Commander Dek Ironius II vs. Seer Edgar Drachen

Commander Dek Ironius II

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Scholae Palatinae
Male Human, Loyalist, Director, Imperial

Seer Edgar Drachen

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Human, Force Disciple, Seeker, Sentinel

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Hall Phase I: Winds of Change [GJWXII]
Messages 2 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Competition [GJW XII Event Long] Combat Writing - ACC Ladder
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Commander Dek Ironius II, Seer Edgar Drachen
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Commander Dek Ironius II's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Seer Edgar Drachen's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Naboo: Theed Royal Palace
Last Post 13 July, 2017 3:22 AM UTC
Member timing out Sage Enzo Dek

Naboo Theed Royal Palace

A magnificent edifice located on the edge of a cliff in Naboo’s capital city, Theed serves as the the Royal Palace for the Royal Houses of Naboo. It also houses the planet’s monarch and acts as the nerve center of government. Despite a Separtist Trade Federation invasion and a failed Imperial attempt to render Naboo uninhabitable, the palace has weathered each storm.

The massive complex was designed with sandstone-like blocks that help make the palace the largest structure in the city. The blocks form into tall towers and rotundas with cupolas that are covered in green tile. A central, drum-shaped structure takes up the majority of the complex while a narrow tower signifies its highest point. Watch towers overlook the cliff face, strategically placed to detect a rear attack from the valley below.

Naboo Theed Royal Palace

Surrounded by a vast garden, the palace boasts a hangar and secret passages leading to the various buildings in the complex. Resembling a moat in design, a pool in the garden is capable of being drained to close off access after the bridge is raised. Entrance and exit into the garden require a passcode to circumvent the security gate.

Inside, the palace is filled with vast, cavernous corridors embellished by Naboo’s own artisans. Its splendor is a showcase of the planet’s greatest sculptors and craftsmen. The main entrance is located at a terminus of the Palace Plaza, a broad promenade which was crowned at the opposite end by the Palace Courtyard, erected in the aftermath of the Trade Federation invasion The Triumphal Arch stands halfway between the fountain-filled courtyard and the steps of the palace, which are lined with towering statues of famed philosophers who helped shape the constitution of Naboo's government.

Naboo Theed Royal Palace

Within one of the lower rotundas near to the entrance lies the throne room of the planet's monarch, a vaulted chamber with tall windows. The throne rests behind the desk of office with several chairs around which to accommodate members of the court. The throne was made not only for comfort to reflect the calm serenity maintained on the planet, but also for functionality. Control panels on the armrests monitor incoming transmissions and several holdout pistols are kept securely in reach.

Further back within the palace is the audience chamber of the Royal Advisory Council, a body of noblemen and women from the city who advise the monarch on social issues as well as more mundane aspects of politics. In the palace’s earliest years, the palace was expanded to include a square turret to the rear of the complex including a temple to past rulers and a lavish residence hall to house dignitaries from off-world, as well as a grand library.

Dek Ironius II ran up and down the steps of the palace courtyard. It was dark outside, and the moon over the courtyard had just peaked above the edges of the walls. Going over the man-made river, Dek could see some trees to his left. He quickly stammered through the grass, oh so close to tripping on his way through some of the brush. Bending over, he discarded his cloak and placed it upon one of the bushes. The Imperial cocked his head in different directions and drew his blaster. Starting slowly, he picked up pace, continuing through the dimly lit courtyard.

Snapping his wrist to open his commlink, Dek whispered, "Now it's your turn, 9T9."

On the opposite side of the river, Edgar leaped from the one edge to the other, cracking some of the bricks as he landed. His stone faced demeanor could be seen from a mile away. He ducked down slightly and took a quick peak his scan pulse.

He's here, Edgar thought.

The Jedi stood fully and reached out with the Force into the bushes and trees.

Fear. Distracted. Like an animal being hunted. continued the Seer's thoughts.

He saw a cloak and swiped out both slugthrowers and shot two bullets into the bushes. Immediately, he holstered both weapons and drew his sabers. Running to the bushes he leaped into the air to where the cloak was and activated one saber, thrusting it's yellow blade into the bush.

Something... suddenly thought the Quaestor.

He activated his other saber just in time to block an IG-100 droid from surprising him with a green saber of its own.

"You can't escape, Dek!" yelled the Seer. "You've orchestrated too many deaths in those of service to the Lotus."

