Peacekeeper Ka Tarvitz vs. Battlemaster Rrogon Skar Agrona

Peacekeeper Ka Tarvitz

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Human, Jedi, Juggernaut, Guardian

Battlemaster Rrogon Skar Agrona

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Male Kaleesh, Sith, Juggernaut, Obelisk

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Hall Phase I: Winds of Change [GJWXII]
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Competition [GJW XII Event Long] Combat Writing - ACC Ladder
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Peacekeeper Ka Tarvitz, Battlemaster Rrogon Skar Agrona
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Peacekeeper Ka Tarvitz's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Battlemaster Rrogon Skar Agrona's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Jakku: Fallen Starship
Last Post 6 July, 2017 9:21 PM UTC
Member timing out Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona

Jakku Fallen Starship

A year after the destruction of the second Death Star in the celebrated Battle of Endor, another war was waged between the New Republic and Galactic Empire. Basking beneath the desert sun of Jakku rests the remnants of this hostility. Shifting sands have since buried and uncovered countless treasures and relics- to the delight of scavengers eager who hope to recover tokens from either side of the conflict!

The harsh desert offers little shelter from the elements, remaining barren and flat against the imposing backdrop of a fallen Star Destroyer that was left uncovered after the famed Battle of Jakku. Rather than allowing the vessel to fall into the hands of the Republic after the self-destruct had been sabotaged, Captain Ciena Ree ordered the Inflictor evacuated and sent it crashing to the planet’s surface. Sunken into the shifting desert sea, the upper portion of the Inflictor’s hull and exhaust ports remain otherwise intact, preserved amidst the rubble of untold casualties that had once occurred on both sides. Although it has been scoured by the passing of several sandstorms, it still displays the former power and might of the Galactic Empire.

Fallen Starship

Innumerous scraps of metal and machines of war share the same grave, echoing the lives of those who fought and died among the perilous wastes. Hundreds of these relics sit untouched, lingering amidst the ghosts that tend and reside in Jakku’s graveyard.

As he quietly crept along one of the dimly lit maintenance corridors running the length of the vessel, Tarvitz smirked at the familiarity of it all. Most of his adult life had been spent on derelicts like this, stealing anything of worth left behind or hunting for things locked away in their holds. While a downed Star Destroyer was certainly a rare ship to find himself on he couldn’t help but falling into old habits. More than once he had found himself subconsciously noting which exposed parts were still worth pillaging among the broken access panels, before reminding himself he had been tasked with something more important than stealing spare parts. No, he needed information.

Ducking beneath a ruptured coolant pipe and the hanging remnants of a communications unit, Tarvitz paused as he picked out the acrid scent of freshly cut metal. It was originating from a tangle of uprooted electronics ahead of him, sprouting free of one wall and still smoking from where they had been prized free. Brushing a hand over the metalwork, he traced the line left by an arc welder with one finger.

Definitely recent, he thought to himself Motivators are missing, and the wiring has been stripped out. Ah, and it was by someone with large hands. Merron hopefully.

Tarvitz had made few friends among other scavengers who hunted the corpses of metal giants. With that said, a handful were still willing to divulge information to Tarvitz for the right price. In this particular case that was anything which related to the absent Grand Master or odd Brotherhood sightings. It was a longshot to be sure, but as the Lotus Resistance become increasingly desperate for answers relating to his whereabouts, even the most unlikely sources were being investigated. In truth, Tarvitz had almost already written this one off as he had arrived, but his orders were clear. Leave no stone unturned and all that. As he began to consider who else would be willing to divulge information, Tarvitz was abruptly shaken from his thoughts by the sound of movement somewhere ahead of him.

“Hello?” he asked, one hand lowering to the pistol at his hip “If you’re after parts, you’re more than welcome to them. I simply require a few answers.”

The sound increased in volume, now accompanied by a dull thudding of something striking the deck beneath them. Tarvitz rose, ready to open fire before the familiar bulky outline of an Ithorian shifted out of the pitch darkness and into the dim light.

“Long time no see, Merron,” Tarvitz started, recognizing the figure's grizzled features. Yet, his next words caught in his throat as he realised the other man was limply dangling several inches from the ground. Ragged holes dotted his chest where something had punched clean through his body, and one arm hung limply by little more than a few charred threads of meat.

“He offered me little resistance,” something behind the corpse growled, unceremoniously dropping it to the ground. A giant stepped into view, one almost as tall as Tarvitz himself. Shrouded in a heavy cloak and the uniform of a ranking Inquisitor, there was a sense of easy power to its every stride, yet Tarvitz found his gaze drawn to the figure's stylized mask. It hid any expression the warrior might have worn, but he could nevertheless feel a sense of barely contained rage boiling away inside the warrior.

“Rrogon Skar Agrona?” he asked, one picking a name out of the few hundred within the Brotherhood he knew only by reputation.

Skar snorted a response, though whether out of amusement or confirmation Tarvitz did not know. Instead the Inquisitor ignited the lightsaber held in his hand, bathing the rusted interior of the corridor in a pale light.

“Perhaps you will provide more of a challenge,” he said, taking a few steps towards Tarvitz.

Tarvitz didn’t answer. Somehow the sight of a brutally tortured associate robbed him of any halfway decent retorts he might have otherwise cooked up. Instead he raised one hand, calling upon the Force and unleashing a pulse of blinding light in the Inquisitor’s path. There was a yell of rage and pain from Skar as the gloomy twilight was banished by a near phosphorescent explosion, and he staggered to one side clutching his eyes. Calling his own lightsaber to his hand, Tarvitz ignited the amber blade and leaped forwards, slashing down towards the Inquisitor’s head.