Ranger Azha Mos vs. Augur Atyiru Caesura Entar Arconae

Ranger Azha Mos

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Mirialan, Jedi, Arcanist, Sentinel

Augur Atyiru Caesura Entar Arconae

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Female Miraluka, Force Disciple, Defender, Krath

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Hall Cooperative Hall - Old Container
Messages 3 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Ranger Azha Mos, Augur Atyiru Caesura Entar Arconae
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Ranger Azha Mos's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Augur Atyiru Caesura Entar Arconae's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Ilum: Crystal Cave
Last Post 14 May, 2017 11:55 PM UTC
Member timing out Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir

Ilum Crystal Cave

On the planet of dangerous myths, shocking fables and unspoken legends, there is also beauty. Dispersed around the untamed world are flaws; cracks formed through thousands of years. Glacial rivers rushing and destroying cliffs, racing and scooping away the soil and digging crevices untouched by all but a handful of explorers from ages long past. Isolated at the southern tip of Ilum, this particular ravine is close to the planet’s core. No-one ever dared to dive directly down into the darkness of the ravine, instead opting for laser drills that bore a tunnel into the nearby glacier. Uncharted and unexplored, this passageway is a place of nightmares for those who venture to its depths. The half-eaten carcasses of explorers who have met an untimely end litter the ravine’s descent—a warning to those who might choose to venture too far. Whether these men and women fell to their deaths, or had been murdered remains lost to the long-forgotten histories of the ravine.

The antechamber of the Crystal Cave is wide and cavernous with a winding walkway carved out of the stone itself and smoothed over with glacial elegance. The pathway ascending upwards to the top of the cave where a resilient sheet of ancient stone weathers against the raging winds from Ilum’s winter skies. At the base of the walkway is a platform of old stone used for meditation in times past.

Ilum Crystal Cave

Leaving the main antechamber leads to other tunnels carved and abandoned by miners and treasure hunters. Glinting like candlelight against the unforgiving darkness of the deep and untrodden cave, translucent clusters of kyber crystals crystals reflect the light. Untouched for a millennia, the value in this chamber once sparked an entire battle between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. The sides of the cavern stretch vertically, terminating in a vaulted arch that was carved with embellishments some time ago. On each side of the walls, various ports and alcoves distinguish in the light. Some are known to be rivers of purified water, as displayed by the translucent sheets of ice glistening along the alcove walls.

Azha stepped into the main antechamber, the kyber crystals filling him with a sense of purpose. Is that why I am here? To find a purpose?

He thought back too when Turel gave him this mission. The Consul seemed adamant about Mos coming here to learn, though that might have been because of the detectives constant questions about the Force. Hey Mos, focus, he also said you would be meeting someone here.

Azha nodded to his own thoughts, reaching out with the Force, extending his senses. For a second it was like looking into the sun, the crystals presence was almost unsettling. However he closed himself off to the crystals, looking for a breathing thing. He found what he was looking for after a minute, a breathing thing that was almost as blinding as the crystals, but there was something else. It was like looking at a colorful animal, beautiful but deadly.

Hello? he said with his mind, entering that of the person. Are you... I think it was Atriyu?

He sensed shock, and felt a response like a coiling serpent. Yes. Who is this? he heard in his mind.

I am Detective Azha Mos, I was sent by Turel

Suddenly the feeling of danger was gone. He didn't know why, and sensed the breathing person moving toward him. He pulled his senses back into his body, opening his eyes. What he saw surprised him. He had half expected some old Jedi to appear, but this person was different. Her blue, white and gold Jedi like robes, along side her young appearance surprised him. He took note of the cloth covering her eyes, and her posture.

"Hello there," he said with all the casualness he could muster.

"Greeting, my young new friend."

The syllables were a melodious whisper, almost a hum in the air, harmonizing with the faint, crystalline song of the gems around them, floating in the chill, winding around spires of stone. The sound vibrated in his ears, settled under his skin, a welcome and — a warning? There was more to it than just the wind of the words; when she whispered, the Force did too.

His shrewd hazel eyes took in a thousand things about the woman that stepped into the dappled, kaleidoscopic glow of the cave's crystals and stood before him in the space of a breath: tall but slim, dark-skinned, silver-haired, braid trailing all the way to the floor, tapered ears. Fine robes under that thick cloak, blue, gold, and white, a lightsaber at her belt, a blaster on the opposite hip. A pendant with a clan logo on it, Arcona's, swaying when she paced forward, stride calm and sure, shoulders back, smile soft, friendly…

And each of those things and many more told him a piece of the puzzle. Athletic and armed, but without weapons at the ready, posture open, easy — she was capable of fighting but it wasn't her first choice, not when there could be diplomacy. The ridiculously long hair, so well-kept and styled — she was patient and fastidious, but a romantic, perhaps a traditionalist following a custom of either the visible Miralukan or Sephi blood that ran in her veins. And, her experiences had allowed her to keep the impractical braid, so either she was a non-combatant — unlikely, given previous observation — her enemies were too dull to make use of the asset — also unlikely, given its obviousness — or she was quick and clever enough to make sure no one ever got their hands on it — in which case, she was dangerous. The necklace was a keepsake, perhaps, conveying sentimentality, someone who cared quite a lot, or perhaps just a showing of how proud she was of her own unit — and yet Master Turel knew her well enough to call upon her personally, away from either of their clans, just for Moz. Arcona and Odan-Urr's alliance had famously started, in part, with this woman — yes, even allowing for loyalty, she was no zealot. And the smile, too kind and too knowing — whatever they were here for, she had expectations where Moz only had questions and a quickly growing list of facts and inferences to reference in solving his mystery.

