Diy better get her orange hiney back here on the dot or so help me... Zujenia griped inwardly, adjusting the collar of her vest up and closer to her neck. The Arconan had reluctantly agreed to let the Kiffar drop her off on this flooded island planet while she went off and performed some smuggling job of hers. That was all fine and dandy until they landed and discovered that the usually calm climate of Ahch-To had been befallen by one of its occasional storms. The rising tide was not working well with Zujenia’s crippling, irrational fear of water.
Which was why the half-Ryn was soaking wet, huddled under a rock shelf at the highest point she could get away from the slowly encroaching sea. Her tail weaved slowly in agitation as she fiddled with a small cylinder in her pocket — an audio recording rod containing intel on Inquisitorius movements. Her mission was simple; to pass it over to one of the Odanite Lotus members.
They’re late, Zujenia thought to herself, her chitin-tipped nose twitching with the start of a sneeze. She desperately regretted not bringing her cloak. Attempting to distract herself from her misery, the half-Ryn drew her golden gaze over the sodden moss-covered landscape, searching for some sign of another being. A crack of lightning brought her attention to the sky, and to a small metallic shape dropping through the clouds.
A ship, but not Diy’s. Her ashen brows furrowed as she watched it circle down as close as it could get to the uneven terrain of the island. Its hatch dropped slowly with the hissing sound of hydraulics, revealing a young man. His black hair and nearly matching robes billowed in the wind.
He crouched and jumped, landing semi-gracefully in what Zujenia guessed was a Force-imbued leap. Pushing off her shelter’s wall, she paced down the slope to meet the figure.
“Lotus?” the half-Ryn asked after exchanging a neutral and level gaze with the Human’s unusual purple eyes.
The teen surprised her by cracking a small grin, breaking her assumption of a more serious nature. “Would an Inquisitor wear these robes?”
Unsure of how to answer and being more concerned about getting out of the rain, she snaked the recorder out of her pocket and offered it to him. Taking it out of her grasp with a nod, the Odanite stepped back a few paces until he was outside of earshot. The hybrid drew a hand across her forehead to brush back her soaked bangs. She examined the Human’s expression as he listened to confirm the audio file was indeed the data he sought. His waning smile and the atmosphere around them shifted as he turned and tossed the device to her feet.
“What is this? Where's the Inquisitorius data?” the youth asked firmly, his brief laid-back demeanour changing like that of a crossed Akk dog.
“It should have been...” Zujenia cautiously leaned down to pick the object up. Her mind reeled for an explanation, halting finally on an image of bouncing green dreads and matching lipstick.
Diy. Must have mixed up our karking parcels.
The Odanite, clearly fed up with waiting for an answer to his inquiry, lowered his arms to his side. “You know what I believe?” He withdrew two red, wood-plated cylinders from his cloth belt and flipped one skillfully in reverse. “That you are an Iron Throne agent who infiltrated our network.”
Sapphire blades flicked into existence. Zujenia’s eyes widened and her sandy tail curled between her legs as terror filled her. The Human launched towards her with steady feet, sabers posed to cut her down — yet, she could not move, the blue light shining in the reflection of her amber eyes.
Go...go, go, go!
Exploding backwards with the Force coursing through her legs, Zujenia narrowly avoided the swift attack. Her right heel caught on an uneven crack, propelling her into a jarring roll across the ground. Wincing at the scrapes but not wanting to waste time, the half-Ryn clambered to her feet. Her left arm pulled forward the AB-75 bo-rifle strapped to her back as she watched her assailant make haste after her.
Sliding her strong side back and lowering her center of gravity, Zujenia’s gaze affixed past the terrifying sabers and to the Odanite with a burning expression — determined to survive.