DA Teroch Erinos Arconae vs. JK Turel Sorenn

Dark Side Adept Teroch Erinos Arconae

Elder 1, Elder tier, Clan Arcona
Male Kiffar, Obelisk, Shadow

Jedi Knight Turel Sorenn

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Human, Guardian, Marauder
Hall Duelist Hall - Old Container
Messages 3 out of 6
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants DA Teroch Erinos Arconae, JK Turel Sorenn
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
DA Teroch Erinos Arconae's Character Snapshot Snapshot
JK Turel Sorenn's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue [UNLEASHED] Valley of the Jedi
Last Post 29 June, 2014 6:19 PM UTC
Member timing out Jorad Erinos

Combat Master’s Note: This venue was designed for use with the Unleashed Force power setting. However, unless both combatants agree, Force powers as listed in the setting of the battle MUST be followed. If participants decide differently they must alert the Combat Master before the battle concludes, or else the battle will be judged with standard Realism grades for Force power usage. See http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Valley_of_the_Jedi for more information on this location.

The Valley of the Jedi. The legendary location of the final battle under the surface of Ruusan, between the Army of Light and the Brotherhood of Darkness. The battle ended in an instant when the thought bomb detonated, trapping the spirits of hundreds of powerful Force users within the Valley for over a thousand years.

You stand near the edge of that very cave, waiting on the tiered stone steps that circle the Valley. The ground is rocky and uneven, sloping downwards towards the center. Stalagmites litter the floor, small outcroppings of rock thrust out from the ground like huge stone blades. But the piles of rocks pale in size compared to the stone statues circling the Valley in perfectly concentric circles. The statues seem almost alive, as if the faces of the dead had been perfectly captured in the carvings and still held traces of the doomed souls they represented.

In the Valley's center, an enormous mound is raised from the ground surrounded by six stone obelisks. From the mound, a blinding light explodes upwards, casting a soft glow of orange, yellow, and red over the entire cave. The light is a source of unimaginable power, an outpouring of pure energy able to strengthen one's connection to the Force—a Force Nexus.

Standing near it, you feel the currents washing over you. The Force practically hums with suppressed power, buzzing against you as if electricity was caressing your skin. Already your strength feels limitless, but you know that by basking in the vibrant light of the crystal, you will achieve ultimate power.

But you are not alone in your quest. The power of the Valley has drawn others to Ruusan. As you prepare for battle, you feel the Force flow through you… waiting to be unleashed.

Ruusan. The very fate of the galaxy had been decided here. The Valley of the Jedi had been constructed as a memorial to arguably the most pivotal battle in galactic history. Teroch smiled at the irony of setting up his own trap at the site of one of the most famous traps of all time, the thought bomb detonated by Lord Kaan after luring his Jedi nemesis, Lord Hoth, to this very place. The young Arconan lay in a prone position gazing into the valley from an elevated vantage point with macrobinoculars. Like a hunter in a blind, concealed by the Force, he waited for his prey.

Traps were not normally Teroch’s style as he preferred direct confrontation to lying in wait. However, his quarry had been particularly evasive and a stubborn enemy of Clan Arcona. As a Mandalorian, Teroch Erinos was ruthlessly trained as a skilled hunter and hunting required patience. He had received word from his team on the Nighthawk, hidden in orbit, that his prey was drawing close. It was only a matter of time now.

This is stupid. Why did I come here? Turel pondered as he descended the uneven, rocky steps into the central amphitheater marking the focal point of the Valley of the Jedi. Turel felt the unblinking stares of the silent, stone sentinels guarding the valley’s entrance, as if the great Jedi of the past were gazing upon him in judgment. Truth be told he knew exactly why he was here. He knew why he answered Teroch’s call on his communicator frequency to set up this meeting. The Jedi Knight was tempted.

