Pain radiated up his side, yet it would do him no use to scream here. Trapped in a decrepit cabin made from wroshyr wood that had rotten from lack of care over the years. This was an area few would venture anymore, so it was unsurprising to the Nautolan when his captors had brought him here for interrogation; best place to beat information from someone...
Pain was a familiar sensation for the Nautolan. Raiju Kang, former Jedi of Odan-Urr, was used to defending others from suffering pain - and often felt the burden of it in this service. It even had been the catalyst for his reconditioning to the Sith Order under Clan Scholae Palatinae. Still, his nerves screamed in protest.
“What do you know about Pravus?” A husky voice to his left caught the Nautolan’s attention. It’s owner, Raiju recognized, wore the standard uniform of Odan-Urr’s shock troops.
“Want a fresh one?” Another trooper, on Raiju’s right, followed with his own inquiry and brandish a tightly bound bundle of flora - a trick Raiju recognized as a method to hurt an individual but leave no external markings. Still, Raiju kept silent as he focused on the previous injury. With each focused breath, the pain would further numb.
“New orders. She wants to deal with him personally.” A third voice entered the conversation from one side of the room. It was the Sergeant of the group, who also happened to be the one to bind Raiju’s hands together and hoist them up with a rope pulled over one of the beams of the cabin. Behind him sat a table that loosely displayed the weaponry they have found on the Nautolan.
“She?” Raiju chuckled and turned his head towards his assailant on the right. “Of course! Ladies can never pass up a chance with old Raiju here.”
A look was exchanged between the troopers on either side of Raiju, and when the inquirer shrug and offered no resistance, the other readied his bundle for a grand swing. Thankfully, the door to the cabin opened to a pair of escorts followed by a very stunning, silver haired woman who entered with presence. Immediately, the Sergeant and his two troops ceased what they were doing to salute the lady. A lady that Raiju quickly recognized from a previous life; Alethia Archenksova.
Raiju smirked towards the trooper on his right.
“This isn’t the first time she’s had me in bondage, you know…” Turning to the other trooper, the Nautolan nodded reassuringly. “She has this desire to always be in control.”
Raiju’s smirk began to bloom into a smile, yet the rest of the room felt a chill. Alethia remained fixed in her position, never adjusting her glare at the Nautolan. What were only minutes felt like hours, yet the Nautolan refused to let his smile die; meeting the woman’s eyes the entire time. When Alethia broke the silence, it was towards the Sergeant.
“Have you secured his effects? What was he traveling with?”
“Ah...On the table here, ma’am.” The Sergeant quickly stated nervously, before he pointed towards them. “Nothing of importa-.”
“Idiots!” Alethia snarled, eyeing the weaponry. She leapt in its direction, however, before she was within reach of the personal effects; his lightsabers flung from their place of rest into the open palms of the captive. When the woman met the eyes of the smiling Battlelord, he quickly raised his brow in open mockery. A smooth activation of both weapons quickly freed the Nautolan from his bonds.
He hungered to unleash what carnage he could within the cabin.
A kick drilled into the crotch of the trooper on his right. When the man recoiled in pain, doubled over with a hand grasping his groin, Raiju charged towards the man and plunged his blades deep into the man’s back on opposite sides of his spine. A painful gasp from the trooper gurgled into a panic sucking for air; which, Raiju guessed, indicated he had successfully penetrated both lungs.
“Want a fresh one?!” The Battlelord snarled as he ripped both blades from flesh and watched the hunk of meat collapsed. Across the room, the door to the cabin flung open and smacked against the wall while the remaining troopers pulled back towards it in a line; readying their rifles. Behind them, already out the door and unholstering a blaster pistol, Alethia sounded off with a commanding presence.
“Don’t let him leave this cabin alive!”