsaber as he glided to the padding. The Togruta whipped a second and final bolt of the Force at him, then the Togruta grew tired. With each complicated attempt of deflecting the currents, the Marauder kept his concentration completely on the bolts while he deflected. His smirk disappeared as did the attack. The Obelisk let out a chuckle and shouted.
“That all you got?” Lex grinned menacingly from behind the bright blue light, launching himself into the air and planted his fist into Adam’s cheek.
Stumbling away from the light, stunned by the blood to his face, Adam roared and tackled Lex to the ground. The Togruta let out a grunt and dropped the green blade, causing it to disappear back into its hilt. The quick and dirty maneuver from the Obelisk caught the Krath off guard. The Marauder sat on his chest and began to repeatedly punch the Togruta’s cheeks. With each slam, Lex felt his eyes swell with tears and pain. Suppressing the pain with the igniting rage inside, the Inquisitor continued laughing.
“For a Jedi, you lost your ‘Rogue’ persona pretty early,” Lex whispered, blood treacling like honey.
Panting heavily, struggling to fill his tattered lungs, Adam wiped his own bleeding lips and grins as he punched Lex once more. “For a Krath, you seem to have a brutish side,”
Distracted by his speech to Lex, the Krath forced his fist again into the loose chin of the Human. Without much time, he jumped onto his knees. Sinking into more shock, the adrenaline-rushed Human leered his poison-green eyes at Lex. Using the darker powers at his disposal, Adam ran at Lex and planted his hand directly onto Lex’s face. The Dark Side surged through his swollen cheeks, his bloody lips and the cut on his shoulder. The Togruta shrieked out in agony at his open wounds, forced back down onto his back.
“You’ll pay, Human!” the Krath roared out as he felt his oozing wounds crawl like maggots, infesting him. He tried to reach around the room in his darkness. He looked for a hilt and found a familiar one. He tugged it to his open, pleading palm, and used the hilt to knock Adam in the temple twice.
The force of the metallic hilt pushed Adam down onto his side and he held his shoulder, cursing the pain away, while Lex groaned and stood, racing to a safe distance. He then set his free hand towards Adam and a dark blanket covered the Obelisk’s eyes. The Human became blind once more, waving and swiping his arms around in the darkness that consumed the light of his sight.
“Where are you, you sly, slippery coward!” Adam shouted, as if to prick the Togruta’s pride. There was no reply, but the ex-Jedi could hear the shuffling of feet and soft panting. Adam, from the fathoms of his heart, summoned the Force to strengthen his leg muscles, concentrating while still waving around, as if to play a ruse on the Togruta.
Lex noticed that Adam was close to a wall. He then slowly walked towards him with guile. He creeped closer and closer. The Jedi Hunter ignited his lightsaber at the last minute and raised it above his head. For a moment, the Jedi Hunter forgot his training. The concentrating Human, strengthening his legs with more help from the Force, finally found Lex. With a quick spin and two strikes of his large boots, the trained Obelisk hit something.
Hearing the swoosh of a sheathed lightsaber, the blackness that consumed his vision wore off and Adam slowly turned to see Lex, face down on the padding. His shoulder bled into the padding, mixing with his spittle to form a small puddle beneath him. The Obelisk shook his head in disbelief, scooped up the unconscious Togruta and, pulling both lightsabers with the Force, made way for the exit.
“You have potential, I give you that. Just...don’t wear yourself out too much and you’ll do great,” he said to inanimate male in his arms.
Syntax: Unsure as to what happened with the text. It may be an attempt at utilizing markdown, but your text is formatted in a completely odd way that makes reading extremely hard. Need to utilize the previw function before posting to ensure your posts look correct. Also, there should be spaced between each of your paragraphs to make readability easier as well. It's all a big wall of text
Realism: You make mention that your opponent is a "newly minted Jedi Hunter", but the CS being used is still that of him as a Guardian. As such, his rank in this battle is Guardian. He is not a Jedi Hunter