"Yes, sir?"
"Keep the ship warm, eh, I'm hopin' this'll be quick as a hiccup."
"Would you like me to activate the heating—"
"No!" he cut off the droid over his shoulder. "It's already plenty hot as hell out here. Just be ready to leave. We're finding Miss A'lora and getting out of here before something happens to my hat."
Something, it seemed, was always happening to his hat. It was as if the universe had drawn a bullseye on it, and everybody he met decided it was a good spot to aim.
Seth Danner lovingly touched the wide, dark brim sitting snuggly atop his head, feeling its frayed edges, warm from the wicked sun, and squinted out at the sea of grass around him. He went cross-eyed. Red-white-red, all flickering. It was enough to make any man's head hurt.
Even if it was her homeland, he didn't understand why his comrade had wanted to return; all he knew was that times being what they were, her going comm-silent since she'd left was bad, and someone had to check in.
Resolved, Seth set out, adjusting his heavy duster and whistling, his hands at home on his pistols' grips. His gaze swept the savannah as he left his freighter behind him.
"Miss A'lora! We've come to take you home!" he called as he went.
And called.
And called.
"...lo? Can...ear...me? Oh, bother..."
Seth swam into consciousness with one of the worst headaches he'd ever suffered. He became dimly aware through the pain of someone speaking. He yelped, attempting and failing to sit up.
"Careful now. You're suffering from heat exhaustion. Drink this." Something pressed to his lips and Seth seized it, gulping.
"...who, what...?" the dazed Human muttered as he sipped more liquid, squinting around. His head was beginning to clear, though his everything felt dry and his skin stung. He was under the sparse canopy of a tree, sun blazing down between its crimson leaves, and the turu grass made a shady bed around him. Beside him was a slim figure with dark skin and silver hair, a cloth tied over her face.
"Hello," she said. "Feeling better? Come now, let me look you over again. Just keep drinking." She reached for him with gloved hands; belatedly, he realized his coat, boots, and socks had all been removed, and—
Gasping, Seth's hands flew to his head, surprise immediately rocking him to find his hat very much there. His hat was never there unless he was watching to make sure of it.
The lady chuckled. "Oh, yes, your hat. It seemed rather important to you, didn't want it fluttering off." Her smile was bright as Seth, confused, tugged gently on the brim of his prized possession and felt a sharp pull on his scalp. "Hairpins! I've a lot of them, you see," she delicately twirled a silver curl that fell from her bejeweled, elaborate braid. "Anyhoo, I cleaned it too, had some scuffs—"
The blindfolded woman stuttered, shrinking back at the shriek. She put up her hands. "Now, now, dear. I apologize if my handling your things is upsetting, truly I do, I only meant to help when I found you. I was here looking for a clanmate of mine, but there you were, and—"
"You...my hat..." Seth tore the item from his head, crying out when some of his hair came with it in a few agonizing tufts. His hands shook as he examined it, searching for the familiar, precious scrapes and nicks that were each of piece of his brother; but it was almost pristine. Ruined.
"...I'm sorry, friend," the girl was saying, but Seth didn't hear her. He forgot about everything but his defiled hat. He slammed it crookedly back atop his head and tore each of his pistols from their holsters, leveling them at the interfering witch while she held her hands in front of her.
He squeezed both triggers, and fire and lead exploded from the muzzles.
The first salvo broke against an invisible wall, manifesting with a rush and a cry from his new mortal enemy as she tumbled backwards, blood spraying the air. It wasn't as much as he wanted, just a few slashes and holes in the fleshy bits of her bare arms. He'd been hoping to shoot each of her fingers bloody well off.
Damn, but he really got tired of Jedi sorts and their bullet-blocking bubbles.
Undeterred and furious, Seth stood and fired again.
As written, this sentence just reads awkwardly. I think it'd work better as two separate sentences.
On my first read-through I didn't catch this line, and my eyes were rolling at how badly you wrote Seth reacting to the cleaned hat. This one little line sells me completely on it, though. Just goes to show how important every bit of a post is.
Alliteration makes my heart happy.