Elevated over a ravine, the Massassi Arena has withstood the tests of time. It is arranged in a circular formation and made by a slab of stone that connects the opposite slopes of the ravine. On its eastern side, the floating arena leads to a staircase and into a near-vertical cliff face. Because of its nearly unsupported vantage that overlooks a several hundred-meter fall, even the smallest creatures can feel the occasional motion the platform makes as the breeze brushes across its cold surface.
Adding to the adrenaline rush of standing within the slab’s concentric patterns carved into the rock, barriers and obstacles echo the Massassi’s commitment to taking every advantage over their opponents. Pillars ring the outer edge without guard rails between them, some remaining intact and others having toppled into the arena or over the perilous heights. Weeds and other fauna cover each surface as nature seeks to reclaim the ravine and eventually send the arena itself to the depths.
A creaky rope-bridge leads away towards another ancient suspended platform with the same weathered, upturned stones. Mossy footing, and uneven ground make each of these platforms unique in small subtle ways. While there is no seating for formal spectators, the ancient stones of the Massassi Arena hold an omniscient, aged wisdom that speak to the things they have seen and the battles fought through history.
A third rope-bridge leads to yet another platform, completing the triad of battlegrounds that make up the Massassi Arena.
Again, mis-using 'to' versus 'too'.
Alright, this was a curious start to the fight, you don't often see a battle begin with assaulting an NPC, but that's not a bad thing.
You had some minor syntax issues, as noted in the above comments, as well as the species name issue.
While you established a start to the conflict between Tisto and Droveth, you didn't give any reasoning behind it, at all. Tisto, in the middle of apprehending what appears to be a criminal, is fired upon by a Clan mate and fellow Light-path Jedi, unprovoked. This hurt your Story score a little.
Minor syntax error here, 'newcomer' is one word.
Got an extra comma here, when you have something concerning the subject, in this case, the first part of the sentence, and you only have ONE bit (the rider dismounting), you don't require a comma. If it had been, say, 'He gave another look at the bike, and saw its rider dismount and draw a weapon' it would have been correct.
Grammatically speaking this is totally and completely correct. So no syntax ding here, and I'm not going to give you a story one because I can clearly see what you were doing. Just a suggestion for the future to make things easier to follow:
After 'pulling his left hand back' I'd have used either a comma or an 'and' to clearly show the difference in action, or, the cause and effect. Again, no penalty here, just a suggestion to help you out in the future.
You're gonna get a minor Continuity penalty here, and I'll explain why. While there is no set right or wrong for capitalizing the name of a species, you do need to be consistent in it. In this case, you didn't capitalize 'human' which came before Kiffar, which means you should be using 'kiffar' instead. Consistency is key in this regard, I believe I dinged one of your opponents in another fight for this as well.
Minor realism, 'roar' is a bit much for a lightsaber, they don't make a whole lot of noise when they turn on. If there's a reason your's does, it should be outlined in the weapon itself, aspect-wise.
Minor syntax, too means another or also, multiples. To would have been the proper word usage.
I'm torn on calling this a warning shot or you just ignoring your own +2 to Precognition, a passive ability. Tisto should have felt the attack coming a few moments beforehand, though he would have been focused on the human before him and thus likely not able to react to it. You don't have to bring up the power, but it would make your Story stronger by using the options you have on your sheet.
It also would have given you a good moment to write something concerning Lightning Reflexes, which would have also strengthen your story and gave the action more urgency.