DJM Troutrooper vs. DJK Aiden Dru

Dark Jedi Master Troutrooper

Elder 2, Elder tier, Clan Arcona
Male Mon Calamari, Krath, Seeker

Knight Aiden Dru

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Human, Sith, Marauder

Win by timeout

Hall Fading Light
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants DJM Troutrooper, DJK Aiden Dru
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
DJM Troutrooper's Character Snapshot Snapshot
DJK Aiden Dru's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Begeren – Ion Cannon
Last Post 21 June, 2014 2:21 PM UTC
Member timing out Aiden Dru

Begeren. Once a prosperous Sith world, it has been the site of numerous battles throughout the millennia. Grand halls and monuments were torn down and re-purposed by looting Republic forces thousands of years ago, before they were driven from the planet. Isolated settlements still dot the planet's surface, but the inhospitable, craggy, and desert-like terrain, along with the beasts common to many desert and Sith worlds, have kept most humanoids from colonizing. Occasional skirmishes have left debris scattered throughout the desert, and battles were fought here as recently as the Galactic Civil War. The planet is now under the control of the One Sith and is rumored to be full of all manner of priceless, ancient Sith artifacts.

Begeren’s plunder has been rich, and the Clans and Houses have been bolstered, both by the favor they are currying with the Grand Master, and with their own triumphs against rivals. More fighting seems to have occurred between the Clans and Houses than against the One Sith, and the stream of priceless artifacts has slowed to a trickle as of late. The invasion of Begeren has now entered a wholly different phase, and though the end goal of capturing the world’s precious secrets remains the same, the methods of achieving it have changed. At least for now. The Dark Council has identified several settlements and key military objectives to seize, both for use as staging grounds, and to quell any revolts against Brotherhood authority before they begin. It has fallen to the Clans and Houses to seize these objectives, with large accolades and bounties to those willing to undertake dangerous missions, alone, into hostile territory. Despite the recent inter-clan aggressions, the Dark Council has made it clear that the bounties for taking objectives cannot be shared between units.

One such objective, a V-150 Planet Defender ion cannon, lies nestled in one of Begeren’s northern mountain ranges. The inhospitable and semi-arid region is known for its relatively cooler temperatures compared to the rest of the planet, and is home to one of the only active spaceports on Begeren. Though most of the region is patrolled by local militias, a sizable One Sith presence is thought to be in the area. An enormous feminine stone face, carved into the side of a towering cliff side, overlooks both the ion cannon and the neighboring spaceport, paying homage to a long-dead female Sith Lord.

You stand in a massive scree field beneath the adorned cliff side. The dark side is almost palpable here beneath the monument, but your true goal is the installation and the massive ion cannon immediately to your west. The installation is lightly guarded, and can be accessed by a natural, mountainous tunnel entrance. The entrance is well-lit and quite large for a tunnel access shaft, big enough for the heavy machinery needed to construct and maintain the massive ion cannon. The tunnel itself splits a few hundred yards in, leading to two separate objectives.

There are two main objectives: the fire control and targeting room, and the main power generators. Intelligence reports indicate that the fire control and targeting room is manned by two gunners and two-to-three militiamen from the local settlement. Intelligence also reports a light contingent of three guards and a slew of power droids around the power generators. Which objective you choose depends, in part, on whether you wish to take or destroy the ion cannon. A barracks is not far from the ion cannon, and it’s possible that the One Sith could be lurking closeby should you arouse suspicion.

The sound of shifting rocks and falling boulders alerts you to the presence of another not far from the tunnel entrance, as well. You head quickly into the tunnel, knowing your opponent may be upon you at any time.

Aiden Dru stuck the landing on his flip, which put him a few meters away from the installation's entrance.


The Knight furrowed his brow as he dropped into his ready stance, his green blade humming.

Troutrooper held up a flipper. "Come now, there's no need for that. I admired your flip, but, instead of gratitude, you reply with your saber." He shook his bulbous head. "Kids these days...Lack of manners and respect. Heck, we haven't introduced ourselves and yet we're already rushing headlong towards combat."

The Knight circled towards the Master, guard up and pointed at his admirer. "I'm going to kill you."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Kill-you," the Mon Cal gave a curt nod. "I'm Troutrooper. Do you prefer I'm, Going-to, or Kill-you? Pardon my ignorance, but I am unfamiliar with that surname's origin? Corellian? Balmorran?"

