Aura grinned and took the slender glass from the Twi'lek’s hand, feeling what felt like an invisible glare on the back of her head. The faint click of a high heel punctuated the stiff silence between them. The Zeltron savored the moment as she took a sip, brushing off the faint worry in the back of her mind.
“Wow, that really takes your breath away,” replied Aura. “What’s in it?” The Zeltron leaned forward and rested her forearm against the counter, her fingers grazing the man’s arm in a steady drumbeat. Archenksova loudly cleared her throat. The Twi'lek grimaced guiltily as he gave Alethia a spare glance before smiling back at Aura, who ignored her companion on purpose.
“Well, first you take a quarter shot of Corellian Whiskey and add a smidgen of Rancor Tequila to it.”
Alethia sighed heavily and rustled around with what sounded like her purse. Aura resisted the urge to turn around as she heard her friend move its zipper. While he explained the second step with enthusiasm, she watched the male Twi'lek’s face carefully for any sign of movement behind her.
“Next, you put in a squirt or two of lime. Then if you really want to top it off, you coat the rim with a nice layer of sugar. Best to suck that off at the end.”
Aura laughed and she drank more of her ‘Holy sizzle’, already sizing up another free drink. “I think I messed up this one. I’ll have to try again.”
“Sure. Bartender, another over here!”
The Zeltron felt a tap on her shoulder, the Force telling her to flee. On the other hand, the drinks from earlier tonight told her she was going to win. Aura turned around with a triumphant smile, which was quickly wiped off her face as a heavy handbag containing a pistol smacked into the side of her head. The Zeltron staggered to her right, the bar sliding in and out of focus for just a few seconds.
“Suck on that, schutta!” Alethia yelled, going for another swing.
Aura shook off the dazed look on her face and raised her arms defensively around her head as she saw the pocket book coming back towards her. It hit the meat of her arm, pushing the Zeltron off balance as she fell to the floor.
“And stay down!”
Anger flared within Aura as she finally registered the hits, glaring at the handbag.
“Did you just pistol-whip me with a purse?!” Aura yelled as she got up and ran towards Archenksova, who swung her pocketbook around for another pass. The Zeltron batted it aside with her arm and plowed right into Alethia, tackling her to the ground.
Aura landed on top of her and quickly centered her weight over Alethia’s hips, promptly followed by lashing out at Archenksova’s face with a flurry of slaps. The woman beneath her squirmed as she blocked the volleys aimed at her face with her left arm and swung her handbag at Aura’s head with her right. The pair of women exchanged blows as they sacrificed well-being for a good position, crying out in pain as each hit landed. Despite the gun-laden purse, Aura wouldn’t budge, so Alethia decided to tip the scales.
Archenksova dug one-handed in her purse as she attempted to retrieve her blaster, her left arm blocking as many swings at her head as possible. Aura seized the moment, getting in a few good shots before the Force yelled at her once more. The Zeltron looked around her immediate vicinity, giving her a sobering dose of reality as she saw Alethia finally free the gun from the confines of her purse. She was already pointing it towards the Zeltron, who desperately punched her fist through the air as she focused the Force on Archenksova’s grip on the weapon.
The shot went wide to Aura’s left, pushed off course as the tip of Alethia’s gun was pushed outward and flew safely out of her hand. The pair looked up in unison as an innocent man sitting at the opposite bar slumped over in his barstool, thankfully with no immediate signs of permanent damage.
“You set that to stun, right?” asked Aura, concern overriding her urge to fight.
“Do you really think I’d shoot to kill you?” Alethia replied sarcastically as she jabbed her fingers into Aura’s solar plexus, making the woman curl over to avoid further pain.
Archenksova grabbed Aura’s hair with her right hand and held on tight as she pulled the Zeltron down to the ground.
“Oww!” Aura screamed as half of her body slid off the woman and rested on the floor.
Alethia pounced on the opportunity and held on tighter by grabbing her hair with both hands. Aura reached for Alethia’s head but was quickly distracted by the woman’s knee thrusting into her stomach as she simultaneously pulled down on the Zeltron’s head. Aura crumpled to the ground and went on the defensive as she tried to block both her ribcage and her head. Alethia took full advantage, standing up and kicking her from above.