Turel instinctively rubbed his torso as he remembered the pain of the broken ribs he brought back to New Tython as souvenirs from his last encounter with Teroch Erinos Arconae. The physical pain, however, was the easy part. During their last encounter the Obelisk had left the Guardian with an offer. An offer to leave the restrictions of the Jedi behind and embrace his passion and find his true power. Like a good Jedi Knight he refused, hence the broken ribs, but the words echoed in his mind for weeks after. “You know where that road goes.” A dark seed of doubt and temptation had been planted in Turel’s mind, its roots slowly spreading, driving him mad.

The Odanite scanned the valley and found no sign of Teroch, though the Force was so strong here it would be hard to detect anyone outside of visual range. Resolved to waiting, Turel approached a statue of Lord Hoth to examine it closer. Lord Hoth had always been a hero of Turel’s since he picked up his first Jedi history book. The new Knight wondered what the old general would say to him now. Nothing positive, Turel wagered. Hoth was as cold and ruthless as his namesake, a product of the darkness and desperation of his time. Hoth would probably have smacked Turel around or maybe even killed him for flirting with the idea of betraying the Order.

Turel drew his blaster pistols and crouched down in a ready position. He sensed impending danger. At that exact moment he heard the unmistakable sound of rocket packs approaching from multiple directions. The Odanite found himself surrounded as six warriors in Mandalorian armor landed in a large circle around the trapped Jedi.

“We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way. Put down your weapons and I promise to make it quick.”

Turel turned to address the apparent ringleader. “Six Mandos, impressive. Though, Teroch could have saved quite a few credits on rocket pack fuel if he had just come here himself without all the theatrics.”

All the Mandalorians in the circle laughed. The ringleader addressed the very confused Jedi Knight. “Teroch Erinos, that Arconan lapdog? We’d never work with his ilk. Someone lied to you Jetii, and we’re here to collect.”

Turel tensed even further, ready to run at a moment’s notice. “Collect what? I learned a long time ago never to gamble with Mandos, so I’m pretty certain I don’t owe you any money.”

“The bounty on your head Turel Sorenn of Nar Shaddaa. The Anjiliac clan on Nal Hutta are still offering to pay top credits for you, dead or alive. Though, I’d prefer alive, more credits that way. I’ll keep your lightsaber though, that will make a fine trophy.”

Turel’s confusion quickly turned into anger as he realized he had been played. Teroch had sold him out to Hutt bounty hunters, or at least bounty hunters willing to deal with the Hutts. Or so Turel thought. The Odanite holstered his pistols and drew out his lightsaber. “If you want my lightsaber.” He activated the saber, revealing the teal blade. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to work for it.” Turel immediately regretted uttering that holonovel trash; the line sounded better in his head.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” The leader sneered as he engaged his rocket pack to launch an airborne attack against the Jedi. The five remaining warriors shifted to close the circle but remained in place while their leader engaged the errant Knight.

On the other side of the valley Teroch smiled at his success. His trap had worked perfectly. Turel actually showing up was a good sign. Perhaps the Jedi was ready to accept Teroch’s offer. It didn’t matter. Turel wasn’t the prey in this trap, he was the bait. The honorless dogs in Mandalorian armor down there were the real prey. They had taken jobs from the One Sith against Arconan targets. The Dajorra Intelligence Agency had been tracking this group for months. It had been Teroch’s idea to use the massive bounty on Turel as bait to bring the group of out hiding. A strategically placed tip to an intermediary, a well timed call to the Jedi and here they were like banthas to the slaughter.

The Arconan stood up, removed Fraternity from his belt and began to creep toward the unfolding spectacle. He debated how long he’d let the fight unfold before he’d intervene.

He’d gotten better. Flame gushed from the Mando leader’s wrist, forcing Turel to roll laterally over his shoulders. The Knight came up, batting at the midsection of the nearest Mandalorian. The blade found resistance, but the armor went from cool to white-hot in the time it took the Odanite to drive it home. The Mandalorian screamed and went down.

Not beskar. Cheap mercs, then. Teroch observed as he crept closer, the Force bending light and sound around him like water flowing around a rock.

The leader landed heavily, dragging a shattergun into play. Two others held Turel’s attention, as he kicked the knee of one and caught an overhead swing from a vibrosword from another, shearing the blade apart just by blocking it.

