Raider Bell Fiore vs. Professional Keiji Suoh

Raider Bell Fiore

Equite 2, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Female Human, Mercenary, Ace

Professional Keiji Suoh

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Togruta, Mercenary, Hunter

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Hall Cooperative Hall - Old Container
Messages 2 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Raider Bell Fiore, Professional Keiji Suoh
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Raider Bell Fiore's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Professional Keiji Suoh's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Ahch-To: Ancient Islands
Last Post 3 May, 2017 1:24 AM UTC
Member timing out Padawan Tisto Kingang


The ocean world of Ahch-To looks to be nothing but blue seas from the distance of space. Dotting the oceans, however, are chains of rocky island that jut upwards to form shallow, sloping mountain ranges with small, flattened plateaus. Rich green trees and other small flora grow along the sedimentary stone, untouched by anything more than small avian creatures looking for a place to nest.Carved into the stones of the various Island’s are sets of winding, ascending and man made pathways.

The crisp, clean, air that wisps off the water planet help cool and maintain a fairly even tropical temperature during the day, with a healthy chill at sunset. Storms have been reported to flare up from time to time, leaving only the highest points of the islands safe from a rising tide.

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The Islands themselves remain a mystery to this day. The oceans themselves are still uncharted and unexplored. No one knows how the stairs, statutes, and other sporadic architecture came to be on the Islands. It was rumored, however, that they were indeed the home of first Jedi Temple back when the ancient order was first formed.

"Stupid Islands," Bell muttered to her self as she was climbing. She had landed a few islands away from the target. "Why did they send me alone? Tisto would have brought a vehicle that could get us over the water."

She was bitter, after all she had just dealt with a long swim in her regular outfit. Don't our bosses know that they are lucky Armorweave doesn't shrink when wet? Too bad this shirt doesn't do the same. She knew it wouldn't be long until the shirt dried out, but having a wet shirt while climbing up the side of an island was not fun. She pulled herself up onto the plateau, breathing hard. The target was supposed to be at the top of this damned island, trapped in an escape pod.

"Stupid Mandalorian," she muttered to herself. "Getting themselves trapped in an escape pod while on a job. Got to get him, then get to the fraking wreckage to see what can be salvaged. Why couldn't he have just done his job! He only had one to do after all. How hard is it to protect weapons. If someone wants them, you just shoot them! For all everyone back on Solyait knows that whats his name evil guy could be behind this."

After finishing her mini tirade she pulled out her macrobinoculars. After all, there was no point in getting to the target if there was no way to tell where the wreckage was. From here she could see two other islands. One had her ship, and was a good kilometer away. That swim had been horrible. I'm lucky I didn't encounter any sea food. Don't want to make the stop for good food while having to find this fool.

The other didn't have the wreckage. Of course it didn't. Nothing on this fraking water world was easy. It all had to be a difficult journey where she had to be 'stealthy' for the safety of the mission. Not everything is about this war. Sometimes there are nerf herders who just love to take advantage of an obviously poorly guarded weapon shipment.

With a sigh she put her Macrobinoculars back in their pouch on her belt and began to climb up again. Just one more climb. "And here I thought Mandolorians were legendary warriors. This one can't even protect a ship without calling out for help. And of course I try to help that sleemo Tisto escape one time, and he can't go with me on missions because I might mess with his stun cuffs. He didn't even leave when I tried. Made me feel really bad about trying too help. But no obviously I could convince him to join the Iron Chair or whatever its called."

She stopped talking as she reached the top of the island. Her mouth simply would not move based on what she was seeing. The other half of this island was covered in wreckage. The ship went down hard, and some was still burning even after a few days had passed. She couldn't tell where the metal ended and the island started again, as it looked to her that the wreckage reached to the ocean. Well, one thing done girl

There was a knock from bellow her feet as she stared at the horror. Startled she tried to jump forward only to trip. She hit the ground hard and felt a rock cut the bottom of her shirt. Pulling her self up, she checked her self, glad there was no blood. She took another look at where she was standing to see what appeared to be the top of an escape pod. There was a knock from inside again. And Target found.

"Give me a minute you schutta!" She yelled at the pod, and pulled out her hydrospanner and arc welder. "This could take a while!"

Getting the top off of the escape pod took an hours worth of work. Bell admired the fact that it was so durable. It helped her torment the person inside who wouldn't stop knocking once they realized she was trying to get them out. She thought she even heard a sword hit the top, but no one was that foolish. When she finally got the top off she was able to notice the damage done to the pod. For what should have been a six person pod, there was merely enough room for two people. She also noticed that the emergency supplies had been gone through. Finally she noticed the person inside. He was massive, covered in black armor, and to anyone else might have been a terrifying figure. Yet all Bell could think was how dumb it was he was stuck here when he could have easily protected the weapons.

