“This Danner is becoming more of a problem than I thought,” Arden whispered to himself as he lost track of the smuggler. He probably thought he could hide somewhere down here and figured that Arden would be the only one tracking him. The di Plagia had always been the type to come prepared to any situation and this was no different. Keying up his commlink, the Sith whispered into it.
“IA2, do you have the subject?”
Arden had originally had acquired his ‘Dark Eye’ droids as spotters during field missions, but they were equally useful for tracking targets in urban environments. He’d had kept the droid close by in case Danner had made a break for it. After a few seconds, a mechanical voice buzzed out of the unit.
“Affirmative, 450 meters North East. Transmitting navpoint to datapad.”
“Stay with him.”
Karn flipped the comlink closed and pulled out the datapad. After taking a moment to get his bearings, he stowed the device and started making his way towards the designated location. Through the use of the Force, he was able to walk without a noticeable limp despite the damage to his left foot. The Sith seemingly glided through the crowd, seeming to be totally at ease in such an environment despite only rarely venturing into civilized space. It only took a few moments to locate the establishment his droid had directed him to. Arden didn’t even take the time to note the name of the place despite the flashing orange sign, it didn’t matter. He knew he had the right bar when he saw the small black spherical droid hovering above the entrance. It had the appearance and the smell of any of the dozens of low-class drinking establishments he’d been in before. The smell of cheap booze and unwashed bodies permeated the dimly lit place and dirt was practically everywhere. Normally such a place would be a perfect place to hide except for one thing.
There was nowhere to hide from a Sith.
It took Arden a moment to pick his quarry out of the crowd, but eventually, he made out a figure with a familiar hat pulled down to look more inconspicuous. Similarly, Arden had drawn the hood of his cloak to make himself stand out slightly less, though that would be a challenge here for someone of lesser skill. Using the lighting to his advantage, he made his way over to the figure at a table in the back corner of the bar without being noticed. By the time Danner looked up, Arden had already sat down across from him and had his blaster pistol pointed at him under the table. Danner had a look of mild but grim surprise.
“That was quicker than expected. Figured I’d at least have time for a drink.”
Arden’s reply was stern and to the point. “I don’t drink the kind of swill they serve at places like this.”
“A shame,” the smuggler answered. “So, you’re just going to shoot me in front of all these people?”
Arden’s demeanor didn’t change. “Place like this probably has a shooting or stabbing daily. I would be halfway back to Aliso before anyone cared. Also, think of all the innocents that might get hurt if I had to shoot my way out of here. That said, I’d actually rather not kill you or anyone else today.”
Danner shook his head. “You think, knowing what I know about your clan, that I’d ever just give up?”
The di Plagia chuckled. “I’m not even going to say what you heard is wrong. But, in addition to be a feared tool of the Iron Throne, I’m also a businessman. You help me, and there’s a good chance your captivity will be brief and relatively painless. Heck, you might even live through it. You try to run, that goes off the table and innocents probably die.”
“Two bad options,” Danner responded. “I could just shoot you first.”
Arden could sense the Smuggler going for his weapon and didn’t wait. He squeezed the trigger of his pistol, sending a plasma bolt right where the Odanite’s left leg met his body. Danner was briefly covered in blue energy before falling limp, the blaster having been set on stun.
“Pain it is, then.”
This really should be a semi-colon or em-dash, and reads more like a comma splice here than anything stylistic.