Teroch grimaced and tugged the shattergun telekinetically, making sure he was hidden behind the statue of a fallen Jedi. Maintaining invisibility and manipulating distant objects simultaneously was beyond even his capabilities. It was enough, though. The shattergun’s barrel twisted laterally, and instead of creating a crater in Turel’s back, the blast took another Mandalorian off his feet.

Shouts of disbelief and rage echoed throughout the cavernous chamber. The Knight looked over his shoulder, surprised, and caught a boot to the gut for allowing his attention to be divided. If there’d only been three, Turel could’ve taken them, probably. Six, though - Teroch would’ve found that a stretch. The leader, still fuming, crouched down, placing his shattergun heavily against Turel’s chest.

“You little vrelt. You just couldn’t fight fair, could you?”

The Odanite actually snorted, unable to help himself. “Yeah, you’re right. Six against one was totally even. I’ll just lie here whilst you get more henchmen, then we’ll go again.”

Two of the others crouched beside their downed companion, who was writhing on the floor, his moaning muffled by the helmet.

“A’den, it’s not looking good. I’m guessing the saber nicked his intestines. We need to get him back to the ship.”

Irritated, A’den - their leader - waved a hand distractedly, not turning from his captive.

“Hey, I said bring more, not send some away! Now it hardly seems fair. Tell you what, if you give me a blindfold, it might make things a little more interesting. I’ll even give you guys a few minutes to go hide-” A kick to his stomach stifled any further attempts at bravado.

The final Mandalorian got to his feet, his chestplate deeply pitted. He looked winded, but otherwise unharmed. As two dragged their injured companion towards the exit, the others took up position either side of their captive as A’den pulled a shock collar from a pouch on his thigh. One of the others grabbed Turel’s lightsaber and pulled it from his grasp, and the Knight swallowed, his eyes fixed on the collar. If that made it round his neck, it was game over.

A bar of solid orange light blazed into existence. Teroch Erinos stepped from the shadows, wielding the weapon loosely in one hand, his grin colder than Hoth at night.

“Not so fast, ladies. I heard some mention of me being a lapdog?”

Four weapons swung around taking aim at him, and A’den stood, keeping his weapon trained on Turel, but his attention was on the newcomer. The injured Mandalorian was dropped to the floor, causing him to scream in pain. Nobody paid him any heed.

“Another jetii? You lot crawl out of the woodwork in droves. I wonder how much your head will net us.” Their leader sneered, turning to face Teroch.

The youth rolled his eyes. “You made a few mistakes. Firstly, you took the job. Second, you came light. Six redshirts for a Jedi? Shab’la insulting-”

“Well, we didn’t have much trouble with this one. I doubt some kid, probably his apprentice, will be any worse.”

At this, Teroch’s smile widened and he stifled laughter. “As I was saying, you came in light. You had no idea who was rolling with the guy. Could’ve been an entire army. Thirdly, and most importantly, you made the somewhat strategic mistake of pissing Arcona off.”


“Arcona. He’s a Dark Jedi. That’s his Clan.” Turel commented, grinning despite himself.

“Quiet, Sorenn! You’re in the isolation booth! Now, which of you di’kute is first?”

A’den stepped forward, gesturing for the others to watch the Odanite. “I’m looking forward to teaching you some manners, kid.”

Teroch chortled and ran forward. A’den brought his shattergun around, taking aim, but the Arconae was a blur. The Force energised him, pushing him to preternatural levels of alacrity. He jumped, his saber slashed, and landed in a crouch, the blade held out horizontally. A’den’s helmeted head dropped to the floor between the youth and Turel, the rest of his body telescoping down moments later.

“Next?” He asked, all cheerful bellicosity.

The two who had been hauling their injured comrade stepped up, albeit cautiously. One wielded a grenade launcher, the other a repeater carbine. A grenade was shot out, and Teroch threw his hand up whilst rising to his full (if not all that impressive) height. The grenade, caught in a telekinetic grasp, reversed direction and landed between the two Mandalorians. They had just enough time to exchange a glance before it blew, tearing them both apart.