"Well, looks like I found you," she said with a glare. "Next time how about you don't almost send your savoir off a cliff. Do you even know how long it took for me to get here? All the stealth stuff I had to do just because you couldn't do your job?!"

The figure looked down at her. "Who are you?" he asked, his hand moving towards the guns at his waist.

"Oh knock it off Mr. Keiji," she said, emphasizing the last part. "I was sent by that Yuki chick because you needed help. Get off your guns, we have a job to do."

Keiji's hands stopped moving but that was it. "Name?" he asked simply.

"Call me..." Bell thought, trying to figure out if she wanted to trust this guy. Yuki said he was on their side, but people his size could never really be trusted. "Alpha. Now we need to get down to the wreckage and check for anything that can still be used for the war effort. Were these Iron Chair men or Inquestioners?"

"There were not Iron Throne men from what I could tell. Just a bunch of pirates looking for a good score. They had a slicer with them. She took down the ship," the Tagrutan replied casually.

"Beaten by a girl with a computer eh? Sounds like you need to learn how to fight better."

Bell turned and began to move to the wreckage without so much as a glance back to Keiji to see if he was following. She was tired, annoyed, and at this point just wanted to get the job done and take a nice nap where she could strangle Tisto in her dreams. She had neared a large chuck of hull that was embedded into the island when she heard voices that were not hers or Keiji's.

"Looks like there is still a lot to be recovered boss. Weapon traders didn't even know what hit them."

Keiji hopped up, grabbing the lip of the pod, and hauled himself out with ease. Daylight warmed his face, as his helmet was the first thing to emerge. Having not seen the sun’s rays for a few days had messed with the Titan’s internal clock, but seeing the sun once more had quickly rectified this ailment. The Togruta did a quick scan with his eyes of the surroundings as he approached the woman calling herself “Alpha”. She quickly grabbed him, pulling him behind the hull. Before the Titan could respond, Bell put a finger to her lips and signaled to remain quiet. The Proffesional heard the voice; it sounded male and humanoid to him. Keiji pressed a small button on his wrist. An invisible pulse of energy blasted out in all directions and in the same instant came back bearing news. One organism was to the user’s right, Bell, and multiple blips to the user’s south. A slight beep rang out from his wrist. Horror and anger spewed from Alpha’s eyes due to the Hunter’s mistake.

“Ehh? Boss, you hear that? Maybe some droid or crate still made it in the wreck,” the unknown male said aloud. Both Odanites could hear footsteps getting close to them.

“Well then check it out, you nimwit. I got places to be. Tell the other boys if you find anything, I’ll be heading back to the camp,” another voice said, though this one done through a voice modulator. The pirate head obviously wanted their secrecy.

“Aye boss. OI! YOU SKUGS, GET OVER HERE!” the subordinate pirate yelled.

Shouts and vulgar insults were hurled back. As the man rounded the corner of the hull, a frightening sight fell before him. A tower of black with a crimson blade held high, gleaming in the midday sun. Before the Zygerrian could even release a shriek, the sword came down into the pirates neck, cutting the carotid artery. The blood pressure caused a stream of crimson to spring forth from the neck of the now dead pirate and splatter the destroyed hull while a few stray droplets dotted the helm of the Titan. Keiji removed the blade from the pirate’s body and gave a quick flick of his wrist. A few splatters of blood now coated part of the Human’s jacket. Bell gave a frustrated sigh. She was too tired to care about the blood, but it bothered her that some of the crimson liquid landed on the clothing she was wearing.

The Hunter quickly dragged the body and leaned it up against the enormous hunk of metal he and the Raider were using. The body slid slightly as Keiji placed it between them and he readied himself for the others that would surely be coming.

“For both our sake, I hope you're good with those blasters you have,” the Togruta said softly aloud. “Otherwise we are about to be in a much larger mess than before.”

“I’m probably better at blasters than you are at shooting, so you don’t have to worry about me just do your job,” the Ace snapped at Keiji.

She watched him sheath his red and bloodied blade and draw small knives from his forearms. The Professional moved along the hull to place his montrals just beyond the edge of the wreck. He waited till something came within his echolocation range. A moment passed, then another, and another... until finally the start of an image came through.

One… no make that two… three maybe, Keiji questioned internally.

He took one deep breath before spinning out into the open. The five pirates stopped immediately. It appeared only those few were the ones who came at the moment. Instinctively, the knives left the hands of the Mandalorian and found perches in two separate pirates. Both went down, but not before letting out a cry of pain that was then halted. The pirates gave a quick glance at their fallen comrade and started to reach for their weapons.