Aiden frowned. "What are you--No, my name is Aiden Dru, Dark Jedi Knight of Clan Taldryan."

"Aidan? Are you related to Master Kincaid?"


Troutrooper blinked. "You took your master's name out of respect? Hmm. Been a while since I've heard that."

"What? No, Prophet Halcyon is my master."

"Then you took Kincaid's name because...? Admiration? He forced you? Love? Shadow Taldrya used to bend people over tables. Did do that to you, and he only stopped when you assumed his name?" He gurgled a chuckle. "That would be one epic bending."

"...Oh wait," the Human rolled his eyes. "My name is Aiden, E-N. Master Kincaid is Aidan, A-N."

Troutrooper nodded. "Thank you for clarifying that, Ian--"


"Whatever," the Mon Cal shrugged. "A word to the wise: I would still avoid being between any Taldrya and a table."

"They won't bother me any more after I bring them your head," Aiden said, dashing foward, saber raised for beheading slash.

Troutrooper stepped towards his attacker, a shimmering bubble surrounding the fish.

Aiden slammed into the barrier, fracturing a couple of his ribs against the ethereal protection. He bounced off it, summersaulted, and popped up in one fluid motion. "Neat trick," Aiden grimaced, one hand clutching his side, the other pointing his green blade at the Arconan. "Perhaps Master Halcyon will teach me it as a reward for killing you."

Troutrooper frowned. "You seem obsessed with killing me. We've known each other for, what, one minute? Why dispatch strangers? Maybe I am here to assist you."

"I don't--URGH--need assistance," he said, wincing as he pressed hard into his side.

Troutrooper waddled towards Aiden. "Likely those ribs will take more than some journeyman's battle heals to fix. Perhaps we should postpone our duel until you're at full health."

"Maybe you're right--"

"Usually am."

"--Maybe I can't defeat you--"

"You can't."

"--But that doesn't mean I won't stop trying," Dru shouted, stepping to his right, spinning and slashing. A wave of green cut the Mon Cal in twain. A wave of euphoria surged through the Human.

A single electric tendril to the back spasmed the Human. A single flipper flick flung the released saber down the hallway to the power generators.

"Very smooth, young Knight," Troutrooper gurgled, walking over to the twitching Taldryan. "You killed a Mon Cal today. Unfortunate that he was illusionary." Dru rolled over, hands searching his secondary weapons.

"You have vast potential, that much is apparent. I expect you will have many fantastic triumphs," Troutrooper said as he extended a flipper towards Aiden. "Someday. Not today."

The Knight snarled as he took the proffered flipper. "A little side action..." He trailed off, grips locked.

Aiden shook his head and blinked at the Mon Cal as he released his grip. "A little side action can hurt sometimes." He stretched to his full height. "I will kill you someday."

The Mon Cal gurgled a chuckle. "I applaud you chasing challenges and testing yourself. However, try to ensure you can at least survive your self-imposed obstacles. Dead Dark Jedi are of no use to the Dark Hall or the Great Hall."

Aiden snorted. "You have something better in mind?"

The Mon Cal nodded. "Retrieve your saber. I hear there are some robotic obstacles at the end of the hall. You should survive them. At the very least, you have a better likelihood of success against them than me."

Dru did not move. "I only take orders from Taldryans."

Electricity danced between the Mon Cal's flippertips. "Disarmed, antagonistic, and defiant Knights usually don't live long against irritated Masters. Use your mental muscles for a moment. I am giving you the opportunity to walk away from this fight. Seize it. Grow your powers and someday you might kill me."

Dru nodded and took a step towards the hall. A stun baton dropped into Dru's hand. A smirk crossed his lips. Someday is today. Planting off his lead foot, the Knight flipped backward, baton sparking and aimed at the Master's bulbous head.

In one smooth motion, Troutrooper unhitched his saber, ignited it, and circumsized Aiden's baton. The Human landed with a purple blade at his throat. "Last warning, " Troutrooper sneered. "Get your saber or I'll nip the tip off one of your heads." The purple shaft angled up then down.

The Knight's knees bent inward subconsciously as he dropped the now-useless baton and tromped down the hallway to fetch his saber.