Seer Kordath Bleu vs. Warrior Tahiri Drakon Night-Thorn

Seer Kordath Bleu

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Male Ryn, Force Disciple, Arcanist, Krath

Warrior Tahiri Drakon Night-Thorn

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Tarentum
Female Togruta, Sith, Shadow

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Hall Phase I: Winds of Change [GJWXII]
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Competition [GJW XII Event Long] Combat Writing - ACC Ladder
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Seer Kordath Bleu, Warrior Tahiri Drakon Night-Thorn
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Seer Kordath Bleu's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Warrior Tahiri Drakon Night-Thorn's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Coruscant: Level 1313
Last Post 29 June, 2017 12:26 AM UTC
Member timing out Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae

Coruscant Level 1313

So named because it is located one thousand, three hundred, and thirteen levels from the core of Coruscant, Level 1313 is distanced from the politics of the upper levels. Overlooking the chasm burrowing further into Coruscant’s core, one can watch freighters transporting their illicit cargo between levels. One misstep would send the careless careening into the bottomless pit, or aid the local gangs in staging “accidents.”

Weathered duracrete forms the retainer along the chasm wall, built in concentric rings that descend down an untold height. Strengthened with solid durasteel braces, maintenance has not been needed this far into Coruscant for a long time. Nevertheless, droids pre-programmed to fill in the cracks and crevices that might form in the walls float on repulsorlifts without drawing attention from the criminal gangs; themselves, being focused on their next smuggling operation or struggle for control over Coruscant’s scum-filled underbelly.

The woman's cloak fluttered behind her, unseen by those she maneuvered around as the Force hid her from their eyes. She'd been fortunate picking up the trail of the strange-looking little man ahead of her so easily, so much so that she was feeling nervous and suspicious of her good luck. With bated breath she waited, watching as the Ryn turned his head this way and that, checking for tails, before crouching beside a cargo crate. It was no different, from where she stood, from any other container littering the area. A few seconds had passed before he moved, the man's hand closing and disappearing into his coat pocket before coming out open once more.

The Arconan started off again, heading on a circuitous route back to the passage that would likely take him back to his ship. She was certain of the one he'd taken, having followed him from it, her talents at concealing her presence serving her well as she crept along. He'd kept a casual pace, and was sticking to it as he began to leave. The Togruta took a more direct route, releasing the weave of Force energy that hid her from others' sight. It was a risk — if he checked now, he'd notice her — but it was the only way she'd move fast enough to catch him near a less populated area.

Kordath Bleu felt nervous. He didn't like most of Coruscant, and this far down wasn't much better. Too many people were willing to knife a Ryn because they were, well, Ryn. The dead drop location had held a datacard, hopefully with information that would assist the Lotus Resistance in some way. The pickup was going smoothly thus far, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to go terribly wrong.

He'd been keeping his head on a swivel, and his Force-capable senses keyed up out of paranoia, so it was that he caught the flash of movement as he neared his exit point.

So blasted close to done, o' course now it'll go tits up.

Bleu spun, noting that the few sentients in the area were moving away at a hurried pace. He groaned and turned back, ready to drop caution and start running, only to find himself facing a pair of vibroswords, one black, the other red.

"Uh, ello there, luv," he managed through dry lips, looking past the blades to the sickly yellow-eyed Togruta.

"Hand over the data, Arconan. I'd rather not rifle through your pockets to find it."

He didn't recognize the woman, and he felt not the Force from her. He didn't sense anything from her, which meant she was capable. What he did know was the symbol emblazoned on her cloak.

"Look, lass, you and me is allies, right? What gives? We get back ta me ship, I can make a copy of tha data, yeah? Better that way, more likely ta get it where it needs goin' in case somethin' happens, eh?"

A curled lip answered him, disgust evident on her face. "As if I'd trust one of you after what that Arconae did to Telona. I have you alone here, I can exact some vengeance for my Clan, at the least."

Seemingly done with words, the woman's blades pulled back for a swing, the hum of their ultrasonic-enhanced edges filling the Ryn's world. He ducked and rolled back as she struck, scrambling away as he weighed his options. It became evident as she followed that he had the edge on speed, but she sure as kark had reach with those blasted swords.

He pulled his dagger and sapphire blade from their sheaths when he got back upright, holding them in reverse grips and swallowing nervously. The way she handled her twin blades suggested a level of skill he'd never bothered to train up to himself.

I need ta get outta here before she guts me, kark, kark, KARK!

Kordath backed away instead of trying to block, watching the Togruta flow from one move to another with ease. He licked his lips again, wondering if he couldn't outlast her as he ducked and weaved away once more. He blinked as she upended the red-bladed sword and shoved it into the duracrete surface while mid-spin.

He didn't have much time to wonder why before a knife flew inches from his face, the warning from the Force the only reason he still had both eyes.