Current Character Sheet for Strae Artonicos

Strae Artonicos

Novitiate 2, Novitiate tier, Unaffiliated
Male Human, Force Disciple, Shadow
Height: 1.8 m / 5'11" - Weight: 70.0 kg / 154 lbs
Age: 27 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

Strae Artenos is a Human from the planet Tatooine. He has bright blue eyes and tied up long hair. He looks fit, having a slim physique and a height of 1.80 meters. The first thing that you'll see when you meet him is a big scar trough his left eye.

Loadout: Main Loadout
Bothans Do It From Behind (General Aspect)

Strae Artonicos will never go into any situation head-on. Whether it be combat or just strolling down the street, he will stick to the shadows or cloak himself in the Force. The less he is seen, the better. If he cannot sneak up on someone, then Strae Artonicos will not bother confronting them.

Mad World (General Aspect)

Strae Artonicos has a sick sense of humor, viewing the world through dark colored glass. He has a biting sense of black humor, often laughing at things that most people would find reprehensible or down right soul crushing. As a result, those that are not used to his brand of humor often find Strae Artonicos downright unbearable or overly morbid. At the same time, his cynicism can be useful for seeing through the optimistic altruism of those he encounters.

I Am Selfless (Personality Aspect)

The Jedi are selfless, caring only about others. Strae Artonicos is compassionate, brave and always strives to represent the common good. He tries to help everyone he can, even at his own expense, and is a fine role model for others to follow.

Lone Wolf (Personality Aspect)

Strae Artonicos doesn't like to work in groups or teams and feels most comfortable on his own. Strae Artonicos sticks to himself, sets his own pace, and doesn't share feelings or emotions with others. While the Lone Wolf can get things done quietly and efficiently, he tends to be emotionally cut off and has problems relating to his comrades.

Dirty Fighter (Combat Aspect)

When it comes to a fight, some like to posture, some like to act tough, some like to dance around and go through all sorts of fancy footwork. Strae Artonicos? Strae Artonicos doesn't bother with exotic battle stances, intricate maneuvers, or super-secret tactics. Strae Artonicos, when cornered into a fight, prefers the ancient technique of a good kick to the nuts. And if that won't work, either because the enemy is a woman or has balls of steel, Strae Artonicos isn't beyond pulling a few more cheap tricks out of the bag. Granted, Strae Artonicos won't be winning any medals for nobility or any prestige for a unique fighting style or a superb maneuver, but Strae Artonicos will still be winning, the best and most dirty way he knows how.

Executioner (Combat Aspect)

Strae Artonicos wears out his opponents through use of the Force, agility, and evasion. Once he has sufficiently tired his foes through the Force, physical, or mental assault, he quickly tries to find a means of cleanly and swiftly dispatching them - usually resulting in a somewhat risky all-or-nothing attempt at a deathblow.

Skill Feats
Force Feats
Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain
Granted Feats
Human: Just Another Face Human: Eye Of The Tiger Order Feat: Force Disciple
  • Basic
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form None