The heartbeat passed, and Moz's gaze followed her movement as she completed her step, folding her hands, fingers knit, in front of her — habitual, prayer-like, religious? Yes, devout, even. She had to be — and tipping her head forward. "It's good to meet you, Azha Moz. I am indeed Atyiru, though you can call me Atty if you like! Turel spoke quite well of you."

"And...of you," the Mirialan replied, though truth be told, he hadn't made much room in his quickly-moving mind for his Consul's words beyond the basics he needed for this mission, not with all the questions he'd been buzzing with. "Did he tell you why he wanted me to come here, or why he wanted us to meet?"

"He may have hinted." The way her facial muscles twitched, pulling at her eyebrow, Moz would have sworn the woman was winking, were it not for the fact that she had no eyes. "Who really needs a reason? Why, we're here now, you and I! Let's make the most of it."

"Everything has a reason," Moz argued. "Everyone has a motive. And it can always be figured out, if you look hard enough."

"Is that so?"

"It is."

"You seem very sure, indeed, little one," hummed the Miraluka, starting to pace slowly about the cavern, footsteps crinkling lightly in scattered drifts of snow on stone. Fond of pet names, called him little, young — older than him, but surely not terribly much. Affectionate. Overly friendly?

"I'm not that little," the Odanite pointed out. "I'm taller than you, matter of fact."

"Are you? Hum. Who would have known? Tell me, how's the weather up there?"

Willing to joke. Sense of humor? Debatable, he added to his observations. "Cold," Moz snorted in answer. He turned in place so that he could keep his eyes on her, watching as she drew her fingers along some crystals. Their glow brightened slightly at her touch. Them reacting to her, or her influencing them with the Force? "So what are you here for?"

"Lots of things, dearie. To make a new friend. To reminisce. To build some snowmen. Oh, and later, a picnic with drinking chocolate…"

He couldn't tell whether or not she was mocking him, or if she was completely serious; and the way she abruptly bent to start patting ice crystals into a small figurine didn't help him puzzle it out.

"'To tell Azha what his actual mission is and how she's part of it?'" he offered, voice a little tight. She laughed brightly, and it echoed through the spacious vault of rock and permafrost.

"Ahh, yes, and that too. Later, of course."

"One, two, three...there, now it's later."

"A fair attempt, but not one I'll concede to." Atyiru stuck two small pebbles on the snow blob's side, perhaps an approximation of eyes, and then stood with a satisfied sound. "Let us say for now, dear Azha, that I am here to teach you absolutely whatever you wish to learn. What would your response be then?"

"I wouldn't mind that," Moz said carefully, still somewhat wary of the odd Arconan. He didn't know her, even if Turel did...but the Force seemed to know her, and she it, and that mystery, like so many, intrigued and worried him. Trust, no, but make use of, maybe… "Anything I want to know? About the Force or people or the clans or you?"

"Anything you wish," repeated the foreign Consul. "If, that is—"

Of course there's an if, there's always an if, there's always a reason— The Mirialan's senses screeched and his hand dropped to his pistol, freeing it.

"—you're willing to claim it."

And with that, and a faint, luminous smile, she twirled her lightsaber into her hand, activated the blade, and danced towards him like a sprite on winter winds just as her sprayed a salvo of scarlet between them.

Azha didn't hesitate with his pistol. After all if she was supposed too be some kind of legendary person Turel thought would be a good teacher, he felt she should be able to stop him. Three shots too her left, one too her right, all as she closed. She blocked everyone, as if knowing his plan. She was good, she was---

The Mirialan was forced to roll to the side as she pressed on, her lightsaber slashing right over where he had been just standing. If he hadn't moved just before he could have been killed. If he could just---. Again he was cut off from thinking, pushing himself back. She was keeping him on his toes, she was smart, could read his movements. But how? Was the Force letting her? It looked like she couldn't see. Was that a ruse? Could I simply be tricked by the presumed blindness. Maybe if I kicked a few rocks at her as I retreated...

He tried this tactic, hoping to trip her up, get her caught off guard. If he could do that, he could win. Yet she avoided every one as if she knew what his plan was. He ducked under another swing, almost as if it was timed for him to get away from it. What is going on? It's like she is able too get me too do what she wants! It's like she is...

A feeling of dread filled him then. She had responded too his mental questions, she was able to use telepathy. This was not a simple fight anymore. He couldn't just out think her. As he avoided another swing he reached out too the energy field called the Force. Let it consume him as he reached out with his mind while maintaining focus in reality. His mind extended into the woman's, and he felt it. She was in his mind as well. There was a struggle then, another fight, distracting him as he tried to dodge another swing, this one cutting some of his hair.

Alright then! You want too mess with my head?! he screamed mentally. Bring it on!

There was a lull in the physical battle as the two ran through moves, counters flew quickly, like a well played game of dejarik. He felt himself settle into the mental battle as neither body moved. It was brief, only a few seconds. But in those few seconds he began too understand his opponent. The private investigator smiled at this.

Then they two began too move again, the mental battle influencing the physical one. Mos bounced a shot off the ground towards her stomach, and she deflected it while leaping to the side. She closed and swung, only for Mos to barely duck aside. Every move perfectly balanced. Mos advanced with logic and precision, each step placed perfectly, intelligently, and with a firm belief in victory. Meanwhile each deflected shot, each near hit brought Atty closer and closer to winning.

Mos realized the Consul was still controlling the battle. She was able to read his moves as he made them, and he was only reacting in the best manner to stop her imminent victory. Part of him was in awe of this, she could read him and predict his moves quicker than he could think of a counter. His concentration slipped, effecting his body. A misplaced step tripping over a rock on the ground. A chill ran through his chest, then down his arms. He dropped his pistol and tried to brace for impact. She can... no. I should be better!