“That enough Mando-on-Mando action for you, vode?” Teroch asked amiably, glancing over his shoulder at the last two, who were guarding Turel.

With joined roars of inarticulate rage, they yanked up their weapons and opened fire. Teroch flickered to the side, allowing the Force to guide his movements. He skidded to the floor before them, jutted out a hand, and both were hit by a wide blast of Force Lightning. They fell back, twitching and smoking, arcs playing over their armour. The Knight suddenly realised they were lying perilously close next to one another. Obviously, it was no accident.

Teroch glanced down and gave a wide, lazy smile. “I knew you’d come.” He gloated.

Turel ignored him and put out his hand, palm facing towards the charred remains of two fallen Mandalorians-

A blaster bolt bounced off an invisible barrier which covered them both, ricocheting into the face of some long-dead Jedi Idol. Teroch flinched, not having sensed the threat, and looked behind him, over the Odanite’s booted feet, and spotted the wounded trooper shakily holding a blaster pistol.

Teroch’s lip quirked in irritation. He dropped his saber, drew his own pistol and leant backwards, aiming upside down with both hands. A trio of bolts lashed out, one biting home into the dying man’s neck. He choked out a gargle of surprise before falling silent. He then twisted around, facing the two others still groaning and spasming behind Turel. They were similarly dispatched.

Slowly, Teroch leant back, propping himself up on his elbows. From somewhere, he’d procured the shock collar, and was now playing idly with it.

“So,” the youth started, conversationally, that ever-present grin on his face, “We need to talk.”

For the first time in his life Turel was at a loss for words. He was overcome with a swirling maelstrom of confusion, anger, relief and a strange happiness at seeing Teroch . It took all the self-control the Knight had to maintain some level of composure.

“Ok. Let’s talk. First things first, what was that all about?” Turel gestured toward the dispatched Mandalorians on the ground. “Friends of yours?”

“Oh, that. Just some business I needed to take care of.”

The pieces clicked into place for Turel. “So I was bait? You used me?”

“Oh don’t get all twisted up about it, I wasn't going to let them take you. Not until we've had a chance to talk at least.”

“Wait. Are there more of them?”

“Most likely. A’den was only the second in command. The real target, Tobias Kain, is still on his ship a few clicks away from here. His squad is better armed. Should be fun, want to join me? They are here to capture you after all. Can’t leave any loose ends or they’ll come looking for you on New Tython.”

Turel glared at Teroch. “Well that doesn’t give me much of a choice now does it?”

The Arconan rolled his eyes. “You can do what you want, they aren’t leaving this planet alive whether you come or not.” Teroch moved directly front of Turel, flashing a roguish grin. “You and I have business to discuss before we move on to tieing up loose ends. You came running when I called, you must be ready to accept my offer. Why else would you have come halfway across the galaxy...alone?”

Turel was putting forth a titanic struggle to play it cool, but his Pazaak face was slipping. The raw energy of the Force nexus made his emotions nearly impossible to control. “No wonder Arcona is first clan, you are quite persistent in your recruiting efforts.” The Knight managed to spit out with a half-hearted grin.

Teroch shook his head. “Deflect all you like Jetti, I can read you like a holonovel. I can feel the conflict inside you, tearing you apart.” The Arconan got closer to the Odanite until he was nearly in his face. “I can taste your fear.” Teroch closed his eyes for a moment in concentration. “But you don’t fear me, you fear yourself. Why is that?”

Turel took a deep breath as he stepped backward to create some distance. “You are young. Have you ever known true regret? Have you ever done something you would give anything to take back?”

Teroch paused for a moment before answering, reflecting on the time he tried to assassinate his Proconsul, “Oh I’ve made mistakes to be sure but regret is for the weak, wasted energy. I’ve learned from my mistakes, they make me stronger.”

“Spoken like a true dark sider.”

“Spoken like someone who knows guilt and regret change nothing. Isn’t that what you Jedi preach, letting go of all emotion and fluff like that?”