Dek was wise not to respond. He would be giving his exact position away. He now had a chance to surprise the Jedi with a few volleys of his own.

9T9 whisked the saber to Edgar's head. Parrying the block, he attempted to strike the droid with a backwards thrust, but its metallic frame lurched backwards to avoid it. The Seer jumped to the nearest tree and kicked off of it, avoiding a strike to the legs from 9T9.

Dek fired a few volleys from across the courtyard while Edgar was in the air. He knocked three of the bolts back to Dek, scarring the bushes with embers Dek had been behind. The other bolts had passed Edgar. Rolling on the ground, he returned back up to a defensive posture in which to continue his fight with the droid, placing himself between 9T9 and Dek.

Dek and Edgar both thought the same thing, Why fight the droid if Edgar was now closer to Dek?

Stern-faced, Edgar starting running across the courtyard to Dek, 9T9 in pursuit.

Drachen's effort close the distance between himself and the droid’s master was only marred by the few obstacles in his path and the occasional blaster fire from his target. Dek had somehow climbed up to an elevated promenade at least three to four meters in height. Edgar knew he had to keep ahead of the Commander's droid, and to do so he would have to jump the railing to have a chance at Dek alone. As he grew nearer to his target, Dek was unable to get a clear shot on the Jedi, so this was Edgar’s chance. Without breaking stride, he was able to stow one of his sabers, replacing it with one of his trusty sidearms. He focused all of the Force he could and leapt almost straight up, clearing the railing with little room to spare.

Just as he expected, Dek, who had backed off the railing before Edgar’s leap, fired a flurry of shots as his target came into his sight. A couple shots missed, but even more forced Drachen to display a impressive feat of agility and sure-footedness to deflect the incoming bolts.

The Seer’s deflections went wild as he fought to keep his balance. Once he was stable, he fired his last remaining rounds as covering fire, and slid behind a duracrete dividing wall, taking the opportunity to not only reload his guns but also catch his breath. He didn’t have much time as the droid was approaching fast.

“So, you are the infamous Commander Dek Ironius? I have heard much about you, and I didn't expect such a decorated 'warrior' to hide in the showers and let a bot fight for him. Taking you down is going to be easy!” Edgar loudly mocked his opponent. The Seer remained hidden by the wall as he finished reloading his slugthrowers.

Dek, having also taken the time to reload his blaster, had it trained on the spot where he calculated Edgar was. “And you are most interesting, Edgar Drachen, Quaestor and one of the Knights of Urr. How impressive for someone so young,” Dek said in a very condescending tone, trying in vain to get the Jedi to reveal himself again.

9T9 finally arrived on the north entrance to the promenade, which put him closer to the Jedi than it’s master. Drachen, hearing its arrival, remained crouching and, as quietly as he could, moved southwest along the wall towards the Imperial.

Dek silently pointed to the droid to move slowly in the general direction between the Jedi’s last position and his master.

“Jedi Drachen, if I may be so bold to say, your arrival here is a inconvenience to me and my mission. I will have no problem leaving your corpse in this beautiful garden, but if you surrender to me now, I will ensure you a fair trial.”

The young Jedi had to fight back a hardy laugh at idea of a Imperial ‘fair trial’. I think my chances of survival are better if I spent a week living with a starving rakghoul than if I faced a fair Imperial court, thought the young man.

Reaching the end of the wall and hearing how close the droid was getting, there was no way Edgar could stay there any longer. Focusing on the direction of Dek’s voice and the sounds of the droid's footsteps, the Jedi was able to determine that the droid was almost directly in between him and the Imperial.

But just before he revealed himself, Drachen reached out with the Force and felt the Imperial’s mind. Edgar could clearly feel the man was telling the truth about being there for a purpose other than himself.

Edgar thought to himself, So not only am I to bring him to justice for past crimes, but it appears I’m in time to prevent him from carrying out more crimes against our allies.”

Preparing himself, the Jedi waited just a few more seconds for the droid to get in between Dek and himself. Once 9T9 was in position, Edgar concentrated all of the Force he could, ignited his sabers, and stood up, taking the the chrome plated droid by surprise. Then, releasing all the pent up Force energy, Drachen slammed the droid as hard as he could with a hammer-like push, sending it flying to the ground.

At the sight of 9T9 being thrown to the ground Dek aimed his pistol at the annoying Jedi and fired.