Current Character Sheet for Valous Jurith

Valous Jurith

Novitiate 2, Novitiate tier, Unaffiliated
Male Kel Dor, Sith, Techweaver
Height: 1.6 m / 5'3" - Weight: 81.6 kg / 180 lbs
Age: 27 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Skin tone is the usual Kel Dor pale orange, Silver eye colour, no hair as with all Kel Dor, very lean body.


Valous Jurith has not created any public loadouts yet.

Circuit-Brained (General Aspect)

Valous Jurith loves to play with computers and enjoys interacting with them more than he does with people. Some may call him antisocial - and they'd be right.

I Can Fix That (General Aspect)

If it has an electronic circuit or gears,Valous Jurith thinks he can fix it; everything from holopads to starships. To Valous Jurith, even the most random assortment of scraps from a junkyard can be used to create something useful. he has a knack for fixing things that are broken, and his confidence in this ability borders on arrogance, and if he fails to fix something, he is prone to fits of anger and annoyance.

They're Animals and I Slaughtered Them Like Animals (Personality Aspect)

Valous Jurith has a legendary and virulent need for vengeance. Once crossed, he will make it his life’s work to ensure that whatever slight was received is repaid tenfold. This need for vengeance can be all-consuming, and can often lead to short-sighted decisions.

You've Failed Me For the Last Time (Personality Aspect)

Valous Jurith possesses a cold and completely uncaring demeanour. This will manifest itself in the fact that when push comes to shove, Valous Jurith will just as soon leave a struggling ally behind rather than put themselves in danger. While this may ensure his survival, it often leaves him as an outcast amongst his peers.

Berserker (Combat Aspect)

Where most err on the side of caution in a confrontation, Valous Jurith prefers to charge in head-first. While others may skirt a battlefield or keep their careful distance, Valous Jurith rushes in with devastating attacks with seemingly no regard for safety, relying upon instinct and possibly armor to protect him from dismemberment and death during his all-out attacks. Valous Jurith is a force to be feared on the battlefield, leaving a trail of death and destruction. However, Valous Jurith's blood-hungry ways put him in far more danger than the normal combatant, often resulting in needless injury and suffering, trading safety for pure offensive ability.

Adaptive Combat (Combat Aspect)

Without the gift of the Force, Valous Jurith has trained rigorously with a wide range of melee weaponry and technology to better handle opponents that are able to harness the mythical power. Valous Jurith has been conditioned to fight against foes that are Force-sensitive and are able to compensate against fighting an adversary wielding something as deadly as a lightsaber. While this adaptive combat training makes him lethal in close quarters combat against any kind of threat, they are still at the mercy of a long ranged fighter, assailant or Force user that prefers to attack the mind instead of the body.

Skill Feats
Droid Whisperer
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Sith Kel Dor: I Will Survive Kel Dor: A World Of Absolutes
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Kel Dor
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Echani
Primary Lightsaber Form Form 0 (Banlanth)