Damn, she’s brutal. Fine then…
Aura took a deep breath — or as deep a breath as she was allowed under duress — and pushed her hands out as she rocked away from Alethia, pushing the woman away from her with the Force. The Zeltron got up to her feet as quickly as possible, while Archenksova fell backward several meters and regained her bearings.
“Afraid to fight me like a woman, Ta’var?” goaded Alethia, brushing a trickle of blood from her face.
“You aren’t a woman. You’re a vicious harpy. Here I was trying to not hurt you too much and you cheated,” replied Aura accusingly.
“The pot calling the kettle black,” Alethia spat back.
Aura was about to respond, but the male Twi'lek they had both courted intervened between them, holding out his hands in a peace offering.
“Ladies, ladies, let’s not fight over me. There is enough to go around for both of you,” he grinned.
Aura glared at him and then flung herself towards him, leading with a punch. The Twi'lek attempted to duck, but Alethia was already swinging a fist his way as well. The man crumpled to the ground as both attacks hit, already calling for security as he started to crawl away to safety. The pair of women glared at him, momentarily forgetting their feud.
“Kriffing sleemo!” Aura yelled.
“Run away, tailhead!” Alethia added on, drawing the ire from a few of the bar’s patrons.
Aura looked at her friend, stunned at her performance. Meanwhile, several security guards were already rounding the corner from the far end of the bar, called on by the Twi'lek they had beat up. Both women looked at each other, reason finally making headway.
“Look, Ta’var, I’d love to beat you up some more but I think we should leave. How about we gather our things and get out of here?”
“Agreed. I’ll beat you up later,” said Aura as she ran to get her cloak.
“Hah! As if you could without your precious Force,” Alethia replied as she picked up her belongings and made her way to the exits, Aura right behind her.
Security guards chased them outside the club, leaving the pair of women to the seedy streets of Nar Shadaa at night.
“And stay out!” they shouted in unison.
Aura reached out to the Force around her while Alethia looked around, both appraising the situation.
“A fine mess you’ve got me into this time, Ta’var,” Archenksova complained haughtily.
“Please, you shot first! You’re just unhappy I won.”
“You wish. Are you even sober enough to remember how many free drinks you got?”
“Definitely more than you. Do you even remember how many you've had?”
A silent pause hung in the air as Aura stared Alethia down.
“We both know who won without cheating,” replied Archenksova, evading the question.
Aura rolled her eyes, tempted to slap her again, but thankfully something else distracted her. She had found something in the Force that made her feel anxious, the uneasy feeling that always came when danger wasn’t far off. It didn’t feel immediate but she could sense something… She thought for a moment how two women dressed for hustling might look like to the denizens in this part of the city. She grimaced, coming to terms with the best course of action.
“Look, as much as I’d love to discuss this with the committee, something doesn’t feel right. Put this cloak on and be ready, just in case,” ordered Aura as she handed over her cloak.
“What’s coming?” Archenksova asked seriously as she put on the cloak, her head on a swivel.
“I don’t know. Let’s just get out of here.” Aura straightened her dress and then the pair of women walked at what they thought was a casual pace towards the nearest shuttle.
“And what am I supposed to be, exactly?” asked Alethia in a whisper.
Aura walked closer, wrapping an arm around Alethia’s waist and leaning against her for a whispered conversation.
“Well, until we get to safety, I am your exorbitantly priced prostitute. It’s a perfect cover for a Zeltron if you can pull off the client. It might allow us to actually blend in.”
“You seem familiar with this tactic. You get this treatment often?”
“I’m a Zeltron. It is a misunderstanding that has happened often enough.”
“Fair enough, but I only paid you a moderate fee. I wouldn’t want anyone jumping me for credits.”
“Not fair.”
“The customer is always right. Now get off my gun. I might need to shoot it.”
“Is this how you and a love interest bond with each other? Sarcasm and violence?”
Alethia rolled her eyes, refusing to answer. Aura got off her and walked by her side, wondering why she let this woman complicate her life so much. Maybe Alethia was thinking the same thing...
Really enjoyed the setup and breakdown of the club. And the bet. Heh. Good back and forth banter and a fun premise for a contest.
A solid, amusing post.