Vanguard Korroth vs. Mystic Dolash

Vanguard Korroth

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Pau'an, Jedi, Arcanist, Consular

Mystic Dolash

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Tarentum
Male Twi'lek, Force Disciple, Defender, Guardian

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Hall Phase I: Winds of Change [GJWXII]
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Competition [GJW XII Event Long] Combat Writing - ACC Ladder
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Vanguard Korroth, Mystic Dolash
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Vanguard Korroth's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Mystic Dolash's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Naboo: Theed Royal Palace
Last Post 6 July, 2017 7:23 AM UTC
Member timing out Zyron Kael

Naboo Theed Royal Palace

A magnificent edifice located on the edge of a cliff in Naboo’s capital city, Theed serves as the the Royal Palace for the Royal Houses of Naboo. It also houses the planet’s monarch and acts as the nerve center of government. Despite a Separtist Trade Federation invasion and a failed Imperial attempt to render Naboo uninhabitable, the palace has weathered each storm.

The massive complex was designed with sandstone-like blocks that help make the palace the largest structure in the city. The blocks form into tall towers and rotundas with cupolas that are covered in green tile. A central, drum-shaped structure takes up the majority of the complex while a narrow tower signifies its highest point. Watch towers overlook the cliff face, strategically placed to detect a rear attack from the valley below.

Naboo Theed Royal Palace

Surrounded by a vast garden, the palace boasts a hangar and secret passages leading to the various buildings in the complex. Resembling a moat in design, a pool in the garden is capable of being drained to close off access after the bridge is raised. Entrance and exit into the garden require a passcode to circumvent the security gate.

Inside, the palace is filled with vast, cavernous corridors embellished by Naboo’s own artisans. Its splendor is a showcase of the planet’s greatest sculptors and craftsmen. The main entrance is located at a terminus of the Palace Plaza, a broad promenade which was crowned at the opposite end by the Palace Courtyard, erected in the aftermath of the Trade Federation invasion The Triumphal Arch stands halfway between the fountain-filled courtyard and the steps of the palace, which are lined with towering statues of famed philosophers who helped shape the constitution of Naboo's government.

Naboo Theed Royal Palace

Within one of the lower rotundas near to the entrance lies the throne room of the planet's monarch, a vaulted chamber with tall windows. The throne rests behind the desk of office with several chairs around which to accommodate members of the court. The throne was made not only for comfort to reflect the calm serenity maintained on the planet, but also for functionality. Control panels on the armrests monitor incoming transmissions and several holdout pistols are kept securely in reach.

Further back within the palace is the audience chamber of the Royal Advisory Council, a body of noblemen and women from the city who advise the monarch on social issues as well as more mundane aspects of politics. In the palace’s earliest years, the palace was expanded to include a square turret to the rear of the complex including a temple to past rulers and a lavish residence hall to house dignitaries from off-world, as well as a grand library.

Battle Dolash Korroth Website says 749 words 750

Dolash pulled himself onto the last parapet and peered through a window into the high-vaulted atrium. Huddles of ministers and dignitaries milled about inside, watched over by the shiny-helmeted Palace Guards. The Guardian had no trouble spotting his target, as the Pau’an was conspicuous both for his stature and his grey-domed head. The Odanite stood there stiff and unapproachable, but Dolash also noticed that, every so often, his black eyes would dart to the huge doors that led into the audience chamber.

Abruptly the atrium’s quiet hubbub was broken by the sound of a distant explosion and the rattling of the window panes. Right on time. This was the signal from the Viata deeper in the city, and Dolash unholstered his DL-44 blaster as he prepared for action.

Inside the atrium two guards ushered the civilians out of the Palace, while the rest marched into the audience chamber and shut the doors behind them. The Odanite was on his way out, but suddenly he stopped. He allowed the atrium to empty, while he remained behind. Dolash shrugged as he sought a better foothold on the windowsill. Better like this, no-one to get in the way. Repositioned behind a column, he gripped the pistol with both hands and braced against the sandstone. In a few shots the window was completely smashed, shattered glass clinking and clattering into the atrium.

The Tarenti entered through the window, hand on saber hilt. He dropped to the floor in a ready crouch, but found the room entirely deserted. Suppressing the urge to run off in search of his target, Dolash closed his eyes and opened his mind to the Force. His perception slowly spread to fill the space in the room, until it hit a definite presence where before he had only seen empty space—in that instant a saber ignited over his right shoulder. As the blade thrummed by his ear, a raspy voice spoke behind him.

“What do you want with the Royal Council?”

“Absolutely nothing,” Dolash replied without looking back. “In fact, I’m here just for you.”

“You won’t get any information out of me.”

“Then we’re of the same mind!” the Guardian quipped. “Our mutual acquaintance, the Inquisitor ensconced here in Theed, Tarentum’s been monitoring him for a while now. You won’t believe what he’s let on about the Iron Throne’s operations. That’s why I’m here: we don’t want you tittle-tattling his presence to the Queen’s Council.”

“You won’t stop me from warning the Naboo. You’ve no right to involve—”

Suddenly Dolash snapped his body anticlockwise with the speed of Force-powered motion, away from the lightsaber and into Korroth’s body. The green blade attempted to follow his movement, but the Guardian used the momentum of his rotation to crack his elbow into Korroth’s arm. Dolash’s other arm came up and brought a fist into the Consular’s chin, then he grabbed Korroth’s shoulder and wrist and twisted the limb upward and backward. Korroth had the presence of mind to follow the leveraging motion, diving into a roll and barely avoiding the Tarenti’s sailing kick.

The Pau’an came back up to face a lightsaber-wielding Twi’lek. His cyan blade was raised above his head, parallel to the ground and tipped towards Korroth

“My team will be here in force any minute,” Dolash forewarned. “Better you give yourself up now. We only want you off the planet.”

The Odanite twisted his jaw—nothing broken, though the joints protested with a muffled crackling sound. Even if the Tarenti was bluffing, Korroth could not afford to let this stretch on. The Inquisitor he had been hunting had likely gone into hiding as soon as that explosion hit the city, and the more the Odanite dallied here the deeper into cover that agent would go. Not only that, but having a lightsaber fight on the Queen’s front porch would not reflect well on Odan-Urr. He had to finish this quickly if he had any chance to get the Naboo on board.

The Force flowed through Korroth, tensing his muscles for an explosive release, but suddenly that flow trickled like a river in drought. He felt the Force draining away from him and, looking up, saw Dolash’s off-hand raised, gaze and focus fixed on him.