Current Character Sheet for Khea Briechi

Padawan Khea Briechi

Journeyman 3, Journeyman tier, Unaffiliated
Female Nautolan, Force Disciple, Defender
Height: 1.63 m / 5'4" - Weight: 47.63 kg / 105 lbs
Age: 21 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

Standing at an average height for a female of fifteen years old, it is noticeable in Khea's face that she is starting to lose her childhood baby fat while from being athletic her body is starting to look a bit on the lean side. Being from the amphibious species Nautolan her skin is a purple hue with large black eyes. Khea likes to have a single head tentacle over both of her shoulders while having the rest of them tied back by a leather strap so it looks like she has a low pony tail.

Loadout: Khea Briechi
Child at Heart (General Aspect)

Khea Briechi is perfectly capable of fulfilling responsibilities and doing her duties. But goofing off and having fun will always have a heavy sway in her decision making. She sometimes ignores orders or finds ways to spend as much time avoiding an assignment as possible.

We Must Protect This House! (General Aspect)

Khea Briechi is devoutly loyal to her House or Clan and will follow orders unquestionably. She would sacrifice her own life to protect her House or Clan from harm. This attitude, however, often clouds her ability to see things from an arbitrary or objective point of view and she can come off as extremely narrow-minded.

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life (Personality Aspect)

Khea Briechi is very cheerful and happy, and always looks on the bright side of life. When chewing on life’s gristle, she doesn't grumble, but gives a whistle. She always hopes for the best, and enjoys laughing, smiling, dancing or singing. This unending optimism often improves the morale and spirit of everyone around her, and Khea Briechi is always quick with a smile or a joke, even when drawing her terminal breath. This same exuberance can also be tiring to more jaded curmudgeons.

Oh look it's a Puppy! (Personality Aspect)

Khea is an animal lover to her core. When she sees a creature that she finds cute and adorable, she would fawn over it wanting to pet and play with it while also wanting to take it home with her. Thanks to her love for creatures and wanting to take them home with her, she has gotten in trouble a few times for trying to sneak a creature home to keep as a pet. If she thinks that a creature is being abused by another sentient being she will start to tell at the person that can lead her getting into fights over the animal.

He's No Good To Me Dead (Combat Aspect)

Khea Briechi doesn't like to kill people; instead she chooses to injure her opponent until that person is unable to fight back or is otherwise incapacitated.

Dead Sprint (Combat Aspect)

When Khea Briechi gets in trouble, she finds no fault in bravely turning tail and getting the hell out of dodge. Obviously, this means that she tends to survive even the most deadly encounters... but the same can't always be said for her compatriots. This fact hasn't exactly made her the most popular among her peers, but hey, at least Khea Briechi isn't dead yet.

Skill Feats
Force Feats
Accelerated Healing I Shield Wall I
Granted Feats
Nautolan: Fear in the Water Nautolan: Unblinking Order Feat: Force Disciple Synergy I Force Pulse I
  • Basic
  • Nautila
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Broken Gate
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form 0 (Banlanth)