Battlemaster Mortetior vs. Warlord Vodo Biask Taldrya

Battlemaster Mortetior

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Zabrak, Sith, Techweaver, Imperial

Warlord Vodo Biask Taldrya

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Twi'lek, Sith, Sorcerer, Krath

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Hall Cooperative Hall - Old Container
Messages 1 out of 6
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Battlemaster Mortetior, Warlord Vodo Biask Taldrya
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Lightsabers Only
Battlemaster Mortetior's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Warlord Vodo Biask Taldrya's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Begeren - Mass Grave, Co-Op
Last Post 22 February, 2017 6:28 PM UTC
Member timing out General Zxyl Bes'uliik

Combat Master’s Note: Because your matches are against a member of your Clan, this battle takes on a unique format. You will be encountering Igraxcis with an ally. Treat Igraxcis as you would any other ACC opponent. In addition, note that this Sith apparition can hurt you, and when materialized, causes damage as any physical being would, but also responds to damage the same way. You WILL be judged using the ACC rubric, so the person posting the best story will move on to subsequent rounds. If you wish to fight your Clanmate as well, you may, but this is not in any way a requirement.

Begeren. Once a prosperous Sith world, it has been the site of numerous battles throughout the millennia. Grand halls and monuments were torn down and re-purposed by looting Republic forces thousands of years ago, before they were driven from the planet. Isolated settlements still dot the planet's surface, but the inhospitable, craggy, and desert-like terrain, along with the beasts common to many desert and Sith worlds, have kept most humanoids from colonizing. Occasional skirmishes have left debris scattered throughout the desert, and battles were fought here as recently as the Galactic Civil War.

The One Sith’s hold on Begeren is all but broken, though a few small pockets of resistance remain. The Clans and Houses of the Brotherhood now swarm the planet to defeat them, but attention has returned to plunder. Roaming bands of Jedi, adherents to light and dark alike, claim—or destroy—priceless artifacts at every turn. One of the few remaining untouched areas on the entire planet is the Valley of Monuments, so named for its glorious architecture. The valley is a patchwork collection of sand dunes and massive canyons, inhospitable even in the best of times. Despite this, the One Sith maintain control over the area. Exactly how—or why—this place has not yet been claimed by the Brotherhood, you do not know, and nor do your superiors, but you know it is ripe for the picking. Perhaps one reason is that access is limited—the One Sith maintain control over the valley’s entrances, save for a small handful of paths that tread directly through canyons used long ago as ancient burial grounds. Intelligence suggests these entrances are virtually undefended. Your plan, along with your compatriot, is to find your way into the Valley of Monuments through one such canyon, and it is there you now find yourselves.

Somehow, despite the windswept sand dunes mere meters away, the canyon before you remains virtually free of sand. Macabre hills fill this canyon, thousands of exposed skeletons laying atop one another, the sand dunes of most of the planet replaced by dunes of stark white bones. The dark side hangs thick in the air over this massive valley, flanked by four incredibly large crystals placed at each cardinal direction. This is one of a handful of ancient mass graves, the final resting place of literally thousands of slaves forced to give their lives millennia ago to create the massive monuments of Begeren. Far in the distance, a massive Sith monument rises before an impressive ancient palace, but your attention remains here, now, where the bones shift beneath your every step, crunching noisily. Ancient clubs, whips, and other weapons occasionally break through the bony landscape, testament to the vicious past of this place. To those that can even sense the most rudimentary of emotions through the Force, an even more sinister feeling permeates the air here: not only death, but suffering, anger, and hate.

The sun slowly creeps towards the mountains far beyond this impressive valley, casting long rays of light that reflect off many of the white bones littering the valley. The heat here is oppressive, but the sun will depart soon, leaving both of you in darkness. You notice that the large crystal to the north, situated in the shadow of a large canyon wall, begins to shimmer a faint blue, causing the bones beneath it to take on a ghostly glow. Your step hastens as you move quickly through the canyon, hoping to escape this place before sunset takes it, and reach areas with more valuable items to claim or destroy. But before you can make much progress, you begin to hear the telltale signs of another being—the sound of footsteps crunching bones—and they are coming from atop one of the hills of bones within the canyon. As you gaze up, you and your ally notice a ghostly figure glaring down at you from atop a hill, a massive Sith sword swung over his back.

With Mortetior at his side Vodo was looking forward to this challenge. The tomes had been accurate and their clues had led them here to this long dead, long forgotten, world to find the spirit of a Sith whose physical body had left the mortal plane eons ago-- though that seemed to have only hindered him in the slightest. The muscled bulk of the Sith, who had once been slave master in this very place, approached the two of them and so strong was his presence that the sand crunched and moved under its ghostly feet.

Vodo gave his newest Apprentice a sideways glance, one that the Zabrak returned with a playful grin, “Lord Igraxcis. Its good to see you.”

The big man stopped, paces away from the two Brotherhood Equites, “That remains to be seen. Why have you come to my resting ground?”

Mortetior held out a fist, the larger of his two saber hilts held in it tightly, “I think you know.”

Igracxis smiled at the dark skinned alien, “Hah! You have spirit and I will enjoy taking it out of you. What of you, Twi’lek?”

Vodo nodded subtly in reply. The Sith removed the enormous sword from its sling on his back and tested its weight, appearing very real to both of the visitors, before adopting a combative stance. It was similar to Juyo forms Vodo had seen over the years, having been adapted from Sith sword arts millennia ago, so Vodo drew his long-hilt saber and adopted his own stance, igniting the white blade only after he’d stopped moving for dramatic effect. Mortetior stood still, a saber hilt in both hands, as though he were unimpressed.

Igraxcis began the fight with an explosive lunge forward. It nearly caught Vodo off guard with its ferocity. He deflected the horizontal strike upward with an angled block and sought to press his advantage, his blade now under his opponent’s arm and weapon, but wasn’t quick enough. Igraxcis continued his charge into Vodo, barreling him to the ground. The big Sith brought his sword around as he slammed into the Warlord and brought it around on the Battlemaster. Mortetior leapt backward on his cybernetic legs out of range, his sabers still inactive. Vodo rolled out from under the apparition as Igraxcis advanced on Mortetior. The ghost used his stature and physicality to swing the big Sith Sword with grace and far more speed than any creature, living or dead, had a right to. Mortetior bent and juked at the waist, weaving between the dead Sith’s strikes and finally activated both of his weapons at once when the sword came down in a cleaving blow. He caught it between his crossed sabers and strained under the effort as Igraxcis chortled with delight. There was a fire in his eyes, a consuming desire for battle and for blood. Mortetior’s face contorted with the effort and he roared aloud as he forced the sword back and lashed out with and off-handed slash. The blade splashed against the Sith’s antiquated armor uselessly.