“So what’s the hold up then? We have a file on you Turel, I know your history. You’re no Jedi. Stop pretending. It’s not healthy and you’ll never be happy until you let go of whatever it is you’re clinging to.”

Anger rose in the Knight like a storm surge, “Oh you think after reading a rap sheet you know me? It’s all so simple for you isn’t it? Just follow your passions, no restraints. Let me tell you something kid, I’ve lived that way. I’ve let my passion flame out of control and you know what happens?” Turel held up his mechanical arm. “You get burned!” He turned his back to the Arconan in a huff.

Teroch let a few moments of awkward silence pass before speaking. The Jedi Knight was right on the edge, all he needed was the right push. “So you hold yourself back from your true potential and chain yourself down with guilt? The Jedi code is a prison for the weak-minded, albeit a prison of your own making. I know you see that, otherwise you wouldn’t have taken my call, you wouldn’t be here now. Why fight it? If you would but take that same energy you spend fighting yourself and direct it outward you could become so much more than you are. Think of what you could accomplish with your true power?”

Turel stood silent, contemplating Teroch’s words. The kid had a point. There was so much in Jedi doctrine that Turel didn’t agree with. There were many times during his training that he had felt held back. There were certainly many times during the war on New Tython that he had done things the Jedi way instead of the best way. How many lives could have been spared if he had followed his instincts instead of his teachings?

Teroch didn't need the Force to see that Turel was veering his way. It was time to take a more aggressive approach. “Let it go. Just this once throw off all restraints and let loose with your full power. Use all your emotions instead of fighting them. This place is a Force nexus, your powers will never be stronger anywhere else in the galaxy than they are here.”

The Knight was intrigued, "So, what are you getting at?"

Teroch ignited his lightsaber in one hand while brandishing the shock collar he recovered in the other. “On Begeren you faced me as a slave to the Jedi code and you lost, badly. I know you can do better. Show me you can fight like a true warrior and not like a slave.” He punctuated the sentence by tossing the shock collar to Turel’s feet. "More importantly, show yourself."

Turel ignited his lightsaber in response, his gaze hardened toward the Arconan. Whatever confusion he had been feeling gave way to a crystal focus. The Knight’s wounded pride came roaring to the surface like a krayt dragon defending its cave, overpowering all other emotions. “You want to see me unrestrained?”

“I think we both want that.” Teroch said with a smug grin, knowing full well he had just struck a nerve.

Turel said nothing. With a single swift motion of his left hand, he channelled all his frustration and all his anger into a battering ram of Force energy directed at the Mandalorian. Teroch leaned in and threw up his free arm to block the incoming blow. The blast of Turel’s anger made manifest collided with an invisible barrier in a thunderous crash that kicked up a cloud of dust around Teroch. The incoming kinetic energy had dissipated on the Arconan’s defense, but the sheer momentum of it had caused the young warrior to slide backward half a meter. Had he not leaned in before the impact it would have knocked him over.

The Knight momentarily froze in astonishment over his sudden display of raw power. He had only seen one other Jedi produce a blast like that, V'yr Vorsa, and the Neti had been a practicing Jedi for centuries. He knew it was the power of the Force nexus, but surpassing his mentor in a single moment of release was exhilarating. Perhaps there was something to what the kid had been saying.

Teroch reacted with all the joy of a master watching a student make a major breakthrough, "You see ner hibir? That's what I'm talking about! Use your emotions, don't fight them."

The Arconan's patronizing tone brought Turel back into focus. He had to humble the smug youth this time, his pride demanded it. The krayt dragon had been roused and would only be sated by victory. This was his best chance. He set upon his opponent, azure saber ablaze, with a speed he didn't believe possible before now. "Be careful what you wish for."

Teroch could barely hide his elation as he effortlessly parried Turel's barrage of saber blows. This would be one epic fight, though one he had no doubt of winning. The Force nexus may have closed the gap on their power, but the Arconan still had the upper hand. He had the training and experience to wield this kind of power, the Jedi did not. Still, he would teach the Knight a few things about the true nature of the Force and perhaps leave with a new apprentice.